// @(#)root/proof:$Id$ // Author: Long Tran-Thanh 14/09/07 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2002, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TProofOutputFile #define ROOT_TProofOutputFile ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TProofOutputFile // // // // Small class to steer the merging of files produced on workers // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TNamed.h" class TCollection; class TString; class TList; class TFile; class TFileCollection; class TFileMerger; class TProofOutputFile : public TNamed { friend class TProof; friend class TProofPlayer; friend class TProofPlayerRemote; public: enum ERunType { kMerge = 1, // Type of run: merge or dataset creation kDataset = 2}; enum ETypeOpt { kRemote = 1, // Merge from original copies kLocal = 2, // Make local copies before merging kCreate = 4, // Create dataset kRegister = 8, // Register dataset kOverwrite = 16, // Force dataset replacement during registration kVerify = 32}; // Verify the registered dataset private: TProofOutputFile(const TProofOutputFile&); // Not implemented TProofOutputFile& operator=(const TProofOutputFile&); // Not implemented TString fDir; // name of the directory to be exported TString fRawDir; // name of the local directory where to create the file TString fFileName; TString fOptionsAnchor; // options and anchor string including delimiters, e.g. "?myopts#myanchor" TString fOutputFileName; TString fWorkerOrdinal; TString fLocalHost; // Host where the file was created Bool_t fIsLocal; // kTRUE if the file is in the sandbox Bool_t fMerged; ERunType fRunType; // Type of run (see enum ERunType) UInt_t fTypeOpt; // Option (see enum ETypeOpt) Bool_t fMergeHistosOneGo; // If true merge histos in one go (argument to TFileMerger) TFileCollection *fDataSet; // Instance of the file collection in 'dataset' mode TFileMerger *fMerger; // Instance of the file merger in 'merge' mode void Init(const char *path, const char *dsname); void SetFileName(const char* name) { fFileName = name; } void SetDir(const char* dir, Bool_t raw = kFALSE) { if (raw) { fRawDir = dir; } else { fDir = dir; } } void SetMerged(Bool_t merged = kTRUE) { fMerged = merged; } void SetWorkerOrdinal(const char* ordinal) { fWorkerOrdinal = ordinal; } void AddFile(TFileMerger *merger, const char *path); void NotifyError(const char *errmsg); void Unlink(const char *path); protected: public: enum EStatusBits { kOutputFileNameSet = BIT(16), kRetrieve = BIT(17), // If set, the file is copied to the final destination via the client kSwapFile = BIT(18) // Set when the represented file is the result of the automatic // save-to-file functionality }; TProofOutputFile() : fDir(), fRawDir(), fFileName(), fOptionsAnchor(), fOutputFileName(), fWorkerOrdinal(), fLocalHost(), fIsLocal(kFALSE), fMerged(kFALSE), fRunType(kMerge), fTypeOpt(kRemote), fMergeHistosOneGo(kFALSE), fDataSet(0), fMerger(0) { } TProofOutputFile(const char *path, const char *option = "M", const char *dsname = 0); TProofOutputFile(const char *path, ERunType type, UInt_t opt = kRemote, const char *dsname = 0); virtual ~TProofOutputFile(); const char *GetDir(Bool_t raw = kFALSE) const { return (raw) ? fRawDir : fDir; } TFileCollection *GetFileCollection(); TFileMerger *GetFileMerger(Bool_t local = kFALSE); const char *GetFileName() const { return fFileName; } const char *GetLocalHost() const { return fLocalHost; } const char *GetOptionsAnchor() const { return fOptionsAnchor; } const char *GetOutputFileName() const { return fOutputFileName; } const char *GetWorkerOrdinal() const { return fWorkerOrdinal; } ERunType GetRunType() const { return fRunType; } UInt_t GetTypeOpt() const { return fTypeOpt; } Bool_t IsMerge() const { return (fRunType == kMerge) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; } Bool_t IsMerged() const { return fMerged; } Bool_t IsRegister() const { return ((fTypeOpt & kRegister) || (fTypeOpt & kVerify)) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; } Bool_t IsRetrieve() const { return (TestBit(TProofOutputFile::kRetrieve)) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; } void SetRetrieve(Bool_t on = kTRUE) { if (on) { SetBit(TProofOutputFile::kRetrieve); } else { ResetBit(TProofOutputFile::kRetrieve); }} Int_t AdoptFile(TFile *f); // Adopt a TFile already open TFile* OpenFile(const char *opt); // Open a file with the specified name in fFileName1 Long64_t Merge(TCollection *list); void Print(Option_t *option = "") const; void SetOutputFileName(const char *name); void ResetFileCollection() { fDataSet = 0; } static Int_t AssertDir(const char *dirpath); ClassDef(TProofOutputFile,5) // Wrapper class to steer the merging of files produced on workers }; #endif