#include <istream>
#include <ostream>
#include <utility>
#include <cmath>

#include "JLang/JClass.hh"
#include "JLang/JException.hh"
#include "JLang/JComparable.hh"
#include "JLang/JManip.hh"

 * \author mdejong

namespace JTOOLS {}
namespace JPP { using namespace JTOOLS; }

namespace JTOOLS {

  using JLANG::JComparable;
  using JLANG::JClass;

   * \cond NEVER
   * Forward declaration of template JMultiKey class.
   * \endcond
  template<unsigned int N, class JKey_t>
  class JMultiKey;

  namespace {
     * Auxiliary class for copying between const and non-const key types.
    template<unsigned int N, class JKey_t>
    struct JArgument {
      typedef const JMultiKey<N, const JKey_t>&   argument_type;
    template<unsigned int N, class JKey_t>
    struct JArgument<N, const JKey_t> {
      typedef const JMultiKey<N, JKey_t>&         argument_type;

   * Multidimensional key.
   * This class reproduces the key of a multidimensional map.
   * The individual data members can be accessed as, e.g:
   * <pre>
   *           JMultiKey<3, key_type>  key;
   *           key[[.second].second].first;
   * </pre>
  template<unsigned int N, class JKey_t>
  class JMultiKey :
    public std::pair<JKey_t, JMultiKey<N-1, JKey_t> >,
    public JComparable< JMultiKey<N, JKey_t> >

    typedef JKey_t                                               key_type;
    typedef JMultiKey<N-1, JKey_t>                               mapped_type;
    typedef std::pair<key_type, mapped_type>                     pair_type;

     * Default constructor.
    JMultiKey() :

     * Constructor.
     * The secondary key is appended to the end of the primary keys.
     * \param   __first      primary   keys
     * \param   __second     secondary key
    JMultiKey(typename JClass<mapped_type>::argument_type __first,
	      typename JClass<key_type>   ::argument_type __second) :
      pair_type(__first.first, mapped_type(__first.second, __second))

     * Constructor.
     * The primary key is inserted at the start of the secondary keys.
     * \param   __first      primary   key
     * \param   __second     secondary keys
    JMultiKey(typename JClass<key_type>   ::argument_type __first,
	      typename JClass<mapped_type>::argument_type __second) :	      
      pair_type(__first, __second)

     * Copy constructor.
     * \param   key          key
    JMultiKey(typename JArgument<N, JKey_t>::argument_type key) :
      pair_type(key.first, key.second)

     * Less than method.
     * \param   key          key
     * \return               true if this key less than given key; else false
    bool less(const JMultiKey<N, JKey_t>& key) const
      if (this->first == key.first)
	return this->second.less(key.second);
	return this->first < key.first;

     * Get length squared.
     * \return               square of length
    double getLengthSquared() const
      return this->first*this->first + this->second.getLengthSquared();

     * Get length.
     * \return               length
    double getLength() const
      return sqrt(this->getLengthSquared());

     * Get frontend key.
     * \return               frontend key
    JMultiKey<N-1, JKey_t> front() const
      return JMultiKey<N-1, JKey_t>(this->first, this->second.front());

     * Get backend key.
     * \return               backend key
    key_type back() const
      return this->second.back();

     * Read key from input.
     * \param  in            input stream
     * \param  key           key
     * \return               input stream
    friend inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, JMultiKey<N, JKey_t>& key)
      in >> key.first;
      in >> key.second;

      return in;

     * Write key to output.
     * \param  out           output stream
     * \param  key           key
     * \return               output stream
    friend inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const JMultiKey<N, JKey_t>& key)
      const JFormat format(out, getFormat< JMultiKey<N, JKey_t> >(JFormat_t(9, 3, std::ios::fixed | std::ios::showpos)));

      out << format << key.first;
      out << ' ';
      out << key.second;

      return out;

   * Two-dimensional key.
  template<class JKey_t>
  class JMultiKey<2, JKey_t> :
    public std::pair<JKey_t, JMultiKey<1, JKey_t> >,
    public JComparable< JMultiKey<2, JKey_t> >

    typedef JKey_t                                               key_type;
    typedef JMultiKey<1, JKey_t>                                 mapped_type;
    typedef std::pair<key_type, mapped_type>                     pair_type;

     * Default constructor.
    JMultiKey() :

     * Constructor.
     * The secondary key is appended to the end of the primary key.
     * \param   __first      primary   key
     * \param   __second     secondary key
    JMultiKey(typename JClass<mapped_type>::argument_type __first,
	      typename JClass<key_type>   ::argument_type __second) :
      pair_type(__first.first, __second)

     * Constructor.
     * The primary key is inserted at the start of the secondary key.
     * \param   __first      primary   key
     * \param   __second     secondary key
    JMultiKey(typename JClass<key_type>   ::argument_type __first,
	      typename JClass<mapped_type>::argument_type __second) :
      pair_type(__first, __second.first)

     * Copy constructor.
     * \param   key          key
    JMultiKey(typename JArgument<2, JKey_t>::argument_type key) :
      pair_type(key.first, key.second)

     * Less than method.
     * \param   key          key
     * \return               true if this key less than given key; else false
    bool less(const JMultiKey<2, JKey_t>& key) const
      if (this->first == key.first)
	return this->second.less(key.second);
	return this->first < key.first;

     * Get length squared.
     * \return               square of length
    double getLengthSquared() const
      return this->first*this->first + this->second.getLengthSquared();

     * Get length.
     * \return               length
    double getLength() const
      return sqrt(this->getLengthSquared());

     * Get frontend key.
     * \return               frontend key
    JMultiKey<1, JKey_t> front() const
      return JMultiKey<1, JKey_t>(this->first);

     * Get backend key.
     * \return               backend key
    key_type back() const
      return this->second.back();

     * Read key from input.
     * \param  in            input stream
     * \param  key           key
     * \return               input stream
    friend inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, JMultiKey<2, JKey_t>& key)
      in >> key.first;
      in >> key.second;

      return in;

     * Write key to output.
     * \param  out           output stream
     * \param  key           key
     * \return               output stream
    friend inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const JMultiKey<2, JKey_t>& key)
      const JFormat format(out, getFormat< JMultiKey<2, JKey_t> >(JFormat_t(9, 3, std::ios::fixed | std::ios::showpos)));

      out << format << key.first;
      out << ' ';
      out << key.second;

      return out;

   * One-dimensional key.
  template<class JKey_t>
  class JMultiKey<1, JKey_t> :
    public JComparable< JMultiKey<1, JKey_t> >

    typedef JKey_t                                               key_type;
    typedef JMultiKey<0, JKey_t>                                 mapped_type;

     * Default constructor.
    JMultiKey() :

     * Constructor.
     * The secondary key is appended to the end of the primary key.
     * \param   __first      primary   key
     * \param   __second     secondary key
    JMultiKey(typename JClass<mapped_type>::argument_type __first,
	      typename JClass<key_type>   ::argument_type __second) :

     * Constructor.
     * The primary key is inserted at the start of the secondary key.
     * \param   __first      primary   key
     * \param   __second     secondary key
    JMultiKey(typename JClass<key_type>   ::argument_type __first,
	      typename JClass<mapped_type>::argument_type __second) :

     * Constructor.
     * \param   __first      key
    JMultiKey(typename JClass<key_type>::argument_type __first) :

     * Copy constructor.
     * \param   key          key
    JMultiKey(typename JArgument<1, JKey_t>::argument_type key) :

     * Less than method.
     * \param   key          key
     * \return               true if this key less than given key; else false
    bool less(const JMultiKey<1, JKey_t>& key) const
      return this->first < key.first;

     * Get length squared.
     * \return               square of length
    double getLengthSquared() const
      return this->first*this->first;

     * Get length.
     * \return               length
    double getLength() const
      return sqrt(this->getLengthSquared());

     * Get backend key.
     * \return               backend key
    key_type back() const
      return this->first;

     * Read key from input.
     * \param  in            input stream
     * \param  key           key
     * \return               input stream
    friend inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, JMultiKey<1, JKey_t>& key)
      in >> key.first;

      return in;

     * Write key to output.
     * \param  out           output stream
     * \param  key           key
     * \return               output stream
    friend inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const JMultiKey<1, JKey_t>& key)
      const JFormat format(out, getFormat< JMultiKey<1, JKey_t> >(JFormat_t(9, 3, std::ios::fixed | std::ios::showpos)));

      out << format << key.first;

      return out;

    key_type first;

   * Empty key.
  template<class JKey_t>
  class JMultiKey<0, JKey_t>

    typedef JKey_t                                               key_type;

     * Default constructor.
