#ifndef __JEEP__JEEPTOOLKIT__ #define __JEEP__JEEPTOOLKIT__ #include #include #include #include #include #include "JLang/gzstream.h" #include "JLang/JException.hh" /** * \file * * Auxiliary methods for handling file names, type names and environment. * \author mdejong */ /** * General puprpose classes and methods. */ namespace JEEP {} namespace JPP { using namespace JEEP; } namespace JEEP { using JLANG::JNoValue; /** * Nick names of environment variables. */ static const char* const LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"; //!< library file paths static const char* const PATH = "PATH"; //!< binary file paths static const char* const SHELL = "SHELL"; //!< SHELL static const char* const JPP_PAGES = "JPP_PAGES"; //!< Jpp document pages static const char PATHNAME_SEPARATOR = '/'; //!< path name separator static const char PATHLIST_SEPARATOR = ':'; //!< path list separator static const char FILENAME_SEPARATOR = '.'; //!< file name separator static const char* const TYPENAME_SEPARATOR = "::"; //!< type name separator static const char PROTOCOL_SEPARATOR = ':'; //!< protocol separator static const char FILENAME_WILDCARD = '%'; //!< wild card character for file name substitution /** * Check presence of wild card. * * \param file_name file name * \return true if wild card present; else false */ inline bool hasWildCard(const std::string& file_name) { return (file_name.find(FILENAME_WILDCARD) != std::string::npos); } /** * Get file name by setting wild card to given value. * * \param file_name input file name * \param value value * \return output file name */ inline std::string setWildCard(const std::string& file_name, const std::string& value) { using namespace std; using namespace JPP; string buffer = file_name; string::size_type pos = buffer.find(FILENAME_WILDCARD); if (pos == string::npos) { THROW(JNoValue, "Method getFilename(): Missing wild card character \'" << FILENAME_WILDCARD << "\'."); } return buffer.replace(pos, 1, value); } /** * Strip leading and trailing white spaces from file name. * * \param file_name file name * \return file name */ inline std::string strip(const std::string& file_name) { using namespace std; string::const_iterator p = file_name. begin(); string::const_reverse_iterator q = file_name.rbegin(); for ( ; p != file_name.end() && q != file_name.rend() && isspace(*p); ++p) {} for ( ; p != file_name.end() && q != file_name.rend() && isspace(*q); ++q) {} return string(p,q.base()); } /** * Get file name extension, i.e.\ part after last JEEP::FILENAME_SEPARATOR if any. * * \param file_name file name * \return extension (excluding separator) */ inline std::string getFilenameExtension(const std::string& file_name) { using namespace std; const size_t pos = file_name.rfind(FILENAME_SEPARATOR); if (pos != string::npos) return file_name.substr(pos + 1); else return ""; } /** * Get file name part, i.e.\ part after last JEEP::PATHNAME_SEPARATOR if any. * * \param file_name file name * \return file name part (excluding separator) */ inline std::string getFilename(const std::string& file_name) { using namespace std; const string buffer = strip(file_name); const size_t pos = buffer.rfind(PATHNAME_SEPARATOR); if (pos != string::npos) return buffer.substr(pos + 1); else return buffer; } /** * Get path, i.e.\ part before last JEEP::PATHNAME_SEPARATOR if any. * * \param file_name file name * \return path (including separator) */ inline std::string getPath(const std::string& file_name) { using namespace std; const string buffer = strip(file_name); const size_t pos = buffer.rfind(PATHNAME_SEPARATOR); if (pos != string::npos) return buffer.substr(0, pos + 1); else return ""; } /** * Get full path, i.e.\ add JEEP::PATHNAME_SEPARATOR if necessary. * * \param path path * \return path (including separator) */ inline std::string getFullPath(const std::string& path) { using namespace std; const string buffer = strip(path); if (buffer.empty() || *buffer.rbegin() == PATHNAME_SEPARATOR) { return buffer; } else { return buffer + PATHNAME_SEPARATOR; } } /** * Compose full file name and introduce JEEP::PATHNAME_SEPARATOR if needed. * * \param path path * \param file_name file name * \return file name */ inline std::string getFilename(const std::string& path, const std::string& file_name) { using namespace std; const string buffer = getFullPath(path); if (buffer.empty()) return strip(file_name); else return buffer + strip(file_name); } /** * Get selected path from environment variable for given file name. * * The environment variable is parsed according character JEEP::PATHLIST_SEPARATOR. * The first path in which a file exists with the given file name is returned. * If no existing file is found, an empty path is returned. * * \param variable environment variable * \param file_name file name * \return path */ inline std::string getPath(const std::string& variable, const std::string& file_name) { using namespace std; string path = ""; if (!file_name.empty() && file_name[0] != PATHNAME_SEPARATOR) { const string buffer(getenv(variable.c_str())); if (!buffer.empty()) { size_t pos = 0, len; do { len = buffer.substr(pos).find(PATHLIST_SEPARATOR); path = buffer.substr(pos,len); } while (!ifstream(getFilename(path, file_name).c_str()).good() && len != string::npos && (pos += len + 1) != buffer.length()); } } if (ifstream(getFilename(path, file_name).c_str()).good()) return path; else return ""; } /** * Get full file name (see JEEP::getPath). * * \param variable environment variable * \param file_name file name * \return file name */ inline std::string getFullFilename(const std::string& variable, const std::string& file_name) { return getFilename(getPath(variable, file_name), file_name); } /** * Get name space, i.e.\ part before JEEP::TYPENAME_SEPARATOR. * * \param type_name type name * \return name space (possibly empty) */ inline std::string getNamespace(const std::string& type_name) { using namespace std; const size_t pos = type_name.rfind(TYPENAME_SEPARATOR); if (pos != string::npos) return type_name.substr(0, pos); else return ""; } /** * Get type name, i.e.\ part after JEEP::TYPENAME_SEPARATOR. * * \param type_name type name * \return class name */ inline std::string getClassname(const std::string& type_name) { using namespace std; const size_t pos = type_name.rfind(TYPENAME_SEPARATOR); if (pos != string::npos) return type_name.substr(pos + 2); else return type_name; } /** * Get protocol, i.e.\ part before first JEEP::PROTOCOL_SEPARATOR if any. * * \param file_name file name * \return protocol (excluding separator) */ inline std::string getProtocol(const std::string& file_name) { using namespace std; const size_t pos = file_name.find(PROTOCOL_SEPARATOR); if (pos != string::npos) return file_name.substr(0, pos); else return ""; } /** * Get URL of document pages. * * \return URL */ inline std::string getURL() { const char* const url = getenv(JPP_PAGES); return std::string(url != NULL ? url : ""); } /** * Open file. * * \param file_name file name * \return pointer to input stream */ template inline T* open(const std::string& file_name); /** * Open file. * * \param file_name file name * \return pointer to input stream */ template<> inline std::istream* open(const std::string& file_name) { using namespace std; using namespace JPP; if (getFilenameExtension(file_name) == "gz") return new igzstream(file_name.c_str()); else if (getFilenameExtension(file_name) == "txt") return new ifstream (file_name.c_str()); else return NULL; } /** * Open file. * * \param file_name file name * \return pointer to output stream */ template<> inline std::ostream* open(const std::string& file_name) { using namespace std; using namespace JPP; if (getFilenameExtension(file_name) == "gz") return new ogzstream(file_name.c_str()); else if (getFilenameExtension(file_name) == "txt") return new ofstream (file_name.c_str()); else return NULL; } /** * Close file. * * \param pf pointer to file stream */ inline void close(std::istream* pf) { using namespace std; using namespace JPP; if (dynamic_cast (pf) != NULL) { dynamic_cast (pf)->close(); return; } if (dynamic_cast(pf) != NULL) { dynamic_cast(pf)->close(); return; } } /** * Close file. * * \param pf pointer to file stream */ inline void close(std::ostream* pf) { using namespace std; using namespace JPP; if (dynamic_cast (pf) != NULL) { dynamic_cast (pf)->close(); return; } if (dynamic_cast(pf) != NULL) { dynamic_cast(pf)->close(); return; } } } #endif