SUBROUTINE sla_FK52H (R5,D5,DR5,DD5,RH,DH,DRH,DDH) *+ * - - - - - - * F K 5 2 H * - - - - - - * * Transform FK5 (J2000) star data into the Hipparcos frame. * * (double precision) * * This routine transforms FK5 star positions and proper motions * into the frame of the Hipparcos catalogue. * * Given (all FK5, equinox J2000, epoch J2000): * R5 d RA (radians) * D5 d Dec (radians) * DR5 d proper motion in RA (dRA/dt, rad/Jyear) * DD5 d proper motion in Dec (dDec/dt, rad/Jyear) * * Returned (all Hipparcos, epoch J2000): * RH d RA (radians) * DH d Dec (radians) * DRH d proper motion in RA (dRA/dt, rad/Jyear) * DDH d proper motion in Dec (dDec/dt, rad/Jyear) * * Called: sla_DS2C6, sla_DAV2M, sla_DMXV, sla_DVXV, sla_DC62S, * sla_DRANRM * * Notes: * * 1) The proper motions in RA are dRA/dt rather than * cos(Dec)*dRA/dt, and are per year rather than per century. * * 2) The FK5 to Hipparcos transformation consists of a pure * rotation and spin; zonal errors in the FK5 catalogue are * not taken into account. * * 3) The published orientation and spin components are interpreted * as "axial vectors". An axial vector points at the pole of the * rotation and its length is the amount of rotation in radians. * * 4) See also sla_H2FK5, sla_FK5HZ, sla_HFK5Z. * * Reference: * * M.Feissel & F.Mignard, Astron. Astrophys. 331, L33-L36 (1998). * * P.T.Wallace Starlink 22 June 1999 * * Copyright (C) 1999 Rutherford Appleton Laboratory * * License: * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program (see SLA_CONDITIONS); if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * *- IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION R5,D5,DR5,DD5,RH,DH,DRH,DDH DOUBLE PRECISION AS2R PARAMETER (AS2R=0.484813681109535994D-5) * FK5 to Hipparcos orientation and spin (radians, radians/year) DOUBLE PRECISION EPX,EPY,EPZ DOUBLE PRECISION OMX,OMY,OMZ PARAMETER ( EPX = -19.9D-3 * AS2R, : EPY = -9.1D-3 * AS2R, : EPZ = +22.9D-3 * AS2R ) PARAMETER ( OMX = -0.30D-3 * AS2R, : OMY = +0.60D-3 * AS2R, : OMZ = +0.70D-3 * AS2R ) DOUBLE PRECISION PV5(6),ORTN(3),R5H(3,3),S5(3),VV(3),PVH(6),W,R,V INTEGER I DOUBLE PRECISION sla_DRANRM * FK5 barycentric position/velocity 6-vector (normalized). CALL sla_DS2C6(R5,D5,1D0,DR5,DD5,0D0,PV5) * FK5 to Hipparcos orientation matrix. ORTN(1) = EPX ORTN(2) = EPY ORTN(3) = EPZ CALL sla_DAV2M(ORTN,R5H) * Hipparcos wrt FK5 spin vector. S5(1) = OMX S5(2) = OMY S5(3) = OMZ * Orient & spin the 6-vector into the Hipparcos frame. CALL sla_DMXV(R5H,PV5,PVH) CALL sla_DVXV(PV5,S5,VV) DO I=1,3 VV(I) = PV5(I+3)+VV(I) END DO CALL sla_DMXV(R5H,VV,PVH(4)) * Hipparcos 6-vector to spherical. CALL sla_DC62S(PVH,W,DH,R,DRH,DDH,V) RH = sla_DRANRM(W) END