import ROOT from math import * import inspect, ctypes, array def maketree( **kwargs ) : """Make a branch for every name=type mentioned in the args. Pythonizes the tree so you can set the values with = object e.g: maketree( time = TTimeStamp(), name = "x" ) """ name = kwargs.pop( 'name' , 'T') friendof = kwargs.pop( 'friendof', None) T = ROOT.TTree( name , name ) T.objs = [] for name,typ in kwargs.items() : obj = typ() T.objs.append( obj ) T.Branch( name, obj , 32000, 4 ) if friendof : friendof.AddFriend(T) # pythonize the tree object def treeset( tree, **kwargs ) : for name,value in kwargs.items() : print ("asigning to", name ) getattr( tree, name ).__assign__( value ) T.set = types.MethodType( treeset, T ) # make it a (bound) method # Change setattr so that we can do Tree.object = otherobject to do assignement # this has to be done at class-level. if not hasattr( ROOT.TTree, "__old_setattr" ) : ROOT.TTree.__old_setattr = ROOT.TTree.__setattr__ def treesetattr(self,name,value): try : self.set( **{name : value} ) return value except AttributeError : pass return self.__old_setattr( name, value ) ROOT.TTree.__setattr__ = treesetattr return T class Bin ( object ) : def __init__( self, hist, binnrs ) : self.hist = hist self.bins = binnrs[:] self.b = hist.GetBin( *binnrs ) @property def axes(self) : return ( self.hist.GetXaxis(), self.hist.GetYaxis(), self.hist.GetZaxis() ) @property def content(self): return self.hist.GetBinContent( self.b ) @content.setter def content( self, value ) : self.hist.SetBinContent( self.b, value ) def d(n,i) : setattr( Bin, f"i{n}" , property( lambda self : self.bins[i] ) ) setattr( Bin, f"{n}" , property( lambda self : self.axes[i].GetBinCenter( self.bins[i] ))) setattr( Bin, f"{n}low" , property( lambda self : self.axes[i].GetBinLowEdge( self.bins[i]))) setattr( Bin, f"{n}up" , property( lambda self : self.axes[i].GetBinUpEdge( self.bins[i] ))) for i,n in enumerate( "xyz") : d(n,i) def bins ( hist ) : """ Generator whos returned objects represent a bin. Works for 1,2,3 D histograms . example for bin in bins( histogram ) : bin.content = some_func ( bin.x, bin.y ) """ ok = False if type(hist) in ( ROOT.TH1F, ROOT.TH1D) : ok = True for ix in range( 1, hist.GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 1 ) : yield Bin ( hist, (ix,) ) if type(hist) in ( ROOT.TH2F, ROOT.TH2D ) : ok = True for ix in range( 1, hist.GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 1 ) : for iy in range ( 1, hist.GetYaxis().GetNbins() + 1 ) : yield Bin( hist, (ix, iy) ) if not ok : print ("bins failes for", hist) raise TypeError def minimize( function, start_values = None, ranges = None, verbose = False, maxcalls = 1000000, tollerance = 1e-8 ): """ Minimize a python function 'function'. The function should have any number of (float) arguments. Python instrospection is used to know the number (npar) and names of the arguments. ROOT's TMinuit is used to minimize the function with respect to all its arguments. The return value is a list with the parameters for which 'function' is minimial. function : the function to be minimized start_values : list of values to use for the initial parameters, default [0.0, 0.0, ... , 0.0] ranges : list of lists, defining the min and max values of the parameters: [ [par1min, par1max], .... , [parnmin, parnmax] ]. (Important when you take e.g. logarithms in your 'function'!) maxcalls : maximum number of iterations tollerance : tollerance, see ROOT.TMinuit().mnhelp("MIGrad") """ args = inspect.getargspec( function )[0] # list of functions arguments npar = len(args) if not start_values : start_values = [0.0] * npar if not ranges : ranges = [[0,0]] * npar step_sizes = [1] * npar minuit = ROOT.TMinuit( npar ) # set parameter names, start_values, ... print(" ----------> npar=",npar) for i in range(npar) : ierflg = ctypes.c_int() step_sizes[i] = (ranges[i][1]-ranges[i][0])*0.0001 minuit.mnparm( i, args[i] , start_values[i] , step_sizes[i], ranges[i][0], ranges[i][1], ierflg ) print(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>",args[i],start_values[i] , step_sizes[i], ranges[i][0], ranges[i][1]) def fcn( _npar, gin, f, par, iflag ): "Wrapper around function, to provide signature expected by minuit." # the buffer objects we get passed in behave strangly/buggy -> # dont use _npar (but npar instead), and unpack par by hand: parlist = [ par[i] for i in range (npar) ] f.value = function( *parlist ) if verbose : strpars = ",".join( str(x) for x in parlist ) print ("evaluating %s(%s) = %g " % (function.__name__, strpars, f[0] )) # call migrad print(tollerance) minuit.SetFCN( fcn ) # tell minuit to use our wrapper print(tollerance) arglist = array.array( 'd', [maxcalls, tollerance] ) print(arglist,ierflg) minuit.mnexcm( "SIMPLEX", arglist , len(arglist) , ierflg ) minuit.mnexcm( "MIGRAD", arglist , len(arglist) , ierflg ) # return a list of fitted values r, errs = [],[] for i in range( npar) : r.append( ctypes.c_double() ) errs.append( ctypes.c_double() ) minuit.GetParameter( i, r[-1], errs[-1] ) return [ e.value for e in r ] def set_attributes( rootobject , **args ) : """ shortcut to set properties of root-objects example : set_attributes( histogram, LineColor = 3, FillStyle = 1001 ) will call histogram.SetLineColor(3) and histogram.SetFillStyle(1001) """ for k,v in args.items() : try : getattr( rootobject, "Set"+k )( v ) except AttributeError: print ("cant set attribute", k ) def fill_hist( func , nbins = 100, xrange = [0,1], hist = None, clone = False, name = None , verbose= False, **args) : """ Fill a histogram with the result of a python funciton, func. """ name = name or "hist"+func.__name__ hist = hist or ROOT.TH1D( name, name, nbins, *xrange ) if clone : hist = hist.Clone( name ) for bin in bins( hist ) : bin.content = func ( bin.x ) if verbose : print ( bin.x, bin.content ) set_attributes( hist, **args ) return hist def splitcanvas( N , name = "cc", size = [900,900] , **args ) : """ Return a canvas with at least N sub-canvasses. """ ny = int(sqrt(N)) nx = int(0.9999 + N / ny ) print ("need",N,"sub-canvases, doing ", nx ,"x", ny ) c = ROOT.TCanvas( name, name, *size ) c.Divide( nx, ny ) ROOT.SetOwnership( c, False ) set_attributes(c, **args ) return c def equalize( histos , value = 0 ) : "set the max of each histgram to value" for h in histos : m = max( b.content for b in bins(h) ) for b in bins(h) : b.content -= m + value def draw( obj , opt ) : obj.DrawCopy(opt) def draw_into( canv, objs , opt ="") : for i, o in enumerate( objs ) : draw( o, opt ) def canvas( objs , name = "cc", size = [900,900], opt = "") : c = splitcanvas( len(objs), name, size ) draw_into( c, objs , opt ) return c def plot_funcs( template, *funcs ) : L = [ fill_hist( f, hist = template, clone= True ) for f in funcs ] return canvas( L ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Functional calculus # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def npars ( f ) : "Return the number of parameters a function has." if hasattr(f,'npars') : return f.npars # home-brewed, for *args return f.__code__.co_argcount def deco( f, np = None ) : "Add argument checking to f and allow a list/tuple of the appropriate size" if np : f.npars = np nreq = npars(f) def ff( *args ): if len(args) == nreq : return f(*args) if len(args)==1 and type(args[0]) in (list,tuple) and len(args[0]) == nreq : return f( *args[0] ) print ("wrong arguments to function", f, "expecting", nreq , np ) print ("args=", args ) raise TypeError ff.npars = nreq return ff derivative_h = 1e-4 def derivative( f ) : "Returns derivative of f. f should have exactly one float arugment, but may be multi-valued" h = derivative_h def subem( v1, v2 , a =1 ) : if type(v1) == float : return a*(v2-v1) if type(v1) in (list, tuple) : return [ subem( x1, x2, a ) for x1,x2 in zip( v1,v2 ) ] def d(x) : f2, f1 = f(x+h), f( x-h) return subem( f2,f1, 1.0/(2*h) ) return d; def partial_derivative( f, i ) : "If f(X), return derivative wrt X_i, which is a function of X" def r(*X) : def fi( xi ) : return f(*(X[:i] +(xi,)+ X[i+1:]) ) return derivative( fi ) ( X[i] ) return deco( r , npars(f) ) def gradient( f ) : "Returns the gradient function of f" n = npars(f) r = lambda *X : [ partial_derivative(f,i)(*X) for i in range(n) ] return deco( r, n ) def hessian( f ) : "returns the hessian function of f" r = lambda *X : gradient( gradient( f ) )(*X) return deco( r, npars(f) ) def test_functional() : def f(x,y) : return x**2 + 3* y**2 h = hessian( f )(0,0) # should be [ [ 2,0 ] , [ 0, 6 ] ] print (h)