#ifndef __JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS__JTESTZERO__ #define __JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS__JTESTZERO__ #include <istream> #include <ostream> #include "Math/Math.h" #include "Math/Error.h" #include "Math/ProbFuncMathCore.h" #include "Math/SpecFuncMathCore.h" #include "JLang/JException.hh" #include "JCompareHistograms/JTest_t.hh" #include "JCompareHistograms/JResultTitle.hh" #include "JTools/JQuantile.hh" #include "JTools/JRange.hh" #include "TObject.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TH1.h" /** * \author rgruiz, bjung */ namespace JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS {} namespace JPP { using namespace JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS; } namespace JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS { /** * Implementation of a bin-by-bin compatibility test for histograms with low bin contents.\n * The test loops over all the bins of both histograms and performs the following operations.\n * -Calculates the probability that the observed bin content for histogram A is obtained from a Poisson of parameter 1.\n * -Compares the previous result with the `threshold` value given as an input parameter. The result is true if the probability is higher than the `threshold`.\n * -Calculates the probability that the observed bin content for histogram B is obtained from a Poisson of parameter 1.\n * -Compares the previous result with the `threshold` value given as an input parameter. The result is true if the probability is higher than the `threshold`.\n * -Compares the results from both bins: If both are true, or both are false, the test is passed. If one is true and the other is false, the test is failed.\n * At the end of the loop, a failure fraction is computed and compared to the `outliersThreshold` parameter. If the failure fraction is above the `threshold`, the test is failed.\n * This class is derived from the abstract class JTest_t(). For a general description of the implementation of this and other tests derived from JTest_t(), see its documentation. */ class JTestZero: public JTest_t { public: /** * Default constructor. */ JTestZero() : JTest_t("Zero", "failure_fraction") {} /** * Bin-by-bin comparison for ROOT histograms, of compatibility with a Poisson pdf of parameter 1. * * \param o1 First histogram * \param o2 Second histogram */ void test(const TObject* o1, const TObject* o2) override { using namespace std; using namespace JPP; const TH1* h1 = dynamic_cast<const TH1*>(o1); const TH1* h2 = dynamic_cast<const TH1*>(o2); if (h1 == NULL || h2 == NULL) { THROW(JValueOutOfRange, "JTestChi2::test(): Could not cast given TObjects to TH2."); } const int nx1 = h1->GetNbinsX(); const int nx2 = h2->GetNbinsX(); const int ny1 = h1->GetNbinsY(); const int ny2 = h2->GetNbinsY(); const int nz1 = h1->GetNbinsZ(); const int nz2 = h2->GetNbinsZ(); if(nx1 != nx2 || ny1 != ny2 || nz1 != nz2) { THROW(JValueOutOfRange, "JTestZero::test(): Histograms with different binning. The objects: " << h1->GetName() << " and " << h2->GetName() << " can not be compared." << endl); } TH1* h3 = (TH1*) h1->Clone(h1->GetName() == h2->GetName() ? MAKE_CSTRING(h1->GetName() << "_" << testName) : MAKE_CSTRING(h1->GetName() << "_VS_" << h2->GetName() << "_" << testName)); h3->Reset(); double failures = 0; for (int i=1 ; i<nx1+1 ; ++i) { for (int j=1 ; j<ny1+1 ; ++j) { for (int k=1 ; k<nz1+1 ; ++k) { const int Nbin = h3->GetBin(i,j,k); const double m = h1->GetBinContent(i,j,k); const double n = h2->GetBinContent(i,j,k); const double p1 = 1 - ROOT::Math::poisson_cdf(m,1); const double p2 = 1 - ROOT::Math::poisson_cdf(n,1); if ((p1 > threshold && p2 < threshold) || (p1 < threshold && p2 > threshold)) { failures+=1./(nx1*ny1); h3->Fill(Nbin); } } } } const bool passed = (failures < outliersThreshold); const JResultTitle title(testName, resultType, passed , failures); h3->SetTitle(title.getTitle().c_str()); const int Ndims = h3->GetDimension(); if (Ndims == 1) { h3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(resultType.c_str()); } else if (Ndims == 2) { h3->GetZaxis()->SetTitle(resultType.c_str()); } const JTestResult r(testName, JRootObjectID(MAKE_STRING(h1->GetDirectory()->GetPath() << h1->GetName())), JRootObjectID(MAKE_STRING(h2->GetDirectory()->GetPath() << h1->GetName())), resultType, failures, threshold, h3, passed); this->push_back(r); } /** * Read test parameters from input. * * \param in input stream * \return input stream */ std::istream& read(std::istream& in) override { using namespace JPP; in >> threshold >> outliersThreshold; if (threshold < 0.0 || threshold > 1.0) { THROW(JValueOutOfRange, "JTestZero::read(): Invalid threshold value " << threshold); } if (outliersThreshold < 0.0 || outliersThreshold > 1.0) { THROW(JValueOutOfRange, "JTestZero::read(): Invalid outliersThreshold value " << outliersThreshold); } return in; } private: double threshold; //!< threshold p-value to decide if test is passed. double outliersThreshold; //!< Fraction of bins allowed to fail. }; } #endif