#ifndef __JPHYSICS__JLED__ #define __JPHYSICS__JLED__ #include "JPhysics/JAbstractPMT.hh" #include "JPhysics/JAbstractMedium.hh" #include "JPhysics/JDispersionInterface.hh" #include "JPhysics/JDispersion.hh" #include "JPhysics/JConstants.hh" #include "JTools/JElement.hh" #include "JTools/JQuadrature.hh" /** * \author mdejong */ namespace JPHYSICS {} namespace JPP { using namespace JPHYSICS; } namespace JPHYSICS { using JTOOLS::JQuadrature; using JTOOLS::JGaussLegendre; using JTOOLS::JCotangent; typedef JTOOLS::JElement2D JElement2D_t; typedef JTOOLS::JElement3D JElement3D_t; /** * Interface for emission profile from LED. */ class JAbstractLED { public: /** * Virtual destructor. */ virtual ~JAbstractLED() {} /** * Light yield from LED (number of p.e. per unit solid angle per unit time). * * \param ct zenith angle of emission * \param phi azimuth angle of emission * \param dt time of emission [ns] * \return d^2P / dOmega dt [npe/ns/sr] */ virtual double getLightFromLED(const double ct, const double phi, const double dt) const = 0; }; /** * Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT. */ class JLED : public virtual JDispersionInterface, public JAbstractPMT, public JAbstractLED, public JAbstractMedium { public: /** * Constructor. * * \param lambda wavelength photon [nm] * \param Tmin_ns minimal time of emmision [ns] * \param Tmax_ns minimal time of emmision [ns] * \param engine scattering angle integrator * \param numberOfPoints number of points for integration * \param epsilon precision of points for integration */ JLED(const double lambda, const double Tmin_ns, const double Tmax_ns, const JQuadrature& engine = JCotangent(20), const int numberOfPoints = 20, const double epsilon = 1e-12) : wavelength(lambda), tmin(Tmin_ns), tmax(Tmax_ns), main_engine(JGaussLegendre(numberOfPoints,epsilon)), beta_engine(engine) { const double dp = PI / numberOfPoints; for (double x = 0.5*dp; x < PI; x += dp) { phi_engine.push_back(JElement3D_t(cos(x),sin(x), dp)); } } /** * Probability density function for direct light from LED. * * \param D_m distance between LED and PMT [m] * \param cd cosine angle LED orientation and LED - PMT position * \param theta zenith angle orientation PMT * \param phi azimuth angle orientation PMT * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct light [ns] * \return dP/dt [npe/ns] */ double getDirectLightFromLED(const double D_m, const double cd, const double theta, const double phi, const double t_ns) const { const double sd = sqrt((1.0 + cd)*(1.0 - cd)); const double d = D_m; // photon path [m] const double A = getPhotocathodeArea(); const double px = sin(theta)*cos(phi); //const double py = sin(theta)*sin(phi); const double pz = cos(theta); const double ct = sd*px + cd*pz; // cosine angle of incidence on PMT const double qe = getQE(wavelength); const double l_abs = getAbsorptionLength(wavelength); const double ls = getScatteringLength(wavelength); const double U = getAngularAcceptance(ct); const double V = exp(-d/l_abs) * exp(-d/ls); // absorption & scattering const double W = A/(d*d); // solid angle return qe * getLightFromLED(cd, 0.0, t_ns) * U * V * W; } /** * Probability density function for scattered light from LED. * * \param D_m distance between LED and PMT [m] * \param cd cosine angle LED orientation and LED - PMT position * \param theta zenith angle orientation PMT * \param phi azimuth angle orientation PMT * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct light [ns] * \return dP/dt [npe/ns] */ double getScatteredLightFromLED(const double D_m, const double cd, const double theta, const double phi, const double t_ns) const { using namespace std; double value = 0; if (t_ns >= tmin) { const double ng = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wavelength); const double sd = sqrt((1.0 + cd)*(1.0 - cd)); const double l = D_m; // distance [m] const double A = getPhotocathodeArea(); //const double sr = sqrt(A/PI) / D_m; //const double cr = sqrt((1.0 + sr)*(1.0 - sr)); const double px = sin(theta)*cos(phi); const double py = sin(theta)*sin(phi); const double pz = cos(theta); const double qx = cd*px + 0 - sd*pz; const double qy = 1*py; const double qz = sd*px + 0 + cd*pz; const double qe = getQE(wavelength); const double l_abs = getAbsorptionLength(wavelength); const double ls = getScatteringLength(wavelength); const double Jc = 1.0 / ls; // dN/dx const double xmin = tmin; const double xmax = std::min(tmax, t_ns); JQuadrature buffer; if (xmax > xmin) { for (JQuadrature::const_iterator i = main_engine.begin(); i != main_engine.end(); ++i) { const double t = 0.5 * (xmax + xmin) + i->getX() * 0.5 * (xmax - xmin); const double dt = i->getY() * 0.5 * (xmax - xmin); buffer[t] = dt; } } else { buffer[tmin] = 1.0; } for (JQuadrature::const_iterator i = buffer.begin(); i != buffer.end(); ++i) { const double t = i->getX(); const double dt = i->getY(); const double d = l + C*(t_ns - t)/ng; // photon path const double V = exp(-d/l_abs); // absorption for (JQuadrature::const_iterator j = beta_engine.begin(); j != beta_engine.end(); ++j) { const double cb = j->getX(); const double dc = j->getY(); const double sb = sqrt((1.0 + cb)*(1.0 - cb)); const double v = 0.5 * (d + l) * (d - l) / (d - l*cb); const double u = d - v; if (u <= 0) continue; if (v <= 0) continue; const double cts = (l*cb - v) / u; // cosine scattering angle const double W = min(A/(v*v), 2.0*PI); // solid angle const double Ja = getScatteringProbability(cts); // P(cos(),phi) const double Jd = ng * (1.0 - cts) / C; // dt/du const double ca = (l - v*cb) / u; const double sa = v*sb / u; for (std::vector::const_iterator k = phi_engine.begin(); k != phi_engine.end(); ++k) { const double cp = k->getX(); const double sp = k->getY(); const double dp = k->getZ(); const double dom = dc * dp * v*v / (u*u); const double ct0 = cd*ca - sd*sa*cp; const double ph0 = atan2(sa*sp, cd*sa*cp + sd*ca); const double vx = -sb*cp * qx; const double vy = -sb*sp * qy; const double vz = cb * qz; const double U = getAngularAcceptance(vx + vy + vz) * getLightFromLED(ct0, +ph0, t) + getAngularAcceptance(vx - vy + vz) * getLightFromLED(ct0, -ph0, t); value += qe * dt * dom * Ja * Jc * U * V * W / Jd; } } } } return value; } protected: double wavelength; // wavelength photon [nm] double tmin; // minimal time of emmision [ns] double tmax; // maximal time of emmision [ns] JQuadrature main_engine; // numerical integration JQuadrature beta_engine; // numerical integration of scattering angle std::vector phi_engine; // numerical integration of phi angle }; /** * Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT (C-like interface) */ class JLED_C : public JLED, public JDispersion { public: /** * Constructor. * * \param Area photo-cathode area [m^2] * \param LED pointer to interface for emission profile from LED * \param QE pointer to function for quantum efficiency of PMT * \param Pmt pointer to function for angular acceptance of PMT * \param L_abs absorption length [m] * \param L_s scattering length [m] * \param Km3 pointer to model specific function to describe light scattering in water * \param P_atm ambient pressure [atm] * \param wavelength wavelength of light [nm] * \param Tmin_ns minimal time of emmision [ns] * \param Tmax_ns minimal time of emmision [ns] * \param engine scattering angle integrator * \param numberOfPoints number of points for integration * \param epsilon precision of points for integration */ JLED_C(const double Area, // // pointers to static functions // const JAbstractLED* LED, double (*QE) (const double), double (*Pmt) (const double), const double L_abs, const double L_s, double (*Km3) (const double), // // parameters for base class // const double P_atm, const double wavelength, const double Tmin_ns, const double Tmax_ns, const JQuadrature& engine = JCotangent(20), const int numberOfPoints = 20, const double epsilon = 1e-12) : JLED(wavelength, Tmin_ns, Tmax_ns, engine, numberOfPoints, epsilon), JDispersion(P_atm), A (Area ), led (LED ), qe (QE ), l_abs(L_abs), ls (L_s ), pmt (Pmt ), km3 (Km3 ) {} /** * Light yield from LED (number of p.e. per unit solid angle per unit time). * * \param ct zenith angle of emission * \param phi azimuth angle of emission * \param dt time of emission [ns] * \return d^2P / dOmega dt [npe/ns/sr] */ virtual double getLightFromLED(const double ct, const double phi, const double dt) const override { return led->getLightFromLED(ct, phi, dt); } /** * Photo-cathode area of PMT. * * \return photo-cathode area [m^2] */ virtual double getPhotocathodeArea() const override { return A; } /** * Quantum efficiency of PMT (incl. absorption in glass, gel, etc.). * * \param lambda wavelenth [nm] * \return QE */ virtual double getQE(const double lambda) const override { return qe(lambda); } /** * Angular acceptance of PMT. * * \param ct cosine angle of incidence * \return relative efficiency */ virtual double getAngularAcceptance(const double ct) const override { return pmt(ct); } /** * Absorption length. * * \param lambda wavelenth [nm] * \return absorption length [m] */ virtual double getAbsorptionLength(const double lambda) const override { return l_abs; } /** * Scattering length. * * \param lambda wavelenth [nm] * \return scattering length [m] */ virtual double getScatteringLength(const double lambda) const override { return ls; } /** * Model specific function to describe light scattering in water * (integral over full solid angle normalised to one). * * \param ct cosine scattering angle * \return probability */ virtual double getScatteringProbability(const double ct) const override { return km3(ct); } protected: /** * photo-cathode area [m2] */ const double A; /** * Pointer to interface for emission profile from LED */ const JAbstractLED* led; /** * Quantum efficiency of PMT (incl. absorption in glass, gel, etc.) * * \param lambda wavelenth [nm] * \return QE */ double (*qe)(const double lambda); /** * Absorption length */ double l_abs; /** * Scattering length */ double ls; /** * Angular acceptance of PMT * * \param ct cosine angle of incidence * \return relative efficiency */ double (*pmt)(const double ct); /** * Model specific function to describe light scattering in water * * \param ct cosine scattering angle * \return probability */ double (*km3)(const double ct); }; } #endif