#ifndef __JPHYSICS__JPDF__ #define __JPHYSICS__JPDF__ #include #include #include #include #include "JLang/JCC.hh" #include "JLang/JException.hh" #include "JPhysics/JConstants.hh" #include "JTools/JQuadrature.hh" #include "JPhysics/JDispersionInterface.hh" #include "JPhysics/JDispersion.hh" #include "JPhysics/JAbstractPMT.hh" #include "JPhysics/JAbstractMedium.hh" #include "JPhysics/JPDFToolkit.hh" #include "JPhysics/JPDFTypes.hh" #include "JPhysics/JGeane.hh" #include "JPhysics/JGeant.hh" #include "JPhysics/JGeanz.hh" /** * \author mdejong */ namespace JPHYSICS {} namespace JPP { using namespace JPHYSICS; } namespace JPHYSICS { using JLANG::JException; /** * Radius of optical module [m]. * * This parameter is used to implement shadowing of the PMT by the optical module. */ static double MODULE_RADIUS_M = 0.25; /** * Low level interface for the calculation of the Probability Density Functions (PDFs) of * the arrival time of Cherenkov light from a muon or an EM-shower on a photo-multiplier tube (PMT). * The calculation of the PDF covers direct light light and single-scattered light. * The direct light is attenuated by absorption and any form of light scattering.\n * The attenuation length is defined as: \f[ \frac{1}{\lambda_{att}} ~\equiv~ \frac{1}{\lambda_{abs}} + \frac{1}{\lambda_{s}} \f] * where \f$ \lambda_{abs} \f$ and \f$ \lambda_{s} \f$ refer to the absorption and scattering length, respectively.\n * The scattered light is attenuated by absorption and light scattering weighed with the scattering angle \f$ \theta_{s} \f$. * The attenuation length is in this case defined as: \f[ \frac{1}{\lambda_{att}} ~\equiv~ \frac{1}{\lambda_{abs}} + \frac{1-\left<\cos\theta_s\right>}{\lambda_{s}} \f] * * The PDFs of a muon are evaluated as a function of: * - distance of closest approach of the muon to the PMT, and * - orientation of the PMT (zenith and azimuth angle). * * The PDFs of an EM-shower are evaluated as a function of: * - distance between the EM-shower and the PMT, * - cosine angle EM-shower direction and EM-shower - PMT position, and * - orientation of the PMT (zenith and azimuth angle). * * The intensity of light from an EM-shower is assumed to be proportional to the energy of the shower.\n * For a given energy of the EM-shower, the longitudinal profile of the EM-shower is taken into account. * * The coordinate system is defined such that z-axis corresponds to the muon trajectory (EM-shower).\n * The orientation of the PMT (i.e.\ zenith and azimuth angle) are defined following a rotation around the z-axis, * such that the PMT is located in the x-z plane. * * Schematics of the PDF of direct light from a muon: * \f{center}\setlength{\unitlength}{0.7cm}\begin{picture}(8,12) \put( 1.0, 0.5){\vector(0,1){9}} \put( 1.0,10.0){\makebox(0,0){$z$}} \put( 1.0, 0.0){\makebox(0,0){muon}} \put( 1.0, 8.0){\line(1,0){6}} \put( 4.0, 8.5){\makebox(0,0)[c]{$R$}} \multiput( 1.0, 2.0)(0.5, 0.5){12}{\qbezier(0.0,0.0)(-0.1,0.35)(0.25,0.25)\qbezier(0.25,0.25)(0.6,0.15)(0.5,0.5)} \put( 4.5, 4.5){\makebox(0,0)[l]{photon}} \put( 1.0, 2.0){\circle*{0.2}} \put( 0.5, 2.0){\makebox(0,0)[r]{$(0,0,z,t_{0})$}} \put( 1.0, 8.0){\circle*{0.2}} \put( 0.5, 8.0){\makebox(0,0)[r]{$(0,0,0)$}} \put( 7.0, 8.0){\circle*{0.2}} \put( 7.0, 9.0){\makebox(0,0)[c]{PMT}} \put( 7.5, 8.0){\makebox(0,0)[l]{$(R,0,0,t_{1})$}} \put( 1.1, 2.1){ \put(0.0,1.00){\vector(-1,0){0.1}} \qbezier(0.0,1.0)(0.25,1.0)(0.5,0.75) \put(0.5,0.75){\vector(1,-1){0.1}} \put(0.4,1.5){\makebox(0,0){$\theta_{c}$}} } \end{picture} \f} * * For the PDF of a muon, the time is defined such that \f$ t ~=~ 0 \f$ * refers to the time when the muon passes through the point at minimal approach to the PMT * (i.e.\ position \f$ (0,0,0) \f$ in the above figure). * * The delay for the Cherenkov cone to actually pass through the PMT is defined as \f[ \Delta t ~\equiv~ R \tan(\theta_{c}) / c \f] * where \f$ \tan(\theta_{c}) \f$ is given by method getTanThetaC. * * Given a measured hit time, \f$ t_{hit} \f$, the PDF should be probed at \f$ (t_{hit} - t_1) \f$, * where \f$ t_1 \f$ is given by: * \f[ ct_1 = ct_0 - z + R \tan(\theta_{c}) \f] * * In this, \f$ t_0 \f$ refers to the time the muon passes through point \f$ (0,0,z) \f$. * * Schematics of single scattered light from a muon: * \f{center}\setlength{\unitlength}{0.7cm}\begin{picture}(8,12) \put( 1.0, 0.5){\vector(0,1){9}} \put( 1.0,10.0){\makebox(0,0){$z$}} \put( 1.0, 0.0){\makebox(0,0){muon}} \put( 1.0, 8.0){\line(1,0){2}} \put( 2.0, 8.5){\makebox(0,0)[c]{$R$}} \multiput( 1.0, 2.0)( 0.5, 0.5){8}{\qbezier(0.0,0.0)(-0.1,0.35)( 0.25,0.25)\qbezier( 0.25,0.25)( 0.6,0.15)( 0.5,0.5)} \multiput( 5.0, 6.0)(-0.5, 0.5){4}{\qbezier(0.0,0.0)(+0.1,0.35)(-0.25,0.25)\qbezier(-0.25,0.25)(-0.6,0.15)(-0.5,0.5)} \put( 5.0, 6.0){\circle*{0.2}} \put( 3.5, 3.5){\makebox(0,0)[c]{$\bar{u}$}} \put( 5.0, 7.0){\makebox(0,0)[c]{$\bar{v}$}} \put( 1.0, 2.0){\circle*{0.2}} \put( 0.5, 2.0){\makebox(0,0)[r]{$(0,0,z,t_0)$}} \put( 1.0, 8.0){\circle*{0.2}} \put( 0.5, 8.0){\makebox(0,0)[r]{$(0,0,0)$}} \put( 3.0, 8.0){\circle*{0.2}} \put( 3.0, 9.0){\makebox(0,0)[c]{PMT}} \put( 3.5, 8.0){\makebox(0,0)[l]{$(R,0,0,t_1)$}} \end{picture} \f} * * In this, * \f{math}{ \bar{u} ~\equiv~ u ~ \hat{u} ~\equiv~ u \left(\begin{array}{c} \sin(\theta_{0}) \cos(\phi_{0}) \\ \sin(\theta_{0}) \sin(\phi_{0}) \\ \cos(\theta_{0})\end{array}\right) \textrm{ and } \bar{v} ~\equiv~ v ~ \hat{v} ~\equiv~ v \left(\begin{array}{c} \sin(\theta_{1}) \cos(\phi_{1}) \\ \sin(\theta_{1}) \sin(\phi_{1}) \\ \cos(\theta_{1})\end{array}\right) \f} * * The vectors \f$ \bar{u} \f$ and \f$ \bar{v} \f$ are subject to the following constraint: \f{math}{ \begin{array}{ccccccc} \begin{array}{c} \mathrm{start}\\ \mathrm{point} \end{array} && \begin{array}{c} \mathrm{before}\\ \mathrm{scattering} \end{array} && \begin{array}{c} \mathrm{after}\\ \mathrm{scattering} \end{array} && \mathrm{PMT} \\ \\ \left(\begin{array}{c} 0 \\ 0 \\ z \end{array}\right) & + & u \left(\begin{array}{c} \sin(\theta_{0}) \cos(\phi_{0}) \\ \sin(\theta_{0}) \sin(\phi_{0}) \\ \cos(\theta_{0})\end{array}\right) & + & v \left(\begin{array}{c} \sin(\theta_{1}) \cos(\phi_{1}) \\ \sin(\theta_{1}) \sin(\phi_{1}) \\ \cos(\theta_{1})\end{array}\right) & = & \left(\begin{array}{c} R \\ 0 \\ 0 \end{array}\right) \end{array} * \f} * * Note that an expression for the cosine of the scattering angle, \f$ \cos(\theta_s) ~\equiv~ \hat{u} \cdot \hat{v} \f$, * can directly be obtained by multiplying the left hand side and the right hand side with \f$ \hat{u} \f$: * \f[ \cos\theta_s = \frac{R\sin\theta_0\cos\phi_0 - z\cos\theta_0 - u}{v} \f] * * * The arrival time of the single scattered light can be expressed as: * \f[ ct_1 = ct_0 + n (u + v) \f] * * where \f$ n \f$ is the index of refraction. * * Schematics of direct light from a EM-shower: * \f{center}\setlength{\unitlength}{0.7cm}\begin{picture}(8,12) \put( 1.0, 2.0){\vector(0,1){1}} \put( 1.0, 3.5){\multiput(0,0)(0,0.5){12}{\line(0,1){0.2}}} \put( 1.0,10.0){\makebox(0,0){$z$}} \put( 1.0, 1.0){\makebox(0,0){EM-shower}} \put( 1.0, 8.0){\line(1,0){6}} \put( 4.0, 8.5){\makebox(0,0)[c]{$R$}} \multiput( 1.0, 2.0)(0.5, 0.5){12}{\qbezier(0.0,0.0)(-0.1,0.35)(0.25,0.25)\qbezier(0.25,0.25)(0.6,0.15)(0.5,0.5)} \put( 4.5, 4.5){\makebox(0,0)[l]{photon}} \put( 1.0, 2.0){\circle*{0.2}} \put( 0.5, 2.0){\makebox(0,0)[r]{$(0,0,z,t_0)$}} \put( 1.0, 8.0){\circle*{0.2}} \put( 0.5, 8.0){\makebox(0,0)[r]{$(0,0,0)$}} \put( 7.0, 8.0){\circle*{0.2}} \put( 7.0, 9.0){\makebox(0,0)[c]{PMT}} \put( 7.5, 8.0){\makebox(0,0)[l]{$(R,0,0,t_1)$}} \put( 1.1, 2.1){ \put(0.0,1.00){\vector(-1,0){0.1}} \qbezier(0.0,1.0)(0.25,1.0)(0.5,0.75) \put(0.5,0.75){\vector(1,-1){0.1}} \put(0.4,1.5){\makebox(0,0){$\theta_0$}} } \end{picture} \f} * * Note that the emission angle \f$ \theta_0 \f$ is in general not equal to the Cherenkov angle \f$ \theta_c \f$.\n * For an EM-shower, the arrival time of the light can be expressed as: * \f[ ct_1 = ct_0 + n D \f] * * where \f$ D \f$ is the total distance traveled by the photon from its emission point to the PMT, * including possible scattering. * * For the computation of the various integrals, it is assumed that the index of refraction * decreases monotonously as a function of the wavelength of the light. */ class JPDF : public JTOOLS::JGaussLegendre, public virtual JDispersionInterface, public virtual JAbstractPMT, public virtual JAbstractMedium { typedef JTOOLS::JElement2D element_type; public: /** * Constructor. * * \param Wmin minimal wavelength for integration [nm] * \param Wmax maximal wavelength for integration [nm] * \param numberOfPoints number of points for integration * \param epsilon precision of points for integration */ JPDF(const double Wmin, const double Wmax, const int numberOfPoints = 20, const double epsilon = 1e-12) : JTOOLS::JGaussLegendre(numberOfPoints,epsilon), wmin(Wmin), wmax(Wmax) { // phi integration points const double dx = PI / numberOfPoints; for (double x = 0.5*dx; x < PI; x += dx) { phd.push_back(element_type(cos(x),sin(x))); } } /** * Virtual destructor. */ virtual ~JPDF() {} /** * Number of Cherenkov photons per unit track length * * \return number of photons per unit track length [m^-1] */ double getNumberOfPhotons() const { double value = 0.0; const double xmin = 1.0 / wmax; const double xmax = 1.0 / wmin; for (const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { const double x = 0.5 * (xmax + xmin) + i->getX() * 0.5 * (xmax - xmin); const double dx = i->getY() * 0.5 * (xmax - xmin); const double w = 1.0 / x; const double dw = dx * w*w; const double n = getIndexOfRefractionPhase(w); value += cherenkov(w,n) * dw; } return value; } /** * Number of photo-electrons from direct Cherenkov light from muon. * * \param R_m distance between muon and PMT [m] * \param theta zenith angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param phi azimuth angle orientation PMT [rad] * \return P [npe] */ double getDirectLightFromMuon(const double R_m, const double theta, const double phi) const { double value = 0; const double R = std::max(R_m, getRmin()); const double A = getPhotocathodeArea(); const double px = sin(theta)*cos(phi); const double pz = cos(theta); for (const_iterator m = begin(); m != end(); ++m) { const double w = 0.5 * (wmax + wmin) + m->getX() * 0.5 * (wmax - wmin); const double dw = m->getY() * 0.5 * (wmax - wmin); const double n = getIndexOfRefractionPhase(w); const double l_abs = getAbsorptionLength(w); const double ls = getScatteringLength(w); const double npe = cherenkov(w,n) * dw * getQE(w); const double ct0 = 1.0 / n; const double st0 = sqrt((1.0 + ct0)*(1.0 - ct0)); const double d = R / st0; // distance traveled by photon const double ct = st0*px + ct0*pz; // cosine angle of incidence on PMT const double U = getAngularAcceptance(ct); // PMT angular acceptance const double V = exp(-d/l_abs) * exp(-d/ls); // absorption & scattering const double W = A / (2.0*PI*R*st0); // solid angle value += npe * U * V * W; } return value; } /** * Probability density function for direct light from muon. * * \param R_m distance between muon and PMT [m] * \param theta zenith angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param phi azimuth angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct Cherenkov light [ns] * \return dP/dt [npe/ns] */ double getDirectLightFromMuon(const double R_m, const double theta, const double phi, const double t_ns) const { static const int N = 100; // maximal number of iterations static const double eps = 1.0e-6; // precision index of refraction const double R = std::max(R_m, getRmin()); const double t = R * getTanThetaC() / C + t_ns; // time [ns] const double a = C*t/R; // target value const double A = getPhotocathodeArea(); const double px = sin(theta)*cos(phi); const double pz = cos(theta); // check validity range for index of refraction for (double buffer[] = { wmin, wmax, 0.0 }, *p = buffer; *p != 0.0; ++p) { const double n = getIndexOfRefractionPhase(*p); const double ng = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(*p); const double ct0 = 1.0 / n; const double st0 = sqrt((1.0 + ct0)*(1.0 - ct0)); const double b = (ng - ct0) / st0; // running value if (*p == wmin && b < a) { return 0.0; } if (*p == wmax && b > a) { return 0.0; } } double umin = wmin; double umax = wmax; for (int i = 0; i != N; ++i) { // binary search for wavelength const double w = 0.5 * (umin + umax); const double n = getIndexOfRefractionPhase(w); const double ng = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(w); const double ct0 = 1.0 / n; const double st0 = sqrt((1.0 + ct0)*(1.0 - ct0)); const double b = (ng - ct0) / st0; // running value if (fabs(b-a) < a*eps) { const double np = getDispersionPhase(w); const double ngp = getDispersionGroup(w); const double l_abs = getAbsorptionLength(w); const double ls = getScatteringLength(w); const double d = R / st0; // distance traveled by photon const double ct = st0*px + ct0*pz; // cosine angle of incidence on PMT const double i3 = ct0*ct0*ct0 / (st0*st0*st0); const double U = getAngularAcceptance(ct); // PMT angular acceptance const double V = exp(-d/l_abs - d/ls); // absorption & scattering const double W = A / (2.0*PI*R*st0); // solid angle const double Ja = R * (ngp/st0 + np*(n-ng)*i3) / C; // dt/dlambda return cherenkov(w,n) * getQE(w) * U * V * W / fabs(Ja); } if (b > a) umin = w; else umax = w; } return 0.0; } /** * Probability density function for scattered light from muon. * * \param R_m distance between muon and PMT [m] * \param theta zenith angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param phi azimuth angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct Cherenkov light [ns] * \return dP/dt [npe/ns] */ double getScatteredLightFromMuon(const double R_m, const double theta, const double phi, const double t_ns) const { static const double eps = 1.0e-10; double value = 0; const double R = std::max(R_m, getRmin()); const double t = R * getTanThetaC() / C + t_ns; // time [ns] const double A = getPhotocathodeArea(); const double px = sin(theta)*cos(phi); const double py = sin(theta)*sin(phi); const double pz = cos(theta); const double n0 = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wmax); const double n1 = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wmin); const double ni = sqrt(R*R + C*t*C*t) / R; // maximal index of refraction if (n0 >= ni) { return value; } const double nj = std::min(ni,n1); double w = wmax; for (const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { const double ng = 0.5 * (nj + n0) + i->getX() * 0.5 * (nj - n0); const double dn = i->getY() * 0.5 * (nj - n0); w = getWavelength(ng, w, 1.0e-5); const double dw = dn / fabs(getDispersionGroup(w)); const double n = getIndexOfRefractionPhase(w); const double l_abs = getAbsorptionLength(w); const double ls = getScatteringLength(w); const double npe = cherenkov(w,n) * dw * getQE(w); if (npe <= 0) { continue; } const double Jc = 1.0 / ls; // dN/dx const double ct0 = 1.0 / n; // photon direction before scattering const double st0 = sqrt((1.0 + ct0)*(1.0 - ct0)); JRoot rz(R, ng, t); // square root if (!rz.is_valid) { continue; } const double zmin = rz.first; const double zmax = rz.second; const double zap = 1.0 / l_abs; const double xmin = exp(zap*zmax); const double xmax = exp(zap*zmin); for (const_iterator j = begin(); j != end(); ++j) { const double x = 0.5 * (xmax + xmin) + j->getX() * 0.5 * (xmax - xmin); const double dx = j->getY() * 0.5 * (xmax - xmin); const double z = log(x) / zap; const double dz = -dx / (zap*x); const double D = sqrt(z*z + R*R); const double cd = -z / D; const double sd = R / D; const double d = (C*t - z) / ng; // photon path //const double V = exp(-d/l_abs); // absorption const double cta = cd*ct0 + sd*st0; const double dca = d - 0.5*(d+D)*(d-D) / (d - D*cta); const double tip = -log(D*D/(dca*dca) + eps) / PI; const double ymin = exp(tip*PI); const double ymax = 1.0; for (const_iterator k = begin(); k != end(); ++k) { const double y = 0.5 * (ymax + ymin) + k->getX() * 0.5 * (ymax - ymin); const double dy = k->getY() * 0.5 * (ymax - ymin); const double phi = log(y) / tip; const double dp = -dy / (tip*y); const double cp0 = cos(phi); const double sp0 = sin(phi); const double u = (R*R + z*z - d*d) / (2*R*st0*cp0 - 2*z*ct0 - 2*d); const double v = d - u; if (u <= 0) { continue; } if (v <= 0) { continue; } const double vi = 1.0 / v; const double cts = (R*st0*cp0 - z*ct0 - u)*vi; // cosine scattering angle const double V = exp(-d*getInverseAttenuationLength(l_abs, ls, cts)); if (cts < 0.0 && v * sqrt((1.0 + cts) * (1.0 - cts)) < MODULE_RADIUS_M) { continue; } const double vx = R - u*st0*cp0; const double vy = - u*st0*sp0; const double vz = -z - u*ct0; const double ct[] = { // cosine angle of incidence on PMT (vx*px + vy*py + vz*pz) * vi, (vx*px - vy*py + vz*pz) * vi }; const double U = getAngularAcceptance(ct[0]) + getAngularAcceptance(ct[1]); // PMT angular acceptance const double W = std::min(A*vi*vi, 2.0*PI); // solid angle const double Ja = getScatteringProbability(cts); // d^2P/dcos/dphi const double Jd = ng * (1.0 - cts) / C; // dt/du value += (npe * dz * dp / (2*PI)) * U * V * W * Ja * Jc / fabs(Jd); } } } return value; } /** * Probability density function for direct light from EM-showers. * * \param R_m distance between muon and PMT [m] * \param theta zenith angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param phi azimuth angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct Cherenkov light [ns] * \return dP/dt [npe/ns/GeV] */ double getDirectLightFromEMshowers(const double R_m, const double theta, const double phi, const double t_ns) const { double value = 0; const double R = std::max(R_m, getRmin()); const double t = R * getTanThetaC() / C + t_ns; // time [ns] const double A = getPhotocathodeArea(); const double D = 2.0*sqrt(A/PI); const double px = sin(theta)*cos(phi); //const double py = sin(theta)*sin(phi); const double pz = cos(theta); const double n0 = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wmax); const double n1 = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wmin); const double ni = sqrt(R*R + C*t*C*t) / R; // maximal index of refraction if (n0 >= ni) { return value; } const double nj = std::min(n1, ni); double w = wmax; for (const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { const double ng = 0.5 * (nj + n0) + i->getX() * 0.5 * (nj - n0); const double dn = i->getY() * 0.5 * (nj - n0); w = getWavelength(ng, w, 1.0e-5); const double dw = dn / fabs(getDispersionGroup(w)); const double n = getIndexOfRefractionPhase(w); const double l_abs = getAbsorptionLength(w); const double ls = getScatteringLength(w); const double npe = cherenkov(w,n) * dw * getQE(w); JRoot rz(R, ng, t); // square root if (!rz.is_valid) { continue; } for (int j = 0; j != 2; ++j) { const double z = rz[j]; if (C*t <= z) continue; const double d = sqrt(z*z + R*R); // distance traveled by photon const double ct0 = -z / d; const double st0 = R / d; const double dz = D / st0; // average track length const double ct = st0*px + ct0*pz; // cosine angle of incidence on PMT const double U = getAngularAcceptance(ct); // PMT angular acceptance const double V = exp(-d/l_abs - d/ls); // absorption & scattering const double W = A/(d*d); // solid angle const double Ja = geant(n,ct0); // d^2N/dcos/dphi const double Jd = (1.0 - ng*ct0) / C; // d t/ dz const double Je = ng*st0*st0*st0 / (R*C); // d^2t/(dz)^2 value += gWater() * npe * U * V * W * Ja / (fabs(Jd) + 0.5*Je*dz); } } return value; } /** * Probability density function for scattered light from EM-showers. * * \param R_m distance between muon and PMT [m] * \param theta zenith angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param phi azimuth angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct Cherenkov light [ns] * \return dP/dt [npe/ns/GeV] */ double getScatteredLightFromEMshowers(const double R_m, const double theta, const double phi, const double t_ns) const { double value = 0; const double R = std::max(R_m, getRmin()); const double t = R * getTanThetaC() / C + t_ns; // time [ns] const double A = getPhotocathodeArea(); const double px = sin(theta)*cos(phi); const double py = sin(theta)*sin(phi); const double pz = cos(theta); const double n0 = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wmax); const double n1 = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wmin); const double ni = sqrt(R*R + C*t*C*t) / R; // maximal index of refraction if (n0 >= ni) { return value; } const double nj = std::min(ni,n1); double w = wmax; for (const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { const double ng = 0.5 * (nj + n0) + i->getX() * 0.5 * (nj - n0); const double dn = i->getY() * 0.5 * (nj - n0); w = getWavelength(ng, w, 1.0e-5); const double dw = dn / fabs(getDispersionGroup(w)); const double n = getIndexOfRefractionPhase(w); const double l_abs = getAbsorptionLength(w); const double ls = getScatteringLength(w); const double npe = cherenkov(w,n) * dw * getQE(w); if (npe <= 0) { continue; } const double Jc = 1.0 / ls; // dN/dx JRoot rz(R, ng, t); // square root if (!rz.is_valid) { continue; } const double zmin = rz.first; const double zmax = rz.second; const double zap = 1.0 / l_abs; const double xmin = exp(zap*zmax); const double xmax = exp(zap*zmin); for (const_iterator j = begin(); j != end(); ++j) { const double x = 0.5 * (xmax + xmin) + j->getX() * 0.5 * (xmax - xmin); const double dx = j->getY() * 0.5 * (xmax - xmin); const double z = log(x) / zap; const double dz = -dx / (zap*x); const double D = sqrt(z*z + R*R); const double cd = -z / D; const double sd = R / D; const double qx = cd*px + 0 - sd*pz; const double qy = 1*py; const double qz = sd*px + 0 + cd*pz; const double d = (C*t - z) / ng; // photon path //const double V = exp(-d/l_abs); // absorption const double ds = 2.0 / (size() + 1); for (double sb = 0.5*ds; sb < 1.0 - 0.25*ds; sb += ds) { for (int buffer[] = { -1, +1, 0}, *k = buffer; *k != 0; ++k) { const double cb = (*k) * sqrt((1.0 + sb)*(1.0 - sb)); const double dcb = (*k) * ds*sb/cb; const double v = 0.5 * (d + D) * (d - D) / (d - D*cb); const double u = d - v; if (u <= 0) { continue; } if (v <= 0) { continue; } const double cts = (D*cb - v) / u; // cosine scattering angle const double V = exp(-d*getInverseAttenuationLength(l_abs, ls, cts)); if (cts < 0.0 && v * sqrt((1.0 + cts) * (1.0 - cts)) < MODULE_RADIUS_M) { continue; } const double W = std::min(A/(v*v), 2.0*PI); // solid angle const double Ja = getScatteringProbability(cts); // d^2P/dcos/dphi const double Jd = ng * (1.0 - cts) / C; // dt/du const double ca = (D - v*cb) / u; const double sa = v*sb / u; const double dp = PI / phd.size(); const double dom = dcb*dp * v*v / (u*u); for (const_iterator l = phd.begin(); l != phd.end(); ++l) { const double cp = l->getX(); const double sp = l->getY(); const double ct0 = cd*ca - sd*sa*cp; const double vx = sb*cp * qx; const double vy = sb*sp * qy; const double vz = cb * qz; const double U = getAngularAcceptance(vx + vy + vz) + getAngularAcceptance(vx - vy + vz); // PMT angular acceptance const double Jb = geant(n,ct0); // d^2N/dcos/dphi value += dom * gWater() * npe * dz * U * V * W * Ja * Jb * Jc / fabs(Jd); } } } } } return value; } /** * Probability density function for scattered light from muon. * * \param D_m distance between track segment and PMT [m] * \param cd cosine angle muon direction and track segment - PMT position * \param theta zenith angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param phi azimuth angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct Cherenkov light [ns] * \return d^2P/dt/dx [npe/ns/m] */ double getScatteredLightFromMuon(const double D_m, const double cd, const double theta, const double phi, const double t_ns) const { static const double eps = 1.0e-10; double value = 0; const double sd = sqrt((1.0 + cd)*(1.0 - cd)); const double D = std::max(D_m, getRmin()); const double R = sd * D; // minimal distance of approach [m] const double Z = -cd * D; // photon emission point const double L = D; const double t = D * getIndexOfRefraction() / C + t_ns; // time [ns] const double A = getPhotocathodeArea(); const double px = sin(theta)*cos(phi); const double py = sin(theta)*sin(phi); const double pz = cos(theta); const double n0 = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wmax); const double n1 = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wmin); const double ni = C*t / L; // maximal index of refraction if (n0 >= ni) { return value; } const double nj = std::min(ni,n1); double w = wmax; for (const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { const double ng = 0.5 * (nj + n0) + i->getX() * 0.5 * (nj - n0); const double dn = i->getY() * 0.5 * (nj - n0); w = getWavelength(ng, w, 1.0e-5); const double dw = dn / fabs(getDispersionGroup(w)); const double n = getIndexOfRefractionPhase(w); const double l_abs = getAbsorptionLength(w); const double ls = getScatteringLength(w); const double npe = cherenkov(w,n) * dw * getQE(w); if (npe <= 0) { continue; } const double Jc = 1.0 / ls; // dN/dx const double ct0 = 1.0 / n; // photon direction before scattering const double st0 = sqrt((1.0 + ct0)*(1.0 - ct0)); const double d = C*t / ng; // photon path //const double V = exp(-d/l_abs); // absorption const double cta = cd*ct0 + sd*st0; const double dca = d - 0.5*(d+L)*(d-L) / (d - L*cta); const double tip = -log(L*L/(dca*dca) + eps) / PI; const double ymin = exp(tip*PI); const double ymax = 1.0; for (const_iterator j = begin(); j != end(); ++j) { const double y = 0.5 * (ymax + ymin) + j->getX() * 0.5 * (ymax - ymin); const double dy = j->getY() * 0.5 * (ymax - ymin); const double phi = log(y) / tip; const double dp = -dy / (tip*y); const double cp0 = cos(phi); const double sp0 = sin(phi); const double u = (R*R + Z*Z - d*d) / (2*R*st0*cp0 - 2*Z*ct0 - 2*d); const double v = d - u; if (u <= 0) { continue; } if (v <= 0) { continue; } const double vi = 1.0 / v; const double cts = (R*st0*cp0 - Z*ct0 - u)*vi; // cosine scattering angle const double V = exp(-d*getInverseAttenuationLength(l_abs, ls, cts)); if (cts < 0.0 && v * sqrt((1.0 + cts) * (1.0 - cts)) < MODULE_RADIUS_M) { continue; } const double vx = R - u*st0*cp0; const double vy = - u*st0*sp0; const double vz = -Z - u*ct0; const double ct[] = { // cosine angle of incidence on PMT (vx*px + vy*py + vz*pz) * vi, (vx*px - vy*py + vz*pz) * vi }; const double U = getAngularAcceptance(ct[0]) + getAngularAcceptance(ct[1]); // PMT angular acceptance const double W = std::min(A*vi*vi, 2.0*PI); // solid angle const double Ja = getScatteringProbability(cts); // d^2P/dcos/dphi const double Jd = ng * (1.0 - cts) / C; // dt/du value += (npe * dp / (2*PI)) * U * V * W * Ja * Jc / fabs(Jd); } } return value; } /** * Probability density function for direct light from EM-shower. * * \param D_m distance between EM-shower and PMT [m] * \param cd cosine angle EM-shower direction and EM-shower - PMT position * \param theta zenith angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param phi azimuth angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct Cherenkov light [ns] * \return d^2P/dt/dE [npe/ns/GeV] */ double getDirectLightFromEMshower(const double D_m, const double cd, const double theta, const double phi, const double t_ns) const { const double ct0 = cd; const double st0 = sqrt((1.0 + ct0)*(1.0 - ct0)); const double D = std::max(D_m, getRmin()); const double t = D * getIndexOfRefraction() / C + t_ns; // time [ns] const double A = getPhotocathodeArea(); const double px = sin(theta)*cos(phi); const double pz = cos(theta); const double n0 = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wmax); const double n1 = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wmin); const double ng = C*t/D; // index of refraction if (n0 >= ng) { return 0.0; } if (n1 <= ng) { return 0.0; } const double w = getWavelength(ng); const double n = getIndexOfRefractionPhase(w); const double l_abs = getAbsorptionLength(w); const double ls = getScatteringLength(w); const double npe = cherenkov(w,n) * getQE(w); const double ct = st0*px + ct0*pz; // cosine angle of incidence on PMT const double U = getAngularAcceptance(ct); // PMT angular acceptance const double V = exp(-D/l_abs - D/ls); // absorption & scattering const double W = A/(D*D); // solid angle const double ngp = getDispersionGroup(w); const double Ja = D * ngp / C; // dt/dlambda const double Jb = geant(n,ct0); // d^2N/dcos/dphi return npe * geanc() * U * V * W * Jb / fabs(Ja); } /** * Probability density function for scattered light from EM-shower. * * \param D_m distance between EM-shower and PMT [m] * \param cd cosine angle EM-shower direction and EM-shower - PMT position * \param theta zenith angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param phi azimuth angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct Cherenkov light [ns] * \return d^2P/dt/dE [npe/ns/GeV] */ double getScatteredLightFromEMshower(const double D_m, const double cd, const double theta, const double phi, const double t_ns) const { double value = 0; const double sd = sqrt((1.0 + cd)*(1.0 - cd)); const double D = std::max(D_m, getRmin()); const double L = D; const double t = D * getIndexOfRefraction() / C + t_ns; // time [ns] const double A = getPhotocathodeArea(); const double px = sin(theta)*cos(phi); const double py = sin(theta)*sin(phi); const double pz = cos(theta); const double qx = cd*px + 0 - sd*pz; const double qy = 1*py; const double qz = sd*px + 0 + cd*pz; const double n0 = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wmax); const double n1 = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wmin); const double ni = C*t / L; // maximal index of refraction if (n0 >= ni) { return value; } const double nj = std::min(ni,n1); double w = wmax; for (const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { const double ng = 0.5 * (nj + n0) + i->getX() * 0.5 * (nj - n0); const double dn = i->getY() * 0.5 * (nj - n0); w = getWavelength(ng, w, 1.0e-5); const double dw = dn / fabs(getDispersionGroup(w)); const double n = getIndexOfRefractionPhase(w); const double l_abs = getAbsorptionLength(w); const double ls = getScatteringLength(w); const double npe = cherenkov(w,n) * dw * getQE(w); if (npe <= 0) { continue; } const double Jc = 1.0 / ls; // dN/dx const double d = C*t / ng; // photon path //const double V = exp(-d/l_abs); // absorption const double ds = 2.0 / (size() + 1); for (double sb = 0.5*ds; sb < 1.0 - 0.25*ds; sb += ds) { for (int buffer[] = { -1, +1, 0}, *k = buffer; *k != 0; ++k) { const double cb = (*k) * sqrt((1.0 + sb)*(1.0 - sb)); const double dcb = (*k) * ds*sb/cb; const double v = 0.5 * (d + L) * (d - L) / (d - L*cb); const double u = d - v; if (u <= 0) { continue; } if (v <= 0) { continue; } const double cts = (L*cb - v) / u; // cosine scattering angle const double V = exp(-d*getInverseAttenuationLength(l_abs, ls, cts)); if (cts < 0.0 && v * sqrt((1.0 + cts) * (1.0 - cts)) < MODULE_RADIUS_M) { continue; } const double W = std::min(A/(v*v), 2.0*PI); // solid angle const double Ja = getScatteringProbability(cts); // d^2P/dcos/dphi const double Jd = ng * (1.0 - cts) / C; // dt/du const double ca = (L - v*cb) / u; const double sa = v*sb / u; const double dp = PI / phd.size(); const double dom = dcb*dp * v*v / (u*u); const double dos = sqrt(dom); for (const_iterator l = phd.begin(); l != phd.end(); ++l) { const double cp = l->getX(); const double sp = l->getY(); const double ct0 = cd*ca - sd*sa*cp; const double vx = -sb*cp * qx; const double vy = -sb*sp * qy; const double vz = cb * qz; const double U = getAngularAcceptance(vx + vy + vz) + getAngularAcceptance(vx - vy + vz); // PMT angular acceptance //const double Jb = geant(n,ct0); // d^2N/dcos/dphi //value += npe * geanc() * dom * U * V * W * Ja * Jb * Jc / fabs(Jd); const double Jb = geant(n, ct0 - 0.5*dos, ct0 + 0.5*dos); // dN/dphi value += npe * geanc() * dos * U * V * W * Ja * Jb * Jc / fabs(Jd); } } } } return value; } /** * Probability density function for direct light from EM-shower. * * \param E EM-shower energy [GeV] * \param D_m distance between EM-shower and PMT [m] * \param cd cosine angle EM-shower direction and EM-shower - PMT position * \param theta zenith angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param phi azimuth angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct Cherenkov light [ns] * \return dP/dt [npe/ns] */ double getDirectLightFromEMshower(const double E, const double D_m, const double cd, const double theta, const double phi, const double t_ns) const { double value = 0; const double sd = sqrt((1.0 + cd)*(1.0 - cd)); const double D = std::max(D_m, getRmin()); const double R = D * sd; // minimal distance of approach [m] const double Z = -D * cd; const double t = D * getIndexOfRefraction() / C + t_ns; // time [ns] const double n0 = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wmax); const double n1 = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wmin); double zmin = 0.0; // minimal shower length [m] double zmax = geanz.getLength(E, 1.0); // maximal shower length [m] const double d = sqrt((Z+zmax)*(Z+zmax) + R*R); if (C*t > std::max(n1*D, zmax + n1*d)) { return value; } if (C*t < n0*D) { JRoot rz(R, n0, t + Z/C); // square root if (!rz.is_valid) { return value; } if (rz.second > Z) { zmin = rz.second - Z; } if (rz.first > Z) { zmin = rz.first - Z; } } if (C*t > n1*D) { JRoot rz(R, n1, t + Z/C); // square root if (!rz.is_valid) { return value; } if (rz.second > Z) { zmin = rz.second - Z; } if (rz.first > Z) { zmin = rz.first - Z; } } if (C*t < zmax + n0*d) { JRoot rz(R, n0, t + Z/C); // square root if (!rz.is_valid) { return value; } if (rz.first > Z) { zmax = rz.first - Z; } if (rz.second > Z) { zmax = rz.second - Z; } } if (zmin < 0.0) { zmin = 0.0; } if (zmax > zmin) { const double ymin = geanz.getIntegral(E, zmin); const double ymax = geanz.getIntegral(E, zmax); const double dy = (ymax - ymin) / size(); if (dy > 2*std::numeric_limits::epsilon()) { for (double y = ymin + 0.5*dy; y < ymax; y += dy) { const double z = Z + geanz.getLength(E, y); const double d = sqrt(R*R + z*z); const double t1 = t + (Z - z) / C - d * getIndexOfRefraction() / C; value += dy * E * getDirectLightFromEMshower(d, -z/d, theta, phi, t1); } } } return value; } /** * Probability density function for scattered light from EM-shower. * * \param E EM-shower energy [GeV] * \param D_m distance between EM-shower and PMT [m] * \param cd cosine angle EM-shower direction and EM-shower - PMT position * \param theta zenith angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param phi azimuth angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct Cherenkov light [ns] * \return dP/dt [npe/ns] */ double getScatteredLightFromEMshower(const double E, const double D_m, const double cd, const double theta, const double phi, const double t_ns) const { double value = 0; const double sd = sqrt((1.0 + cd)*(1.0 - cd)); const double D = std::max(D_m, getRmin()); const double R = D * sd; // minimal distance of approach [m] const double Z = -D * cd; const double t = D * getIndexOfRefraction() / C + t_ns; // time [ns] const double n0 = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wmax); double zmin = 0.0; // minimal shower length [m] double zmax = geanz.getLength(E, 1.0); // maximal shower length [m] const double d = sqrt((Z+zmax)*(Z+zmax) + R*R); if (C*t < n0*D) { JRoot rz(R, n0, t + Z/C); // square root if (!rz.is_valid) { return value; } if (rz.second > Z) { zmin = rz.second - Z; } if (rz.first > Z) { zmin = rz.first - Z; } } if (C*t < zmax + n0*d) { JRoot rz(R, n0, t + Z/C); // square root if (!rz.is_valid) { return value; } if (rz.first > Z) { zmax = rz.first - Z; } if (rz.second > Z) { zmax = rz.second - Z; } } const double ymin = geanz.getIntegral(E, zmin); const double ymax = geanz.getIntegral(E, zmax); const double dy = (ymax - ymin) / size(); if (dy > 2*std::numeric_limits::epsilon()) { for (double y = ymin + 0.5*dy; y < ymax; y += dy) { const double z = Z + geanz.getLength(E, y); const double d = sqrt(R*R + z*z); const double t1 = t + (Z - z) / C - d * getIndexOfRefraction() / C; value += dy * E * getScatteredLightFromEMshower(d, -z/d, theta, phi, t1); } } return value; } /** * Probability density function for direct light from delta-rays. * * \param R_m distance between muon and PMT [m] * \param theta zenith angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param phi azimuth angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct Cherenkov light [ns] * \return d^2P/dt/dE [npe/ns x m/GeV] */ double getDirectLightFromDeltaRays(const double R_m, const double theta, const double phi, const double t_ns) const { double value = 0; const double R = std::max(R_m, getRmin()); const double t = R * getTanThetaC() / C + t_ns; // time [ns] const double A = getPhotocathodeArea(); const double D = 2.0*sqrt(A/PI); const double px = sin(theta)*cos(phi); const double pz = cos(theta); const double n0 = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wmax); const double n1 = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wmin); const double ni = sqrt(R*R + C*t*C*t) / R; // maximal index of refraction if (n0 >= ni) { return value; } const double nj = std::min(n1, ni); double w = wmax; for (const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { const double ng = 0.5 * (nj + n0) + i->getX() * 0.5 * (nj - n0); const double dn = i->getY() * 0.5 * (nj - n0); w = getWavelength(ng, w, 1.0e-5); const double dw = dn / fabs(getDispersionGroup(w)); const double n = getIndexOfRefractionPhase(w); const double l_abs = getAbsorptionLength(w); const double ls = getScatteringLength(w); const double npe = cherenkov(w,n) * dw * getQE(w); JRoot rz(R, ng, t); // square root if (!rz.is_valid) { continue; } for (int j = 0; j != 2; ++j) { const double z = rz[j]; if (C*t <= z) continue; const double d = sqrt(z*z + R*R); // distance traveled by photon const double ct0 = -z / d; const double st0 = R / d; const double dz = D / st0; // average track length const double ct = st0*px + ct0*pz; // cosine angle of incidence on PMT const double U = getAngularAcceptance(ct); // PMT angular acceptance const double V = exp(-d/l_abs - d/ls); // absorption & scattering const double W = A/(d*d); // solid angle const double Ja = getDeltaRayProbability(ct0); // d^2N/dcos/dphi const double Jd = (1.0 - ng*ct0) / C; // d t/ dz const double Je = ng*st0*st0*st0 / (R*C); // d^2t/(dz)^2 value += npe * geanc() * U * V * W * Ja / (fabs(Jd) + 0.5*Je*dz); } } return value; } /** * Probability density function for direct light from delta-rays. * * \param R_m distance between muon and PMT [m] * \param theta zenith angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param phi azimuth angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct Cherenkov light [ns] * \return d^2P/dt/dx [npe/ns x m/GeV] */ double getScatteredLightFromDeltaRays(const double R_m, const double theta, const double phi, const double t_ns) const { double value = 0; const double R = std::max(R_m, getRmin()); const double t = R * getTanThetaC() / C + t_ns; // time [ns] const double A = getPhotocathodeArea(); const double px = sin(theta)*cos(phi); const double py = sin(theta)*sin(phi); const double pz = cos(theta); const double n0 = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wmax); const double n1 = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wmin); const double ni = sqrt(R*R + C*t*C*t) / R; // maximal index of refraction if (n0 >= ni) { return value; } const double nj = std::min(ni,n1); double w = wmax; for (const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { const double ng = 0.5 * (nj + n0) + i->getX() * 0.5 * (nj - n0); const double dn = i->getY() * 0.5 * (nj - n0); w = getWavelength(ng, w, 1.0e-5); const double dw = dn / fabs(getDispersionGroup(w)); const double n = getIndexOfRefractionPhase(w); const double l_abs = getAbsorptionLength(w); const double ls = getScatteringLength(w); const double npe = cherenkov(w,n) * dw * getQE(w); if (npe <= 0) { continue; } const double Jc = 1.0 / ls; // dN/dx JRoot rz(R, ng, t); // square root if (!rz.is_valid) { continue; } const double zmin = rz.first; const double zmax = rz.second; const double zap = 1.0 / l_abs; const double xmin = exp(zap*zmax); const double xmax = exp(zap*zmin); for (const_iterator j = begin(); j != end(); ++j) { const double x = 0.5 * (xmax + xmin) + j->getX() * 0.5 * (xmax - xmin); const double dx = j->getY() * 0.5 * (xmax - xmin); const double z = log(x) / zap; const double dz = -dx / (zap*x); const double D = sqrt(z*z + R*R); const double cd = -z / D; const double sd = R / D; const double qx = cd*px + 0 - sd*pz; const double qy = 1*py; const double qz = sd*px + 0 + cd*pz; const double d = (C*t - z) / ng; // photon path //const double V = exp(-d/l_abs); // absorption const double ds = 2.0 / (size() + 1); for (double sb = 0.5*ds; sb < 1.0 - 0.25*ds; sb += ds) { for (int buffer[] = { -1, +1, 0}, *k = buffer; *k != 0; ++k) { const double cb = (*k) * sqrt((1.0 + sb)*(1.0 - sb)); const double dcb = (*k) * ds*sb/cb; const double v = 0.5 * (d + D) * (d - D) / (d - D*cb); const double u = d - v; if (u <= 0) { continue; } if (v <= 0) { continue; } const double cts = (D*cb - v) / u; // cosine scattering angle const double V = exp(-d*getInverseAttenuationLength(l_abs, ls, cts)); if (cts < 0.0 && v * sqrt((1.0 + cts) * (1.0 - cts)) < MODULE_RADIUS_M) { continue; } const double W = std::min(A/(v*v), 2.0*PI); // solid angle const double Ja = getScatteringProbability(cts); // d^2P/dcos/dphi const double Jd = ng * (1.0 - cts) / C; // dt/du const double ca = (D - v*cb) / u; const double sa = v*sb / u; const double dp = PI / phd.size(); const double dom = dcb*dp * v*v / (u*u); for (const_iterator l = phd.begin(); l != phd.end(); ++l) { const double cp = l->getX(); const double sp = l->getY(); const double ct0 = cd*ca - sd*sa*cp; const double vx = sb*cp * qx; const double vy = sb*sp * qy; const double vz = cb * qz; const double U = getAngularAcceptance(vx + vy + vz) + getAngularAcceptance(vx - vy + vz); // PMT angular acceptance const double Jb = getDeltaRayProbability(ct0); // d^2N/dcos/dphi value += dom * npe * geanc() * dz * U * V * W * Ja * Jb * Jc / fabs(Jd); } } } } } return value; } /** * Probability density function for direct light from isotropic light source. * * \param D_m distance between light source and PMT [m] * \param ct cosine angle PMT * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct Cherenkov light [ns] * \return d^2P/dt/dE [npe/ns/GeV] */ double getDirectLightFromBrightPoint(const double D_m, const double ct, const double t_ns) const { const double D = std::max(D_m, getRmin()); const double t = D * getIndexOfRefraction() / C + t_ns; // time [ns] const double A = getPhotocathodeArea(); const double n0 = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wmax); const double n1 = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wmin); const double ng = C*t/D; // index of refraction if (n0 >= ng) { return 0.0; } if (n1 <= ng) { return 0.0; } const double w = getWavelength(ng); const double n = getIndexOfRefractionPhase(w); const double l_abs = getAbsorptionLength(w); const double ls = getScatteringLength(w); const double npe = cherenkov(w,n) * getQE(w); const double U = getAngularAcceptance(ct); // PMT angular acceptance const double V = exp(-D/l_abs - D/ls); // absorption & scattering const double W = A/(D*D); // solid angle const double ngp = getDispersionGroup(w); const double Ja = D * ngp / C; // dt/dlambda const double Jb = 1.0 / (4.0*PI); // d^2N/dOmega return npe * geanc() * U * V * W * Jb / fabs(Ja); } /** * Probability density function for scattered light from isotropic light source. * * \param D_m distance between light source and PMT [m] * \param ct cosine angle PMT * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct Cherenkov light [ns] * \return d^2P/dt/dE [npe/ns/GeV] */ double getScatteredLightFromBrightPoint(const double D_m, const double ct, const double t_ns) const { double value = 0; const double D = std::max(D_m, getRmin()); const double t = D * getIndexOfRefraction() / C + t_ns; // time [ns] const double st = sqrt((1.0 + ct)*(1.0 - ct)); const double A = getPhotocathodeArea(); const double n0 = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wmax); const double n1 = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wmin); const double ni = C*t / D; // maximal index of refraction if (n0 >= ni) { return value; } const double nj = std::min(ni,n1); double w = wmax; for (const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { const double ng = 0.5 * (nj + n0) + i->getX() * 0.5 * (nj - n0); const double dn = i->getY() * 0.5 * (nj - n0); w = getWavelength(ng, w, 1.0e-5); const double dw = dn / fabs(getDispersionGroup(w)); const double n = getIndexOfRefractionPhase(w); const double npe = cherenkov(w,n) * dw * getQE(w); if (npe <= 0) { continue; } const double l_abs = getAbsorptionLength(w); const double ls = getScatteringLength(w); const double Jc = 1.0 / ls; // dN/dx const double Jb = 1.0 / (4.0*PI); // d^2N/dcos/dphi const double d = C*t / ng; // photon path const double dcb = 2.0 / (size() + 1); for (double cb = -1.0 + 0.5*dcb; cb < +1.0; cb += dcb) { const double sb = sqrt((1.0 + cb)*(1.0 - cb)); const double v = 0.5 * (d + D) * (d - D) / (d - D*cb); const double u = d - v; if (u <= 0) { continue; } if (v <= 0) { continue; } const double cts = (D*cb - v) / u; // cosine scattering angle const double V = exp(-d*getInverseAttenuationLength(l_abs, ls, cts)); if (cts < 0.0 && v * sqrt((1.0 + cts) * (1.0 - cts)) < MODULE_RADIUS_M) { continue; } const double W = std::min(A/(v*v), 2.0*PI); // solid angle const double Ja = getScatteringProbability(cts); // d^2P/dcos/dphi const double Jd = ng * (1.0 - cts) / C; // dt/du const double dp = PI / phd.size(); const double dom = dcb*dp * v*v / (u*u); // dOmega for (const_iterator l = phd.begin(); l != phd.end(); ++l) { const double cp = l->getX(); const double dot = cb*ct + sb*cp*st; const double U = 2 * getAngularAcceptance(dot); // PMT angular acceptance value += npe * geanc() * dom * U * V * W * Ja * Jb * Jc / fabs(Jd); } } } return value; } /** * Probability density function for light from muon. * * \param type PDF type * \param E_GeV muon energy [GeV] * \param R_m distance between muon and PMT [m] * \param theta zenith angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param phi azimuth angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct Cherenkov light [ns] * \return d^2P/dt/dx [npe/ns] */ double getLightFromMuon(const int type, const double E_GeV, const double R_m, const double theta, const double phi, const double t_ns) const { switch (type) { case DIRECT_LIGHT_FROM_MUON: return getDirectLightFromMuon (R_m, theta, phi, t_ns); case SCATTERED_LIGHT_FROM_MUON: return getScatteredLightFromMuon (R_m, theta, phi, t_ns); case DIRECT_LIGHT_FROM_EMSHOWERS: return getDirectLightFromEMshowers (R_m, theta, phi, t_ns) * E_GeV; case SCATTERED_LIGHT_FROM_EMSHOWERS: return getScatteredLightFromEMshowers(R_m, theta, phi, t_ns) * E_GeV; case DIRECT_LIGHT_FROM_DELTARAYS: return getDirectLightFromDeltaRays (R_m, theta, phi, t_ns) * getDeltaRaysFromMuon(E_GeV); case SCATTERED_LIGHT_FROM_DELTARAYS: return getScatteredLightFromDeltaRays(R_m, theta, phi, t_ns) * getDeltaRaysFromMuon(E_GeV); default: return 0.0; } } /** * Probability density function for light from muon. * * \param E_GeV muon energy [GeV] * \param R_m distance between muon and PMT [m] * \param theta zenith angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param phi azimuth angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct Cherenkov light [ns] * \return d^2P/dt/dx [npe/ns] */ double getLightFromMuon(const double E_GeV, const double R_m, const double theta, const double phi, const double t_ns) const { return (getDirectLightFromMuon (R_m, theta, phi, t_ns) + getScatteredLightFromMuon (R_m, theta, phi, t_ns) + getDirectLightFromEMshowers (R_m, theta, phi, t_ns) * E_GeV + getScatteredLightFromEMshowers(R_m, theta, phi, t_ns) * E_GeV + getDirectLightFromDeltaRays (R_m, theta, phi, t_ns) * getDeltaRaysFromMuon(E_GeV) + getScatteredLightFromDeltaRays(R_m, theta, phi, t_ns) * getDeltaRaysFromMuon(E_GeV)); } /** * Probability density function for light from EM-shower. * * \param type PDF type * \param D_m distance between EM-shower and PMT [m] * \param cd cosine angle EM-shower direction and EM-shower - PMT position * \param theta zenith angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param phi azimuth angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct Cherenkov light [ns] * \return d^2P/dt/dE [npe/ns/GeV] */ double getLightFromEMshower(const int type, const double D_m, const double cd, const double theta, const double phi, const double t_ns) const { switch (type) { case DIRECT_LIGHT_FROM_EMSHOWER: return getDirectLightFromEMshower (D_m, cd, theta, phi, t_ns); case SCATTERED_LIGHT_FROM_EMSHOWER: return getScatteredLightFromEMshower(D_m, cd, theta, phi, t_ns); default: return 0.0; } } /** * Probability density function for light from EM-shower. * * \param D_m distance between EM-shower and PMT [m] * \param cd cosine angle EM-shower direction and EM-shower - PMT position * \param theta zenith angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param phi azimuth angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct Cherenkov light [ns] * \return d^2P/dt/dE [npe/ns/GeV] */ double getLightFromEMshower(const double D_m, const double cd, const double theta, const double phi, const double t_ns) const { return (getDirectLightFromEMshower (D_m, cd, theta, phi, t_ns) + getScatteredLightFromEMshower(D_m, cd, theta, phi, t_ns)); } /** * Probability density function for light from EM-shower. * * \param type PDF type * \param E_GeV EM-shower energy [GeV] * \param D_m distance between EM-shower and PMT [m] * \param cd cosine angle EM-shower direction and EM-shower - PMT position * \param theta zenith angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param phi azimuth angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct Cherenkov light [ns] * \return d^2P/dt/dE [npe/ns/GeV] */ double getLightFromEMshower(const int type, const double E_GeV, const double D_m, const double cd, const double theta, const double phi, const double t_ns) const { switch (type) { case DIRECT_LIGHT_FROM_EMSHOWER: return getDirectLightFromEMshower (E_GeV, D_m, cd, theta, phi, t_ns); case SCATTERED_LIGHT_FROM_EMSHOWER: return getScatteredLightFromEMshower(E_GeV, D_m, cd, theta, phi, t_ns); default: return 0.0; } } /** * Probability density function for light from EM-shower. * * \param E_GeV EM-shower energy [GeV] * \param D_m distance between EM-shower and PMT [m] * \param cd cosine angle EM-shower direction and EM-shower - PMT position * \param theta zenith angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param phi azimuth angle orientation PMT [rad] * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct Cherenkov light [ns] * \return d^2P/dt/dE [npe/ns/GeV] */ double getLightFromEMshower(const double E_GeV, const double D_m, const double cd, const double theta, const double phi, const double t_ns) const { return (getDirectLightFromEMshower (E_GeV, D_m, cd, theta, phi, t_ns) + getScatteredLightFromEMshower(E_GeV, D_m, cd, theta, phi, t_ns)); } /** * Probability density function for direct light from isotropic light source. * * \param type PDF type * \param D_m distance between light source and PMT [m] * \param ct cosine angle PMT * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct Cherenkov light [ns] * \return d^2P/dt/dE [npe/ns/GeV] */ double getLightFromBrightPoint(const int type, const double D_m, const double ct, const double t_ns) const { switch (type) { case DIRECT_LIGHT_FROM_BRIGHT_POINT: return getDirectLightFromBrightPoint (D_m, ct, t_ns); case SCATTERED_LIGHT_FROM_BRIGHT_POINT: return getScatteredLightFromBrightPoint(D_m, ct, t_ns); default: return 0.0; } } /** * Probability density function for direct light from isotropic light source. * * \param D_m distance between light source and PMT [m] * \param ct cosine angle PMT * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct Cherenkov light [ns] * \return d^2P/dt/dE [npe/ns/GeV] */ double getLightFromBrightPoint(const double D_m, const double ct, const double t_ns) const { return (getDirectLightFromBrightPoint (D_m, ct, t_ns) + getScatteredLightFromBrightPoint(D_m, ct, t_ns)); } /** * Auxiliary class to find solution(s) to \f$ z \f$ of the square root expression: \f{eqnarray*} ct(z=0) & = & z + n \sqrt(z^2 + R^2) \f} * where \f$ n = 1/\cos(\theta_{c}) \f$ is the index of refraction. */ class JRoot { public: /** * Determine solution(s) of quadratic equation. * * \param R minimal distance of approach [m] * \param n index of refraction * \param t time at z = 0 [ns] */ JRoot(const double R, const double n, const double t) : is_valid(false), first (0.0), second(0.0) { const double a = n*n - 1.0; const double b = 2*C*t; const double c = R*n * R*n - C*t * C*t; const double q = b*b - 4*a*c; if (q >= 0.0) { first = (-b - sqrt(q)) / (2*a); second = (-b + sqrt(q)) / (2*a); is_valid = C*t > second; } } /** * Get result by index. * * \param i index (0 or 1) * \return i == 0, first; i == 1, second; else throws exception */ double operator[](const int i) const { switch (i) { case 0: return first; case 1: return second; default: THROW(JException, "JRoot::operator[] invalid index"); } } bool is_valid; //!< validity of solutions double first; //!< most upstream solution double second; //!< most downstream solution }; protected: /** * Determine wavelength for a given index of refraction corresponding to the group velocity. * * \param n index of refraction * \param eps precision index of refraction * \return wavelength [nm] */ virtual double getWavelength(const double n, const double eps = 1.0e-10) const { //return getWavelength(n, 0.5*(wmin + wmax), eps); double vmin = wmin; double vmax = wmax; for (int i = 0; i != 1000; ++i) { const double v = 0.5 * (vmin + vmax); const double y = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(v); if (fabs(y - n) < eps) { return v; } if (y < n) vmax = v; else vmin = v; } return 0.5 * (vmin + vmax); } /** * Determine wavelength for a given index of refraction corresponding to the group velocity. * The estimate of the wavelength is made by successive linear extrapolations. * The procedure starts from the given wavelength and terminates if the index of refraction * is equal to the target value within the given precision. * * \param n index of refraction * \param w start value wavelength [nm] * \param eps precision index of refraction * \return return value wavelength [nm] */ virtual double getWavelength(const double n, const double w, const double eps) const { double v = w; // determine wavelength by linear extrapolation for ( ; ; ) { const double y = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(v); if (fabs(y - n) < eps) { break; } v += (n - y) / getDispersionGroup(v); } return v; } static double getRmin() { return 1.0e-1; } //!< minimal distance of approach of muon to PMT [m] /** * Get the inverse of the attenuation length. * * \param l_abs absorption length [m] * \param ls scattering length [m] * \param cts cosine scattering angle * \return inverse attenuation length [m^-1] */ virtual double getInverseAttenuationLength(const double l_abs, const double ls, const double cts) const { static JTOOLS::JGridPolint1Function1D_t f1; if (f1.empty()) { const int nx = 100000; const double xmin = -1.0; const double xmax = +1.0; const double dx = (xmax - xmin) / (nx - 1); for (double x = xmin, W = 0.0; x < xmax; x += dx) { f1[x] = W; W += 2*PI * dx * getScatteringProbability(x + 0.5*dx); } f1[xmin] = 0.0; f1[xmax] = 1.0; f1.compile(); } return 1.0/l_abs + f1(cts)/ls; } protected: /** * Integration limits */ const double wmin; //!< minimal wavelength for integration [nm] const double wmax; //!< maximal wavelength for integration [nm] std::vector phd; //!< fast evaluation of phi integral }; /** * Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT * with an implementation for the JDispersionInterface interface. */ class JAbstractPDF : public JPDF, public JDispersion { public: /** * Constructor. * * \param P_atm ambient pressure [atm] * \param Wmin minimal wavelength for integration [nm] * \param Wmax maximal wavelength for integration [nm] * \param numberOfPoints number of points for integration * \param epsilon precision of points for integration */ JAbstractPDF(const double P_atm, const double Wmin, const double Wmax, const int numberOfPoints = 20, const double epsilon = 1e-12) : JPDF(Wmin, Wmax, numberOfPoints, epsilon), JDispersion(P_atm) {} }; /** * Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT * with an implementation of the JAbstractPMT and JAbstractMedium interfaces via C-like methods. */ class JPDF_C : public JAbstractPDF { public: /** * Constructor. * * \param Apmt photo-cathode area [m^2] * \param pF_qe pointer to function for quantum efficiency of PMT * \param pF_pmt pointer to function for angular acceptance of PMT * \param pF_l_abs pointer to function for absorption length [m] * \param pF_ls pointer to function for scattering length [m] * \param pF_ps pointer to model specific function to describe light scattering in water * \param P_atm ambient pressure [atm] * \param Wmin minimal wavelength for integration [nm] * \param Wmax maximal wavelength for integration [nm] * \param numberOfPoints number of points for integration * \param epsilon precision of points for integration */ JPDF_C(const double Apmt, // // pointers to static functions // double (*pF_qe) (const double), double (*pF_pmt) (const double), double (*pF_l_abs)(const double), double (*pF_ls) (const double), double (*pF_ps) (const double), // // parameters for base class // const double P_atm, const double Wmin, const double Wmax, const int numberOfPoints = 20, const double epsilon = 1e-12) : JAbstractPDF(P_atm, Wmin, Wmax, numberOfPoints, epsilon), A (Apmt), qe (pF_qe), l_abs(pF_l_abs), ls (pF_ls), pmt (pF_pmt), ps (pF_ps) {} /** * Photo-cathode area of PMT. * * \return photo-cathode area [m^2] */ virtual double getPhotocathodeArea() const override { return A; } /** * Quantum efficiency of PMT (incl. absorption in glass, gel, etc.). * * \param lambda wavelenth [nm] * \return QE */ virtual double getQE(const double lambda) const override { return qe(lambda); } /** * Angular acceptance of PMT. * * \param ct cosine angle of incidence * \return relative efficiency */ virtual double getAngularAcceptance(const double ct) const override { return pmt(ct); } /** * Absorption length. * * \param lambda wavelenth [nm] * \return absorption length [m] */ virtual double getAbsorptionLength(const double lambda) const override { return l_abs(lambda); } /** * Scattering length. * * \param lambda wavelenth [nm] * \return scattering length [m] */ virtual double getScatteringLength(const double lambda) const override { return ls(lambda); } /** * Model specific function to describe light scattering in water * (integral over full solid angle normalised to one). * * \param ct cosine scattering angle * \return probability */ virtual double getScatteringProbability(const double ct) const override { return ps(ct); } protected: /** * photo-cathode area [m2] */ const double A; /** * Quantum efficiency of PMT (incl. absorption in glass, gel, etc.) * * \param lambda wavelenth [nm] * \return QE */ double (*qe)(const double lambda); /** * Absorption length * * \param lambda wavelenth [nm] * \return absorption length [m] */ double (*l_abs)(const double lambda); /** * Scattering length * * \param lambda wavelenth [nm] * \return scattering length [m] */ double (*ls)(const double lambda); /** * Angular acceptance of PMT * * \param ct cosine angle of incidence * \return relative efficiency */ double (*pmt)(const double ct); /** * Model specific function to describe light scattering in water * * \param ct cosine scattering angle * \return probability */ double (*ps)(const double ct); }; } #endif