#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ A test runner for Jpp. This script traverses the tests directory and reports a summary. """ from __future__ import print_function from collections import defaultdict from glob import glob, iglob import os from os.path import join, basename from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import sys from time import time import re import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import xml.dom.minidom if not len(sys.argv) == 2: print("Usage: run_tests.py PATH_TO_TESTS") raise SystemExit os.environ["TEST_DEBUG"] = "1" try: unichr except NameError: unichr = chr __author__ = "Tamas Gal" __credits__ = "Brian Beyer" __license__ = "MIT" __email__ = "tgal@km3net.de" __status__ = "Development" TESTS_DIR = sys.argv[1] JUNIT_XML = 'out/junit_{}.xml'.format(os.path.basename(TESTS_DIR)) if hasattr(sys.stdout, 'isatty') and sys.stdout.isatty(): INFO = '\033[94m' # blue OK = '\033[92m' # green FAIL = '\033[91m' # red RST = '\033[0m' # colour reset BOLD = '\033[1m' else: INFO, OK, FAIL, RST, BOLD = ('', ) * 5 def main(): test_results = run_tests(TESTS_DIR) n_tests = len(test_results) n_failed_tests = sum(1 for r in test_results.values() if r[0] > 0) total_time = sum(r[1] for r in test_results.values()) print("\n{}" "Test summary\n" "============\n{}" "Total number of tests: {}\n{}" "Failed tests: {}{}\n" "Elapsed time: {:.1f}s\n".format( INFO, RST, n_tests, BOLD + FAIL if n_failed_tests > 0 else OK, n_failed_tests, RST, total_time)) write_junit_xml(test_results) if n_failed_tests > 0: print_captured_output(test_results) exit(1) else: exit(0) def write_junit_xml(test_results): """Generate XML file according to JUnit specs""" test_cases = [] for test_script, (exit_code, t, stdout, stderr) in test_results.items(): test_case = TestCase(test_script, elapsed_sec=t, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) if exit_code > 0: test_case.add_error_info('non-zero exit-code: %d' % exit_code) test_cases.append(test_case) test_suite = TestSuite("Jpp Test Suite", test_cases) with open(JUNIT_XML, 'w') as f: TestSuite.to_file(f, [test_suite]) def print_captured_output(test_results): """Prints the STDOUT and STDERR of failing test scripts""" print("{}" "Captured output of failing tests\n" "================================\n{}".format(INFO, RST)) for test_script, (exit_code, t, stdout, stderr) in test_results.items(): if exit_code > 0: print("{}\n{}\n".format(test_script, len(test_script) * '-')) print('{}stdout:{}\n{}\n{}stderr:{}\n{}'.format( OK + BOLD, RST, stdout, FAIL + BOLD, RST, stderr)) def safe_str(obj): return obj.decode('utf-8').encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii') def run_tests(tests_dir): """Runs each script in the tests directory and returns the results. Parameters ---------- tests_dir: str The path to the test dir, containing the test scripts (`*.sh`). Returns ------- dict: key = script path, value = (exit_code, elapsed_time, stdout, stderr) """ test_results = {} for subdir in sorted(glob(join(tests_dir, '*'))): component_group = basename(subdir) print("\n{}{}\n{}{}".format(INFO, component_group, len(component_group) * '=', RST)) for test_script in sorted(glob(join(subdir, '*.sh'))): print("+ {}".format(test_script), end=' => ') sys.stdout.flush() start_time = time() proc = Popen(test_script, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) out, err = [safe_str(t) for t in proc.communicate()] exit_code = proc.wait() delta_t = time() - start_time test_results[test_script] = (exit_code, delta_t, out, err) print(" ({:.2f} s) ".format(delta_t), end='') sys.stdout.flush() if exit_code > 0: print("{}FAILED (exit code {}){}".format(FAIL, exit_code, RST)) sys.stdout.flush() else: print("{}OK{}".format(OK, RST)) sys.stdout.flush() return test_results class TestSuite(object): """ Suite of test cases. Can handle unicode strings or binary strings if their encoding is provided. """ def __init__(self, name, test_cases=None, hostname=None, id=None, package=None, timestamp=None, properties=None, file=None, log=None, url=None, stdout=None, stderr=None): self.name = name if not test_cases: test_cases = [] try: iter(test_cases) except TypeError: raise Exception('test_cases must be a list of test cases') self.test_cases = test_cases self.timestamp = timestamp self.hostname = hostname self.id = id self.package = package self.file = file self.log = log self.url = url self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr self.properties = properties def build_xml_doc(self, encoding=None): """ Builds the XML document for the JUnit test suite. Produces clean unicode strings and decodes non-unicode with the help of encoding. @param encoding: Used to decode encoded strings. @return: XML document with unicode string elements """ # build the test suite element test_suite_attributes = dict() test_suite_attributes['name'] = self.name if any(c.assertions for c in self.test_cases): test_suite_attributes['assertions'] = \ str(sum([int(c.assertions) for c in self.test_cases if c.assertions])) test_suite_attributes['disabled'] = \ str(len([c for c in self.test_cases if not c.is_enabled])) test_suite_attributes['failures'] = \ str(len([c for c in self.test_cases if c.is_failure()])) test_suite_attributes['errors'] = \ str(len([c for c in self.test_cases if c.is_error()])) test_suite_attributes['skipped'] = \ str(len([c for c in self.test_cases if c.is_skipped()])) test_suite_attributes['time'] = \ str(sum(c.elapsed_sec for c in self.test_cases if c.elapsed_sec)) test_suite_attributes['tests'] = str(len(self.test_cases)) if self.hostname: test_suite_attributes['hostname'] = self.hostname if self.id: test_suite_attributes['id'] = self.id if self.package: test_suite_attributes['package'] = self.package if self.timestamp: test_suite_attributes['timestamp'] = self.timestamp if self.file: test_suite_attributes['file'] = self.file if self.log: test_suite_attributes['log'] = self.log if self.url: test_suite_attributes['url'] = self.url xml_element = ET.Element("testsuite", test_suite_attributes) # add any properties if self.properties: props_element = ET.SubElement(xml_element, "properties") for k, v in self.properties.items(): attrs = { 'name': k, 'value': v } ET.SubElement(props_element, "property", attrs) # add test suite stdout if self.stdout: stdout_element = ET.SubElement(xml_element, "system-out") stdout_element.text = self.stdout # add test suite stderr if self.stderr: stderr_element = ET.SubElement(xml_element, "system-err") stderr_element.text = self.stderr # test cases for case in self.test_cases: test_case_attributes = dict() test_case_attributes['name'] = case.name if case.assertions: # Number of assertions in the test case test_case_attributes['assertions'] = "%d" % case.assertions if case.elapsed_sec: test_case_attributes['time'] = "%f" % case.elapsed_sec if case.timestamp: test_case_attributes['timestamp'] = case.timestamp if case.classname: test_case_attributes['classname'] = case.classname if case.status: test_case_attributes['status'] = case.status if case.category: test_case_attributes['class'] = case.category if case.file: test_case_attributes['file'] = case.file if case.line: test_case_attributes['line'] = case.line if case.log: test_case_attributes['log'] = case.log if case.url: test_case_attributes['url'] = case.url test_case_element = ET.SubElement(xml_element, "testcase", test_case_attributes) # failures if case.is_failure(): attrs = {'type': 'failure'} if case.failure_message: attrs['message'] = case.failure_message if case.failure_type: attrs['type'] = case.failure_type failure_element = ET.Element("failure", attrs) if case.failure_output: failure_element.text = case.failure_output test_case_element.append(failure_element) # errors if case.is_error(): attrs = {'type': 'error'} if case.error_message: attrs['message'] = case.error_message if case.error_type: attrs['type'] = case.error_type error_element = ET.Element("error", attrs) if case.error_output: error_element.text = case.error_output test_case_element.append(error_element) # skippeds if case.is_skipped(): attrs = {'type': 'skipped'} if case.skipped_message: attrs['message'] = case.skipped_message skipped_element = ET.Element("skipped", attrs) if case.skipped_output: skipped_element.text = case.skipped_output test_case_element.append(skipped_element) # test stdout if case.stdout: stdout_element = ET.Element("system-out") stdout_element.text = case.stdout test_case_element.append(stdout_element) # test stderr if case.stderr: stderr_element = ET.Element("system-err") stderr_element.text = case.stderr test_case_element.append(stderr_element) return xml_element @staticmethod def to_xml_string(test_suites, prettyprint=True, encoding=None): """ Returns the string representation of the JUnit XML document. @param encoding: The encoding of the input. @return: unicode string """ try: iter(test_suites) except TypeError: raise Exception('test_suites must be a list of test suites') xml_element = ET.Element("testsuites") attributes = defaultdict(int) for ts in test_suites: ts_xml = ts.build_xml_doc(encoding=encoding) for key in ['failures', 'errors', 'tests', 'disabled']: attributes[key] += int(ts_xml.get(key, 0)) for key in ['time']: attributes[key] += float(ts_xml.get(key, 0)) xml_element.append(ts_xml) for key, value in attributes.items(): xml_element.set(key, str(value)) xml_string = ET.tostring(xml_element, encoding=encoding) # is encoded now xml_string = TestSuite._clean_illegal_xml_chars( xml_string.decode(encoding or 'utf-8')) # is unicode now if prettyprint: # minidom.parseString() works just on correctly encoded binary strings xml_string = xml_string.encode(encoding or 'utf-8') xml_string = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xml_string) # toprettyxml() produces unicode if no encoding is being passed or binary string with an encoding xml_string = xml_string.toprettyxml(encoding=encoding) if encoding: xml_string = xml_string.decode(encoding) # is unicode now return xml_string @staticmethod def to_file(file_descriptor, test_suites, prettyprint=True, encoding=None): """ Writes the JUnit XML document to a file. """ xml_string = TestSuite.to_xml_string(test_suites, prettyprint=prettyprint, encoding=encoding) # has problems with encoded str with non-ASCII (non-default-encoding) characters! file_descriptor.write(xml_string) @staticmethod def _clean_illegal_xml_chars(string_to_clean): """ Removes any illegal unicode characters from the given XML string. @see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1707890/fast-way-to-filter-illegal-xml-unicode-chars-in-python """ illegal_unichrs = [(0x00, 0x08), (0x0B, 0x1F), (0x7F, 0x84), (0x86, 0x9F), (0xD800, 0xDFFF), (0xFDD0, 0xFDDF), (0xFFFE, 0xFFFF), (0x1FFFE, 0x1FFFF), (0x2FFFE, 0x2FFFF), (0x3FFFE, 0x3FFFF), (0x4FFFE, 0x4FFFF), (0x5FFFE, 0x5FFFF), (0x6FFFE, 0x6FFFF), (0x7FFFE, 0x7FFFF), (0x8FFFE, 0x8FFFF), (0x9FFFE, 0x9FFFF), (0xAFFFE, 0xAFFFF), (0xBFFFE, 0xBFFFF), (0xCFFFE, 0xCFFFF), (0xDFFFE, 0xDFFFF), (0xEFFFE, 0xEFFFF), (0xFFFFE, 0xFFFFF), (0x10FFFE, 0x10FFFF)] illegal_ranges = [ "%s-%s" % (unichr(low), unichr(high)) for (low, high) in illegal_unichrs if low < sys.maxunicode ] illegal_xml_re = re.compile('[%s]' % ''.join(illegal_ranges)) return illegal_xml_re.sub('', string_to_clean) class TestCase(object): """A JUnit test case with a result and possibly some stdout or stderr""" def __init__(self, name, classname=None, elapsed_sec=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, assertions=None, timestamp=None, status=None, category=None, file=None, line=None, log=None, group=None, url=None): self.name = name self.assertions = assertions self.elapsed_sec = elapsed_sec self.timestamp = timestamp self.classname = classname self.status = status self.category = category self.file = file self.line = line self.log = log self.url = url self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr self.is_enabled = True self.error_message = None self.error_output = None self.error_type = None self.failure_message = None self.failure_output = None self.failure_type = None self.skipped_message = None self.skipped_output = None def add_error_info(self, message=None, output=None, error_type=None): """Adds an error message, output, or both to the test case""" if message: self.error_message = message if output: self.error_output = output if error_type: self.error_type = error_type def add_failure_info(self, message=None, output=None, failure_type=None): """Adds a failure message, output, or both to the test case""" if message: self.failure_message = message if output: self.failure_output = output if failure_type: self.failure_type = failure_type def add_skipped_info(self, message=None, output=None): """Adds a skipped message, output, or both to the test case""" if message: self.skipped_message = message if output: self.skipped_output = output def is_failure(self): """returns true if this test case is a failure""" return self.failure_output or self.failure_message def is_error(self): """returns true if this test case is an error""" return self.error_output or self.error_message def is_skipped(self): """returns true if this test case has been skipped""" return self.skipped_output or self.skipped_message if __name__ == '__main__': main()