v7.0.0 Mar, 10 2021 1) XSecMean in the third entry of w2list replaced with XSec 2) Linkable with PROPOSAL 5.0.0 and later 3) Linkable with JPP/master 4) start_run and mc_run_id inlcuded in km3net-dataformat output 5) tauola libraries added to setenv.sh 6) Fix bug filling fourth field of 'genvol' in km3net-dataformat output 7) Put back Bx,By,InterId,Scattid in "neutrino" tag (remove info from "w2list") and "target" and "vertex" tags for .evt files. 8) Reduce verbosity of of PDG codes when filing .evt files. 9) Add lenght in "track_*" tag. 10) Introduce the "track_aux" tag to store particles that dont produce light in .evt files. 11) Use w2list_gseagen definitions. 12) Remove InCan variable. Now everything is handled with Status. 13) Neutrinos are not loaded when using corant files. 14) Mother and grandmother added as "fake" particles when using corant files. 15) Remove 'can' and 'coord_origin' from headers. 16) Added -time running opt to define generation time interval (no longer defined in the astro file) 17) GAstro lib: implemented precession and nutation and improved Gal-Eq transformations 18) Clean up configure. Now boost, tbb and cern libraries are also detected. 19) Add event time to km3net-dataformat (valid from v1.3.1) output. 20) Added tool gCalcAstro to check astronomical coordinates 21) Generation weights are always per seconds 22) Added GSeaCORSIKAFileFlux flux drive to read directly CORSIKA files 23) Improved calculation of the convergence angle and fixed bug in the orientation of the UTM system axes v6r1 Nov, 29 2019 1) Added HONDA fluxes 2) Flux Drivers: code re-organization 3) Added configure script 4) setenv.csh and setenv.sh not in the rep but created by configure 5) Linkable with genie version 3.XX.XX 6) files included in the MAkefile are in ser/make directory 7) dir dat: no symbolic links to xsec 8) GGenerateEventGenie: CalcXSecWater and CalcXsecTot compute xsec in the global valid energy range (and not in the using one) 9) gCalcCross: check if using Emin and Emax are in the valid energy range; comp xsec are now per nucleon 10) Added the possibility to throw neutrino using the projected can 11) Removed limit in the flavor generation 12) Removed solid angle in the extended source weights 13) Changed default name for xsec file 14) Fixed bug in detector coordinates input 15) Default flux changed from 1E-9*pow(x,-2) into 1E-5*pow(x,-2) v5r2 Jul, 5 2018 1) PropaMuon: new model for multiple scattering, improved check to stop propagation at the required depth taking into account large deviations due to multiple scattering and bug fixed for Emu