1/02/2019 V. Kulikovskiy Makefile uses standard F77 variable for compiler (should work for SL5 and CentOS7 systems). 9/11/2018 V. Kulikovskiy IO copied from KM3. Compiler g77 changed to gfortran according to https://www2.physics.ox.ac.uk/it-services/where-has-g77-gone-to 26/02/99 I/O library to read/write and modify event file in the standard format (soft-1998-007) io_gcc.cc ---------- C++ version, contains declarations and member funtions of class "event" io_gcc.hh --------- class declarations for "event" io_f77.f --------- F77 version io_f77.inc ----------- common block needed for FORTRAN version make-*** -------- scripts to compile io_f77.f or io_gcc.cc under AIX and HP. Object files are stored in bin (different directories for HP/AIX)