# log4cplus 2.0.2 - Allow setting thread pool size using new function `setThreadPoolSize()`. Allow setting the size from `log4cplus.properties` using `log4cplus.threadPoolSize` property. Lower initial thread pool size by half to `std::thread::hardware_concurrency()` threads. GitHub issue #315. - Fix Autotools based build for MinGW. GitHub issue #317. - Add `configure` script option `--enable-lto` to allow easier LTO builds. - Optimization of `getFormattedTime()`. (Alexey Vishtak) - Introduction of `LOG4CPLUS_MACRO_FILE()` used in logging macros to allow users to redefine it and consequently hide source file names from their compiled executables and logging output. # log4cplus 2.0.1 - Update to Automake 1.16.1. - Adjust `spi::LoggerFactory` to allow custom `spi::LoggerImpl`. GitHub issue #309. - Fix MacOS X compilation. GitHub issue #312. # log4cplus 2.0 - CMake improvements: Automate export of includes if building as Cmake sub-module. (Rodion Malinovsky) - Debian spec file improvements: Use parallel build. Fix installation path on 64bit. (Michal Marek) - CMake improvements: Use `${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}` instead of hardcoding lib. (Radek Dostál) - Experimental Windows 10 ARM support through CMAKE # log4cplus 2.0-RC2 - Avoid copying whole message just to prepend message length in `SocketAppender`. Instead, use OS specific "gather" socket write. - Fixed GitHub issue #136. - `FileAppender` classes now have `TextMode` property that can be set to `Binary` or `Text` (default) to specify underlying IO stream behavior with respect to end-of-line handling. (Patch by raphaelmarcucci). - Fixed compilation issues when building log4cplus with Visual Studio and Clang toolchain. - Fixed various shutdown and initialization related deadlocks and crashes. GitHub issues #251, #253. - Fixed GitHub issue #243. Single-threaded build with Visual Studio and CMake were not single-threaded. - Fixed GitHub issue #250. Creating WiX based installer using CPack does not work because of missing license file. # log4cplus 2.0-RC1 - **IMPORTANT**: Implementation language is now C++11. OS specific implementations have been replaced by C++11 facilities wherever possible. This lowers complexity of the library and improves maintainability but it also brings limitations to when the library can be used. Specifically, the library should not be used before `main()` is entered and after `main()` is left. Even more specifically, the library should not be used during global objects construction and destruction. - log4cplus uses Catch unit testing framework and has unit tests. - log4cplus supports IPv6. - Autotools based build system is now partially generated from templates by the Autogen tool. - Autotools based build system can build both `wchar_t` and plain `char` variants at once.