// Module: Log4CPLUS // File: logger.cxx // Created: 6/2001 // Author: Tad E. Smith // // // Copyright 2001-2017 Tad E. Smith // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace log4cplus { Logger DefaultLoggerFactory::makeNewLoggerInstance (const log4cplus::tstring & name, Hierarchy& h) { return Logger (makeNewLoggerImplInstance(name, h)); } spi::LoggerImpl * DefaultLoggerFactory::makeNewLoggerImplInstance(const log4cplus::tstring& name, Hierarchy& h) { return new spi::LoggerImpl (name, h); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static Logger Methods ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Hierarchy & Logger::getDefaultHierarchy () { return log4cplus::getDefaultHierarchy (); } bool Logger::exists (const log4cplus::tstring & name) { return getDefaultHierarchy().exists(name); } LoggerList Logger::getCurrentLoggers () { return getDefaultHierarchy ().getCurrentLoggers (); } Logger Logger::getInstance (const log4cplus::tstring& name) { return getDefaultHierarchy().getInstance(name); } Logger Logger::getInstance (const log4cplus::tstring& name, spi::LoggerFactory& factory) { return getDefaultHierarchy().getInstance(name, factory); } Logger Logger::getRoot () { return getDefaultHierarchy ().getRoot (); } void Logger::shutdown () { getDefaultHierarchy ().shutdown (); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Logger ctors and dtor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Logger::Logger () LOG4CPLUS_NOEXCEPT { } Logger::Logger (spi::LoggerImpl * ptr) LOG4CPLUS_NOEXCEPT : value (ptr) { if (value) value->addReference (); } Logger::Logger (const Logger& rhs) LOG4CPLUS_NOEXCEPT : spi::AppenderAttachable (rhs) , value (rhs.value) { if (value) value->addReference (); } Logger & Logger::operator = (const Logger& rhs) LOG4CPLUS_NOEXCEPT { Logger (rhs).swap (*this); return *this; } Logger::Logger (Logger && rhs) LOG4CPLUS_NOEXCEPT : spi::AppenderAttachable (std::move (rhs)) , value (rhs.value) { rhs.value = nullptr; } Logger & Logger::operator = (Logger && rhs) LOG4CPLUS_NOEXCEPT { Logger (std::move (rhs)).swap (*this); return *this; } Logger::~Logger () { if (value) value->removeReference (); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Logger Methods ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Logger::swap (Logger & other) LOG4CPLUS_NOEXCEPT { std::swap (value, other.value); } Logger Logger::getParent () const { if (value->parent) return Logger (value->parent.get ()); else { helpers::getLogLog().error( LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("********* This logger has no parent: ") + getName()); return *this; } } void Logger::addAppender (SharedAppenderPtr newAppender) { value->addAppender(newAppender); } SharedAppenderPtrList Logger::getAllAppenders () { return value->getAllAppenders(); } SharedAppenderPtr Logger::getAppender (const log4cplus::tstring& name) { return value->getAppender (name); } void Logger::removeAllAppenders () { value->removeAllAppenders (); } void Logger::removeAppender (SharedAppenderPtr appender) { value->removeAppender(appender); } void Logger::removeAppender (const log4cplus::tstring& name) { value->removeAppender (name); } void Logger::assertion (bool assertionVal, const log4cplus::tstring& msg) const { if (! assertionVal) log (FATAL_LOG_LEVEL, msg, nullptr, -1); } void Logger::closeNestedAppenders () const { value->closeNestedAppenders (); } bool Logger::isEnabledFor (LogLevel ll) const { return value->isEnabledFor (ll); } void Logger::log (LogLevel ll, const log4cplus::tstring& message, const char* file, int line, const char* function) const { value->log (ll, message, file, line, function ? function : ""); } void Logger::log (spi::InternalLoggingEvent const & ev) const { value->log (ev); } void Logger::forcedLog (LogLevel ll, const log4cplus::tstring& message, const char* file, int line, const char* function) const { value->forcedLog (ll, message, file, line, function ? function : ""); } void Logger::forcedLog (spi::InternalLoggingEvent const & ev) const { value->forcedLog (ev); } void Logger::callAppenders (const spi::InternalLoggingEvent& event) const { value->callAppenders (event); } LogLevel Logger::getChainedLogLevel () const { return value->getChainedLogLevel (); } LogLevel Logger::getLogLevel() const { return value->getLogLevel (); } void Logger::setLogLevel (LogLevel ll) { value->setLogLevel (ll); } Hierarchy & Logger::getHierarchy () const { return value->getHierarchy (); } log4cplus::tstring const & Logger::getName () const { return value->getName (); } bool Logger::getAdditivity () const { return value->getAdditivity (); } void Logger::setAdditivity (bool additive) { value->setAdditivity (additive); } } // namespace log4cplus