// Module: Log4CPLUS // File: loggingmacros.cxx // Created: 4/2010 // Author: Vaclav Haisman // // // Copyright 2010-2017 Vaclav Haisman // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** @file * This file implements support function for loggingmacros.h file. */ #include #include namespace log4cplus { namespace detail { //! Helper stream to get the defaults from. static tostringstream const macros_oss_defaults; // Individual defaults. static std::ios_base::fmtflags const default_flags = macros_oss_defaults.flags (); static log4cplus::tchar const default_fill = macros_oss_defaults.fill (); static std::streamsize const default_precision = macros_oss_defaults.precision (); static std::streamsize const default_width = macros_oss_defaults.width (); //! Clears string stream using defaults taken from macros_oss_defaults. void clear_tostringstream (tostringstream & os) { os.clear (); os.str (internal::empty_str); os.setf (default_flags); os.fill (default_fill); os.precision (default_precision); os.width (default_width); #if defined (LOG4CPLUS_WORKING_LOCALE) std::locale glocale = std::locale (); if (os.getloc () != glocale) os.imbue (glocale); #endif // defined (LOG4CPLUS_WORKING_LOCALE) } log4cplus::tostringstream & get_macro_body_oss () { tostringstream & oss = internal::get_ptd ()->macros_oss; clear_tostringstream (oss); return oss; } log4cplus::helpers::snprintf_buf & get_macro_body_snprintf_buf () { return internal::get_ptd ()->snprintf_buf; } void macro_forced_log (log4cplus::Logger const & logger, log4cplus::LogLevel log_level, log4cplus::tchar const * msg, char const * filename, int line, char const * func) { macro_forced_log (logger, log_level, internal::get_ptd ()->macros_str = msg, filename, line, func); } void macro_forced_log (log4cplus::Logger const & logger, log4cplus::LogLevel log_level, log4cplus::tstring const & msg, char const * filename, int line, char const * func) { log4cplus::spi::InternalLoggingEvent & ev = internal::get_ptd ()->forced_log_ev; ev.setLoggingEvent (logger.getName (), log_level, msg, filename, line, func); logger.forcedLog (ev); } } } // namespace log4cplus { namespace detail {