// Module: Log4CPLUS // File: property.cxx // Created: 2/2002 // Author: Tad E. Smith // // // Copyright 2002-2017 Tad E. Smith // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include #if defined (UNICODE) # include #else # include #endif #if defined (LOG4CPLUS_HAVE_CODECVT_UTF8_FACET) \ || defined (LOG4CPLUS_HAVE_CODECVT_UTF16_FACET) \ || defined (LOG4CPLUS_HAVE_CODECVT_UTF32_FACET) # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined (LOG4CPLUS_WITH_UNIT_TESTS) #include #endif namespace log4cplus { namespace helpers { const tchar Properties::PROPERTIES_COMMENT_CHAR = LOG4CPLUS_TEXT('#'); namespace { static int is_space (tchar ch) { #if defined (UNICODE) return std::iswspace (ch); #else return std::isspace (static_cast(ch)); #endif } static void trim_leading_ws (tstring & str) { tstring::iterator it = str.begin (); for (; it != str.end (); ++it) { if (! is_space (*it)) break; } str.erase (str.begin (), it); } static void trim_trailing_ws (tstring & str) { tstring::reverse_iterator rit = str.rbegin (); for (; rit != str.rend (); ++rit) { if (! is_space (*rit)) break; } str.erase (rit.base (), str.end ()); } static void trim_ws (tstring & str) { trim_trailing_ws (str); trim_leading_ws (str); } #if defined (LOG4CPLUS_WITH_UNIT_TESTS) CATCH_TEST_CASE( "String trimming", "[strings][properties]") { CATCH_SECTION ("trim trailing whitespace") { tstring trailing_ws (LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("abcd \t\n\v\f\r")); trim_trailing_ws (trailing_ws); CATCH_REQUIRE (trailing_ws == LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("abcd")); } CATCH_SECTION ("trim leading whitespace") { tstring leading_ws (LOG4CPLUS_TEXT (" \t\n\v\f\rabcd")); trim_leading_ws (leading_ws); CATCH_REQUIRE (leading_ws == LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("abcd")); } CATCH_SECTION ("trim all whitespace") { tstring ws (LOG4CPLUS_TEXT (" \t\n\v\f\rabcd \t\n\v\f\r")); trim_ws (ws); CATCH_REQUIRE (ws == LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("abcd")); } } #endif void imbue_file_from_flags (tistream & file, unsigned flags) { switch (flags & (Properties::fEncodingMask << Properties::fEncodingShift)) { #if defined (LOG4CPLUS_HAVE_CODECVT_UTF8_FACET) && defined (UNICODE) case Properties::fUTF8: file.imbue ( std::locale (file.getloc (), new std::codecvt_utf8(std::consume_header | std::little_endian)>)); break; #endif #if defined (LOG4CPLUS_HAVE_CODECVT_UTF16_FACET) && defined (UNICODE) case Properties::fUTF16: file.imbue ( std::locale (file.getloc (), new std::codecvt_utf16(std::consume_header | std::little_endian)>)); break; #elif defined (UNICODE) && defined (WIN32) case Properties::fUTF16: file.imbue ( std::locale (file.getloc (), // TODO: This should actually be a custom "null" facet // that just copies the chars to wchar_t buffer. new std::codecvt)); break; #endif #if defined (LOG4CPLUS_HAVE_CODECVT_UTF32_FACET) && defined (UNICODE) case Properties::fUTF32: file.imbue ( std::locale (file.getloc (), new std::codecvt_utf32(std::consume_header | std::little_endian)>)); break; #endif case Properties::fUnspecEncoding:; default: // Do nothing. ; } } } // namespace /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Properties ctors and dtor /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Properties::Properties() : flags (0) { } Properties::Properties(tistream& input) : flags (0) { init(input); } Properties::Properties(const tstring& inputFile, unsigned f) : flags (f) { if (inputFile.empty ()) return; tifstream file; imbue_file_from_flags (file, flags); file.open(LOG4CPLUS_FSTREAM_PREFERED_FILE_NAME(inputFile).c_str(), std::ios::binary); if (! file.good ()) helpers::getLogLog ().error (LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("could not open file ") + inputFile); init(file); } void Properties::init(tistream& input) { if (! input) return; tstring buffer; while (std::getline (input, buffer)) { trim_leading_ws (buffer); tstring::size_type const buffLen = buffer.size (); if (buffLen == 0 || buffer[0] == PROPERTIES_COMMENT_CHAR) continue; // Check if we have a trailing \r because we are // reading a properties file produced on Windows. if (buffer[buffLen-1] == LOG4CPLUS_TEXT('\r')) // Remove trailing 'Windows' \r. buffer.resize (buffLen - 1); tstring::size_type const idx = buffer.find(LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ('=')); if (idx != tstring::npos) { tstring key = buffer.substr(0, idx); tstring value = buffer.substr(idx + 1); trim_trailing_ws (key); trim_ws (value); setProperty(key, value); } else if (buffer.compare (0, 7, LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("include")) == 0 && buffer.size () >= 7 + 1 + 1 && is_space (buffer[7])) { tstring included (buffer, 8) ; trim_ws (included); tifstream file; imbue_file_from_flags (file, flags); file.open (LOG4CPLUS_FSTREAM_PREFERED_FILE_NAME(included).c_str(), std::ios::binary); if (! file.good ()) helpers::getLogLog ().error ( LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("could not open file ") + included); init (file); } } } Properties::~Properties() { } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // helpers::Properties public methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool Properties::exists(const log4cplus::tstring& key) const { return data.find(key) != data.end(); } bool Properties::exists(tchar const * key) const { return data.find(key) != data.end(); } tstring const & Properties::getProperty(const tstring& key) const { return get_property_worker (key); } log4cplus::tstring const & Properties::getProperty(tchar const * key) const { return get_property_worker (key); } tstring Properties::getProperty(const tstring& key, const tstring& defaultVal) const { StringMap::const_iterator it (data.find (key)); if (it == data.end ()) return defaultVal; else return it->second; } std::vector Properties::propertyNames() const { std::vector tmp; tmp.reserve (data.size ()); for (auto const & kv : data) tmp.push_back(kv.first); return tmp; } void Properties::setProperty(const log4cplus::tstring& key, const log4cplus::tstring& value) { data[key] = value; } bool Properties::removeProperty(const log4cplus::tstring& key) { return data.erase(key) > 0; } Properties Properties::getPropertySubset(const log4cplus::tstring& prefix) const { Properties ret; auto const prefix_len = prefix.size (); std::vector keys = propertyNames(); for (tstring const & key : keys) { int result = key.compare (0, prefix_len, prefix); if (result == 0) ret.setProperty (key.substr (prefix_len), getProperty(key)); } return ret; } bool Properties::getInt (int & val, log4cplus::tstring const & key) const { return get_type_val_worker (val, key); } bool Properties::getUInt (unsigned & val, log4cplus::tstring const & key) const { return get_type_val_worker (val, key); } bool Properties::getLong (long & val, log4cplus::tstring const & key) const { return get_type_val_worker (val, key); } bool Properties::getULong (unsigned long & val, log4cplus::tstring const & key) const { return get_type_val_worker (val, key); } bool Properties::getBool (bool & val, log4cplus::tstring const & key) const { if (! exists (key)) return false; log4cplus::tstring const & prop_val = getProperty (key); return internal::parse_bool (val, prop_val); } bool Properties::getString (log4cplus::tstring & val, log4cplus::tstring const & key) const { StringMap::const_iterator it (data.find (key)); if (it == data.end ()) return false; val = it->second; return true; } template log4cplus::tstring const & Properties::get_property_worker (StringType const & key) const { StringMap::const_iterator it (data.find (key)); if (it == data.end ()) return log4cplus::internal::empty_str; else return it->second; } template bool Properties::get_type_val_worker (ValType & val, log4cplus::tstring const & key) const { if (! exists (key)) return false; log4cplus::tstring const & prop_val = getProperty (key); log4cplus::tistringstream iss (prop_val); ValType tmp_val; tchar ch; iss >> tmp_val; if (! iss) return false; iss >> ch; if (iss) return false; val = tmp_val; return true; } #if defined (LOG4CPLUS_WITH_UNIT_TESTS) CATCH_TEST_CASE ("Properties", "[properties]") { static tchar const PROP_ABC[] = LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("a.b.c"); Properties props; CATCH_SECTION ("new object is empty") { CATCH_REQUIRE (props.size () == 0); } CATCH_SECTION ("added property can be retrieved") { props.setProperty (PROP_ABC, LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("true")); CATCH_REQUIRE (props.exists (PROP_ABC)); CATCH_REQUIRE (props.exists (LOG4CPLUS_C_STR_TO_TSTRING (PROP_ABC))); CATCH_REQUIRE (props.getProperty (PROP_ABC) == LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("true")); } CATCH_SECTION ("type conversions work") { bool bool_; int int_; unsigned int uint; long long_; unsigned long ulong; tistringstream iss ( LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("bool=true\r\n") LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("bool1=1\n") LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("int=-1\n") LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("uint=42\n") LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("long=-65537\n") LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("ulong=65537") ); Properties from_stream (iss); CATCH_REQUIRE (from_stream.getBool (bool_, LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("bool"))); CATCH_REQUIRE (bool_); CATCH_REQUIRE (from_stream.getBool (bool_, LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("bool1"))); CATCH_REQUIRE (bool_); CATCH_REQUIRE (from_stream.getInt (int_, LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("int"))); CATCH_REQUIRE (int_ == -1); CATCH_REQUIRE (from_stream.getUInt (uint, LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("uint"))); CATCH_REQUIRE (uint == 42); CATCH_REQUIRE (from_stream.getLong (long_, LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("long"))); CATCH_REQUIRE (long_ == -65537); CATCH_REQUIRE (from_stream.getULong (ulong, LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("ulong"))); CATCH_REQUIRE (ulong == 65537); } CATCH_SECTION ("remove property") { props.setProperty (PROP_ABC, LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("true")); CATCH_REQUIRE (props.exists (PROP_ABC)); props.removeProperty (PROP_ABC); CATCH_REQUIRE (! props.exists (PROP_ABC)); } CATCH_SECTION ("retrieve property names") { props.setProperty (PROP_ABC, LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("true")); static tchar const PROP_SECOND[] = LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("second"); props.setProperty (LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("second"), LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("false")); std::vector names (props.propertyNames ()); CATCH_REQUIRE (std::find (std::begin (names), std::end (names), PROP_ABC) != std::end (names)); CATCH_REQUIRE (std::find (std::begin (names), std::end (names), PROP_SECOND) != std::end (names)); } } #endif } } // namespace log4cplus { namespace helpers {