if (UNICODE) add_definitions (-DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -UMBCS -U_MBCS) endif (UNICODE) if (${BUILD_SHARED_LIBS}) add_definitions (-Dlog4cplus_EXPORTS) endif () # A function to set up a test, since it's the same for each one. Note: # unit_tests test is not set up using this function because it does not like # the additional argument on commmand line and consequently does not run any # test. function(log4cplus_add_test _name) set(_srcs ${ARGN}) # message (STATUS "${_name} sources: ${_srcs}") add_executable (${_name} ${_srcs}) target_link_libraries (${_name} ${log4cplus}) get_filename_component (_log4cplus_properties "log4cplus.properties.in" ABSOLUTE) add_test(NAME ${_name} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY} COMMAND ${_name} ${_log4cplus_properties}) endfunction() add_subdirectory (appender_test) add_subdirectory (configandwatch_test) add_subdirectory (customloglevel_test) add_subdirectory (fileappender_test) add_subdirectory (filter_test) add_subdirectory (hierarchy_test) add_subdirectory (loglog_test) add_subdirectory (ndc_test) add_subdirectory (ostream_test) add_subdirectory (patternlayout_test) add_subdirectory (performance_test) add_subdirectory (priority_test) add_subdirectory (propertyconfig_test) #add_subdirectory (socket_test) # I don't know how this test is supposed to be executed add_subdirectory (thread_test) add_subdirectory (timeformat_test) if (WITH_UNIT_TESTS) add_subdirectory (unit_tests) endif (WITH_UNIT_TESTS)