ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4 SUBDIRS = src include wrappers tests bin DIST_SUBDIRS = $(SUBDIRS) examples doc dist_noinst_SCRIPTS = mkindex plotpdfs testpdfs testlhapdf dist_pkgdata_DATA = lhapdf.conf pdfsets.index pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig dist_pkgconfig_DATA = lhapdf.pc tests: (cd tests && $(MAKE)) examples: (cd examples && $(MAKE)) if WITH_DOXYGEN doxy: (cd doc && $(MAKE) doxy) endif if WITH_PDFLATEX manual: (cd doc && $(MAKE) manual) endif ## Clean out SVN and hg files dist-hook: rm -rf `find $(distdir) -name ".svn" -o -name ".hg"` ## Remove the unused & misleading share/LHAPDF/sets directory on both install and uninstall! # TODO: Remove this hook entirely after a couple of versions install-data-hook: test -e $(pkgdatadir)/sets && rmdir $(pkgdatadir)/sets || true uninstall-hook: test -e $(pkgdatadir)/sets && rmdir $(pkgdatadir)/sets || true