#include "Tauola.h" #include "TauolaParticlePair.h" #include "Log.h" #include #include #include namespace Tauolapp { /** constructor. Get the mothers, grandmothers and siblings of the tau */ TauolaParticlePair::TauolaParticlePair(std::vector &particle_list){ TauolaParticle *particle=particle_list.back(); particle_list.pop_back(); setBornKinematics(0,0,-1.,0.); //set the default born variables // In case of decayOne() we need only the tau information if(Tauola::isUsingDecayOne()) { m_mother = 0; m_mother_exists = false; m_production_particles.push_back(particle); m_final_particles.push_back(particle); initializeDensityMatrix(); Log::AddDecay(0); return; } //See if there are any mothers std::vector temp_mothers = particle->findProductionMothers(); // Case that there are no mothers or grandmothers if(temp_mothers.size()==0){ // NOTE: Not executed by release examples // However, such cases were present if tests used older Pythia8.1 or so. Log::Warning()<< "WARNING: Could not find taus mother or grandmothers. " << "Ignoring spin effects" << std::endl; m_mother = 0; m_mother_exists = false; m_production_particles.push_back(particle); m_final_particles.push_back(particle->findLastSelf()); initializeDensityMatrix(); Log::AddDecay(1); return; } //fill the sibling pointers std::vector temp_daughters; temp_daughters = temp_mothers.at(0)->getDaughters(); if(temp_daughters.size()==0) Log::Fatal("WARNING: Something wrong with event structure or there is a bug in the TAUOLA interface.",6); m_production_particles=temp_daughters; m_final_particles.push_back(particle->findLastSelf()); //Second tau-like particle selection should match properties of the hard (exotic) process. At present, solution //match one of the possible diagrams contributing to SM process. Rare case like tau+ tau+ nutau nutau will not be treted //accordingly to any diagram of SM for(signed int i=0; i < (int) m_production_particles.size(); i++) { //check if it has opposite PDGID sign if(m_final_particles.at(0)->getPdgID()*m_production_particles.at(i)->getPdgID()>=0) continue; if(m_production_particles.at(i)->getPdgID()==TauolaParticle::TAU_PLUS|| m_production_particles.at(i)->getPdgID()==TauolaParticle::TAU_MINUS) { //tau+ or tau- - check if it's on the particle_list int j=-1; for(j=0;j<(int)particle_list.size();j++) if(m_production_particles.at(i)->getBarcode()==particle_list.at(j)->getBarcode()) break; if(j>=(int)particle_list.size()) continue; //exists on the list - add to m_final_particles and delete from particle_list m_final_particles.push_back(m_production_particles.at(i)->findLastSelf()); particle_list.erase(particle_list.begin()+j); } else if(m_production_particles.at(i)->getPdgID()==TauolaParticle::TAU_NEUTRINO|| m_production_particles.at(i)->getPdgID()==TauolaParticle::TAU_ANTINEUTRINO) { //neutrino - for now - just add to m_final_particles m_final_particles.push_back(m_production_particles.at(i)->findLastSelf()); } } //fill the mother and grandmother pointers if(temp_mothers.size()==1){ //one mother m_mother_exists = true; m_mother = temp_mothers.at(0); m_grandmothers = m_mother->findProductionMothers(); Log::AddDecay(3); } else{ //no mother, but grandparents exist m_mother_exists = false; m_grandmothers = temp_mothers; m_mother = makeTemporaryMother(m_production_particles); Log::AddDecay(2); } initializeDensityMatrix(); return; } /** The axis is defined by the boosting routine but our standard convention is: - Axis 3 is along the direction of the +ve tau, - Axis 1 is perpendicular to the reaction plane (sign=??) - Axis 2 is defined through the vector product so the system is right handed (?? check). Axis 1,2 and 3 are parrellel for the 1st and second tau. */ void TauolaParticlePair::initializeDensityMatrix(){ int incoming_pdg_id=0; int outgoing_pdg_id=0; double invariant_mass_squared=-5.0; double cosTheta=3.0; //initialize all elements of the density matrix to zero for(int x = 0; x < 4; x ++) { for(int y = 0; y < 4; y ++) m_R[x][y] = 0; } m_R[0][0]=1; if(Tauola::isUsingDecayOne()) { const double *pol = Tauola::getDecayOnePolarization(); m_R[0][1]=pol[0]; m_R[0][2]=pol[1]; m_R[0][3]=pol[2]; m_R[1][0]=pol[0]; m_R[2][0]=pol[1]; m_R[3][0]=pol[2]; } if(!m_mother) return; // fill the matrix depending on mother // do scalar-pseudoscalar mixed higgs case separately since // switch doesn't allow non-constants in a case statement. // very annoying! if(m_mother->getPdgID()==Tauola::getHiggsScalarPseudoscalarPDG()){ if(!Tauola::spin_correlation.HIGGS_H) return; double phi = Tauola::getHiggsScalarPseudoscalarMixingAngle(); double mass_ratio = Tauola::getTauMass()/m_mother->getMass(); double beta = sqrt(1-4*mass_ratio*mass_ratio); double denominator = pow(cos(phi)*beta,2)+pow(sin(phi),2); m_R[0][0]= 1; m_R[1][1]= (pow(cos(phi)*beta,2)-pow(sin(phi),2))/denominator; m_R[1][2]= 2*cos(phi)*sin(phi)*beta/denominator; m_R[2][1]= -m_R[1][2]; m_R[2][2]= m_R[1][1]; m_R[3][3]= -1; } else { double pz = 0.0; switch(m_mother->getPdgID()){ case TauolaParticle::Z0: if(!Tauola::spin_correlation.Z0) break; // Here we calculate SVAR and COSTHE as well as IDE and IDF // ANGULU(&IDE,&IDF,&SVAR,&COSTHE); // this is ++ configuration of Fig 5 from HEPPH0101311: //pol_tau_minus[2]=-1; pol_tau_plus[2]=1; pz = getZPolarization(&incoming_pdg_id, &outgoing_pdg_id, &invariant_mass_squared, &cosTheta); m_R[0][0]=1; m_R[0][3]=2*pz-1; m_R[3][0]=2*pz-1; m_R[3][3]=1; // alternatively this may be overwritten if better solution exist recalculateRij(incoming_pdg_id, outgoing_pdg_id, invariant_mass_squared, cosTheta); break; case TauolaParticle::GAMMA: if(!Tauola::spin_correlation.GAMMA) break; // Here we calculate SVAR and COSTHE as well as IDE and IDF // ANGULU(&IDE,&IDF,&SVAR,&COSTHE); // this is ++ configuration of Fig 5 from HEPPH0101311: //pol_tau_minus[2]=-1; pol_tau_plus[2]=1; pz = getZPolarization(&incoming_pdg_id, &outgoing_pdg_id, &invariant_mass_squared, &cosTheta); m_R[0][0]=1; m_R[0][3]=2*pz-1; m_R[3][0]=2*pz-1; m_R[3][3]=1; // alternatively this may be overwritten if better solution exist recalculateRij(incoming_pdg_id, outgoing_pdg_id, invariant_mass_squared, cosTheta); break; //scalar higgs case TauolaParticle::HIGGS: if(!Tauola::spin_correlation.HIGGS) break; m_R[0][0]=1; m_R[1][1]=1; m_R[2][2]=1; m_R[3][3]=-1; break; //pseudoscalar higgs case case TauolaParticle::HIGGS_A: if(!Tauola::spin_correlation.HIGGS_A) break; m_R[0][0]=1; m_R[1][1]=-1; m_R[2][2]=-1; m_R[3][3]=-1; break; case TauolaParticle::HIGGS_PLUS: if(!Tauola::spin_correlation.HIGGS_PLUS) break; m_R[0][0]=1; m_R[0][3]=-1; m_R[3][0]=-1; break; case TauolaParticle::HIGGS_MINUS: if(!Tauola::spin_correlation.HIGGS_MINUS) break; m_R[0][0]=1; m_R[0][3]=-1; m_R[3][0]=-1; break; case TauolaParticle::W_PLUS: if(!Tauola::spin_correlation.W_PLUS) break; m_R[0][0]=1; m_R[0][3]=1; //tau minus (tau minus is on the -ve Z axis) m_R[3][0]=1; //tau plus break; case TauolaParticle::W_MINUS: if(!Tauola::spin_correlation.W_MINUS) break; m_R[0][0]=1; m_R[0][3]=1; //tau minus (tau minus is on the -ve Z axis) m_R[3][0]=1; //tau plus break; //ignore spin effects when mother is unknown default: m_R[0][0]=1; break; } } } /**************************************************************/ void TauolaParticlePair::setBornKinematics(int incoming_pdg_id, int outgoing_pdg_id, double invariant_mass_squared,double cosTheta){ Tauola::buf_incoming_pdg_id=incoming_pdg_id; Tauola::buf_outgoing_pdg_id=outgoing_pdg_id; Tauola::buf_invariant_mass_squared=invariant_mass_squared; Tauola::buf_cosTheta=cosTheta; //cout<<"(TauolaParticlePair::Just to be sure:) "<getMass(),2); setBornKinematics(*incoming_pdg_id, *outgoing_pdg_id, *invariant_mass_squared, *cosTheta); // store for debugging //TRIVIAL CASE: //if we don't know the incoming beams then //return the average z polarisation if(m_grandmothers.size()<2){ Log::Warning()<<"Not enough mothers of Z to " <<"calculate cos(theta) between " <<"incoming about outgoing beam" << endl; return 1-plzap0_(incoming_pdg_id,outgoing_pdg_id, invariant_mass_squared, cosTheta); } if(!getTauPlus(m_production_particles)||!getTauMinus(m_production_particles)){ Log::Error()<<"tau+ or tau- not found in Z decay"<< endl; return 0; } //NOW CHECK FOR THE DIFFICULT EVENTS: //case f1 + f2 + f3 -> Z -> tau tau //case f1 + f2 -> Z + f3, Z-> tau tau or f1 + f2 -> tau tau f3 //case f1 + f2 -> Z -> tau tau gamma if(m_grandmothers.size()>2 || (m_grandmothers.at(0)->getDaughters().size()>1 && m_mother_exists==true) || m_production_particles.size() > 2){ //make a vector of the extra grandmother particles vector extra_grandmothers; for(int i=0; i<(int) m_grandmothers.size(); i++){ // temp_grandmothers.push_back(m_grandmothers.at(i)); if(m_grandmothers.at(i)!=getGrandmotherPlus(m_grandmothers)&& m_grandmothers.at(i)!=getGrandmotherMinus(m_grandmothers)) extra_grandmothers.push_back(m_grandmothers.at(i)); } //make a vector of the tau siblings //and copy all the production particle vector. vector extra_tau_siblings; vector temp_production_particles; for(int i=0; i<(int) m_production_particles.size(); i++){ if(m_production_particles.at(i)!=getTauPlus(m_production_particles)&& m_production_particles.at(i)!=getTauMinus(m_production_particles)) extra_tau_siblings.push_back(m_production_particles.at(i)); } //make a vector of the Z's sibling vector extra_Z_siblings; for(int i=0; m_mother_exists && i<(int) m_grandmothers.at(0)->getDaughters().size(); i++){ if(m_grandmothers.at(0)->getDaughters().at(i)->getPdgID()!=TauolaParticle::Z0) extra_Z_siblings.push_back(m_grandmothers.at(0)->getDaughters().at(i)); } //make temporary particles for the effect beams //and copy into a vector std::vector effective_taus; effective_taus.push_back(getTauPlus(m_production_particles)->clone()); effective_taus.push_back(getTauMinus(m_production_particles)->clone()); //copy grandmothers into the m_grandmothers vector since we want this to be perminante. TauolaParticle * g1 = getGrandmotherPlus(m_grandmothers)->clone(); TauolaParticle * g2 = getGrandmotherMinus(m_grandmothers)->clone(); m_grandmothers.clear(); m_grandmothers.push_back(g1); m_grandmothers.push_back(g2); //loop over extra grandmothers for(int i=0; i<(int) extra_grandmothers.size(); i++) addToBeam(extra_grandmothers.at(i),&m_grandmothers,0); //loop over siblings to the Z for(int i=0; i<(int) extra_Z_siblings.size(); i++) addToBeam(extra_Z_siblings.at(i),0,&m_grandmothers); //loop over siblings of the taus for(int i=0; i<(int) extra_tau_siblings.size() ; i++){ if(m_mother_exists) addToBeam(extra_tau_siblings.at(i),&effective_taus,0); else addToBeam(extra_tau_siblings.at(i),&effective_taus,&m_grandmothers); } //And we are finish making the effective income and outgoing beams TauolaParticle * temp_mother = makeTemporaryMother(effective_taus); *invariant_mass_squared = pow(temp_mother->getMass(),2); //now we are ready to do the boosting, calculate the angle //between incoming and outgoing, and get the polarisation of the Z double angle1,angle2,angle3; boostFromLabToTauPairFrame(&angle1, &angle2, &angle3, temp_mother, m_grandmothers, effective_taus); /*double theta1 = -getGrandmotherPlus(m_grandmothers)->getRotationAngle(TauolaParticle::Y_AXIS); double theta2 = -(M_PI+getGrandmotherMinus(m_grandmothers)->getRotationAngle(TauolaParticle::Y_AXIS)); *cosTheta = cos((theta1+theta2)/2.0); //just average the angles for now.*/ TauolaParticle *tM=getTauPlus(effective_taus); TauolaParticle *gM=getGrandmotherPlus(m_grandmothers); double costheta1=(tM->getPx()*gM->getPx()+tM->getPy()*gM->getPy()+tM->getPz()*gM->getPz())/ sqrt(tM->getPx()*tM->getPx()+tM->getPy()*tM->getPy()+tM->getPz()*tM->getPz())/ sqrt(gM->getPx()*gM->getPx()+gM->getPy()*gM->getPy()+gM->getPz()*gM->getPz()); tM=getTauMinus(effective_taus); gM=getGrandmotherMinus(m_grandmothers); double costheta2=(tM->getPx()*gM->getPx()+tM->getPy()*gM->getPy()+tM->getPz()*gM->getPz())/ sqrt(tM->getPx()*tM->getPx()+tM->getPy()*tM->getPy()+tM->getPz()*tM->getPz())/ sqrt(gM->getPx()*gM->getPx()+gM->getPy()*gM->getPy()+gM->getPz()*gM->getPz()); double sintheta1 = sqrt(1-costheta1*costheta1); double sintheta2 = sqrt(1-costheta2*costheta2); double avg = (costheta1*sintheta2+costheta2*sintheta1)/(sintheta1+sintheta2); *cosTheta = avg; *incoming_pdg_id = getGrandmotherPlus(m_grandmothers)->getPdgID(); if(abs(*incoming_pdg_id)==21 || abs(*incoming_pdg_id)==22) { *incoming_pdg_id = -getGrandmotherMinus(m_grandmothers)->getPdgID(); //cout<<"INFO:\tgluon pdg id changed!"< 8 && abs(*incoming_pdg_id)!=11 && abs(*incoming_pdg_id)!=13 && abs(*incoming_pdg_id)!=15 ) { Log::Error()<<"Second class disaster: incoming_pdg_id = "<<*incoming_pdg_id< Z -> tau+ tau - or f1 f2 -> tau+ tau- //This includes Z -> tau tau, tau -> gamma tau? double angle1,angle2,angle3; boostFromLabToTauPairFrame(&angle1, &angle2, &angle3, m_mother,m_grandmothers,m_production_particles); TauolaParticle *tM=getTauPlus(m_production_particles); TauolaParticle *gM=getGrandmotherPlus(m_grandmothers); double costheta1=(tM->getPx()*gM->getPx()+tM->getPy()*gM->getPy()+tM->getPz()*gM->getPz())/ sqrt(tM->getPx()*tM->getPx()+tM->getPy()*tM->getPy()+tM->getPz()*tM->getPz())/ sqrt(gM->getPx()*gM->getPx()+gM->getPy()*gM->getPy()+gM->getPz()*gM->getPz()); tM=getTauMinus(m_production_particles); gM=getGrandmotherMinus(m_grandmothers); double costheta2=(tM->getPx()*gM->getPx()+tM->getPy()*gM->getPy()+tM->getPz()*gM->getPz())/ sqrt(tM->getPx()*tM->getPx()+tM->getPy()*tM->getPy()+tM->getPz()*tM->getPz())/ sqrt(gM->getPx()*gM->getPx()+gM->getPy()*gM->getPy()+gM->getPz()*gM->getPz()); double sintheta1 = sqrt(1-costheta1*costheta1); double sintheta2 = sqrt(1-costheta2*costheta2); double avg = (costheta1*sintheta2+costheta2*sintheta1)/(sintheta1+sintheta2); *cosTheta = avg; *incoming_pdg_id = getGrandmotherPlus(m_grandmothers)->getPdgID(); boostFromTauPairToLabFrame(angle1, angle2, angle3, m_mother,m_grandmothers,m_production_particles); setBornKinematics(*incoming_pdg_id, *outgoing_pdg_id, *invariant_mass_squared, *cosTheta); // store for debugging return 1-plzap0_(incoming_pdg_id,outgoing_pdg_id, invariant_mass_squared, cosTheta); // return 0.5 - (-0.12 + 0.12*cosTheta)/2; } /** WHERE WE CALCULATE THE EFFECTIVE BEAMS **/ /** This is where we decide which particle should be added into which beam, add it and change the flavour if necessary. candidates_same are on the same side of the vertex as the particle. This is needed for negative the particle 4-momentum. **/ void TauolaParticlePair::addToBeam(TauolaParticle * pcle, std::vector *candidates_same, std::vector *candidates_opp){ double s=0.,o=-10.; TauolaParticle * s_beam = NULL; TauolaParticle * o_beam = NULL; if(candidates_same){ double s0 =1.0/getVirtuality(pcle,candidates_same->at(0),false); double s1 = 1.0/getVirtuality(pcle,candidates_same->at(1),false); if(s0>s1){ s=s0; s_beam = candidates_same->at(0); } else{ s=s1; s_beam = candidates_same->at(1); } } if(candidates_opp){ double o0 =1.0/getVirtuality(pcle,candidates_opp->at(0),true); double o1 = 1.0/getVirtuality(pcle,candidates_opp->at(1),true); if(o0>o1){ o=o0; o_beam = candidates_opp->at(0); } else{ o=o1; o_beam = candidates_opp->at(1); } } if(s>o) { s_beam->add(pcle); int pdg1 = pcle->getPdgID(); int pdg2 = s_beam->getPdgID(); if(abs(pdg2)==15) return; if((abs(pdg2)==21 || abs(pdg2)==22) && abs(pdg1)<17 && abs(pdg1)!=10 && abs(pdg1)!=9) s_beam->setPdgID( pdg1); } else { o_beam->subtract(pcle); int pdg1 = pcle->getPdgID(); int pdg2 = o_beam->getPdgID(); if((abs(pdg2)==21 || abs(pdg2)==22) && abs(pdg1)<17 && abs(pdg1)!=10 && abs(pdg1)!=9) o_beam->setPdgID(-pdg1); } //should we also do something with the flavours?? } double TauolaParticlePair::getVirtuality(TauolaParticle * p1, TauolaParticle*p2, bool flip){ //if one particle in a gluon and the other a lepton if((p1->getPdgID()==TauolaParticle::GLUON&&abs(p2->getPdgID())>10&&abs(p2->getPdgID())<20) || (p2->getPdgID()==TauolaParticle::GLUON&&abs(p1->getPdgID())>10&&abs(p1->getPdgID())<20)) return -1; //add some others... //otherwise we calculate the virtuality: double kp = p1->getE()*p2->getE() - p1->getPx()*p2->getPx() - p1->getPy()*p2->getPy() - p1->getPz()*p2->getPz(); if(flip) // Note that we have 1/(p1+p2)^2 or 1/(p1-p2)^2 and p2^2=0 kp = kp - p1->getMass()*p1->getMass(); double q = 1; if(p1->getPdgID()==TauolaParticle::GAMMA){ if(abs(p2->getPdgID())==TauolaParticle::UP || abs(p2->getPdgID())==TauolaParticle::CHARM || abs(p2->getPdgID())==TauolaParticle::TOP) q=2.0/3.0; if(abs(p2->getPdgID())==TauolaParticle::DOWN || abs(p2->getPdgID())==TauolaParticle::STRANGE || abs(p2->getPdgID())==TauolaParticle::BOTTOM) q=1.0/3.0; } if(p2->getPdgID()==TauolaParticle::GAMMA){ if(abs(p1->getPdgID())==TauolaParticle::UP || abs(p1->getPdgID())==TauolaParticle::CHARM || abs(p1->getPdgID())==TauolaParticle::TOP) q=2.0/3.0; if(abs(p1->getPdgID())==TauolaParticle::DOWN || abs(p1->getPdgID())==TauolaParticle::STRANGE || abs(p1->getPdgID())==TauolaParticle::BOTTOM) q=1.0/3.0; } return fabs(2*kp)/q; } /*********************************************************** ** TauolaParticlePair::decayTauPair(). ** Generate tau decay ************************************************************/ void TauolaParticlePair::decayTauPair(){ //initalize h vectors in case the partner is not a tau double h_tau_minus[4]={2,0,0,0}; //2 used to compensate for maximum weight double h_tau_plus[4]={2,0,0,0}; //in the case when there is only 1 tau TauolaParticle * tau_minus = getTauMinus(m_final_particles); TauolaParticle * tau_plus = getTauPlus(m_final_particles); //now calculate the spin weight for(double weight=0; weight < Tauola::randomDouble();){ //call tauola decay and get polarimetric vectors if(tau_minus){ Tauola::redefineTauMinusProperties(tau_minus); tau_minus->decay(); h_tau_minus[0]=1; h_tau_minus[1]=tau_minus->getPolarimetricX(); h_tau_minus[2]=tau_minus->getPolarimetricY(); h_tau_minus[3]=tau_minus->getPolarimetricZ(); } if(tau_plus){ Tauola::redefineTauPlusProperties(tau_plus); tau_plus->decay(); h_tau_plus[0]=1; h_tau_plus[1]=tau_plus->getPolarimetricX(); h_tau_plus[2]=tau_plus->getPolarimetricY(); h_tau_plus[3]=tau_plus->getPolarimetricZ(); } // cout<<" tau? tau? "<< tau_plus->getPdgID()<<" "<< tau_minus->getPdgID()<(wthel[0]+wthel[1]+wthel[2])/(wthel[0]+wthel[1]+wthel[2]+wthel[3])) Tauola::setHelicities(-1,-1); else if (rn>(wthel[0]+wthel[1]) /(wthel[0]+wthel[1]+wthel[2]+wthel[3])) Tauola::setHelicities(-1,+1); else if (rn>(wthel[0]) /(wthel[0]+wthel[1]+wthel[2]+wthel[3])) Tauola::setHelicities( 1,-1); else Tauola::setHelicities( 1, 1); //boost into the frame used to define the density matrices //and add the tau's new daughters. double angle1,angle2,angle3; TauolaParticle * mum = makeTemporaryMother(m_final_particles); if(!Tauola::isUsingDecayOneBoost()) boostFromLabToTauPairFrame(&angle1, &angle2, &angle3, mum,m_grandmothers,m_final_particles); //add the accepted decay into the event record if(tau_plus) tau_plus->addDecayToEventRecord(); if(tau_minus) tau_minus->addDecayToEventRecord(); if(!Tauola::isUsingDecayOneBoost()) boostFromTauPairToLabFrame(angle1,angle2,angle3, mum,m_grandmothers,m_final_particles); // Apply final decay modification, once taus are in lab frame. // At present 28.02.11, vertex position shift (in HepMC) is implemented. // Thanks Sho Iwamoto for feedback if(tau_plus) tau_plus->decayEndgame(); if(tau_minus) tau_minus->decayEndgame(); } /*********************************************************** ** Below are the methods used for boosting and rotating ** into another reference frame. ************************************************************/ /** Step 1. (Transformation A). Any modification to this method also requires a modification to the inverse method boostFromTauPairFrameToLab (transformation A^-1).*/ void TauolaParticlePair::boostFromLabToTauPairFrame(double * rotation_angle1, double * rotation_angle2, double * rotation_angle3, TauolaParticle * mother, vector grandmothers, vector taus ){ //in positive z axis (+1) //or negative z axis (-1) /** boost all gradmothers and daughters (taus, neutrinos, etc,) to the mothers rest frame */ for(int i=0; i< (int) grandmothers.size(); i++) grandmothers.at(i)->boostToRestFrame(mother); //If taus.size()==1 then taus[1] is the same as mum. Disaster to be avoided. if(taus.size()!=1) for(int i=0; i< (int) taus.size(); i++){ taus.at(i)->boostToRestFrame(mother); // NOTE: Following line has no effect in release examples // because taus don't have daughters at this step taus.at(i)->boostDaughtersToRestFrame(mother); } /** rotate all particles so taus are on the z axis */ if(getTauPlus(taus)){ //if there's a tau+ use this to get the rotation angle *rotation_angle1 = getTauPlus(taus)->getRotationAngle(TauolaParticle::Y_AXIS); rotateSystem(grandmothers,taus,*rotation_angle1,TauolaParticle::Y_AXIS); *rotation_angle2 = getTauPlus(taus)->getRotationAngle(TauolaParticle::X_AXIS); rotateSystem(grandmothers,taus,*rotation_angle2,TauolaParticle::X_AXIS); } else{ //otherwise use the tau- *rotation_angle1 = M_PI+getTauMinus(taus)->getRotationAngle(TauolaParticle::Y_AXIS); rotateSystem(grandmothers,taus,*rotation_angle1,TauolaParticle::Y_AXIS); *rotation_angle2 = M_PI+getTauMinus(taus)->getRotationAngle(TauolaParticle::X_AXIS); rotateSystem(grandmothers,taus,*rotation_angle2,TauolaParticle::X_AXIS); } //now rotate incoming beams so they are aligned in the y-z plane if(grandmothers.size()<1){ //if there are no grandmothers *rotation_angle3 = 0; return; } //the first grandmother will have a positive y component if(getGrandmotherPlus(grandmothers)) *rotation_angle3 = getGrandmotherPlus(grandmothers)->getRotationAngle(TauolaParticle::X_AXIS,TauolaParticle::Y_AXIS); else *rotation_angle3 = M_PI+getGrandmotherMinus(grandmothers)->getRotationAngle(TauolaParticle::X_AXIS,TauolaParticle::Y_AXIS); rotateSystem(grandmothers,taus,*rotation_angle3,TauolaParticle::X_AXIS,TauolaParticle::Y_AXIS); } /** Reverses boostFromLabtoMotherFrame. The three rotation angle must be provided. Any modification to this would require a modification to boostFromLabToTauPairFrame since this is the inverse transformation (Step 2: A^-1). */ void TauolaParticlePair::boostFromTauPairToLabFrame(double rotation_angle1, double rotation_angle2, double rotation_angle3, TauolaParticle * mother, vector grandmothers, vector taus){ if(mother==0) //if there are no mothers return; //rotate grand mothers back away from the y-z plane rotateSystem(grandmothers,taus,-rotation_angle3, TauolaParticle::X_AXIS,TauolaParticle::Y_AXIS); //rotate all so that taus are no longer on the z axis rotateSystem(grandmothers,taus,-rotation_angle2,TauolaParticle::X_AXIS); rotateSystem(grandmothers,taus,-rotation_angle1,TauolaParticle::Y_AXIS); /*** boost grandmothers and daughters (taus) back into the lab frame */ for(int i=0; i< (int) grandmothers.size(); i++) grandmothers.at(i)->boostFromRestFrame(mother); //If taus.size()==1 then taus[1] is the same as mum. Disaster to be avoided. if(taus.size()!=1) for(int i=0; i< (int) taus.size(); i++){ taus.at(i)->boostFromRestFrame(mother); taus.at(i)->boostDaughtersFromRestFrame(mother); } } void TauolaParticlePair::rotateSystem(vector grandmothers, vector taus, double theta, int axis, int axis2){ for(int i=0; i< (int) grandmothers.size(); i++) grandmothers.at(i)->rotate(axis,theta,axis2); for(int i=0; i< (int) taus.size(); i++){ taus.at(i)->rotate(axis,theta,axis2); taus.at(i)->rotateDaughters(axis,theta,axis2); } } /*********************************************************** Some extra useful methods ************************************************************/ TauolaParticle * TauolaParticlePair::makeTemporaryMother(vector taus){ //calculate mothers 4-momentum based on the daughters. double e=0; double px=0; double py=0; double pz=0; bool tau_plus = false; bool tau_minus = false; bool tau_neutrino = false; bool tau_antineutrino = false; for(int d=0; d < (int) taus.size(); d++){ TauolaParticle * daughter = taus.at(d); e+=daughter->getE(); px+=daughter->getPx(); py+=daughter->getPy(); pz+=daughter->getPz(); switch(daughter->getPdgID()){ case TauolaParticle::TAU_PLUS: tau_plus=true; break; case TauolaParticle::TAU_MINUS: tau_minus=true; break; case TauolaParticle::TAU_NEUTRINO: tau_neutrino=true; break; case TauolaParticle::TAU_ANTINEUTRINO: tau_antineutrino=true; break; } } double m = e*e-px*px-py*py-pz*pz; if(m<0) m= -sqrt(-m); else m=sqrt(m); //look for mothers type: int pdg=0; //Assume Z if(tau_plus&&tau_minus) pdg=TauolaParticle::Z0 ; //Assume W+ if(tau_plus&&tau_neutrino) pdg=TauolaParticle::W_PLUS; //Assume W- if(tau_minus&&tau_antineutrino) pdg=TauolaParticle::W_MINUS; // now make the mother return taus.at(0)->createNewParticle(pdg,2,m,px,py,pz,e); } // see if "particle" is one of the final taus in this tau pair // (based on particle barcode) // NOTE: Not executed by release examples bool TauolaParticlePair::contains(TauolaParticle * particle){ for(int i=0; i< (int) m_final_particles.size(); i++){ if(m_final_particles.at(i)->getBarcode()==particle->getBarcode()) return true; } return false; } TauolaParticle * TauolaParticlePair::getTauMinus(vector taus){ for(int i=0; i< (int) taus.size(); i++){ if(taus.at(i)->getPdgID()==TauolaParticle::TAU_MINUS) return taus.at(i); } return 0; } TauolaParticle * TauolaParticlePair::getTauPlus(vector taus){ for(int i=0; i< (int) taus.size(); i++){ if(taus.at(i)->getPdgID()==TauolaParticle::TAU_PLUS) return taus.at(i); } return 0; } TauolaParticle * TauolaParticlePair::getGrandmotherPlus(vector grandmothers){ //choose based on energy if there are more than one?? double e = -1e30; int index = -1; for(int i=0; i< (int) grandmothers.size(); i++){ if( (grandmothers.at(i)->getPdgID()<0 && grandmothers.at(i)->getPdgID()>-9) || grandmothers.at(i)->getPdgID()== TauolaParticle::POSITRON|| grandmothers.at(i)->getPdgID()== TauolaParticle::MUON_PLUS){ if(egetE()){ e=grandmothers.at(i)->getE(); index=i; } } } if(index==-1) { for(int i=0; i< (int) grandmothers.size(); i++) { if(grandmothers.at(i)->getPdgID()==21 || grandmothers.at(i)->getPdgID()==22) { index=i; e=grandmothers.at(i)->getE(); break; } } } if(index==-1) index=0; if(e==0) { grandmothers.at(index)->print(); return 0; } else return grandmothers.at(index); } TauolaParticle * TauolaParticlePair::getGrandmotherMinus(vector grandmothers){ //choose based on energy if there are more than one?? double e = -1e30; int index = -1; for(int i=0; i< (int) grandmothers.size(); i++){ if( (grandmothers.at(i)->getPdgID()>0 && grandmothers.at(i)->getPdgID()<9) || grandmothers.at(i)->getPdgID()== TauolaParticle::ELECTRON|| grandmothers.at(i)->getPdgID()== TauolaParticle::MUON_MINUS){ if(egetE()){ e=grandmothers.at(i)->getE(); index=i; } } } if(index==-1) { for(int i=(int) grandmothers.size()-1; i>=0 ; i--) { if(grandmothers.at(i)->getPdgID()==21||grandmothers.at(i)->getPdgID()==22) { index=i; e=grandmothers.at(i)->getE(); break; } } } if(index==-1) index=0; if(e==0) return 0; else return grandmothers.at(index); } void TauolaParticlePair::print(){ Log::RedirectOutput(Log::Info()); std::cout << "Daughters final:" << std::endl; for(int i=0; i< (int) m_final_particles.size(); i++) m_final_particles.at(i)->print(); std::cout << "Daughters at production:" << std::endl; for(int i=0; i< (int) m_production_particles.size(); i++) m_production_particles.at(i)->print(); std::cout << "Mother particle: " << std::endl; if(m_mother) m_mother->print(); std::cout << "Grandmother particles: " << std::endl; for(int i=0; i< (int) m_grandmothers.size(); i++) m_grandmothers.at(i)->print(); Log::RevertOutput(); } void TauolaParticlePair::checkMomentumConservation(){ for(int i=0; i< (int) m_final_particles.size(); i++) m_final_particles.at(i)->checkMomentumConservation(); for(int i=0; i< (int) m_production_particles.size(); i++) m_production_particles.at(i)->checkMomentumConservation(); if(m_mother) m_mother->checkMomentumConservation(); for(int i=0; i< (int) m_grandmothers.size(); i++) m_grandmothers.at(i)->checkMomentumConservation(); } void TauolaParticlePair::recalculateRij(int incoming_pdg_id, int outgoing_pdg_id, double invariant_mass_squared, double cosTheta){ if (abs(outgoing_pdg_id)!=15) { Log::Warning()<<"interface was not used for taus pdg id="<Tauola::sminB) { T = Tauola::table11B; Tw = Tauola::wtable11B; Tw0 = Tauola::w0table11B; smin = Tauola::sminB; smax = Tauola::smaxB; step = (smax-smin)/(Tauola::NS2-1); } else if (invariant_mass_squaredTauola::sminC) { T = Tauola::table11C; Tw = Tauola::wtable11C; Tw0 = Tauola::w0table11C; smin = Tauola::sminC; smax = Tauola::smaxC; step = (smax-smin)/(Tauola::NS3-1); } else { T = Tauola::table11A; Tw = Tauola::wtable11A; Tw0 = Tauola::w0table11A; smin = Tauola::sminA; smax = Tauola::smaxA; step = (smax-smin)/(Tauola::NS1-1); } break; // NOTE: Use the same tables for 1, 3 and 5 case 1: case 3: case 5: if(invariant_mass_squaredTauola::sminB) { T = Tauola::table1B; Tw = Tauola::wtable1B; Tw0 = Tauola::w0table1B; smin = Tauola::sminB; smax = Tauola::smaxB; step = (smax-smin)/(Tauola::NS2-1); } else if (invariant_mass_squaredTauola::sminC) { T = Tauola::table1C; Tw = Tauola::wtable1C; Tw0 = Tauola::w0table1C; smin = Tauola::sminC; smax = Tauola::smaxC; step = (smax-smin)/(Tauola::NS3-1); } else { T = Tauola::table1A; Tw = Tauola::wtable1A; Tw0 = Tauola::w0table1A; smin = Tauola::sminA; smax = Tauola::smaxA; step = (smax-smin)/(Tauola::NS1-1); } break; // NOTE: Use the same tables for 2 and 4 case 2: case 4: if(invariant_mass_squaredTauola::sminB) { T = Tauola::table2B; Tw = Tauola::wtable2B; Tw0 = Tauola::w0table2B; smin = Tauola::sminB; smax = Tauola::smaxB; step = (smax-smin)/(Tauola::NS2-1); } else if (invariant_mass_squaredTauola::sminC) { T = Tauola::table2C; Tw = Tauola::wtable2C; Tw0 = Tauola::w0table2C; smin = Tauola::sminC; smax = Tauola::smaxC; step = (smax-smin)/(Tauola::NS3-1); } else { T = Tauola::table2A; Tw = Tauola::wtable2A; Tw0 = Tauola::w0table2A; smin = Tauola::sminA; smax = Tauola::smaxA; step = (smax-smin)/(Tauola::NS1-1); } break; default: Log::Warning()<<"interface was not used for proper beams pdg id="<0 ) w=Tauola::wtable2A[0][0]; else if(Tauola::wtable1A[0][0]>0 ) w=Tauola::wtable1A[0][0]; else if(Tauola::wtable11A[0][0]>0) w=Tauola::wtable11A[0][0]; if (Tauola::wtable2A[0][0]>0 ) w0=Tauola::w0table2A[0][0]; else if(Tauola::wtable1A[0][0]>0 ) w0=Tauola::w0table1A[0][0]; else if(Tauola::wtable11A[0][0]>0) w0=Tauola::w0table11A[0][0]; // Tauola::setEWwt(w/w0); Tauola::setEWwt(w,w0); return; } // if(mass too small) int x = 0; double buf = smin; double remnant = 0.0; // Interpolate s if(T==Tauola::table11A || T==Tauola::table1A || T== Tauola::table2A) { while(log(invariant_mass_squared) > buf){ x++; buf += (step); } remnant = (log(invariant_mass_squared)-(buf-step))/step; } else { while(invariant_mass_squared > buf){ x++; buf += step; } remnant = (invariant_mass_squared-(buf-step))/step; } double cmin = -1.; int y = 0; double remnantc = 0.0; // Interpolate cosTheta buf = cmin+1./Tauola::NCOS; while(cosTheta > buf){ y++; buf+=2./Tauola::NCOS; } remnantc = (cosTheta-(buf-2./Tauola::NCOS))/(2./Tauola::NCOS); // Special cases at edges - extrapolation bool isUsingExtrapolation = false; if(y >= Tauola::NCOS) { isUsingExtrapolation = true; y = Tauola::NCOS-1; } if(y == 0) { isUsingExtrapolation = true; y = 1; } // Bilinear interpolation double b11,b21,b12,b22; for (int i=0; i<4; i++){ for (int j=0; j<4; j++){ if(isUsingExtrapolation){ if(y == 1){ b11 = 2*T[x-1][0][i][j] - T[x-1][1][i][j]; b21 = 2*T[x][0][i][j] - T[x][1][i][j]; b12 = T[x-1][0][i][j]; b22 = T[x][0][i][j]; } else{ b11 = T[x-1][y][i][j]; b21 = T[x][y][i][j]; b12 = 2*T[x-1][y][i][j] - T[x-1][y-1][i][j]; b22 = 2*T[x][y][i][j] - T[x][y-1][i][j]; } } // if(isUsingExtrapolation) else{ b11 = T[x-1][y-1][i][j]; b21 = T[x][y-1][i][j]; b12 = T[x-1][y][i][j]; b22 = T[x][y][i][j]; } m_R[i][j] = b11*(1-remnant)*(1-remnantc) + b21*remnant*(1-remnantc) + b12*(1-remnant)*remnantc + b22*remnant*remnantc; } // for(j) } // for(i) // Calculate electroweak weights double w,w0; if(isUsingExtrapolation){ if(y == 1){ b11 = 2*Tw[x-1][0] - Tw[x-1][1]; b21 = 2*Tw[x][0] - Tw[x][1]; b12 = Tw[x-1][0]; b22 = Tw[x][0]; } else { b11 = Tw[x-1][y]; b21 = Tw[x][y]; b12 = 2*Tw[x-1][y] - Tw[x-1][y-1]; b22 = 2*Tw[x][y] - Tw[x][y-1]; } } // if(isUsingExtrapolation) else { b11 = Tw[x-1][y-1]; b21 = Tw[x][y-1]; b12 = Tw[x-1][y]; b22 = Tw[x][y]; } w = b11*(1-remnant)*(1-remnantc) + b21*remnant*(1-remnantc) + b12*(1-remnant)*remnantc + b22*remnant*remnantc; if(isUsingExtrapolation){ if(y == 1){ b11 = 2*Tw0[x-1][0] - Tw0[x-1][1]; b21 = 2*Tw0[x][0] - Tw0[x][1]; b12 = Tw0[x-1][0]; b22 = Tw0[x][0]; } else{ b11 = Tw0[x-1][y]; b21 = Tw0[x][y]; b12 = 2*Tw0[x-1][y] - Tw0[x-1][y-1]; b22 = 2*Tw0[x][y] - Tw0[x][y-1]; } } // if (isUsingExtrapolation) else{ b11 = Tw0[x-1][y-1]; b21 = Tw0[x][y-1]; b12 = Tw0[x-1][y]; b22 = Tw0[x][y]; } w0 = b11*(1-remnant)*(1-remnantc) + b21*remnant*(1-remnantc) + b12*(1-remnant)*remnantc + b22*remnant*remnantc; Tauola::setEWwt(w,w0); } } // namespace Tauolapp