************************************************************************ * * InitializeAPFEL_DIS.f: * * This routine initializes the integrals needed to compute the * structure functions. * ************************************************************************ subroutine InitializeAPFEL_DIS * implicit none * include "../commons/Welcome.h" include "../commons/grid.h" include "../commons/TimeLike.h" include "../commons/Smallx.h" include "../commons/Polarized.h" Include "../commons/InAPFELDIS.h" * * Variables * double precision t1,t2 * * Read input parameters * call initParametersDIS * * Initialize the APFEL evolution * call InitializeAPFEL * * Report DIS parameters * call ReportParametersDIS * * Evaluate DIS or SIA integrals on the grid * call cpu_time(t1) if(TimeLike)then do igrid=1,ngrid call initIntegralsSIA enddo else do igrid=1,ngrid if(Polarized)then call initIntegralspDIS else call initIntegralsDIS endif if(Smallx) call initIntegralsDISRes enddo endif call cpu_time(t2) * if(Welcome)then write(6,"(a,a,f8.3,a)") " Initialization of the DIS module", 1 " completed in",t2-t1," s" write(6,*) " " endif * * Initialization of the DIS module complete * InAPFELDIS = "done" * return end