************************************************************************ * * ReportParametersDIS.f: * * This subroutine reports the DIS parameters. * ************************************************************************ subroutine ReportParametersDIS * implicit none * include "../commons/Welcome.h" include "../commons/MassScheme.h" include "../commons/ProcessDIS.h" include "../commons/PolarizationDIS.h" include "../commons/ProjectileDIS.h" include "../commons/TargetDIS.h" include "../commons/ZedMass.h" include "../commons/WMass.h" include "../commons/ProtonMass.h" include "../commons/Sin2ThetaW.h" include "../commons/GFermi.h" include "../commons/CKM.h" include "../commons/TMC.h" include "../commons/DampingFONLL.h" include "../commons/SelectedCharge.h" include "../commons/krenQ.h" include "../commons/kfacQ.h" include "../commons/PropagatorCorrection.h" include "../commons/EWCouplings.h" include "../commons/DynScVar.h" include "../commons/IntrinsicCharm.h" include "../commons/NLOQEDCorrections.h" include "../commons/ScaleVariationProcedure.h" * * Print welcome message and report of the parameters (if enabled) * if(Welcome)then write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m"// 1 "Report of the electroweak parameters:" write(6,*) " " write(6,"(a,f7.3,a)") " Mass of the Z =",MZ," GeV" write(6,"(a,f7.3,a)") " Mass of the W =",MW," GeV" write(6,"(a,f7.4,a)") " Mass of the proton =",MProton," GeV" write(6,"(a,f7.4)") " sin^2(thetaW) =",Sin2ThetaW write(6,"(a,es12.5)") " GFermi =",GFermi write(6,"(a,3f7.4,a)") " |",V_ud,V_us,V_ub," |" write(6,"(a,3f7.4,a)") " CKM = |",V_cd,V_cs,V_cb," |" write(6,"(a,3f7.4,a)") " |",V_td,V_ts,V_tb," |" write(6,"(a,f7.5)") " Z propagator correction = ",DeltaR if(ExtCoup) write(6,*) "External EW couplings will be used" write(6,*) " " * write(6,*) "Report of the DIS parameters:" write(6,*) " " * write(6,"(a,a,a)") " Computation in the ",trim(MassScheme), 1 " mass scheme" * if(ProcessDIS.eq."EM")then write(6,"(a,a,a)") " Electromagnetic (EM) process" elseif(ProcessDIS.eq."NC")then write(6,"(a,a,a)") " Neutral Current (NC) process" elseif(ProcessDIS.eq."CC")then write(6,"(a,a,a)") " Charged Current (CC) process" endif * write(6,"(a,a,a,a)") " Scattering ",trim(ProjectileDIS), 1 " - ",TargetDIS * if(PolarizationDIS.ne.0d0) 1 write(6,"(a,f7.3)") " Polarization fraction =",PolarizationDIS * if(SelectedCharge(1:3).ne."all") 1 write(6,*) "Selected Charge: ",trim(SelectedCharge) * if(DynScVAr)then write(6,*) "Dynamical scale variations enabled" else write(6,"(a,f7.4)") " muR / Q = ",dsqrt(krenQ) write(6,"(a,f7.4)") " muF / Q = ",dsqrt(kfacQ) endif * if(ScVarProc.eq.1)then write(6,*) "No scale variations in the evolution" endif * if(TMC)then write(6,*) "Target Mass corrections enabled" else write(6,*) "Target Mass corrections disabled" endif * if(MassScheme(1:5).eq."FONLL")then if(DampingFONLL)then if(DampPowerFONLL(4).gt.0)then write(6,"(a,a,i1)") " FONLL damping factor ", 1 "for charm enabled with suppression power = ", 2 DampPowerFONLL(4) elseif(DampPowerFONLL(4).eq.0)then write(6,"(a,a,i1)") " FONLL damping factor ", 1 "for charm disbled" else write(6,*) "Using BGMPU prescription for charm" endif if(DampPowerFONLL(5).gt.0)then write(6,"(a,a,i1)") " FONLL damping factor ", 1 "for bottom enabled with suppression power = ", 2 DampPowerFONLL(5) elseif(DampPowerFONLL(5).eq.0)then write(6,"(a,a,i1)") " FONLL damping factor ", 1 "for bottom disbled" else write(6,*) "Using BGMPU prescription for bottom" endif if(DampPowerFONLL(6).gt.0)then write(6,"(a,a,i1)") " FONLL damping factor ", 1 "for top enabled with suppression power = ", 2 DampPowerFONLL(6) elseif(DampPowerFONLL(6).eq.0)then write(6,"(a,a,i1)") " FONLL damping factor ", 1 "for top disbled" else write(6,*) "Using BGMPU prescription for top" endif else write(6,*) "FONLL damping factor disabled", 1 " for all heavy quarks" endif endif * if(IntrinsicCharm)then write(6,*) "Intrinsic charm enabled" else write(6,*) "Intrinsic charm disabled" endif * if(.not.SFNLOQED)then write(6,*) "NLO QED Corrections disabled", 1 " in the stucture functions" endif write(6,*) achar(27)//"[0m" endif * return end