************************************************************************ * * ListFunctions.f: * * This subroutine lists all the functions available in APFEL. * It needs to be update constantly! * ************************************************************************ subroutine ListFunctions * implicit none * call WelcomeMessage * write(6,*) "List of the functions available in APFEL:" write(6,*) " " * write(6,*) achar(27)//"[31m---- Functions of the evolution", 1 " module ----" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[0m" * write(6,*) achar(27)//"[33mInitialization functions:" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- InitializeAPFEL():"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " initializes the APFEL library. If no settings has" write(6,*) " been specified, it uses the default ones." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- EvolveAPFEL(double Q0, double Q):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " evolves PDFs on the grid to the scale 'Q' [GeV]" write(6,*) " starting from the scale 'Q0' [GeV]." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- DeriveAPFEL(double Q):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " computes the logarithmic derivative with respect" write(6,*) " of 'Q' of PDFs at the scale 'Q' [GeV]." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- CachePDFsAPFEL(double Q0):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " evolves PDFs and cache them on an (x,Q2)-grid" write(6,*) " starting from the scale 'Q0' [GeV]." write(6,*) " " * write(6,*) achar(27)//"[33mSetting functions:" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetPerturbativeOrder(int pto):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the perturbative order of the evolution" write(6,*) " (pto = 0,1,2, default 2)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetTheory(string theory):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the theory to be used in the evolution" write(6,*) " (theory = 'QCD', 'QUniD', default 'QCD')" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- EnableNLOQEDCorrections(bool):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " enables/disables the NLO QED corrections. If" write(6,*) " disabled only LO QED are included. This is active" write(6,*) " only for the 'QUniD' solution (default false)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetVFNS():"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the Variable-Flavour Number Scheme." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetFFNS(int nfl):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the Fixed-Flavour Number Scheme with 'nfl'" write(6,*) " active flavours." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetAlphaQCDRef(double alpharef,", 1 " double Qref):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the reference values of alphas at the scale" write(6,*) " 'Qref' [GeV] to 'alpharef' (default 'alpharef' =" write(6,*) " 0.35, 'Qref' = sqrt(2) GeV)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetAlphaQEDRef(double alpharef,", 1 " double Qref):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the reference values of alpha at the scale" write(6,*) " 'Qref' [GeV] to 'alpharef' (default 'alpharef' =" write(6,*) " 7.496252d-3, 'Qref' = 1.777 GeV)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetLambdaQCDRef(double lambdaref,", 1 " int nref):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the value of LambdaQCD [GeV] with 'nref'" write(6,*) " flavours to 'lambdaref' (default 'lambdaref'" write(6,*) " = 0.220, 'nref' = 5)" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetPoleMasses(double mc, double mb,", 1 " double mt):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the values of the heavy quark thresholds" write(6,*) " in GeV in the Pole-mass scheme (default 'mc' " write(6,*) " = sqrt(2) GeV, 'mb' = 4.5 GeV, 'mt' = 175 GeV)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetMSbarMasses(double mc,", 1 " double mb, double mt):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the values of the heavy quark thresholds" write(6,*) " in GeV in the MSbar scheme." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetMassScaleReference(double Qc,", 1 " double Qb, double Qt):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the reference scales in GeV at which heavy" write(6,*) " quark masses are given. This has no effect if the" write(6,*) " pole masses are used." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetMassMatchingScales(double kmc,", 1 " double kmb, double kmt):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the ratios between heavy quark masses and" write(6,*) " heavy quark matching thresholds" write(6,*) " (default 'kmc' = 1, 'kmb' = 1, 'kmt' = 1)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetTauMass(double mtau):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the values of the tau lepton in GeV" write(6,*) " (default 'mtau' = 1.777 GeV)" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- EnableMassRunning(bool):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " enables/disables the running of the MSbar masses" write(6,*) " (default true)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetMaxFlavourAlpha(int nf):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the maximum number of active flavours in the" write(6,*) " couplings evolution (including the masses)" write(6,*) " (default 'nf' = 6)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetMaxFlavourPDFs(int nf):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the maximum number of active flavours in the" write(6,*) " PDF evolution (default 'nf' = 6)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetRenFacRatio(double ratio):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the ratio between factorization and" write(6,*) " renormalization scales both in GeV (default" write(6,*) " 'ratio' = 1)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetTimeLikeEvolution(bool):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the time-like evolution (frag. functions)" write(6,*) " (default false)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetPolarizedEvolution(bool):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the polarized evolution (default false)" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetSmallxResummation(bool,", 1 " string la):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the the small-x resummation at 'la' log" write(6,*) " accuracy ('la' = 'LL', 'NLL') (default false)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetAlphaEvolution(string evol):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the solution of the beta function equations" write(6,*) " for the running couplings ('evol' = 'exact'," write(6,*) " 'expanded', 'lambda') (default 'evol' = 'exact')" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetPDFEvolution(string evolp):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the solution of the DGLAP equations for PDFs" write(6,*) " ('evolp' = 'exactmu', 'exactalpha', 'expandalpha'" write(6,*) " 'truncated') (default 'evolp' = 'exactmu')" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetEpsilonTruncation(double eps):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " if the truncated evolution for PDFs has been" write(6,*) " chosen, it sets the truncation parameter 'eps'." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetPDFSet(string name):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the PDF set to be evolved. 'name' can be an" write(6,*) " LHAPDF set (must finish with '.LHgrid'), some of" write(6,*) " the internal set or an external set (default" write(6,*) " 'name' = 'ToyLH')." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetReplica(int nr):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the replica/member of the LHAPDF set to be" write(6,*) " evolved (default 'nr' = 0)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetQLimits(double Qmin,", 1 " double Qmax):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the range where it is possible to perform" write(6,*) " the evolution (default 'Qmin' = 0.5 GeV, 'Qmax'" write(6,*) " = 1000 GeV)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetNumberOfGrids(int n):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the number of subgrids 'n' (default 3)" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetGridParameters(int i, int n,", 1 " int deg, double x):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the parameters of the i-th subgrid. 'n' =" write(6,*) " number of intevals, 'deg' = interpolation order," write(6,*) " 'x' lower bound of the grid (the upper bound is" write(6,*) " always 1)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetQGridParameters(int nQ,", 1 " int degQ):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the parameters of the Q-grid. 'nQ' = number" write(6,*) " of intevals and 'degQ' = interpolation order." write(6,*) " (default: 'nQ' = 100, 'degQ' = 3, relevant only" write(6,*) " for the cached evolution)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetExternalGrid(int i, int np,", 1 " int deg, double *x):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the external grid in the position 'i' with" write(6,*) " 'np' intervals, interpolation degree 'deg'. 'x'" write(6,*) " must be a one-dimentional array with upper bound" write(6,*) " in 1 (there cannot be more than 1 external grid)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetFastEvolution(bool):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the fast PDF evolution (default true)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- GetVersion():"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the APFEL version in use." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- EnableWelcomeMessage(bool):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " enables the printing of the welcome message with" write(6,*) " the APFEL banner and the report of the evolution" write(6,*) " parameters (default true)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- EnableEvolutionOperator(bool):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " enables the computation of the external evolution" write(6,*) " parameters (default false)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- EnableLeptonEvolution(bool):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " enables the evolution of the lepton PDFs when the" write(6,*) " fast QUniD is used (default false)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- LockGrids(bool):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " locks the subgrids (default false)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- CleanUp():"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " resets all the evolution parameters to the" write(6,*) " default settings." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetLHgridParameters(int nx,", 1 " int nxm, double xmin, double xm, double xmax,", 2 " int nq2,"," double q2min, double q2max):"// 3 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the parameters of the grid over which PDFs" write(6,*) " will be tabulated in the LHAPDF format." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- ListFunctions():"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " lists all the functions available in APFEL." write(6,*) " " * write(6,*) achar(27)//"[33mOutput functions:"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- xPDF(int i, double x) and ", 1 "xgamma(double x):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " return 'x' times the i-th and the photon PDF" write(6,*) " in 'x' at the final scale 'Q' [GeV] defined in" write(6,*) " 'EvolveAPFEL'." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- xPDFall(double x, double *xf):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns at once 'x' times all the PDF in the" write(6,*) " array xf[-6:6] computed in 'x' at the final scale" write(6,*) " 'Q' [GeV] defined in 'EvolveAPFEL'." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- xPDFallPhoton(double x,", 1 " double *xf):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns at once 'x' times all the PDF, including" write(6,*) " the photon, in the array xf[-6:7] computed in 'x'" write(6,*) " at the final scale 'Q' [GeV] defined in " write(6,*) " 'EvolveAPFEL'." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- xPDFj(int i, double x) and", 1 " xgammaj(double x):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " return 'x' times the i-th and the photon PDF" write(6,*) " in 'x' at the final scale 'Q' [GeV] defined in" write(6,*) " 'EvolveAPFEL' interpolated on the joint grid." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- dxPDF(int i, double x) and", 1 " dxgamma(double x):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " return 'x' times the derivative in ln(Q^2) of" write(6,*) " the i-th and the photon PDF in 'x' at the scale" write(6,*) " 'Q' [GeV] defined in 'DeriveAPFEL'." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- NPDF(int i, int N)", 1 " and Ngamma(int N):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " return the N-th moment of the i-th and the" write(6,*) " photon PDF the final scale 'Q' [GeV] defined in" write(6,*) " 'EvolveAPFEL'." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- xLepton(int i, double x):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " return 'x' times the i-th lepton PDF in 'x'" write(6,*) " at the final scale 'Q' [GeV] defined in" write(6,*) " 'EvolveAPFEL'." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- xLeptonj(int i, double x):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " return 'x' times the i-th lepton PDF in 'x'" write(6,*) " at the final scale 'Q' [GeV] defined in" write(6,*) " 'EvolveAPFEL' interpolated on the joint grid." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- xPDFxQ(int i, double x, double Q):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " return 'x' times the i-th PDF (inclunding quarks," write(6,*) " gluon, photon and leptons) in 'x' at the final" write(6,*) " scale 'Q' [GeV]. This function requires that" write(6,*) " 'CachePDFsAPFEL' to be called in advance." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- xPDFxQall(double x, double Q,", 1 " double *xf):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns at once 'x' times all the PDF in the" write(6,*) " array xf[-6:6] computed in 'x' at the scale" write(6,*) " 'Q' [GeV]. This function requires that" write(6,*) " 'CachePDFsAPFEL' to be called in advance." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- LUMI(int i, int j, double S):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the partonic luminosity of the i-th and" write(6,*) " j-th partons for the CoM energy S [GeV^2] for the" write(6,*) " final invariant mass Mx = Q [GeV] defined in " write(6,*) " 'EvolveAPFEL'." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- AlphaQCD(double Q):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the QCD strong coupling alpha_s at the" write(6,*) " scale 'Q' [GeV]." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- AlphaQED(double Q):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the QED coupling alpha at the scale" write(6,*) " 'Q' [GeV]." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- HeavyQuarkMass(int i,double Q):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the mass of the i-th heavy quark" write(6,*) " (i = 4,5,6) scale 'Q' [GeV] (the masses run only" write(6,*) " when using the MSbar scheme)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- GetLambdaQCD(int i):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the value of LambdaQCD with in GeV with" write(6,*) " 'i' active flavours (i = 4,5,6)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- GetThreshold(int i):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the value of the i-th heavy quark" write(6,*) " threhold in GeV (i = 4,5,6)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- GetMaxFlavourAlpha():"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " return the maximum number of active flavours in" write(6,*) " the couplings evolution." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- GetMaxFlavourPDFs():"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " return the maximum number of active flavours in" write(6,*) " the PDF evolution." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- nIntervals():"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the number of intervals of the joint" write(6,*) " grid." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- xGrid(int alpha):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the value of 'x' on the alpha-th node of" write(6,*) " the joint grid." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- GetPerturbativeOrder():"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the perturbative order set for the" write(6,*) " evolution." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- GetMuF0():"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the initial factorizationn scale." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- GetMuF():"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the final factorizationn scale." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- ExternalEvolutionOperator(", 1 "string fname, int i, int j, double x, int beta):"// 2 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the PDF evolution operator." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- ExternalEvolutionMatrixEv2Ev(", 1 "int i, int j, int alpha, int beta):"// 2 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the PDF evolution matrix from" write(6,*) " evolution to evolution basis." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- ExternalEvolutionMatrixEv2Ph(", 1 "int i, int j, int alpha, int beta):"// 2 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the PDF evolution matrix from" write(6,*) " evolution to physical basis." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- ExternalEvolutionMatrixPh2Ph(", 1 "int i, int j, int alpha, int beta):"// 2 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the PDF evolution matrix from" write(6,*) " physical to physical basis." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- ExternalSplittingFunctions(", 1 "string fname, int pt, int nf, int i, int j,", 2 " double x, int beta):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the QCD splitting functions on the" write(6,*) " joint interpolation grid." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- LHAPDFgrid(int Nrep, double Qin,", 1 " string fname):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " produces a PDF interpolation grid in the LHAPDF" write(6,*) " format." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- LHAPDFgridDerivative(int Nrep,", 1 " string fname):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " produces an interpolation grid in the LHAPDF" write(6,*) " format for the derived PDFs." write(6,*) " " * write(6,*) achar(27)//"[31m---- Functions of the DIS module ----" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[0m" * write(6,*) achar(27)//"[33mInitialization functions:" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- InitializeAPFEL_DIS():"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " initializes the DIS module. If no settings has" write(6,*) " been specified, it uses the default ones." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- ComputeStructureFunctionsAPFEL(", 1 "double Q0, double Q):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " computes the DIS structure functions on the grid" write(6,*) " at the scale 'Q' [GeV] applying also the PDF" write(6,*) " evolution from the initial scale 'Q0' [GeV]." write(6,*) " " write(6,*) achar(27)//"[33mSetting functions:" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetMassScheme(string ms):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the mass scheme to be used to compute the" write(6,*) " structure functions ('ms' = 'ZM-VFNS', 'FFNS'," write(6,*) " 'FONLL-A', 'FONLL-B', 'FONLL-C', default 'ms' =" write(6,*) " 'ZM-VFNS')." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetPolarizationDIS(double pol):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the beam polarization (default 'pol' = 0)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetProcessDIS(string pr):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets process ('pr' = 'EM', 'NC', 'CC', default" write(6,*) " 'pr' = 'EM')." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetNCComponent(string cm):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the component of the NC structure functions" write(6,*) " ('cm' = 'gg', 'gZ', 'ZZ', 'al', default" write(6,*) " 'cm' = 'al')." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetProjectileDIS(string lept):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the projectile ('lept' = 'electron'," write(6,*) " 'positron', 'neutrino', 'antineutrino', default" write(6,*) " 'lept' = 'electron')." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetTargetDIS(string tar):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the target ('tar' = 'proton', 'neutron'," write(6,*) " 'isoscalar', 'iron', default 'tar' = 'proton')" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetZMass(double massz):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the value of the mass of the Z boson" write(6,*) " (default 'massz' = 91.1876 GeV)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetWMass(double massw):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the value of the mass of the W boson" write(6,*) " (default 'massw' = 80.385 GeV)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetProtonMass(double massp):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the value of the mass of the proton" write(6,*) " (default 'massp' = 0.938272046 GeV)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetSin2ThetaW(double sw):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the value of sin^2(theta_W)" write(6,*) " (default 'sw' = 0.23126)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetGFermi(double gf):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the value of Fermi constant" write(6,*) " (default 'gf' = 1.1663787e-5)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetCKM(double vud, double vus,", 1 " double vub," write(6,*) " double vcd, double vcs, double vcb," write(6,*) " double vtd, double vts, double vtb):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the absolute value of the entries of the" write(6,*) " CKM matrix" write(6,*) " (default: 0.97427d0, 0.22536d0, 0.00355d0," write(6,*) " 0.22522d0, 0.97343d0, 0.04140d0," write(6,*) " 0.00886d0, 0.04050d0, 0.99914d0)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetRenQRatio(double ratio):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the ratio muR / Q (default 1)" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetFacQRatio(double ratio):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the ratio muF / Q (default 1)" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetScaleVariationProcedure(int", 1 " scp):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the scale variation procedure (default: 0)." write(6,*) " The options are:" write(6,*) " - 0: scale variations in evolution" write(6,*) " and structure functions." write(6,*) " - 1: scale variations in structure functions" write(6,*) " only." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- EnableDynamicalScaleVariations(", 1 "bool):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " enables or disables the possibility to perform" write(6,*) " fact/ren scale variations point by point without" write(6,*) " requiring the ratio \mu_{R,F} / Q to be constant." write(6,*) " Limitations: \mu_F = \mu_R and slower code." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- EnableIntrinsicCharm(", 1 "bool):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " enables or disables the intrinsic charm" write(6,*) " contributions to the massive structure functions." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- EnableTargetMassCorrections(bool):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " enables or disables the target mass corrections" write(6,*) " to the DIS structure functions due to the finite" write(6,*) " mass of the proton." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- EnableDampingFONLL(bool):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " enables or disables the damping factor when the" write(6,*) " FONLL structure functions are computed." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetDampingPowerFONLL(int dpc,", 1 " int dpb, int dpt):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " set the power with which damping factor" write(6,*) " suppresses the subleading terms for charm," write(6,*) " bottom, and top, separately." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SelectCharge(string selch):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " selects one particular charge in the NC structure" write(6,*) " functions ('selch' = 'down', 'up', 'strange'," write(6,*) " 'charm', 'bottom', 'top', 'all', default " write(6,*) " 'selch' = 'all')" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetPropagatorCorrection(double dr):" 1 //achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the correction to the Z propagator involved" write(6,*) " in the NC DIS structure functions" write(6,*) " (default 'dr' = 0)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetEWCouplings(double vd,", 1 " double vu, double ad, double au):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " sets the vector and axial couplings of the up-" write(6,*) " and down-type quarks. If they are not set by the" write(6,*) " user the standard couplinglings are used." write(6,*) " " * write(6,*) achar(27)//"[33mOutput functions:" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- F2light(double x),", 1 " F2charm(double x), F2bottom(double x)," write(6,*) " F2top(double x), F2total(double x):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- FLlight(double x),", 1 " FLcharm(double x), FLbottom(double x)," write(6,*) " FLtop(double x), FLtotal(double x):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- F3light(double x),", 1 " F3charm(double x), F3bottom(double x)," write(6,*) " F3top(double x), F3total(double x):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " return the F2, FL and xF3 structure functions in" write(6,*) " 'x' at the final scale 'Q' [GeV] defined in" write(6,*) " 'ComputeStructureFunctionsAPFEL'." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- g1light(double x),", 1 " g1charm(double x), g1bottom(double x)," write(6,*) " g1top(double x), g1total(double x):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- gLlight(double x),", 1 " gLcharm(double x), gLbottom(double x)," write(6,*) " gLtop(double x), gLtotal(double x):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- g4light(double x),", 1 " g4charm(double x), g4bottom(double x)," write(6,*) " g4top(double x), g4total(double x):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " return the g1, gL and xg4 polarised structure" write(6,*) " functions in 'x' at the final scale 'Q' [GeV]" write(6,*) " defined in 'ComputeStructureFunctionsAPFEL'." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- GetZMass():"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the value of the mass of the Z boson" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- GetWMass():"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the value of the mass of the W boson" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- GetProtonMass():"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the value of the mass of the proton" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- GetSin2ThetaW():"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the value of sin^2(theta_W)" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- GetGFermi():"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the value of Fermi constant" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- GetCKM(int u, int d):"// 1 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the absolute value of the (u,d) entry" write(6,*) " of the CKM matrix" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- GetSIATotalCrossSection(int pto,", 1 " double Q):"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the SIA total cross section in natural" write(6,*) " units at the perturbative order 'pto' and at the" write(6,*) " scale 'Q' in GeV (only for time-like evolution)." write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- ExternalDISOperator(string SF,", 1 " int ihq, int i, double x, int beta):"// 2 achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " returns the DIS operators." write(6,*) " " * write(6,*) achar(27)// 1 "[33mSpecial functions for the production of FK", 2 " tables:"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " " write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- SetFKObservable(string obs)" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- GetFKObservable()" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- FKSimulator(string obs, double x,", 1 " double q, double y, int i, int beta)" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- FKObservables(double x,", 1 " double q, double y)" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- ComputeHardCrossSectionsDY(", 1 "string inputfile, string outputfile)" write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m- ComputeFKTables(string inputfile, ", 1 "double Q0, int flmap[196])"//achar(27)//"[0m" write(6,*) " " * return end