************************************************************************ * * ReportParameters.f: * * This subrotine reports the evoution parameters. * ************************************************************************ subroutine ReportParameters * implicit none * include "../commons/Welcome.h" include "../commons/EvolOp.h" include "../commons/scales.h" include "../commons/Evs.h" include "../commons/Nf_FF.h" include "../commons/ipt.h" include "../commons/Th.h" include "../commons/alpha_ref_QCD.h" include "../commons/alpha_ref_QED.h" include "../commons/lambda_ref_QCD.h" include "../commons/AlphaEvolution.h" include "../commons/PDFEvolution.h" include "../commons/kren.h" include "../commons/mass_scheme.h" include "../commons/m2th.h" include "../commons/MaxFlavourPDFs.h" include "../commons/MaxFlavourAlpha.h" include "../commons/lock.h" include "../commons/TimeLike.h" include "../commons/Polarized.h" include "../commons/Smallx.h" include "../commons/FastEvol.h" include "../commons/MassRunning.h" include "../commons/TauMass.h" include "../commons/LeptEvol.h" include "../commons/EpsTrunc.h" include "../commons/NLOQEDCorrections.h" * * Report of the parameters (if enabled) * if(Welcome)then * call WelcomeMessage * write(6,*) achar(27)//"[34m"// 1 "Report of the evolution parameters:" write(6,*) " " * write(6,"(a,a,a)") " ",trim(Th)," evolution" if(Th(1:5).eq."QUniD".and.ipt.ge.1)then if(NLOQED)then write(6,*) "NLO QED Corrections enabled" else write(6,*) "NLO QED Corrections disabled" endif endif * if(LeptEvol.and.Th.eq."QUniD")then write(6,*) "Lepton evolution enabled" endif * if(TimeLike)then write(6,*) "Time-like evolution (fragmentation functions)" else write(6,*) "Space-like evolution (PDFs)" endif * if(Polarized)then write(6,*) "Polarized evolution" else write(6,*) "Unpolarized evolution" endif * if(Evs.eq."VF")then write(6,"(a,a,i1,a)") " Evolution scheme: ", 1 "VFNS at N",ipt,"LO" elseif(Evs.eq."FF")then write(6,"(a,a,i1,a,i1,a)") " Evolution scheme: ", 1 "FFNS with ",Nf_FF, 2 " active flavours at N",ipt,"LO" endif * if(Evs.eq."VF")then write(6,"(a,a,a,i1,a)") 1 " Solution of the DGLAP equation: '",trim(PDFEvol), 2 "' with maximum ",nfMaxPDFs," active flavours" elseif(Evs.eq."FF")then write(6,"(a,a,a)") 1 " Solution of the DGLAP equation: '",trim(PDFEvol),"'" endif if(PDFevol(1:9).eq."truncated")then write(6,"(a,a,es10.3)") " - value of the", 1 " truncation parameter epsilon =",EpsTrunc endif * if(Evs.eq."VF")then write(6,"(a,a,a,a,i1,a)") " Solution of the coupling", 1 " equations: '",trim(AlphaEvol),"' with maximum ", 2 nfMaxAlpha," active flavours" elseif(Evs.eq."FF")then write(6,"(a,a,a,a)") " Solution of the coupling", 1 " equations: '",trim(AlphaEvol),"'" endif if(AlphaEvol(1:6).eq."lambda")then write(6,*) "Lambda reference value:" write(6,"(a,i1,a,f10.6,a)")" - LambdaQCD(",n_ref_qcd, 1 ") = ",lambda_ref_qcd," GeV" else if(Th.eq."QCD")then write(6,*) "Coupling reference value:" write(6,"(a,f8.4,a,f9.6)")" - AlphaQCD(", 1 dsqrt(q2_ref_qcd)," GeV) = ",alpha_ref_qcd else write(6,*) "Coupling reference values:" write(6,"(a,f8.4,a,f9.6)")" - AlphaQCD(", 1 dsqrt(q2_ref_qcd)," GeV) = ",alpha_ref_qcd write(6,"(a,f8.4,a,f9.6)")" - AlphaQED(", 1 dsqrt(q2_ref_qed)," GeV) = ",alpha_ref_qed endif endif * if(mass_scheme.eq."MSbar")then write(6,*) "MSbar heavy quark reference masses:" write(6,"(a,f8.4,a,f8.4,a)") " - mc(",dsqrt(Q2th(4)), 1 " GeV) = ",dsqrt(m2q(4))," GeV" write(6,"(a,f8.4,a,f8.4,a)") " - mb(",dsqrt(Q2th(5)), 1 " GeV) = ",dsqrt(m2q(5))," GeV" write(6,"(a,f8.4,a,f8.4,a)") " - mt(",dsqrt(Q2th(6)), 1 " GeV) = ",dsqrt(m2q(6))," GeV" write(6,*) "MSbar heavy quark masses:" write(6,"(a,f8.4,a)") " - mc(mc) = ",dsqrt(m2ph(4))," GeV" write(6,"(a,f8.4,a)") " - mb(mb) = ",dsqrt(m2ph(5))," GeV" write(6,"(a,f8.4,a)") " - mt(mt) = ",dsqrt(m2ph(6))," GeV" if(MassRunning)then write(6,*) "Running of the masses enabled" else write(6,*) "Running of the masses disabled" endif elseif(mass_scheme(1:4).eq."Pole")then write(6,*) "Pole heavy quark masses:" write(6,"(a,f8.4,a)") " - Mc = ",dsqrt(m2ph(4))," GeV" write(6,"(a,f8.4,a)") " - Mb = ",dsqrt(m2ph(5))," GeV" write(6,"(a,f8.4,a)") " - Mt = ",dsqrt(m2ph(6))," GeV" endif * if(k2th(4).ne.1d0.or.k2th(5).ne.1d0.or.k2th(6).ne.1d0)then write(6,*) "Heavy quark thresholds:" write(6,"(a,f8.4,a)") " - Mthc = ",dsqrt(m2th(4))," GeV" write(6,"(a,f8.4,a)") " - Mthb = ",dsqrt(m2th(5))," GeV" write(6,"(a,f8.4,a)") " - Mtht = ",dsqrt(m2th(6))," GeV" else write(6,*) "The matching thresholds coincide", 1 " with the physical masses" endif * write(6,"(a,f7.4)") " muR / muF = ",dsqrt(kren) * if(LeptEvol.and.Th.eq."QUniD")then write(6,"(a,f6.3,a)") " Mass of the tau lepton =",MTau, 1 " GeV" endif * if(Smallx)then if(LogAcc.eq.0) 1 write(6,*) "Small-x resummation at LL enabled" if(LogAcc.eq.1) 1 write(6,*) "Small-x resummation at NLL enabled" endif * write(6,*) " " * write(6,"(a,f9.4,a,f12.4,a)") " Allowed evolution range [", 1 dsqrt(Q2min)," :",dsqrt(Q2max)," ] GeV" * if(Lock)then write(6,*) "The internal subgrids will be locked" endif * if(FastEvol)then write(6,*) "Fast evolution enabled" endif * if(EvolOp)then write(6,*) "Computation of the evolution operator enabled" endif * write(6,*) achar(27)//"[0m" endif * return end