// @(#)root/r:$Id$ // Author: Omar Zapata 30/05/2015 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2013-2015, Omar Andres Zapata Mesa * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_R_TRDataFrame #define ROOT_R_TRDataFrame #include #include #include namespace ROOT { namespace R { /** \class TRDataFrame This is a class to create DataFrames from ROOT to R

TRDataFrame class

DataFrame is a very important datatype in R and in ROOTR we have a class to manipulate
dataframes called TRDataFrame, with a lot of very useful operators overloaded to work with TRDataFrame's objects
in a similar way that in the R environment but from c++ in ROOT.

Lets to create need data to play with dataframe features

Creating variables

\code{.cpp} TVectorD v1(3); std::vector v2(3); std::array v3{ {1,2,3} }; std::list names; \endcode

Assigning values

\code{.cpp} v1[0]=1; v1[1]=2; v1[2]=3; v2[0]=0.101; v2[1]=0.202; v2[2]=0.303; names.push_back("v1"); names.push_back("v2"); names.push_back("v3"); ROOT::R::TRInterface &r=ROOT::R::TRInterface::Instance(); \endcode In R the dataframe have associate to every column a label, in ROOTR you can have the same label using the class ROOT::R::Label to create a TRDataFrame where you data have a label associate.

Creating dataframe object with its labels

\code{.cpp} using namespace ROOT::R; TRDataFrame df1(Label["var1"]=v1,Label["var2"]=v2,Label["var3"]=v3,Label["strings"]=names); \endcode

Passing dataframe to R's environment

\code{.cpp} r["df1"]<Adding colunms to dataframe
\code{.cpp} TVectorD v4(3); //filling the vector fro R's environment r["c(-1,-2,-3)"]>>v4; //adding new colunm to df1 with name var4 df1["var4"]=v4; //updating df1 in R's environment r["df1"]<Getting dataframe from R's environment
\code{.cpp} ROOT::R::TRDataFrame df2; r<<"df2<-data.frame(v1=c(0.1,0.2,0.3),v2=c(3,2,1))"; r["df2"]>>df2; TVectorD v(3); df2["v1"]>>v; v.Print(); df2["v2"]>>v; v.Print(); \endcode Output \code Vector (3) is as follows | 1 | ------------------ 0 |0.1 1 |0.2 2 |0.3 Vector (3) is as follows | 1 | ------------------ 0 |3 1 |2 2 |1 \endcode Working with colunms between dataframes
\code{.cpp} df2["v3"]<Working with colunms between dataframes
\code{.cpp} //passing values from colunm v3 of df2 to var1 of df1 df2["v3"]>>df1["var1"]; //updating df1 in R's environment r["df1"]<Users Guide http://oproject.org/tiki-index.php?page=ROOT+R+Users+Guide
https://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/how-use-r-root-root-r-interface @ingroup R */ class TRDataFrame: public TObject { friend class TRInterface; friend SEXP Rcpp::wrap(const TRDataFrame &f); protected: Rcpp::DataFrame df; //internal Rcpp::DataFrame public: //Proxy class to use operators for assignation Ex: df["name"]>>object class Binding { friend class TRDataFrame; public: /** Construct a Binding nestead class for facilities with operators \param _df Rcpp::DataFrame (internal from TDataFrame) \param name string to use in assignations */ Binding(Rcpp::DataFrame &_df, TString name): fName(name), fDf(_df) {} /** Copy constructor for Binding nestead class \param obj object with Rcpp::DataFame objecta and string with name */ Binding(const Binding &obj): fName(obj.fName), fDf(obj.fDf) {} /** template method for operator assignation \param var any R wrappable datatype */ template Binding operator=(T var) { Int_t size = fDf.size(), i = 0; Rcpp::CharacterVector names = fDf.attr("names"); Bool_t found = false; while (i < size) { if (names[i] == fName.Data()) { found = true; break; } i++; } if (found) fDf[fName.Data()] = var; else { if (size == 0) { fDf = Rcpp::DataFrame::create(ROOT::R::Label[fName.Data()] = var); } else { Rcpp::List nDf(size + 1); Rcpp::CharacterVector nnames(size + 1); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { nDf[i] = fDf[i] ; nnames[i] = names[i]; } nDf[size] = var; nnames[size] = fName.Data(); nDf.attr("class") = fDf.attr("class") ; nDf.attr("row.names") = fDf.attr("row.names") ; nDf.attr("names") = nnames ; fDf = nDf; } } return *this; } /** method for operator assignation of Binding class \param obj other Binding object */ Binding operator=(Binding obj) { Int_t size = fDf.size(), i = 0; Rcpp::CharacterVector names = fDf.attr("names"); Bool_t found = false; while (i < size) { if (names[i] == fName.Data()) { found = true; break; } i++; } if (found) fDf[fName.Data()] = obj.fDf[obj.fName.Data()]; else { Rcpp::List nDf(size + 1); Rcpp::CharacterVector nnames(size + 1); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { nDf[i] = obj.fDf[i] ; nnames[i] = names[i]; } nDf[size] = obj.fDf[obj.fName.Data()]; nnames[size] = fName.Data(); nDf.attr("class") = obj.fDf.attr("class") ; nDf.attr("row.names") = obj.fDf.attr("row.names") ; nDf.attr("names") = nnames ; fDf = nDf; } return *this; } /** Template method for operator >> that lets to use dataframes like streams example: df["v"]>>vector; \param var any datatype that can be assigned from dataframe label */ template Binding &operator >>(T &var) { var = Rcpp::as(fDf[fName.Data()]); return *this; } Binding operator >>(Binding var) { var.fDf[var.fName.Data()] = fDf[fName.Data()]; return var; } /** Template method for operator << that lets to use dataframes like streams example: df["v"]< Binding &operator <<(T var) { Int_t size = fDf.size(), i = 0; Rcpp::CharacterVector names = fDf.attr("names"); Bool_t found = false; while (i < size) { if (names[i] == fName.Data()) { found = true; break; } i++; } if (found) fDf[fName.Data()] = var; else { Rcpp::List nDf(size + 1); Rcpp::CharacterVector nnames(size + 1); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { nDf[i] = fDf[i] ; nnames[i] = names[i]; } nDf[size] = var; nnames[size] = fName.Data(); nDf.attr("class") = fDf.attr("class") ; nDf.attr("row.names") = fDf.attr("row.names") ; nDf.attr("names") = nnames ; fDf = nDf; } return *this; } template operator T() { return Rcpp::as(fDf[fName.Data()]); } template operator T() const { return Rcpp::as(fDf[fName.Data()]); } private: TString fName; //name of label Rcpp::DataFrame &fDf;//internal dataframe }; /** Default TDataFrame constructor */ TRDataFrame(); /** TDataFrame constructor \param obj raw R object that can be casted to DataFrame */ TRDataFrame(SEXP obj) { df = Rcpp::as(obj); } /** TDataFrame copy constructor \param _df other TRDataFrame */ TRDataFrame(const TRDataFrame &_df); /** TDataFrame constructor for Rcpp::DataFrame \param _df raw dataframe from Rcpp */ TRDataFrame(const Rcpp::DataFrame &_df): df(_df) {}; #include Binding operator[](const TString &name); TRDataFrame &operator=(TRDataFrame &obj) { df = obj.df; return *this; } TRDataFrame &operator=(TRDataFrame obj) { df = obj.df; return *this; } TRDataFrame &operator=(SEXP obj) { df = Rcpp::as(obj); return *this; } operator SEXP() { return df; } operator SEXP() const { return df; } /** Method to get the number of colunms \return number of cols */ Int_t GetNcols() { return df.size(); } /** Method to get the number of rows \return number of rows */ Int_t GetNrows() { return df.nrows(); } /** Method to get labels of dataframe \return colunms names */ TVectorString GetColNames() { Rcpp::CharacterVector names = df.attr("names"); TVectorString rnames(GetNcols()); for (Int_t i = 0; i < GetNcols(); i++) rnames[i] = names[i]; return rnames; } /** Method to get dataframe as matrix \note only work on numerical dataframes if some column if string or other it will fail \return TMatrixT with a given tamplate data type */ template TMatrixT AsMatrix() { TRFunctionImport asMatrix("as.matrix"); return Rcpp::as >(asMatrix(df)); } /** Method to print the dataframe in stdout or a column given the label \param label nomber of the column to print */ void Print(const Char_t *label = "") { TRFunctionImport print("print"); if (label && !label[0]) { // label is "" print(df); } else { print(df[label]); } } ClassDef(TRDataFrame, 0) // }; } } #endif