# define the pandoc options according to the pandoc version. PANDOC_VERSION=$(shell pandoc -v | grep "pandoc " | sed -e "s/pandoc //") ifeq ($(PANDOC_VERSION),2.2) OPTIONS=-s -f markdown+smart --toc --toc-depth=2 --top-level-division=chapter --number-sections else OPTIONS=-s -S -f markdown --toc --toc-depth=2 --chapters --number-sections endif OPTIONSHTML=-H css/github.css --mathjax OPTIONSEPUB=--mathml --epub-cover-image=figures/cover.png OPTIONSPDFA4=--variable=geometry:a4paper -V geometry:margin=1.5cm OPTIONSPDFLETTER=--variable=geometry:letterpaper -V geometry:margin=1.5cm .PHONY: pdfa4 pdfletter html tex epub all: pdfa4 pdfletter html tex epub pdfa4: $(MDFILES) pandoc $(OPTIONS) $(OPTIONSPDFA4) $(MDFILES) -o Spectrum.pdf pdfletter: $(MDFILES) pandoc $(OPTIONS) $(OPTIONSPDFLETTER) $(MDFILES) -o SpectrumLetter.pdf html: $(MDFILES) title.txt pandoc $(OPTIONS) $(OPTIONSHTML) -t html title.txt $(MDFILES) -o Spectrum.html tex: $(MDFILES) pandoc $(OPTIONS) -t latex $(MDFILES) -o Spectrum.tex epub: $(MDFILES) metadata.xml title.txt pandoc $(OPTIONS) $(OPTIONSEPUB) --epub-metadata=metadata.xml \ title.txt $(MDFILES) -o Spectrum.epub clean: rm -f Spectrum.pdf SpectrumLetter.pdf Spectrum.html \ Spectrum.tex Spectrum.epub