// @(#)root/graf:$Id$ // Author: Rene Brun 15/03/99 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "Riostream.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TBuffer.h" #include "TPaveStats.h" #include "TPaveLabel.h" #include "TVirtualPad.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TClass.h" #include "TLatex.h" ClassImp(TPaveStats); /** \class TPaveStats \ingroup BasicGraphics The histogram statistics painter class. To draw histogram statistics and fit parameters. - [Statistics Display](#PS01) - [Fit Statistics](#PS02) - [Statistics box editing](#PS03) ## <a name="PS01"></a> Statistics Display The type of information shown in the histogram statistics box can be selected with: ~~~ {.cpp} gStyle->SetOptStat(mode); ~~~ The "`mode`" has up to nine digits that can be set to on (1 or 2), off (0). ~~~ {.cpp} mode = ksiourmen (default = 000001111) k = 1; kurtosis printed k = 2; kurtosis and kurtosis error printed s = 1; skewness printed s = 2; skewness and skewness error printed i = 1; integral of bins printed o = 1; number of overflows printed u = 1; number of underflows printed r = 1; rms printed r = 2; rms and rms error printed m = 1; mean value printed m = 2; mean and mean error values printed e = 1; number of entries printed n = 1; name of histogram is printed ~~~ For example: ~~~ {.cpp} gStyle->SetOptStat(11); ~~~ displays only the name of histogram and the number of entries, whereas: ~~~ {.cpp} gStyle->SetOptStat(1101); ~~~ displays the name of histogram, mean value and RMS. <b>WARNING 1:</b> never do: ~~~ {.cpp} gStyle->SetOptStat(0001111); ~~~ but instead do: ~~~ {.cpp} gStyle->SetOptStat(1111); ~~~ because `0001111` will be taken as an octal number! <b>WARNING 2:</b> for backward compatibility with older versions ~~~ {.cpp} gStyle->SetOptStat(1); ~~~ is taken as: ~~~ {.cpp} gStyle->SetOptStat(1111) ~~~ To print only the name of the histogram do: ~~~ {.cpp} gStyle->SetOptStat(1000000001); ~~~ <b>NOTE</b> that in case of 2D histograms, when selecting only underflow (10000) or overflow (100000), the statistics box will show all combinations of underflow/overflows and not just one single number. The parameter mode can be any combination of the letters `kKsSiourRmMen` ~~~ {.cpp} k : kurtosis printed K : kurtosis and kurtosis error printed s : skewness printed S : skewness and skewness error printed i : integral of bins printed o : number of overflows printed u : number of underflows printed r : rms printed R : rms and rms error printed m : mean value printed M : mean value mean error values printed e : number of entries printed n : name of histogram is printed ~~~ For example, to print only name of histogram and number of entries do: ~~~ {.cpp} gStyle->SetOptStat("ne"); ~~~ To print only the name of the histogram do: ~~~ {.cpp} gStyle->SetOptStat("n"); ~~~ The default value is: ~~~ {.cpp} gStyle->SetOptStat("nemr"); ~~~ When a histogram is painted, a `TPaveStats` object is created and added to the list of functions of the histogram. If a `TPaveStats` object already exists in the histogram list of functions, the existing object is just updated with the current histogram parameters. Once a histogram is painted, the statistics box can be accessed using `h->FindObject("stats")`. In the command line it is enough to do: ~~~ {.cpp} Root > h->Draw() Root > TPaveStats *st = (TPaveStats*)h->FindObject("stats") ~~~ because after `h->Draw()` the histogram is automatically painted. But in a script file the painting should be forced using `gPad->Update()` in order to make sure the statistics box is created: ~~~ {.cpp} h->Draw(); gPad->Update(); TPaveStats *st = (TPaveStats*)h->FindObject("stats"); ~~~ Without `gPad->Update()` the line `h->FindObject("stats")` returns a null pointer. When a histogram is drawn with the option "`SAME`", the statistics box is not drawn. To force the statistics box drawing with the option "`SAME`", the option "`SAMES`" must be used. If the new statistics box hides the previous statistics box, one can change its position with these lines ("`h`" being the pointer to the histogram): ~~~ {.cpp} Root > TPaveStats *st = (TPaveStats*)h->FindObject("stats") Root > st->SetX1NDC(newx1); //new x start position Root > st->SetX2NDC(newx2); //new x end position ~~~ To change the type of information for an histogram with an existing `TPaveStats` one should do: ~~~ {.cpp} st->SetOptStat(mode); ~~~ Where "`mode`" has the same meaning than when calling `gStyle->SetOptStat(mode)` (see above). One can delete the statistics box for a histogram `TH1* h` with: ~~~ {.cpp} h->SetStats(0) ~~~ and activate it again with: ~~~ {.cpp} h->SetStats(1). ~~~ ## <a name="PS02"></a> Fit Statistics The type of information about fit parameters printed in the histogram statistics box can be selected via the parameter mode. The parameter mode can be `= pcev` (default `= 0111`) ~~~ {.cpp} p = 1; print Probability c = 1; print Chisquare/Number of degrees of freedom e = 1; print errors (if e=1, v must be 1) v = 1; print name/values of parameters ~~~ Example: ~~~ {.cpp} gStyle->SetOptFit(1011); ~~~ print fit probability, parameter names/values and errors. 1. When `"v" = 1` is specified, only the non-fixed parameters are shown. 2. When `"v" = 2` all parameters are shown. Note: `gStyle->SetOptFit(1)` means "default value", so it is equivalent to `gStyle->SetOptFit(111)` ## <a name="PS03"></a> Statistics box editing The following example show how to remove and add a line in a statistics box. Begin_Macro(source) ../../../tutorials/hist/statsEditing.C End_Macro */ const UInt_t kTakeStyle = BIT(17); //see TStyle::SetOptFit/Stat //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TPaveStats default constructor. TPaveStats::TPaveStats(): TPaveText() { fParent = 0; fOptFit = gStyle->GetOptFit(); fOptStat = gStyle->GetOptStat(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TPaveStats normal constructor. TPaveStats::TPaveStats(Double_t x1, Double_t y1,Double_t x2, Double_t y2, Option_t *option) :TPaveText(x1,y1,x2,y2,option) { fParent = 0; fOptFit = gStyle->GetOptFit(); fOptStat = gStyle->GetOptStat(); SetFitFormat(gStyle->GetFitFormat()); SetStatFormat(gStyle->GetStatFormat()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TPaveStats default destructor. TPaveStats::~TPaveStats() { if ( fParent && !fParent->TestBit(kInvalidObject)) fParent->RecursiveRemove(this); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return the fit option. Int_t TPaveStats::GetOptFit() const { if (TestBit(kTakeStyle)) return gStyle->GetOptFit(); return fOptFit; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return the stat option. Int_t TPaveStats::GetOptStat() const { if (TestBit(kTakeStyle)) return gStyle->GetOptStat(); return fOptStat; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Save This TPaveStats options in current style. void TPaveStats::SaveStyle() { gStyle->SetOptFit(fOptFit); gStyle->SetOptStat(fOptStat); gStyle->SetFitFormat(fFitFormat.Data()); gStyle->SetStatFormat(fStatFormat.Data()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Change (i.e. set) the format for printing fit parameters in statistics box. void TPaveStats::SetFitFormat(const char *form) { fFitFormat = form; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set the fit option. void TPaveStats::SetOptFit(Int_t fit) { fOptFit = fit; ResetBit(kTakeStyle); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set the stat option. void TPaveStats::SetOptStat(Int_t stat) { fOptStat = stat; ResetBit(kTakeStyle); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Change (i.e. set) the format for printing statistics. void TPaveStats::SetStatFormat(const char *form) { fStatFormat = form; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint the pave stat. void TPaveStats::Paint(Option_t *option) { TPave::ConvertNDCtoPad(); TPave::PaintPave(fX1,fY1,fX2,fY2,GetBorderSize(),option); if (!fLines) return; TString typolabel; Double_t y2ref = TMath::Max(fY1,fY2); Double_t x1ref = TMath::Min(fX1,fX2); Double_t x2ref = TMath::Max(fX1,fX2); Double_t dx = TMath::Abs(fX2 - fX1); Double_t dy = TMath::Abs(fY2 - fY1); Double_t titlesize=0; Double_t textsize = GetTextSize(); Int_t nlines = GetSize(); if (nlines == 0) nlines = 5; Int_t print_name = fOptStat%10; // Evaluate text size as a function of the number of lines Double_t y1 = gPad->GetY1(); Double_t y2 = gPad->GetY2(); Float_t margin = fMargin*dx; Double_t yspace = dy/Double_t(nlines); Double_t textsave = textsize; TObject *line; TLatex *latex, *latex_tok; TIter next(fLines); Double_t longest = 0, titlelength = 0; Double_t w, wtok[2]; char *st, *sl=0; if (textsize == 0) { textsize = 0.92*yspace/(y2 - y1); titlesize = textsize; wtok[0] = 0; wtok[1] = 0; while ((line = (TObject*) next())) { if (line->IsA() == TLatex::Class()) { latex = (TLatex*)line; Int_t nchs = strlen(latex->GetTitle()); sl = new char[nchs+1]; strlcpy(sl, latex->GetTitle(),nchs+1); if (strpbrk(sl, "=") !=0 && print_name == 0) { st = strtok(sl, "="); Int_t itok = 0; while ( st !=0 ) { latex_tok = new TLatex(0.,0.,st); Style_t tfont = latex->GetTextFont(); if (tfont == 0) tfont = GetTextFont(); latex_tok->SetTextFont(tfont); latex_tok->SetTextSize(textsize); w = latex_tok->GetXsize(); if (w > wtok[itok]) wtok[itok] = w; st = strtok(0, "="); ++itok; delete latex_tok; } } else if (strpbrk(sl, "|") !=0) { } else { print_name = 0; Style_t tfont = latex->GetTextFont(); if (tfont == 0) latex->SetTextFont(GetTextFont()); latex->SetTextSize(titlesize); titlelength = latex->GetXsize()+2.*margin; if (titlelength > 0.98*dx) titlesize *= 0.98*dx/titlelength; latex->SetTextFont(tfont); } delete [] sl; sl = 0; } } longest = wtok[0]+wtok[1]+2.*margin; if (longest > 0.98*dx) textsize *= 0.98*dx/longest; SetTextSize(textsize); } else { titlesize = textsize; } Double_t ytext = y2ref + 0.5*yspace; Double_t xtext = 0; print_name = fOptStat%10; // Iterate over all lines // Copy pavetext attributes to line attributes if line attributes not set next.Reset(); while ((line = (TObject*) next())) { if (line->IsA() == TLatex::Class()) { latex = (TLatex*)line; ytext -= yspace; Double_t xl = latex->GetX(); Double_t yl = latex->GetY(); Short_t talign = latex->GetTextAlign(); Color_t tcolor = latex->GetTextColor(); Style_t tfont = latex->GetTextFont(); Size_t tsize = latex->GetTextSize(); if (tcolor == 0) latex->SetTextColor(GetTextColor()); if (tfont == 0) latex->SetTextFont(GetTextFont()); if (tsize == 0) latex->SetTextSize(GetTextSize()); Int_t nchs = strlen(latex->GetTitle()); sl = new char[nchs+1]; strlcpy(sl, latex->GetTitle(),nchs+1); // Draw all the histogram stats except the 2D under/overflow if (strpbrk(sl, "=") !=0 && print_name == 0) { st = strtok(sl, "="); Int_t halign = 12; while ( st !=0 ) { typolabel = st; latex->SetTextAlign(halign); if (halign == 12) xtext = x1ref + margin; if (halign == 32) { xtext = x2ref - margin; typolabel = typolabel.Strip(); typolabel.ReplaceAll("-","#minus"); } latex->PaintLatex(xtext,ytext,latex->GetTextAngle(), latex->GetTextSize(), typolabel.Data()); st = strtok(0, "="); halign = 32; } // Draw the 2D under/overflow } else if (strpbrk(sl, "|") !=0) { Double_t yline1 = ytext+yspace/2.; Double_t yline2 = ytext-yspace/2.; Double_t xline1 = dx/3+x1ref; Double_t xline2 = 2*dx/3+x1ref; gPad->PaintLine(x1ref,yline1,x2ref,yline1); gPad->PaintLine(xline1,yline1,xline1,yline2); gPad->PaintLine(xline2,yline1,xline2,yline2); st = strtok(sl, "|"); Int_t theIndex = 0; while ( st !=0 ) { latex->SetTextAlign(22); if (theIndex == 0) xtext = 0.5*(x1ref+xline1); if (theIndex == 1) xtext = 0.5*(x1ref+x2ref); if (theIndex == 2) xtext = 0.5*(xline2+x2ref); typolabel = st; typolabel.ReplaceAll("-", "#minus"); latex->PaintLatex(xtext,ytext,latex->GetTextAngle(), latex->GetTextSize(), typolabel.Data()); theIndex++; st = strtok(0, "|"); } // Draw the histogram identifier } else { print_name = 0; latex->SetTextAlign(22); xtext = 0.5*(x1ref+x2ref); latex->PaintLatex(xtext,ytext,latex->GetTextAngle(), titlesize, sl); gPad->PaintLine(x1ref,y2ref-yspace,x2ref,y2ref-yspace); } delete [] sl; latex->SetTextAlign(talign); latex->SetTextColor(tcolor); latex->SetTextFont(tfont); latex->SetTextSize(tsize); latex->SetX(xl); //paintlatex modifies fX and fY latex->SetY(yl); } } SetTextSize(textsave); // if a label create & paint a pavetext title if (fLabel.Length() > 0) { Double_t x1,x2; dy = gPad->GetY2() - gPad->GetY1(); x1 = x1ref + 0.25*dx; x2 = x2ref - 0.25*dx; y1 = y2ref - 0.02*dy; y2 = y2ref + 0.02*dy; TPaveLabel *title = new TPaveLabel(x1,y1,x2,y2,fLabel.Data(),GetDrawOption()); title->SetFillColor(GetFillColor()); title->SetTextColor(GetTextColor()); title->SetTextFont(GetTextFont()); title->Paint(); delete title; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Save primitive as a C++ statement(s) on output stream out. void TPaveStats::SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t * /*= ""*/) { char quote = '"'; out<<" "<<std::endl; Bool_t saved = gROOT->ClassSaved(TPaveStats::Class()); if (saved) { out<<" "; } else { out<<" "<<ClassName()<<" *"; } if (fOption.Contains("NDC")) { out<<"ptstats = new "<<ClassName()<<"("<<fX1NDC<<","<<fY1NDC<<","<<fX2NDC<<","<<fY2NDC <<","<<quote<<fOption<<quote<<");"<<std::endl; } else { out<<"ptstats = new "<<ClassName()<<"("<<fX1<<","<<fY1<<","<<fX2<<","<<fY2 <<","<<quote<<fOption<<quote<<");"<<std::endl; } if (strcmp(GetName(),"TPave")) { out<<" ptstats->SetName("<<quote<<GetName()<<quote<<");"<<std::endl; } if (fBorderSize != 4) { out<<" ptstats->SetBorderSize("<<fBorderSize<<");"<<std::endl; } SaveFillAttributes(out,"ptstats",19,1001); SaveLineAttributes(out,"ptstats",1,1,1); SaveTextAttributes(out,"ptstats",22,0,1,62,0); SaveLines(out,"ptstats",saved); out<<" ptstats->SetOptStat("<<GetOptStat()<<");"<<std::endl; out<<" ptstats->SetOptFit("<<GetOptFit()<<");"<<std::endl; out<<" ptstats->Draw();"<<std::endl; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Stream an object of class TPaveStats. void TPaveStats::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { if (R__b.IsReading()) { UInt_t R__s, R__c; Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c); if (R__v > 2) { R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TPaveStats::Class(), this, R__v, R__s, R__c); return; } //====process old versions before automatic schema evolution TPaveText::Streamer(R__b); R__b >> fOptFit; R__b >> fOptStat; if (R__v > 1 || R__b.GetVersionOwner() == 22304) { fFitFormat.Streamer(R__b); fStatFormat.Streamer(R__b); } else { SetFitFormat(); SetStatFormat(); } R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TPaveStats::IsA()); //====end of old versions } else { R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TPaveStats::Class(),this); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Replace current attributes by current style. void TPaveStats::UseCurrentStyle() { if (gStyle->IsReading()) { SetOptStat(gStyle->GetOptStat()); SetOptFit(gStyle->GetOptFit()); SetStatFormat(gStyle->GetStatFormat()); SetFitFormat(gStyle->GetFitFormat()); SetBorderSize(gStyle->GetStatBorderSize()); SetFillColor(gStyle->GetStatColor()); SetFillStyle(gStyle->GetStatStyle()); SetTextFont(gStyle->GetStatFont()); SetTextSize(gStyle->GetStatFontSize()); SetTextColor(gStyle->GetStatTextColor()); SetX2NDC(gStyle->GetStatX()); SetY2NDC(gStyle->GetStatY()); SetX1NDC(gStyle->GetStatX()-gStyle->GetStatW()); SetY1NDC(gStyle->GetStatY()-gStyle->GetStatH()); } else { gStyle->SetOptStat(GetOptStat()); gStyle->SetOptFit(GetOptFit()); gStyle->SetStatFormat(GetStatFormat()); gStyle->SetFitFormat(GetFitFormat()); gStyle->SetStatBorderSize(GetBorderSize()); gStyle->SetTextColor(GetTextColor()); gStyle->SetStatColor(GetFillColor()); gStyle->SetStatStyle(GetFillStyle()); gStyle->SetTextFont(GetTextFont()); gStyle->SetStatFontSize(GetTextSize()); gStyle->SetStatTextColor(GetTextColor()); gStyle->SetStatX(GetX2NDC()); gStyle->SetStatY(GetY2NDC()); gStyle->SetStatW(GetX2NDC()-GetX1NDC()); gStyle->SetStatH(GetY2NDC()-GetY1NDC()); } }