// @(#)root/x11:$Id$ // Author: Fons Rademakers 28/12/97 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ /** \class TGX11 */ // This file contains the implementation of the GUI methods of the // TGX11 class. Most of the methods are used by the machine independent // GUI classes (libGUI.so). #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "TGX11.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TError.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TException.h" #include "TClassTable.h" #include "KeySymbols.h" #include "TEnv.h" #include //---- MWM Hints stuff struct MWMHintsProperty_t { Handle_t fFlags; Handle_t fFunctions; Handle_t fDecorations; Int_t fInputMode; }; //---- hints const ULong_t kMWMHintsFunctions = BIT(0); const ULong_t kMWMHintsDecorations = BIT(1); const ULong_t kMWMHintsInputMode = BIT(2); const Int_t kPropMotifWMHintsElements = 4; const Int_t kPropMWMHintElements = kPropMotifWMHintsElements; //---- Key symbol mapping struct KeySymbolMap_t { KeySym fXKeySym; EKeySym fKeySym; }; //---- Mapping table of all non-trivial mappings (the ASCII keys map //---- one to one so are not included) static KeySymbolMap_t gKeyMap[] = { { XK_Escape, kKey_Escape }, { XK_Tab, kKey_Tab }, #ifndef XK_ISO_Left_Tab { 0xFE20, kKey_Backtab }, #else { XK_ISO_Left_Tab, kKey_Backtab }, #endif { XK_BackSpace, kKey_Backspace }, { XK_Return, kKey_Return }, { XK_Insert, kKey_Insert }, { XK_Delete, kKey_Delete }, { XK_Clear, kKey_Delete }, { XK_Pause, kKey_Pause }, { XK_Print, kKey_Print }, { 0x1005FF60, kKey_SysReq }, // hardcoded Sun SysReq { 0x1007ff00, kKey_SysReq }, // hardcoded X386 SysReq { XK_Home, kKey_Home }, // cursor movement { XK_End, kKey_End }, { XK_Left, kKey_Left }, { XK_Up, kKey_Up }, { XK_Right, kKey_Right }, { XK_Down, kKey_Down }, { XK_Prior, kKey_Prior }, { XK_Next, kKey_Next }, { XK_Shift_L, kKey_Shift }, // modifiers { XK_Shift_R, kKey_Shift }, { XK_Shift_Lock, kKey_Shift }, { XK_Control_L, kKey_Control }, { XK_Control_R, kKey_Control }, { XK_Meta_L, kKey_Meta }, { XK_Meta_R, kKey_Meta }, { XK_Alt_L, kKey_Alt }, { XK_Alt_R, kKey_Alt }, { XK_Caps_Lock, kKey_CapsLock }, { XK_Num_Lock, kKey_NumLock }, { XK_Scroll_Lock, kKey_ScrollLock }, { XK_KP_Space, kKey_Space }, // numeric keypad { XK_KP_Tab, kKey_Tab }, { XK_KP_Enter, kKey_Enter }, { XK_KP_F1, kKey_F1 }, { XK_KP_F2, kKey_F2 }, { XK_KP_F3, kKey_F3 }, { XK_KP_F4, kKey_F4 }, { XK_KP_Home, kKey_Home }, { XK_KP_Left, kKey_Left }, { XK_KP_Up, kKey_Up }, { XK_KP_Right, kKey_Right }, { XK_KP_Down, kKey_Down }, { XK_KP_Prior, kKey_Prior }, { XK_KP_Page_Up, kKey_PageUp }, { XK_KP_Next, kKey_Next }, { XK_KP_Page_Down, kKey_PageDown }, { XK_KP_End, kKey_End }, { XK_KP_Begin, kKey_Home }, { XK_KP_Insert, kKey_Insert }, { XK_KP_Delete, kKey_Delete }, { XK_KP_Equal, kKey_Equal }, { XK_KP_Multiply, kKey_Asterisk }, { XK_KP_Add, kKey_Plus }, { XK_KP_Separator, kKey_Comma }, { XK_KP_Subtract, kKey_Minus }, { XK_KP_Decimal, kKey_Period }, { XK_KP_Divide, kKey_Slash }, { 0, (EKeySym) 0 } }; struct RXGCValues:XGCValues{}; struct RXColor:XColor{}; struct RXpmAttributes:XpmAttributes{}; struct RXSetWindowAttributes:XSetWindowAttributes{}; struct RVisual:Visual{}; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline void SplitLong(Long_t ll, Long_t &i1, Long_t &i2) { union { Long_t l; Int_t i[2]; } conv; conv.l = ll; i1 = conv.i[0]; i2 = conv.i[1]; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline void AsmLong(Long_t i1, Long_t i2, Long_t &ll) { union { Long_t l; Int_t i[2]; } conv; conv.i[0] = (Int_t) i1; conv.i[1] = (Int_t) i2; ll = conv.l; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Handle X11 error. static Int_t RootX11ErrorHandler(Display *disp, XErrorEvent *err) { char msg[80]; XGetErrorText(disp, err->error_code, msg, 80); // force segV. to allow backtracing the error with gdb if (gDebug == (Long_t)gVirtualX) { gSystem->ProcessEvents(); ::Error("RootX11ErrorHandler", "%s (XID: %u, XREQ: %u)", msg, (UInt_t)err->resourceid, err->request_code); int *kil = (int*)1; delete kil; return 0; } if (!err->resourceid) return 0; TObject *w = (TObject *)gROOT->ProcessLineFast(Form("gClient ? gClient->GetWindowById(%lu) : 0", (ULong_t)err->resourceid)); if (!w) { ::Error("RootX11ErrorHandler", "%s (XID: %u, XREQ: %u)", msg, (UInt_t)err->resourceid, err->request_code); } else { ::Error("RootX11ErrorHandler", "%s (%s XID: %u, XREQ: %u)", msg, w->ClassName(), (UInt_t)err->resourceid, err->request_code); w->Print("tree"); } if (TROOT::Initialized()) { //Getlinem(kInit, "Root > "); Throw(2); } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Handle X11 I/O error (happens when connection to display server /// is broken). static Int_t RootX11IOErrorHandler(Display *) { ::Error("RootX11IOErrorHandler", "fatal X11 error (connection to server lost?!)"); fprintf(stderr,"\n**** Save data and exit application ****\n\n"); // delete X connection handler (to avoid looping in TSystem::DispatchOneEvent()) if (gXDisplay && gSystem) { gSystem->RemoveFileHandler(gXDisplay); SafeDelete(gXDisplay); } if (TROOT::Initialized()) { //Getlinem(kInit, "Root > "); Throw(2); } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Map window on screen. void TGX11::MapWindow(Window_t id) { if (!id) return; XMapWindow((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Map sub windows. void TGX11::MapSubwindows(Window_t id) { if (!id) return; XMapSubwindows((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Map window on screen and put on top of all windows. void TGX11::MapRaised(Window_t id) { if (!id) return; XMapRaised((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Unmap window from screen. void TGX11::UnmapWindow(Window_t id) { if (!id) return; XUnmapWindow((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destroy window. void TGX11::DestroyWindow(Window_t id) { if (!id) return; XDestroyWindow((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destroy subwindows of this window. void TGX11::DestroySubwindows(Window_t id) { if (!id) return; XDestroySubwindows((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Put window on top of window stack. void TGX11::RaiseWindow(Window_t id) { if (!id) return; XRaiseWindow((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Lower window so it lays below all its siblings. void TGX11::LowerWindow(Window_t id) { if (!id) return; XLowerWindow((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Move a window. void TGX11::MoveWindow(Window_t id, Int_t x, Int_t y) { if (!id) return; XMoveWindow((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, x, y); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Move and resize a window. void TGX11::MoveResizeWindow(Window_t id, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) { if (!id) return; XMoveResizeWindow((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, x, y, w, h); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Resize the window. void TGX11::ResizeWindow(Window_t id, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) { if (!id) return; // protect against potential negative values if (w >= (UInt_t)INT_MAX || h >= (UInt_t)INT_MAX) return; XResizeWindow((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, w, h); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Iconify the window. void TGX11::IconifyWindow(Window_t id) { if (!id) return; XIconifyWindow((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, fScreenNumber); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Reparent window to new parent window at position (x,y). void TGX11::ReparentWindow(Window_t id, Window_t pid, Int_t x, Int_t y) { if (!id) return; XReparentWindow((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, (Window) pid, x, y); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set the window background color. void TGX11::SetWindowBackground(Window_t id, ULong_t color) { if (!id) return; XSetWindowBackground((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, color); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set pixmap as window background. void TGX11::SetWindowBackgroundPixmap(Window_t id, Pixmap_t pxm) { if (!id) return; XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, (Pixmap) pxm); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return handle to newly created X window. Window_t TGX11::CreateWindow(Window_t parent, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, UInt_t border, Int_t depth, UInt_t clss, void *visual, SetWindowAttributes_t *attr, UInt_t) { RXSetWindowAttributes xattr; ULong_t xmask = 0; if (attr) MapSetWindowAttributes(attr, xmask, xattr); if (depth == 0) depth = fDepth; if (visual == 0) visual = fVisual; if (fColormap && !(xmask & CWColormap)) { xmask |= CWColormap; xattr.colormap = fColormap; } if ((Window)parent == fRootWin && fRootWin != fVisRootWin) { xmask |= CWBorderPixel; xattr.border_pixel = fBlackPixel; } return (Window_t) XCreateWindow((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) parent, x, y, w, h, border, depth, clss, (Visual*)visual, xmask, &xattr); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Map event mask to or from X. void TGX11::MapEventMask(UInt_t &emask, UInt_t &xemask, Bool_t tox) { if (tox) { Long_t lxemask = NoEventMask; if ((emask & kKeyPressMask)) lxemask |= KeyPressMask; if ((emask & kKeyReleaseMask)) lxemask |= KeyReleaseMask; if ((emask & kButtonPressMask)) lxemask |= ButtonPressMask; if ((emask & kButtonReleaseMask)) lxemask |= ButtonReleaseMask; if ((emask & kPointerMotionMask)) lxemask |= PointerMotionMask; if ((emask & kButtonMotionMask)) lxemask |= ButtonMotionMask; if ((emask & kExposureMask)) lxemask |= ExposureMask; if ((emask & kStructureNotifyMask)) lxemask |= StructureNotifyMask; if ((emask & kEnterWindowMask)) lxemask |= EnterWindowMask; if ((emask & kLeaveWindowMask)) lxemask |= LeaveWindowMask; if ((emask & kFocusChangeMask)) lxemask |= FocusChangeMask; if ((emask & kOwnerGrabButtonMask)) lxemask |= OwnerGrabButtonMask; if ((emask & kColormapChangeMask)) lxemask |= ColormapChangeMask; xemask = (UInt_t)lxemask; } else { emask = 0; if ((xemask & KeyPressMask)) emask |= kKeyPressMask; if ((xemask & KeyReleaseMask)) emask |= kKeyReleaseMask; if ((xemask & ButtonPressMask)) emask |= kButtonPressMask; if ((xemask & ButtonReleaseMask)) emask |= kButtonReleaseMask; if ((xemask & PointerMotionMask)) emask |= kPointerMotionMask; if ((xemask & ButtonMotionMask)) emask |= kButtonMotionMask; if ((xemask & ExposureMask)) emask |= kExposureMask; if ((xemask & StructureNotifyMask)) emask |= kStructureNotifyMask; if ((xemask & EnterWindowMask)) emask |= kEnterWindowMask; if ((xemask & LeaveWindowMask)) emask |= kLeaveWindowMask; if ((xemask & FocusChangeMask)) emask |= kFocusChangeMask; if ((xemask & OwnerGrabButtonMask)) emask |= kOwnerGrabButtonMask; if ((xemask & ColormapChangeMask)) emask |= kColormapChangeMask; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Map a SetWindowAttributes_t to a XSetWindowAttributes structure. void TGX11::MapSetWindowAttributes(SetWindowAttributes_t *attr, ULong_t &xmask, RXSetWindowAttributes &xattr) { Mask_t mask = attr->fMask; xmask = 0; if ((mask & kWABackPixmap)) { xmask |= CWBackPixmap; if (attr->fBackgroundPixmap == kNone) xattr.background_pixmap = None; else if (attr->fBackgroundPixmap == kParentRelative) xattr.background_pixmap = ParentRelative; else xattr.background_pixmap = (Pixmap)attr->fBackgroundPixmap; } if ((mask & kWABackPixel)) { xmask |= CWBackPixel; xattr.background_pixel = attr->fBackgroundPixel; } if ((mask & kWABorderPixmap)) { xmask |= CWBorderPixmap; xattr.border_pixmap = (Pixmap)attr->fBorderPixmap; } if ((mask & kWABorderPixel)) { xmask |= CWBorderPixel; xattr.border_pixel = attr->fBorderPixel; } if ((mask & kWABitGravity)) { xmask |= CWBitGravity; xattr.bit_gravity = attr->fBitGravity; //assume ident mapping (rdm) } if ((mask & kWAWinGravity)) { xmask |= CWWinGravity; xattr.win_gravity = attr->fWinGravity; // assume ident mapping (rdm) } if ((mask & kWABackingStore)) { xmask |= CWBackingStore; if (attr->fBackingStore == kNotUseful) xattr.backing_store = NotUseful; else if (attr->fBackingStore == kWhenMapped) xattr.backing_store = WhenMapped; else if (attr->fBackingStore == kAlways) xattr.backing_store = Always; else xattr.backing_store = attr->fBackingStore; } if ((mask & kWABackingPlanes)) { xmask |= CWBackingPlanes; xattr.backing_planes = attr->fBackingPlanes; } if ((mask & kWABackingPixel)) { xmask |= CWBackingPixel; xattr.backing_pixel = attr->fBackingPixel; } if ((mask & kWAOverrideRedirect)) { xmask |= CWOverrideRedirect; xattr.override_redirect = attr->fOverrideRedirect; } if ((mask & kWASaveUnder)) { xmask |= CWSaveUnder; xattr.save_under = (Bool)attr->fSaveUnder; } if ((mask & kWAEventMask)) { xmask |= CWEventMask; UInt_t xmsk, msk = (UInt_t) attr->fEventMask; MapEventMask(msk, xmsk, kTRUE); xattr.event_mask = xmsk; } if ((mask & kWADontPropagate)) { xmask |= CWDontPropagate; xattr.do_not_propagate_mask = attr->fDoNotPropagateMask; } if ((mask & kWAColormap)) { xmask |= CWColormap; xattr.colormap = (Colormap)attr->fColormap; } if ((mask & kWACursor)) { xmask |= CWCursor; if (attr->fCursor == kNone) xattr.cursor = None; else xattr.cursor = (Cursor)attr->fCursor; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Map a GCValues_t to a XCGValues structure if tox is true. Map /// the other way in case tox is false. void TGX11::MapGCValues(GCValues_t &gval, ULong_t &xmask, RXGCValues &xgval, Bool_t tox) { if (tox) { // map GCValues_t to XGCValues Mask_t mask = gval.fMask; xmask = 0; if ((mask & kGCFunction)) { xmask |= GCFunction; xgval.function = gval.fFunction; // ident mapping } if ((mask & kGCPlaneMask)) { xmask |= GCPlaneMask; xgval.plane_mask = gval.fPlaneMask; } if ((mask & kGCForeground)) { xmask |= GCForeground; xgval.foreground = gval.fForeground; } if ((mask & kGCBackground)) { xmask |= GCBackground; xgval.background = gval.fBackground; } if ((mask & kGCLineWidth)) { xmask |= GCLineWidth; xgval.line_width = gval.fLineWidth; } if ((mask & kGCLineStyle)) { xmask |= GCLineStyle; xgval.line_style = gval.fLineStyle; // ident mapping } if ((mask & kGCCapStyle)) { xmask |= GCCapStyle; xgval.cap_style = gval.fCapStyle; // ident mapping } if ((mask & kGCJoinStyle)) { xmask |= GCJoinStyle; xgval.join_style = gval.fJoinStyle; // ident mapping } if ((mask & kGCFillStyle)) { xmask |= GCFillStyle; xgval.fill_style = gval.fFillStyle; // ident mapping } if ((mask & kGCFillRule)) { xmask |= GCFillRule; xgval.fill_rule = gval.fFillRule; // ident mapping } if ((mask & kGCTile)) { xmask |= GCTile; xgval.tile = (Pixmap) gval.fTile; } if ((mask & kGCStipple)) { xmask |= GCStipple; xgval.stipple = (Pixmap) gval.fStipple; } if ((mask & kGCTileStipXOrigin)) { xmask |= GCTileStipXOrigin; xgval.ts_x_origin = gval.fTsXOrigin; } if ((mask & kGCTileStipYOrigin)) { xmask |= GCTileStipYOrigin; xgval.ts_y_origin = gval.fTsYOrigin; } if ((mask & kGCFont)) { if (!fHasXft) { xmask |= GCFont; xgval.font = (Font) gval.fFont; } } if ((mask & kGCSubwindowMode)) { xmask |= GCSubwindowMode; xgval.subwindow_mode = gval.fSubwindowMode; // ident mapping } if ((mask & kGCGraphicsExposures)) { xmask |= GCGraphicsExposures; xgval.graphics_exposures = (Bool) gval.fGraphicsExposures; } if ((mask & kGCClipXOrigin)) { xmask |= GCClipXOrigin; xgval.clip_x_origin = gval.fClipXOrigin; } if ((mask & kGCClipYOrigin)) { xmask |= GCClipYOrigin; xgval.clip_y_origin = gval.fClipYOrigin; } if ((mask & kGCClipMask)) { xmask |= GCClipMask; xgval.clip_mask = (Pixmap) gval.fClipMask; } if ((mask & kGCDashOffset)) { xmask |= GCDashOffset; xgval.dash_offset = gval.fDashOffset; } if ((mask & kGCDashList)) { xmask |= GCDashList; xgval.dashes = gval.fDashes[0]; } if ((mask & kGCArcMode)) { xmask |= GCArcMode; xgval.arc_mode = gval.fArcMode; // ident mapping } } else { // map XValues to GCValues_t Mask_t mask = 0; if ((xmask & GCFunction)) { mask |= kGCFunction; gval.fFunction = (EGraphicsFunction) xgval.function; // ident mapping } if ((xmask & GCPlaneMask)) { mask |= kGCPlaneMask; gval.fPlaneMask = xgval.plane_mask; } if ((xmask & GCForeground)) { mask |= kGCForeground; gval.fForeground = xgval.foreground; } if ((xmask & GCBackground)) { mask |= kGCBackground; gval.fBackground = xgval.background; } if ((xmask & GCLineWidth)) { mask |= kGCLineWidth; gval.fLineWidth = xgval.line_width; } if ((xmask & GCLineStyle)) { mask |= kGCLineStyle; gval.fLineStyle = xgval.line_style; // ident mapping } if ((xmask & GCCapStyle)) { mask |= kGCCapStyle; gval.fCapStyle = xgval.cap_style; // ident mapping } if ((xmask & GCJoinStyle)) { mask |= kGCJoinStyle; gval.fJoinStyle = xgval.join_style; // ident mapping } if ((xmask & GCFillStyle)) { mask |= kGCFillStyle; gval.fFillStyle = xgval.fill_style; // ident mapping } if ((xmask & GCFillRule)) { mask |= kGCFillRule; gval.fFillRule = xgval.fill_rule; // ident mapping } if ((xmask & GCTile)) { mask |= kGCTile; gval.fTile = (Pixmap_t) xgval.tile; } if ((xmask & GCStipple)) { mask |= kGCStipple; gval.fStipple = (Pixmap_t) xgval.stipple; } if ((xmask & GCTileStipXOrigin)) { mask |= kGCTileStipXOrigin; gval.fTsXOrigin = xgval.ts_x_origin; } if ((xmask & GCTileStipYOrigin)) { mask |= kGCTileStipYOrigin; gval.fTsYOrigin = xgval.ts_y_origin; } if ((xmask & GCFont)) { mask |= kGCFont; gval.fFont = (FontH_t) xgval.font; } if ((xmask & GCSubwindowMode)) { mask |= kGCSubwindowMode; gval.fSubwindowMode = xgval.subwindow_mode; // ident mapping } if ((xmask & GCGraphicsExposures)) { mask |= kGCGraphicsExposures; gval.fGraphicsExposures = (Bool_t) xgval.graphics_exposures; } if ((xmask & GCClipXOrigin)) { mask |= kGCClipXOrigin; gval.fClipXOrigin = xgval.clip_x_origin; } if ((xmask & GCClipYOrigin)) { mask |= kGCClipYOrigin; gval.fClipYOrigin = xgval.clip_y_origin; } if ((xmask & GCClipMask)) { mask |= kGCClipMask; gval.fClipMask = (Pixmap_t) xgval.clip_mask; } if ((xmask & GCDashOffset)) { mask |= kGCDashOffset; gval.fDashOffset = xgval.dash_offset; } if ((xmask & GCDashList)) { mask |= kGCDashList; gval.fDashes[0] = xgval.dashes; gval.fDashLen = 1; } if ((xmask & GCArcMode)) { mask |= kGCArcMode; gval.fArcMode = xgval.arc_mode; // ident mapping } gval.fMask = mask; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get window attributes and return filled in attributes structure. void TGX11::GetWindowAttributes(Window_t id, WindowAttributes_t &attr) { if (!id) return; XWindowAttributes xattr; XGetWindowAttributes((Display*)fDisplay, id, &xattr); attr.fX = xattr.x; attr.fY = xattr.y; attr.fWidth = xattr.width; attr.fHeight = xattr.height; attr.fBorderWidth = xattr.border_width; attr.fDepth = xattr.depth; attr.fVisual = xattr.visual; attr.fRoot = (Window_t) xattr.root; if (xattr.c_class == InputOutput) attr.fClass = kInputOutput; if (xattr.c_class == InputOnly) attr.fClass = kInputOnly; attr.fBitGravity = xattr.bit_gravity; // assume ident mapping (rdm) attr.fWinGravity = xattr.win_gravity; // assume ident mapping (rdm) if (xattr.backing_store == NotUseful) attr.fBackingStore = kNotUseful; if (xattr.backing_store == WhenMapped) attr.fBackingStore = kWhenMapped; if (xattr.backing_store == Always) attr.fBackingStore = kAlways; attr.fBackingPlanes = xattr.backing_planes; attr.fBackingPixel = xattr.backing_pixel; attr.fSaveUnder = (Bool_t) xattr.save_under; if ((Window) id == fRootWin) attr.fColormap = (Colormap_t) fColormap; else attr.fColormap = (Colormap_t) xattr.colormap; attr.fMapInstalled = (Bool_t) xattr.map_installed; attr.fMapState = xattr.map_state; // ident mapping attr.fAllEventMasks = xattr.all_event_masks; // not ident, but not used by GUI classes attr.fYourEventMask = xattr.your_event_mask; // not ident, but not used by GUI classes attr.fDoNotPropagateMask = xattr.do_not_propagate_mask; attr.fOverrideRedirect = (Bool_t) xattr.override_redirect; attr.fScreen = xattr.screen; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Open connection to display server (if such a thing exist on the /// current platform). On X11 this method returns on success the X /// display socket descriptor (> 0), 0 in case of batch mode and < 0 /// in case of failure (cannot connect to display dpyName). It also /// initializes the TGX11 class via Init(). Called from TGClient ctor. Int_t TGX11::OpenDisplay(const char *dpyName) { #ifdef _REENTRANT // In some cases there can be problems due to XInitThreads, like when // using Qt, so we allow for it to be turned off if (gEnv->GetValue("X11.XInitThread", 1)) { // Must be very first call before any X11 call !! if (!XInitThreads()) Warning("OpenDisplay", "system has no X11 thread support"); } #endif Display *dpy; if (!(dpy = XOpenDisplay(dpyName))) return -1; // Set custom X11 error handlers XSetErrorHandler(RootX11ErrorHandler); XSetIOErrorHandler(RootX11IOErrorHandler); if (gEnv->GetValue("X11.Sync", 0)) XSynchronize(dpy, 1); // Init the GX11 class, sets a.o. fDisplay. if (!Init(dpy)) return -1; return ConnectionNumber(dpy); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Close connection to display server. void TGX11::CloseDisplay() { XCloseDisplay((Display*)fDisplay); fDisplay = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns handle to display (might be useful in some cases where /// direct X11 manipulation outside of TVirtualX is needed, e.g. GL /// interface). Display_t TGX11::GetDisplay() const { return (Display_t) fDisplay; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns handle to visual (might be useful in some cases where /// direct X11 manipulation outside of TVirtualX is needed, e.g. GL /// interface). Visual_t TGX11::GetVisual() const { return (Visual_t) fVisual; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns handle to colormap (might be useful in some cases where /// direct X11 manipulation outside of TVirtualX is needed, e.g. GL /// interface). Colormap_t TGX11::GetColormap() const { return (Colormap_t) fColormap; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns screen number (might be useful in some cases where /// direct X11 manipulation outside of TVirtualX is needed, e.g. GL /// interface). Int_t TGX11::GetScreen() const { return fScreenNumber; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns depth of screen (number of bit planes). Equivalent to /// GetPlanes(). Int_t TGX11::GetDepth() const { return fDepth; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return atom handle for atom_name. If it does not exist /// create it if only_if_exist is false. Atoms are used to communicate /// between different programs (i.e. window manager) via the X server. Atom_t TGX11::InternAtom(const char *atom_name, Bool_t only_if_exist) { Atom a = XInternAtom((Display*)fDisplay, (char *)atom_name, (Bool)only_if_exist); if (a == None) return kNone; return (Atom_t) a; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return handle to the default root window created when calling /// XOpenDisplay(). Window_t TGX11::GetDefaultRootWindow() const { return (Window_t) fRootWin; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return the parent of the window. Window_t TGX11::GetParent(Window_t id) const { if (!id) return (Window_t)0; Window root, parent; Window *children = 0; UInt_t nchildren; XQueryTree((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, &root, &parent, &children, &nchildren); if (children) XFree(children); return (Window_t) parent; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Load font and query font. If font is not found 0 is returned, /// otherwise an opaque pointer to the FontStruct_t. /// Free the loaded font using DeleteFont(). FontStruct_t TGX11::LoadQueryFont(const char *font_name) { XFontStruct *fs = XLoadQueryFont((Display*)fDisplay, (char *)font_name); return (FontStruct_t) fs; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return handle to font described by font structure. FontH_t TGX11::GetFontHandle(FontStruct_t fs) { if (fs) { XFontStruct *fss = (XFontStruct *)fs; return fss->fid; } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Explicitly delete font structure obtained with LoadQueryFont(). void TGX11::DeleteFont(FontStruct_t fs) { if (fDisplay) XFreeFont((Display*)fDisplay, (XFontStruct *) fs); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a graphics context using the values set in gval (but only for /// those entries that are in the mask). GContext_t TGX11::CreateGC(Drawable_t id, GCValues_t *gval) { RXGCValues xgval; ULong_t xmask = 0; if (gval) MapGCValues(*gval, xmask, xgval); if (!id || ((Drawable) id == fRootWin)) id = (Drawable_t) fVisRootWin; GC gc = XCreateGC((Display*)fDisplay, (Drawable) id, xmask, &xgval); if (gval && (gval->fMask & kGCFont)) MapGCFont((GContext_t)gc, gval->fFont); return (GContext_t) gc; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Change entries in an existing graphics context, gc, by values from gval. void TGX11::ChangeGC(GContext_t gc, GCValues_t *gval) { RXGCValues xgval; ULong_t xmask = 0; if (gval) MapGCValues(*gval, xmask, xgval); XChangeGC((Display*)fDisplay, (GC) gc, xmask, &xgval); if (gval && (gval->fMask & kGCFont)) MapGCFont((GContext_t)gc, gval->fFont); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Copies graphics context from org to dest. Only the values specified /// in mask are copied. If mask = 0 then copy all fields. Both org and /// dest must exist. void TGX11::CopyGC(GContext_t org, GContext_t dest, Mask_t mask) { GCValues_t gval; RXGCValues xgval; ULong_t xmask; if (!mask) { // in this case copy all fields mask = kMaxUInt; } gval.fMask = mask; // only set fMask used to convert to xmask MapGCValues(gval, xmask, xgval); XCopyGC((Display*)fDisplay, (GC) org, xmask, (GC) dest); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Explicitly delete a graphics context. void TGX11::DeleteGC(GContext_t gc) { // Protection against deletion of global TGGC objects, which are // destructed after fDisplay has been closed. if (fDisplay) XFreeGC((Display*)fDisplay, (GC) gc); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create cursor handle (just return cursor from cursor pool fCursors). Cursor_t TGX11::CreateCursor(ECursor cursor) { return (Cursor_t) fCursors[cursor]; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set the specified cursor. void TGX11::SetCursor(Window_t id, Cursor_t curid) { if (!id) return; XDefineCursor((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, (Cursor) curid); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates a pixmap of the width and height you specified /// and returns a pixmap ID that identifies it. Pixmap_t TGX11::CreatePixmap(Drawable_t id, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) { return (Pixmap_t) XCreatePixmap((Display*)fDisplay, (Drawable) (id ? id : fRootWin), w, h, fDepth); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a pixmap from bitmap data. Ones will get foreground color and /// zeroes background color. Pixmap_t TGX11::CreatePixmap(Drawable_t id, const char *bitmap, UInt_t width, UInt_t height, ULong_t forecolor, ULong_t backcolor, Int_t depth) { return (Pixmap_t) XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData((Display*)fDisplay, (id ? id : fRootWin), (char *)bitmap, width, height, forecolor, backcolor, depth); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a bitmap (i.e. pixmap with depth 1) from the bitmap data. Pixmap_t TGX11::CreateBitmap(Drawable_t id, const char *bitmap, UInt_t width, UInt_t height) { return (Pixmap_t) XCreateBitmapFromData((Display*)fDisplay, (id ? id : fRootWin), (char *)bitmap, width, height); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Explicitly delete pixmap resource. void TGX11::DeletePixmap(Pixmap_t pmap) { if (fDisplay) XFreePixmap((Display*)fDisplay, (Pixmap) pmap); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Map a PictureAttributes_t to a XpmAttributes structure. If toxpm is /// kTRUE map from attr to xpmattr, else map the other way. void TGX11::MapPictureAttributes(PictureAttributes_t &attr, RXpmAttributes &xpmattr, Bool_t toxpm) { #ifdef XpmVersion if (toxpm) { Mask_t mask = attr.fMask; ULong_t xmask = 0; if ((mask & kPAColormap)) { xmask |= XpmColormap; xpmattr.colormap = (Colormap)attr.fColormap; } if ((mask & kPADepth)) { xmask |= XpmDepth; xpmattr.depth = attr.fDepth; } if ((mask & kPASize)) { xmask |= XpmSize; xpmattr.width = attr.fWidth; xpmattr.height = attr.fHeight; } if ((mask & kPAHotspot)) { xmask |= XpmHotspot; xpmattr.x_hotspot = attr.fXHotspot; xpmattr.y_hotspot = attr.fYHotspot; } if ((mask & kPAReturnPixels)) { xmask |= XpmReturnPixels; xpmattr.pixels = 0; // output parameters xpmattr.npixels = 0; } if ((mask & kPACloseness)) { xmask |= XpmCloseness; xpmattr.closeness = attr.fCloseness; } xpmattr.valuemask = xmask; } else { ULong_t xmask = xpmattr.valuemask; Mask_t mask = 0; attr.fPixels = 0; attr.fNpixels = 0; if ((xmask & XpmColormap)) { mask |= kPAColormap; attr.fColormap = (Colormap_t)xpmattr.colormap; mask |= kPADepth; attr.fDepth = xpmattr.depth; } if ((xmask & XpmSize)) { mask |= kPASize; attr.fWidth = xpmattr.width; attr.fHeight = xpmattr.height; } if ((xmask & XpmHotspot)) { mask |= kPAHotspot; attr.fXHotspot = xpmattr.x_hotspot; attr.fYHotspot = xpmattr.y_hotspot; } if ((xmask & XpmReturnPixels)) { mask |= kPAReturnPixels; if (xpmattr.npixels) { attr.fPixels = new ULong_t[xpmattr.npixels]; for (UInt_t i = 0; i < xpmattr.npixels; i++) attr.fPixels[i] = xpmattr.pixels[i]; attr.fNpixels = xpmattr.npixels; } } if ((xmask & XpmCloseness)) { mask |= kPACloseness; attr.fCloseness = xpmattr.closeness; } attr.fMask = mask; } #endif } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a picture pixmap from data on file. The picture attributes /// are used for input and output. Returns kTRUE in case of success, /// kFALSE otherwise. If mask does not exist it is set to kNone. Bool_t TGX11::CreatePictureFromFile(Drawable_t id, const char *filename, Pixmap_t &pict, Pixmap_t &pict_mask, PictureAttributes_t &attr) { if (strstr(filename, ".gif") || strstr(filename, ".GIF")) { pict = ReadGIF(0, 0, filename, id); pict_mask = kNone; attr.fDepth = fDepth; Int_t dummy; GetWindowSize(pict, dummy, dummy, attr.fWidth, attr.fHeight); return kTRUE; } #ifdef XpmVersion RXpmAttributes xpmattr; MapPictureAttributes(attr, xpmattr); // make sure pixel depth of pixmap is the same as in the visual if ((Drawable) id == fRootWin && fRootWin != fVisRootWin) { xpmattr.valuemask |= XpmDepth; xpmattr.depth = fDepth; } Int_t res = XpmReadFileToPixmap((Display*)fDisplay, (id ? id : fRootWin), (char*)filename, (Pixmap*)&pict, (Pixmap*)&pict_mask, &xpmattr); MapPictureAttributes(attr, xpmattr, kFALSE); XpmFreeAttributes(&xpmattr); if (res == XpmSuccess || res == XpmColorError) return kTRUE; if (pict) { XFreePixmap((Display*)fDisplay, (Pixmap)pict); pict = kNone; } if (pict_mask) { XFreePixmap((Display*)fDisplay, (Pixmap)pict_mask); pict_mask = kNone; } #else Error("CreatePictureFromFile", "cannot get picture, not compiled with Xpm"); #endif return kFALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a picture pixmap from data. The picture attributes /// are used for input and output. Returns kTRUE in case of success, /// kFALSE otherwise. If mask does not exist it is set to kNone. Bool_t TGX11::CreatePictureFromData(Drawable_t id, char **data, Pixmap_t &pict, Pixmap_t &pict_mask, PictureAttributes_t &attr) { #ifdef XpmVersion RXpmAttributes xpmattr; MapPictureAttributes(attr, xpmattr); // make sure pixel depth of pixmap is the same as in the visual if ((Drawable) id == fRootWin && fRootWin != fVisRootWin) { xpmattr.valuemask |= XpmDepth; xpmattr.depth = fDepth; } Int_t res = XpmCreatePixmapFromData((Display*)fDisplay, (id ? id : fRootWin), data, (Pixmap*)&pict, (Pixmap*)&pict_mask, &xpmattr); MapPictureAttributes(attr, xpmattr, kFALSE); XpmFreeAttributes(&xpmattr); if (res == XpmSuccess || res == XpmColorError) return kTRUE; if (pict) { XFreePixmap((Display*)fDisplay, (Pixmap)pict); pict = kNone; } if (pict_mask) { XFreePixmap((Display*)fDisplay, (Pixmap)pict_mask); pict_mask = kNone; } #else Error("CreatePictureFromData", "cannot get picture, not compiled with Xpm"); #endif return kFALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Read picture data from file and store in ret_data. Returns kTRUE in /// case of success, kFALSE otherwise. Bool_t TGX11::ReadPictureDataFromFile(const char *filename, char ***ret_data) { #ifdef XpmVersion if (XpmReadFileToData((char*)filename, ret_data) == XpmSuccess) return kTRUE; #else Error("ReadPictureFromDataFile", "cannot get picture, not compiled with Xpm"); #endif return kFALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Delete picture data created by the function ReadPictureDataFromFile. void TGX11::DeletePictureData(void *data) { #ifdef XpmVersion // some older libXpm's don't have this function and it is typically // implemented with a simple free() // XpmFree(data); free(data); #endif } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Specify a dash pattern. Offset defines the phase of the pattern. /// Each element in the dash_list array specifies the length (in pixels) /// of a segment of the pattern. N defines the length of the list. void TGX11::SetDashes(GContext_t gc, Int_t offset, const char *dash_list, Int_t n) { XSetDashes((Display*)fDisplay, (GC) gc, offset, (char *)dash_list, n); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Map a ColorStruct_t to a XColor structure. void TGX11::MapColorStruct(ColorStruct_t *color, RXColor &xcolor) { xcolor.pixel = color->fPixel; xcolor.red = color->fRed; xcolor.green = color->fGreen; xcolor.blue = color->fBlue; xcolor.flags = color->fMask; //ident mapping } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Parse string cname containing color name, like "green" or "#00FF00". /// It returns a filled in ColorStruct_t. Returns kFALSE in case parsing /// failed, kTRUE in case of success. On success, the ColorStruct_t /// fRed, fGreen and fBlue fields are all filled in and the mask is set /// for all three colors, but fPixel is not set. Bool_t TGX11::ParseColor(Colormap_t cmap, const char *cname, ColorStruct_t &color) { XColor xc; if (XParseColor((Display*)fDisplay, (Colormap)cmap, (char *)cname, &xc)) { color.fPixel = 0; color.fRed = xc.red; color.fGreen = xc.green; color.fBlue = xc.blue; color.fMask = kDoRed | kDoGreen | kDoBlue; return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Find and allocate a color cell according to the color values specified /// in the ColorStruct_t. If no cell could be allocated it returns kFALSE, /// otherwise kTRUE. Bool_t TGX11::AllocColor(Colormap_t cmap, ColorStruct_t &color) { RXColor xc; MapColorStruct(&color, xc); color.fPixel = 0; if (AllocColor((Colormap)cmap, &xc)) { color.fPixel = xc.pixel; return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Fill in the primary color components for a specific pixel value. /// On input fPixel should be set on return the fRed, fGreen and /// fBlue components will be set. void TGX11::QueryColor(Colormap_t cmap, ColorStruct_t &color) { XColor xc; xc.pixel = color.fPixel; // still very slight dark shift ?? //QueryColors((Colormap)cmap, &xc, 1); //printf("1 xc.red = %u, xc.green = %u, xc.blue = %u\n", xc.red, xc.green, xc.blue); XQueryColor((Display*)fDisplay, (Colormap)cmap, &xc); //printf("2 xc.red = %u, xc.green = %u, xc.blue = %u\n", xc.red, xc.green, xc.blue); color.fRed = xc.red; color.fGreen = xc.green; color.fBlue = xc.blue; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Free color cell with specified pixel value. void TGX11::FreeColor(Colormap_t cmap, ULong_t pixel) { if (fRedDiv == -1) XFreeColors((Display*)fDisplay, (Colormap)cmap, &pixel, 1, 0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns number of pending events. Int_t TGX11::EventsPending() { if (!fDisplay) return 0; return XPending((Display*)fDisplay); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Copies first pending event from event queue to Event_t structure /// and removes event from queue. Not all of the event fields are valid /// for each event type, except fType and fWindow. void TGX11::NextEvent(Event_t &event) { XNextEvent((Display*)fDisplay, (XEvent*)fXEvent); // fill in Event_t MapEvent(event, fXEvent, kFALSE); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Map modifier key state to or from X. void TGX11::MapModifierState(UInt_t &state, UInt_t &xstate, Bool_t tox) { if (tox) { xstate = 0; if ((state & kKeyShiftMask)) xstate |= ShiftMask; if ((state & kKeyLockMask)) xstate |= LockMask; if ((state & kKeyControlMask)) xstate |= ControlMask; if ((state & kKeyMod1Mask)) xstate |= Mod1Mask; if ((state & kKeyMod2Mask)) xstate |= Mod2Mask; if ((state & kKeyMod3Mask)) xstate |= Mod3Mask; if ((state & kKeyMod4Mask)) xstate |= Mod4Mask; if ((state & kKeyMod5Mask)) xstate |= Mod5Mask; if ((state & kButton1Mask)) xstate |= Button1Mask; if ((state & kButton2Mask)) xstate |= Button2Mask; if ((state & kButton3Mask)) xstate |= Button3Mask; if ((state & kAnyModifier)) xstate |= AnyModifier; // or should it be = instead of |= ? } else { state = 0; if ((xstate & ShiftMask)) state |= kKeyShiftMask; if ((xstate & LockMask)) state |= kKeyLockMask; if ((xstate & ControlMask)) state |= kKeyControlMask; if ((xstate & Mod1Mask)) state |= kKeyMod1Mask; if ((xstate & Mod2Mask)) state |= kKeyMod2Mask; if ((xstate & Mod3Mask)) state |= kKeyMod3Mask; if ((xstate & Mod4Mask)) state |= kKeyMod4Mask; if ((xstate & Mod5Mask)) state |= kKeyMod5Mask; if ((xstate & Button1Mask)) state |= kButton1Mask; if ((xstate & Button2Mask)) state |= kButton2Mask; if ((xstate & Button3Mask)) state |= kButton3Mask; if ((xstate & AnyModifier)) state |= kAnyModifier; // idem } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Map Event_t structure to XEvent structure. If tox is false /// map the other way. void TGX11::MapEvent(Event_t &ev, void *xevi, Bool_t tox) { XEvent &xev = *(XEvent *)xevi; if (tox) { // map from Event_t to XEvent xev.type = 0; if (ev.fType == kGKeyPress) xev.type = KeyPress; if (ev.fType == kKeyRelease) xev.type = KeyRelease; if (ev.fType == kButtonPress) xev.type = ButtonPress; if (ev.fType == kButtonRelease) xev.type = ButtonRelease; if (ev.fType == kMotionNotify) xev.type = MotionNotify; if (ev.fType == kEnterNotify) xev.type = EnterNotify; if (ev.fType == kLeaveNotify) xev.type = LeaveNotify; if (ev.fType == kFocusIn) xev.type = FocusIn; if (ev.fType == kFocusOut) xev.type = FocusOut; if (ev.fType == kExpose) xev.type = Expose; if (ev.fType == kConfigureNotify) xev.type = ConfigureNotify; if (ev.fType == kMapNotify) xev.type = MapNotify; if (ev.fType == kUnmapNotify) xev.type = UnmapNotify; if (ev.fType == kDestroyNotify) xev.type = DestroyNotify; if (ev.fType == kClientMessage) xev.type = ClientMessage; if (ev.fType == kSelectionClear) xev.type = SelectionClear; if (ev.fType == kSelectionRequest) xev.type = SelectionRequest; if (ev.fType == kSelectionNotify) xev.type = SelectionNotify; if (ev.fType == kColormapNotify) xev.type = ColormapNotify; xev.xany.window = (Window) ev.fWindow; xev.xany.send_event = (Bool) ev.fSendEvent; xev.xany.display = (Display*)fDisplay; if (ev.fType == kGKeyPress || ev.fType == kKeyRelease) { xev.xkey.time = (Time) ev.fTime; xev.xkey.x = ev.fX; xev.xkey.y = ev.fY; xev.xkey.x_root = ev.fXRoot; xev.xkey.y_root = ev.fYRoot; MapModifierState(ev.fState, xev.xkey.state, kTRUE); // key mask xev.xkey.keycode = ev.fCode; // key code } if (ev.fType == kSelectionNotify) { xev.xselection.time = (Time) ev.fTime; xev.xselection.requestor = (Window) ev.fUser[0]; xev.xselection.selection = (Atom) ev.fUser[1]; xev.xselection.target = (Atom) ev.fUser[2]; xev.xselection.property = (Atom) ev.fUser[3]; } if (ev.fType == kClientMessage) { xev.xclient.message_type = ev.fHandle; xev.xclient.format = ev.fFormat; xev.xclient.data.l[0] = ev.fUser[0]; if (sizeof(ev.fUser[0]) > 4) { SplitLong(ev.fUser[1], xev.xclient.data.l[1], xev.xclient.data.l[3]); SplitLong(ev.fUser[2], xev.xclient.data.l[2], xev.xclient.data.l[4]); } else { xev.xclient.data.l[1] = ev.fUser[1]; xev.xclient.data.l[2] = ev.fUser[2]; xev.xclient.data.l[3] = ev.fUser[3]; xev.xclient.data.l[4] = ev.fUser[4]; } } } else { // map from XEvent to Event_t ev.fType = kOtherEvent; if (xev.type == KeyPress) ev.fType = kGKeyPress; if (xev.type == KeyRelease) ev.fType = kKeyRelease; if (xev.type == ButtonPress) ev.fType = kButtonPress; if (xev.type == ButtonRelease) ev.fType = kButtonRelease; if (xev.type == MotionNotify) ev.fType = kMotionNotify; if (xev.type == EnterNotify) ev.fType = kEnterNotify; if (xev.type == LeaveNotify) ev.fType = kLeaveNotify; if (xev.type == FocusIn) ev.fType = kFocusIn; if (xev.type == FocusOut) ev.fType = kFocusOut; if (xev.type == Expose) ev.fType = kExpose; if (xev.type == GraphicsExpose) ev.fType = kExpose; if (xev.type == ConfigureNotify) ev.fType = kConfigureNotify; if (xev.type == MapNotify) ev.fType = kMapNotify; if (xev.type == UnmapNotify) ev.fType = kUnmapNotify; if (xev.type == DestroyNotify) ev.fType = kDestroyNotify; if (xev.type == ClientMessage) ev.fType = kClientMessage; if (xev.type == SelectionClear) ev.fType = kSelectionClear; if (xev.type == SelectionRequest) ev.fType = kSelectionRequest; if (xev.type == SelectionNotify) ev.fType = kSelectionNotify; if (xev.type == ColormapNotify) ev.fType = kColormapNotify; ev.fWindow = (Window_t) xev.xany.window; ev.fSendEvent = xev.xany.send_event ? kTRUE : kFALSE; if (ev.fType == kGKeyPress || ev.fType == kKeyRelease) { ev.fTime = (Time_t) xev.xkey.time; ev.fX = xev.xkey.x; ev.fY = xev.xkey.y; ev.fXRoot = xev.xkey.x_root; ev.fYRoot = xev.xkey.y_root; MapModifierState(ev.fState, xev.xkey.state, kFALSE); // key mask ev.fCode = xev.xkey.keycode; // key code ev.fUser[0] = xev.xkey.subwindow; // child window } if (ev.fType == kButtonPress || ev.fType == kButtonRelease) { ev.fTime = (Time_t) xev.xbutton.time; ev.fX = xev.xbutton.x; ev.fY = xev.xbutton.y; ev.fXRoot = xev.xbutton.x_root; ev.fYRoot = xev.xbutton.y_root; MapModifierState(ev.fState, xev.xbutton.state, kFALSE); // button mask ev.fCode = xev.xbutton.button; // button code ev.fUser[0] = xev.xbutton.subwindow; // child window } if (ev.fType == kMotionNotify) { ev.fTime = (Time_t) xev.xmotion.time; ev.fX = xev.xmotion.x; ev.fY = xev.xmotion.y; ev.fXRoot = xev.xmotion.x_root; ev.fYRoot = xev.xmotion.y_root; MapModifierState(ev.fState, xev.xmotion.state, kFALSE); // key or button mask ev.fUser[0] = xev.xmotion.subwindow; // child window } if (ev.fType == kEnterNotify || ev.fType == kLeaveNotify) { ev.fTime = (Time_t) xev.xcrossing.time; ev.fX = xev.xcrossing.x; ev.fY = xev.xcrossing.y; ev.fXRoot = xev.xcrossing.x_root; ev.fYRoot = xev.xcrossing.y_root; ev.fCode = xev.xcrossing.mode; // NotifyNormal, NotifyGrab, NotifyUngrab MapModifierState(ev.fState, xev.xcrossing.state, kFALSE); // key or button mask } if (ev.fType == kFocusIn || ev.fType == kFocusOut) { // check this when porting to Win32 (see also TGTextEntry::HandleFocusChange) ev.fCode = xev.xfocus.mode; // NotifyNormal, NotifyGrab, NotifyUngrab ev.fState = xev.xfocus.detail; // NotifyPointer et al. } if (ev.fType == kExpose) { ev.fX = xev.xexpose.x; ev.fY = xev.xexpose.y; ev.fWidth = xev.xexpose.width; // width and ev.fHeight = xev.xexpose.height; // height of exposed area ev.fCount = xev.xexpose.count; // number of expose events still to come } if (ev.fType == kConfigureNotify) { ev.fX = xev.xconfigure.x; ev.fY = xev.xconfigure.y; ev.fWidth = xev.xconfigure.width; ev.fHeight = xev.xconfigure.height; } if (ev.fType == kMapNotify || ev.fType == kUnmapNotify) { ev.fHandle = xev.xmap.window; // window to be (un)mapped } if (ev.fType == kDestroyNotify) { ev.fHandle = xev.xdestroywindow.window; // window to be destroyed } if (ev.fType == kClientMessage) { ev.fHandle = xev.xclient.message_type; ev.fFormat = xev.xclient.format; ev.fUser[0] = xev.xclient.data.l[0]; if (sizeof(ev.fUser[0]) > 4) { AsmLong(xev.xclient.data.l[1], xev.xclient.data.l[3], ev.fUser[1]); AsmLong(xev.xclient.data.l[2], xev.xclient.data.l[4], ev.fUser[2]); } else { ev.fUser[1] = xev.xclient.data.l[1]; ev.fUser[2] = xev.xclient.data.l[2]; ev.fUser[3] = xev.xclient.data.l[3]; ev.fUser[4] = xev.xclient.data.l[4]; } } if (ev.fType == kSelectionClear) { ev.fUser[0] = xev.xselectionclear.selection; } if (ev.fType == kSelectionRequest) { ev.fTime = (Time_t) xev.xselectionrequest.time; ev.fUser[0] = xev.xselectionrequest.requestor; ev.fUser[1] = xev.xselectionrequest.selection; ev.fUser[2] = xev.xselectionrequest.target; ev.fUser[3] = xev.xselectionrequest.property; } if (ev.fType == kSelectionNotify) { ev.fTime = (Time_t) xev.xselection.time; ev.fUser[0] = xev.xselection.requestor; ev.fUser[1] = xev.xselection.selection; ev.fUser[2] = xev.xselection.target; ev.fUser[3] = xev.xselection.property; } if (ev.fType == kColormapNotify) { ev.fHandle = xev.xcolormap.colormap; ev.fCode = xev.xcolormap.state; // ColormapUninstalled, ColormapInstalled ev.fState = xev.xcolormap.c_new; // true if new colormap } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Sound bell. Percent is loudness from -100% .. 100%. void TGX11::Bell(Int_t percent) { XBell((Display*)fDisplay, percent); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Copy a drawable (i.e. pixmap) to another drawable (pixmap, window). /// The graphics context gc will be used and the source will be copied /// from src_x,src_y,src_x+width,src_y+height to dest_x,dest_y. void TGX11::CopyArea(Drawable_t src, Drawable_t dest, GContext_t gc, Int_t src_x, Int_t src_y, UInt_t width, UInt_t height, Int_t dest_x, Int_t dest_y) { if (!src || !dest) return; XCopyArea((Display*)fDisplay, src, dest, (GC) gc, src_x, src_y, width, height, dest_x, dest_y); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Change window attributes. void TGX11::ChangeWindowAttributes(Window_t id, SetWindowAttributes_t *attr) { if (!id) return; RXSetWindowAttributes xattr; ULong_t xmask = 0; if (attr) MapSetWindowAttributes(attr, xmask, xattr); XChangeWindowAttributes((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, xmask, &xattr); if (attr && (attr->fMask & kWABorderWidth)) XSetWindowBorderWidth((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, attr->fBorderWidth); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This function alters the property for the specified window and /// causes the X server to generate a PropertyNotify event on that /// window. void TGX11::ChangeProperty(Window_t id, Atom_t property, Atom_t type, UChar_t *data, Int_t len) { if (!id) return; XChangeProperty((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, (Atom) property, (Atom) type, 8, PropModeReplace, data, len); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Draw a line. void TGX11::DrawLine(Drawable_t id, GContext_t gc, Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2) { if (!id) return; XDrawLine((Display*)fDisplay, (Drawable) id, (GC) gc, x1, y1, x2, y2); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Clear a window area to the background color. void TGX11::ClearArea(Window_t id, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) { if (!id) return; XClearArea((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, x, y, w, h, False); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Check if there is for window "id" an event of type "type". If there /// is fill in the event structure and return true. If no such event /// return false. Bool_t TGX11::CheckEvent(Window_t id, EGEventType type, Event_t &ev) { if (!id) return kFALSE; Event_t tev; XEvent xev; tev.fCode = 0; tev.fState = 0; tev.fWindow = 0; tev.fUser[0] = tev.fUser[1] = tev.fUser[2] = tev.fUser[3] = tev.fUser[4] = 0; tev.fCount = 0; tev.fFormat = 0; tev.fHandle = 0; tev.fSendEvent = 0; tev.fTime = 0; tev.fX = tev.fY = 0; tev.fXRoot = tev.fYRoot = 0; tev.fType = type; MapEvent(tev, &xev); Bool r = XCheckTypedWindowEvent((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, xev.type, &xev); if (r) MapEvent(ev, &xev, kFALSE); return r ? kTRUE : kFALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Send event ev to window id. void TGX11::SendEvent(Window_t id, Event_t *ev) { if (!ev || !id) return; XEvent xev; MapEvent(*ev, &xev); XSendEvent((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, False, None, &xev); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Tell WM to send message when window is closed via WM. void TGX11::WMDeleteNotify(Window_t id) { if (!id) return; XSetWMProtocols((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, &gWM_DELETE_WINDOW, 1); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Turn key auto repeat on or off. void TGX11::SetKeyAutoRepeat(Bool_t on) { if (on) XAutoRepeatOn((Display*)fDisplay); else XAutoRepeatOff((Display*)fDisplay); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Establish passive grab on a certain key. That is, when a certain key /// keycode is hit while certain modifier's (Shift, Control, Meta, Alt) /// are active then the keyboard will be grabbed for window id. /// When grab is false, ungrab the keyboard for this key and modifier. void TGX11::GrabKey(Window_t id, Int_t keycode, UInt_t modifier, Bool_t grab) { // if (!id) return; UInt_t xmod; MapModifierState(modifier, xmod); if (grab) XGrabKey((Display*)fDisplay, keycode, xmod, (Window) id, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); else XUngrabKey((Display*)fDisplay, keycode, xmod, (Window) id); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Establish passive grab on a certain mouse button. That is, when a /// certain mouse button is hit while certain modifier's (Shift, Control, /// Meta, Alt) are active then the mouse will be grabbed for window id. /// When grab is false, ungrab the mouse button for this button and modifier. void TGX11::GrabButton(Window_t id, EMouseButton button, UInt_t modifier, UInt_t evmask, Window_t confine, Cursor_t cursor, Bool_t grab) { if (!id) return; UInt_t xmod; MapModifierState(modifier, xmod); if (grab) { UInt_t xevmask; MapEventMask(evmask, xevmask); XGrabButton((Display*)fDisplay, button, xmod, (Window) id, True, xevmask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, (Window) confine, (Cursor) cursor); } else XUngrabButton((Display*)fDisplay, button, xmod, (Window) id); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Establish an active pointer grab. While an active pointer grab is in /// effect, further pointer events are only reported to the grabbing /// client window. void TGX11::GrabPointer(Window_t id, UInt_t evmask, Window_t confine, Cursor_t cursor, Bool_t grab, Bool_t owner_events) { // if (!id) return; if (grab) { UInt_t xevmask; MapEventMask(evmask, xevmask); XGrabPointer((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, (Bool) owner_events, xevmask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, (Window) confine, (Cursor) cursor, CurrentTime); } else XUngrabPointer((Display*)fDisplay, CurrentTime); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set window name. void TGX11::SetWindowName(Window_t id, char *name) { if (!id) return; XTextProperty wname; if (XStringListToTextProperty(&name, 1, &wname) == 0) { Error("SetWindowName", "cannot allocate window name \"%s\"", name); return; } XSetWMName((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, &wname); XFree(wname.value); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set window icon name. void TGX11::SetIconName(Window_t id, char *name) { if (!id) return; XTextProperty wname; if (XStringListToTextProperty(&name, 1, &wname) == 0) { Error("SetIconName", "cannot allocate icon name \"%s\"", name); return; } XSetWMIconName((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, &wname); XFree(wname.value); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set pixmap the WM can use when the window is iconized. void TGX11::SetIconPixmap(Window_t id, Pixmap_t pic) { if (!id) return; XWMHints hints; hints.flags = IconPixmapHint; hints.icon_pixmap = (Pixmap) pic; XSetWMHints((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, &hints); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set the windows class and resource name. void TGX11::SetClassHints(Window_t id, char *className, char *resourceName) { if (!id) return; XClassHint class_hints; class_hints.res_class = className; class_hints.res_name = resourceName; XSetClassHint((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, &class_hints); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set decoration style for MWM-compatible wm (mwm, ncdwm, fvwm?). void TGX11::SetMWMHints(Window_t id, UInt_t value, UInt_t funcs, UInt_t input) { if (!id) return; MWMHintsProperty_t prop; prop.fDecorations = value; prop.fFunctions = funcs; prop.fInputMode = input; prop.fFlags = kMWMHintsDecorations | kMWMHintsFunctions | kMWMHintsInputMode; XChangeProperty((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, gMOTIF_WM_HINTS, gMOTIF_WM_HINTS, 32, PropModeReplace, (UChar_t *)&prop, kPropMWMHintElements); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Tell the window manager the desired window position. void TGX11::SetWMPosition(Window_t id, Int_t x, Int_t y) { if (!id) return; XSizeHints hints; hints.flags = USPosition | PPosition; hints.x = x; hints.y = y; XSetWMNormalHints((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, &hints); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Tell the window manager the desired window size. void TGX11::SetWMSize(Window_t id, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) { if (!id) return; XSizeHints hints; hints.flags = USSize | PSize | PBaseSize; hints.width = hints.base_width = w; hints.height = hints.base_height = h; XSetWMNormalHints((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, &hints); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Give the window manager minimum and maximum size hints. Also /// specify via winc and hinc the resize increments. void TGX11::SetWMSizeHints(Window_t id, UInt_t wmin, UInt_t hmin, UInt_t wmax, UInt_t hmax, UInt_t winc, UInt_t hinc) { if (!id) return; XSizeHints hints; hints.flags = PMinSize | PMaxSize | PResizeInc; hints.min_width = (Int_t)wmin; hints.max_width = (Int_t)wmax; hints.min_height = (Int_t)hmin; hints.max_height = (Int_t)hmax; hints.width_inc = (Int_t)winc; hints.height_inc = (Int_t)hinc; XSetWMNormalHints((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, &hints); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set the initial state of the window. Either kNormalState or kIconicState. void TGX11::SetWMState(Window_t id, EInitialState state) { if (!id) return; XWMHints hints; Int_t xstate = NormalState; if (state == kNormalState) xstate = NormalState; if (state == kIconicState) xstate = IconicState; hints.flags = StateHint; hints.initial_state = xstate; XSetWMHints((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, &hints); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Tell window manager that window is a transient window of main. void TGX11::SetWMTransientHint(Window_t id, Window_t main_id) { if (!id) return; XSetTransientForHint((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, (Window) main_id); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Draw a string using a specific graphics context in position (x,y). void TGX11::DrawString(Drawable_t id, GContext_t gc, Int_t x, Int_t y, const char *s, Int_t len) { if (!id) return; XDrawString((Display*)fDisplay, (Drawable) id, (GC) gc, x, y, (char *) s, len); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return length of string in pixels. Size depends on font. Int_t TGX11::TextWidth(FontStruct_t font, const char *s, Int_t len) { return XTextWidth((XFontStruct*) font, (char*) s, len); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return some font properties. void TGX11::GetFontProperties(FontStruct_t font, Int_t &max_ascent, Int_t &max_descent) { XFontStruct *f = (XFontStruct *) font; max_ascent = f->max_bounds.ascent; max_descent = f->max_bounds.descent; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get current values from graphics context gc. Which values of the /// context to get is encoded in the GCValues::fMask member. If fMask = 0 /// then copy all fields. void TGX11::GetGCValues(GContext_t gc, GCValues_t &gval) { RXGCValues xgval; ULong_t xmask; if (!gval.fMask) { // in this case copy all fields gval.fMask = kMaxUInt; } MapGCValues(gval, xmask, xgval); XGetGCValues((Display*)fDisplay, (GC) gc, xmask, &xgval); MapGCValues(gval, xmask, xgval, kFALSE); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Retrieve associated font structure once we have the font handle. /// Free returned FontStruct_t using FreeFontStruct(). FontStruct_t TGX11::GetFontStruct(FontH_t fh) { XFontStruct *fs; fs = XQueryFont((Display*)fDisplay, (Font) fh); return (FontStruct_t) fs; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Free font structure returned by GetFontStruct(). void TGX11::FreeFontStruct(FontStruct_t fs) { // in XFree86 4.0 XFreeFontInfo() is broken, ok again in 4.0.1 static int xfree86_400 = -1; if (xfree86_400 == -1) { if (strstr(XServerVendor((Display*)fDisplay), "XFree86") && XVendorRelease((Display*)fDisplay) == 4000) xfree86_400 = 1; else xfree86_400 = 0; } if (xfree86_400 == 0) XFreeFontInfo(0, (XFontStruct *) fs, 1); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Clear window. void TGX11::ClearWindow(Window_t id) { if (!id) return; XClearWindow((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Convert a keysym to the appropriate keycode. For example keysym is /// a letter and keycode is the matching keyboard key (which is dependent /// on the current keyboard mapping). Int_t TGX11::KeysymToKeycode(UInt_t keysym) { UInt_t xkeysym; MapKeySym(keysym, xkeysym); return XKeysymToKeycode((Display*)fDisplay, xkeysym); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Draw a filled rectangle. Filling is done according to the gc. void TGX11::FillRectangle(Drawable_t id, GContext_t gc, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) { if (!id) return; XFillRectangle((Display*)fDisplay, (Drawable) id, (GC) gc, x, y, w, h); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Draw a rectangle outline. void TGX11::DrawRectangle(Drawable_t id, GContext_t gc, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) { if (!id) return; XDrawRectangle((Display*)fDisplay, (Drawable) id, (GC) gc, x, y, w, h); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Draws multiple line segments. Each line is specified by a pair of points. void TGX11::DrawSegments(Drawable_t id, GContext_t gc, Segment_t *seg, Int_t nseg) { if (!id) return; XDrawSegments((Display*)fDisplay, (Drawable) id, (GC) gc, (XSegment *) seg, nseg); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Defines which input events the window is interested in. By default /// events are propagated up the window stack. This mask can also be /// set at window creation time via the SetWindowAttributes_t::fEventMask /// attribute. void TGX11::SelectInput(Window_t id, UInt_t evmask) { if (!id) return; UInt_t xevmask; MapEventMask(evmask, xevmask); XSelectInput((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, xevmask); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns the window id of the window having the input focus. Window_t TGX11::GetInputFocus() { Window focus; int return_to; XGetInputFocus((Display*)fDisplay, &focus, &return_to); return (Window_t) focus; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set keyboard input focus to window id. void TGX11::SetInputFocus(Window_t id) { if (!id) return; XWindowAttributes xattr; XGetWindowAttributes((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, &xattr); if (xattr.map_state == IsViewable) XSetInputFocus((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, RevertToParent, CurrentTime); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns the window id of the current owner of the primary selection. /// That is the window in which, for example some text is selected. Window_t TGX11::GetPrimarySelectionOwner() { return (Window_t) XGetSelectionOwner((Display*)fDisplay, XA_PRIMARY); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Makes the window id the current owner of the primary selection. /// That is the window in which, for example some text is selected. void TGX11::SetPrimarySelectionOwner(Window_t id) { if (!id) return; XSetSelectionOwner((Display*)fDisplay, XA_PRIMARY, id, CurrentTime); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// XConvertSelection() causes a SelectionRequest event to be sent to the /// current primary selection owner. This event specifies the selection /// property (primary selection), the format into which to convert that /// data before storing it (target = XA_STRING), the property in which /// the owner will place the information (sel_property), the window that /// wants the information (id), and the time of the conversion request /// (when). /// The selection owner responds by sending a SelectionNotify event, which /// confirms the selected atom and type. void TGX11::ConvertPrimarySelection(Window_t id, Atom_t clipboard, Time_t when) { if (!id) return; XConvertSelection((Display*)fDisplay, XA_PRIMARY, XA_STRING, (Atom) clipboard, (Window) id, (Time) when); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Convert the keycode from the event structure to a key symbol (according /// to the modifiers specified in the event structure and the current /// keyboard mapping). In buf a null terminated ASCII string is returned /// representing the string that is currently mapped to the key code. void TGX11::LookupString(Event_t *event, char *buf, Int_t buflen, UInt_t &keysym) { XEvent xev; KeySym xkeysym; MapEvent(*event, &xev); int n = XLookupString(&xev.xkey, buf, buflen-1, &xkeysym, 0); if (n >= buflen) Error("LookupString", "buf too small, must be at least %d", n+1); else buf[n] = 0; UInt_t ks, xks = (UInt_t) xkeysym; MapKeySym(ks, xks, kFALSE); keysym = (Int_t) ks; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Map to and from X key symbols. Keysym are the values returned by /// XLookUpString. void TGX11::MapKeySym(UInt_t &keysym, UInt_t &xkeysym, Bool_t tox) { if (tox) { xkeysym = XK_VoidSymbol; if (keysym < 127) { xkeysym = keysym; } else if (keysym >= kKey_F1 && keysym <= kKey_F35) { xkeysym = XK_F1 + (keysym - (UInt_t)kKey_F1); // function keys } else { for (int i = 0; gKeyMap[i].fKeySym; i++) { // any other keys if (keysym == (UInt_t) gKeyMap[i].fKeySym) { xkeysym = (UInt_t) gKeyMap[i].fXKeySym; break; } } } } else { keysym = kKey_Unknown; // commentary in X11/keysymdef says that X codes match ASCII if (xkeysym < 127) { keysym = xkeysym; } else if (xkeysym >= XK_F1 && xkeysym <= XK_F35) { keysym = kKey_F1 + (xkeysym - XK_F1); // function keys } else if (xkeysym >= XK_KP_0 && xkeysym <= XK_KP_9) { keysym = kKey_0 + (xkeysym - XK_KP_0); // numeric keypad keys } else { for (int i = 0; gKeyMap[i].fXKeySym; i++) { // any other keys if (xkeysym == gKeyMap[i].fXKeySym) { keysym = (UInt_t) gKeyMap[i].fKeySym; break; } } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get contents of paste buffer atom into string. If del is true delete /// the paste buffer afterwards. void TGX11::GetPasteBuffer(Window_t id, Atom_t atom, TString &text, Int_t &nchar, Bool_t del) { if (!id) return; Atom actual_type, property = (Atom) atom; int actual_format; ULong_t nitems, bytes_after, nread; unsigned char *data; nchar = 0; text = ""; if (property == None) return; // get past buffer nread = 0; do { if (XGetWindowProperty((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, property, nread/4, 1024, (Bool)del, AnyPropertyType, &actual_type, &actual_format, &nitems, &bytes_after, (unsigned char **) &data) != Success) break; if (actual_type != XA_STRING) break; text.Insert((Int_t) nread, (const char *) data, (Int_t) nitems); nread += nitems; XFree(data); } while (bytes_after > 0); nchar = (Int_t) nread; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TranslateCoordinates translates coordinates from the frame of /// reference of one window to another. If the point is contained /// in a mapped child of the destination, the id of that child is /// returned as well. void TGX11::TranslateCoordinates(Window_t src, Window_t dest, Int_t src_x, Int_t src_y, Int_t &dest_x, Int_t &dest_y, Window_t &child) { if (!src || !dest) return; Window xchild; XTranslateCoordinates((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) src, (Window) dest, src_x, src_y, &dest_x, &dest_y, &xchild); child = (Window_t) xchild; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return geometry of window (should be called GetGeometry but signature /// already used). void TGX11::GetWindowSize(Drawable_t id, Int_t &x, Int_t &y, UInt_t &w, UInt_t &h) { if (!id) return; Window wdummy; UInt_t bdum, ddum; XGetGeometry((Display*)fDisplay, (Drawable) id, &wdummy, &x, &y, &w, &h, &bdum, &ddum); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// FillPolygon fills the region closed by the specified path. /// The path is closed automatically if the last point in the list does /// not coincide with the first point. All point coordinates are /// treated as relative to the origin. For every pair of points /// inside the polygon, the line segment connecting them does not /// intersect the path. void TGX11::FillPolygon(Window_t id, GContext_t gc, Point_t *points, Int_t npnt) { if (!id) return; XFillPolygon((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, (GC) gc, (XPoint *) points, npnt, Convex, CoordModeOrigin); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns the root window the pointer is logically on and the pointer /// coordinates relative to the root window's origin. /// The pointer coordinates returned to win_x and win_y are relative to /// the origin of the specified window. In this case, QueryPointer returns /// the child that contains the pointer, if any, or else kNone to /// childw. QueryPointer returns the current logical state of the /// keyboard buttons and the modifier keys in mask. void TGX11::QueryPointer(Window_t id, Window_t &rootw, Window_t &childw, Int_t &root_x, Int_t &root_y, Int_t &win_x, Int_t &win_y, UInt_t &mask) { if (!id) return; Window xrootw, xchildw; UInt_t xmask; XQueryPointer((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, &xrootw, &xchildw, &root_x, &root_y, &win_x, &win_y, &xmask); rootw = (Window_t) xrootw; childw = (Window_t) xchildw; MapModifierState(mask, xmask, kFALSE); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set foreground color in graphics context (shortcut for ChangeGC with /// only foreground mask set). void TGX11::SetForeground(GContext_t gc, ULong_t foreground) { XSetForeground((Display*)fDisplay, (GC) gc, foreground); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set clipping rectangles in graphics context. X, Y specify the origin /// of the rectangles. Recs specifies an array of rectangles that define /// the clipping mask and n is the number of rectangles. void TGX11::SetClipRectangles(GContext_t gc, Int_t x, Int_t y, Rectangle_t *recs, Int_t n) { XSetClipRectangles((Display*)fDisplay, (GC) gc, x, y, (XRectangle *) recs, n, Unsorted); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Flush (mode = 0, default) or synchronize (mode = 1) X output buffer. /// Flush flushes output buffer. Sync flushes buffer and waits till all /// requests have been processed by X server. void TGX11::Update(Int_t mode) { if (mode == 0) XFlush((Display*)fDisplay); if (mode == 1) XSync((Display*)fDisplay, False); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a new empty region. Region_t TGX11::CreateRegion() { return (Region_t) XCreateRegion(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destroy region. void TGX11::DestroyRegion(Region_t reg) { XDestroyRegion((Region)reg); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Union of rectangle with a region. void TGX11::UnionRectWithRegion(Rectangle_t *rect, Region_t src, Region_t dest) { XRectangle *r = (XRectangle *) rect; // 1 on 1 mapping XUnionRectWithRegion(r, (Region) src, (Region) dest); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create region for the polygon defined by the points array. /// If winding is true use WindingRule else EvenOddRule as fill rule. Region_t TGX11::PolygonRegion(Point_t *points, Int_t np, Bool_t winding) { XPoint *p = (XPoint *) points; return (Region_t) XPolygonRegion(p, np, winding ? WindingRule : EvenOddRule); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Compute the union of rega and regb and return result region. /// The output region may be the same result region. void TGX11::UnionRegion(Region_t rega, Region_t regb, Region_t result) { XUnionRegion((Region) rega, (Region) regb, (Region) result); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Compute the intersection of rega and regb and return result region. /// The output region may be the same as the result region. void TGX11::IntersectRegion(Region_t rega, Region_t regb, Region_t result) { XIntersectRegion((Region) rega, (Region) regb, (Region) result); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Subtract rega from regb. void TGX11::SubtractRegion(Region_t rega, Region_t regb, Region_t result) { XSubtractRegion((Region) rega, (Region) regb, (Region) result); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Calculate the difference between the union and intersection of /// two regions. void TGX11::XorRegion(Region_t rega, Region_t regb, Region_t result) { XXorRegion((Region) rega, (Region) regb, (Region) result); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return true if the region is empty. Bool_t TGX11::EmptyRegion(Region_t reg) { return (Bool_t) XEmptyRegion((Region) reg); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns true if the point x,y is in the region. Bool_t TGX11::PointInRegion(Int_t x, Int_t y, Region_t reg) { return (Bool_t) XPointInRegion((Region) reg, x, y); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns true if two regions are equal. Bool_t TGX11::EqualRegion(Region_t rega, Region_t regb) { return (Bool_t) XEqualRegion((Region) rega, (Region) regb); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return smallest enclosing rectangle. void TGX11::GetRegionBox(Region_t reg, Rectangle_t *rect) { XClipBox((Region) reg, (XRectangle*) rect); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return list of font names matching fontname regexp, like "-*-times-*". char **TGX11::ListFonts(const char *fontname, Int_t max, Int_t &count) { char **fontlist; Int_t fontcount = 0; fontlist = XListFonts((Display*)fDisplay, (char *)fontname, max, &fontcount); count = fontcount; return fontlist; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Free list of font names. void TGX11::FreeFontNames(char **fontlist) { XFreeFontNames(fontlist); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a client-side XImage. Returns handle to XImage. Drawable_t TGX11::CreateImage(UInt_t width, UInt_t height) { Int_t bitmap_pad; if (fDepth <= 8) bitmap_pad = 8; else if (fDepth <= 16) bitmap_pad = 16; else bitmap_pad = 32; XImage *xim = XCreateImage((Display*)fDisplay, fVisual, fDepth, ZPixmap, 0, 0, width, height, bitmap_pad, 0); // use calloc since Xlib will use free() in XDestroyImage if (xim) xim->data = (char *) calloc(xim->bytes_per_line * xim->height, 1); return (Drawable_t) xim; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get size of XImage img. void TGX11::GetImageSize(Drawable_t img, UInt_t &width, UInt_t &height) { width = ((XImage*)img)->width; height = ((XImage*)img)->height; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set pixel at specified location in XImage img. void TGX11::PutPixel(Drawable_t img, Int_t x, Int_t y, ULong_t pixel) { XPutPixel((XImage*) img, x, y, pixel); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Put (x,y,w,h) part of image img in window win at position dx,dy. void TGX11::PutImage(Drawable_t win, GContext_t gc, Drawable_t img, Int_t dx, Int_t dy, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) { if (!win) return; XPutImage((Display*)fDisplay, (Drawable) win, (GC) gc, (XImage*) img, x, y, dx, dy, w, h); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destroy XImage img. void TGX11::DeleteImage(Drawable_t img) { XDestroyImage((XImage*) img); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// The Nonrectangular Window Shape Extension adds nonrectangular /// windows to the System. /// This allows for making shaped (partially transparent) windows void TGX11::ShapeCombineMask(Window_t id, Int_t x, Int_t y, Pixmap_t mask) { XShapeCombineMask((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, ShapeBounding, x, y, (Pixmap) mask, ShapeSet); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns the width of the screen in millimeters. UInt_t TGX11::ScreenWidthMM() const { return (UInt_t)WidthMMOfScreen(DefaultScreenOfDisplay((Display*)fDisplay)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Deletes the specified property only if the property was defined on the /// specified window and causes the X server to generate a PropertyNotify /// event on the window unless the property does not exist. void TGX11::DeleteProperty(Window_t win, Atom_t& prop) { XDeleteProperty((Display*)fDisplay, win, prop); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns the actual type of the property; the actual format of the property; /// the number of 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit items transferred; the number of /// bytes remaining to be read in the property; and a pointer to the data /// actually returned. Int_t TGX11::GetProperty(Window_t win, Atom_t prop, Long_t offset, Long_t length, Bool_t del, Atom_t req_type, Atom_t *act_type, Int_t *act_format, ULong_t *nitems, ULong_t *bytes, unsigned char **prop_list) { return XGetWindowProperty((Display*)fDisplay, win, prop, offset, length, del, req_type, act_type, act_format, nitems, bytes, prop_list); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Changes the specified dynamic parameters if the pointer is actively /// grabbed by the client. void TGX11::ChangeActivePointerGrab(Window_t /*win*/, UInt_t mask, Cursor_t cur) { UInt_t xevmask; MapEventMask(mask, xevmask); if (cur == kNone) XChangeActivePointerGrab((Display*)fDisplay, xevmask, fCursors[kHand], CurrentTime); else XChangeActivePointerGrab((Display*)fDisplay, xevmask, cur, CurrentTime); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Requests that the specified selection be converted to the specified /// target type. void TGX11::ConvertSelection(Window_t win, Atom_t &sel, Atom_t &target, Atom_t &prop, Time_t &stamp) { XConvertSelection((Display*)fDisplay, sel, target, prop, win, stamp); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Changes the owner and last-change time for the specified selection Bool_t TGX11::SetSelectionOwner(Window_t owner, Atom_t &sel) { return XSetSelectionOwner((Display*)fDisplay, sel, owner, CurrentTime); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This function alters the property for the specified window and /// causes the X server to generate a PropertyNotify event on that /// window. void TGX11::ChangeProperties(Window_t id, Atom_t property, Atom_t type, Int_t format, UChar_t *data, Int_t len) { if (!id) return; XChangeProperty((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) id, (Atom) property, (Atom) type, format, PropModeReplace, data, len); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Add XdndAware property and the list of drag and drop types to the /// Window win. void TGX11::SetDNDAware(Window_t win, Atom_t *typelist) { unsigned char version = 4; Atom_t dndaware = InternAtom("XdndAware", kFALSE); XChangeProperty((Display*)fDisplay, (Window) win, (Atom) dndaware, (Atom) XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &version, 1); if (typelist) { int n; for (n = 0; typelist[n]; n++) { } if (n > 0) { XChangeProperty((Display*)fDisplay, win, dndaware, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *) typelist, n); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Add the list of drag and drop types to the Window win. void TGX11::SetTypeList(Window_t win, Atom_t prop, Atom_t *typelist) { if (typelist) { int n; for (n = 0; typelist[n]; n++) { } if (n > 0) { XChangeProperty((Display*)fDisplay, win, prop, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *) typelist, n); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Recursively search in the children of Window for a Window which is at /// location x, y and is DND aware, with a maximum depth of maxd. /// Possibility to exclude dragwin and input. Window_t TGX11::FindRWindow(Window_t win, Window_t dragwin, Window_t input, int x, int y, int maxd) { WindowAttributes_t wattr; static Atom_t *dndTypeList = 0; if (dndTypeList == 0) { dndTypeList = new Atom_t[3]; dndTypeList[0] = InternAtom("application/root", kFALSE); dndTypeList[1] = InternAtom("text/uri-list", kFALSE); dndTypeList[2] = 0; } if (maxd <= 0) return kNone; if (win == dragwin || win == input) return kNone; GetWindowAttributes(win, wattr); if (wattr.fMapState != kIsUnmapped && x >= wattr.fX && x < wattr.fX + wattr.fWidth && y >= wattr.fY && y < wattr.fY + wattr.fHeight) { if (IsDNDAware(win, dndTypeList)) return win; Window r, p, *children; UInt_t numch; int i; if (XQueryTree((Display*)fDisplay, win, &r, &p, &children, &numch)) { if (children && numch > 0) { r = kNone; // upon return from XQueryTree, children are listed in the current // stacking order, from bottom-most (first) to top-most (last) for (i = numch-1; i >= 0; --i) { r = FindRWindow((Window_t)children[i], dragwin, input, x - wattr.fX, y - wattr.fY, maxd-1); if (r != kNone) break; } XFree(children); if (r != kNone) return r; } return kNone; //win; // ?!? } } return kNone; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Checks if Window win is DND aware, and knows any of the DND formats /// passed in argument. Bool_t TGX11::IsDNDAware(Window_t win, Atom_t *typelist) { Atom_t actual; Int_t format; ULong_t count, remaining; unsigned char *data = 0; Atom_t *types, *t; Int_t result = kTRUE; static Atom_t dndaware = kNone; if (win == kNone) return kFALSE; if (dndaware == kNone) dndaware = InternAtom("XdndAware", kFALSE); XGetWindowProperty((Display*)fDisplay, win, dndaware, 0, 0x8000000L, kFALSE, XA_ATOM, &actual, &format, &count, &remaining, &data); if ((actual != XA_ATOM) || (format != 32) || (count == 0) || !data) { if (data) XFree(data); return kFALSE; } types = (Atom_t *) data; if ((count > 1) && typelist) { result = kFALSE; for (t = typelist; *t; t++) { for (ULong_t j = 1; j < count; j++) { if (types[j] == *t) { result = kTRUE; break; } } if (result) break; } } XFree(data); return result; }