// @(#)root/vmc:$Id$ // Authors: Alice collaboration 25/06/2002 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2006, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * Copyright (C) 2002, ALICE Experiment at CERN. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ /** \class TGeoMCGeometry Implementation of the TVirtualMCGeometry interface for building TGeo geometry. */ #include #include "TError.h" #include "TArrayD.h" #include "TGeoMCGeometry.h" #include "TGeoManager.h" #include "TGeoMatrix.h" #include "TGeoVolume.h" #include "TGeoArb8.h" #include "TGeoTrd1.h" #include "TGeoTrd2.h" #include "TGeoTube.h" #include "TGeoCone.h" #include "TGeoPgon.h" #include "TGeoSphere.h" #include "TGeoPara.h" #include "TGeoEltu.h" #include "TGeoHype.h" #include "TMath.h" ClassImp(TGeoMCGeometry); TGeoMCGeometry* TGeoMCGeometry::fgInstance=0; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Standard constructor /// TGeoMCGeometry::TGeoMCGeometry(const char *name, const char *title, Bool_t g3CompatibleVolumeNames) : TVirtualMCGeometry(name, title), fG3CompatibleVolumeNames(g3CompatibleVolumeNames) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Default constructor /// TGeoMCGeometry::TGeoMCGeometry() : TVirtualMCGeometry(), fG3CompatibleVolumeNames(kFALSE) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Destructor /// TGeoMCGeometry::~TGeoMCGeometry() { fgInstance=0; } // // private methods // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return TGeoManager global pointer. /// Create a new TGeoManager object if it does not yet exist. TGeoManager* TGeoMCGeometry::GetTGeoManager() const { if ( ! gGeoManager ) new TGeoManager("TGeo", "Root geometry manager"); return gGeoManager; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Convert Float_t* array to Double_t*, /// !! The new array has to be deleted by user. Double_t* TGeoMCGeometry::CreateDoubleArray(Float_t* array, Int_t size) const { Double_t* doubleArray; if (size>0) { doubleArray = new Double_t[size]; for (Int_t i=0; i=79 ) l = 79; for (Int_t i=0;i=0 it is ignored and the program /// calculates it, if <0. -absl is taken /// - radl radiation length in cm /// if >=0 it is ignored and the program /// calculates it, if <0. -radl is taken /// - buf pointer to an array of user words /// - nwbuf number of user words void TGeoMCGeometry::Material(Int_t& kmat, const char* name, Double_t a, Double_t z, Double_t dens, Double_t radl, Double_t absl, Float_t* buf, Int_t nwbuf) { Double_t* dbuf = CreateDoubleArray(buf, nwbuf); Material(kmat, name, a, z, dens, radl, absl, dbuf, nwbuf); delete [] dbuf; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Define a material /// /// - kmat number assigned to the material /// - name material name /// - a atomic mass in au /// - z atomic number /// - dens density in g/cm3 /// - absl absorption length in cm; /// if >=0 it is ignored and the program /// calculates it, if <0. -absl is taken /// - radl radiation length in cm /// if >=0 it is ignored and the program /// calculates it, if <0. -radl is taken /// - buf pointer to an array of user words /// - nwbuf number of user words void TGeoMCGeometry::Material(Int_t& kmat, const char* name, Double_t a, Double_t z, Double_t dens, Double_t radl, Double_t absl, Double_t* /*buf*/, Int_t /*nwbuf*/) { GetTGeoManager()->Material(name, a, z, dens, kmat, radl, absl); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Define a mixture or a compound /// with a number kmat composed by the basic nlmat materials defined /// by arrays a, z and wmat /// /// If nlmat > 0 then wmat contains the proportion by /// weights of each basic material in the mixture. /// /// If nlmat < 0 then wmat contains the number of atoms /// of a given kind into the molecule of the compound. /// In this case, wmat in output is changed to relative /// weights. void TGeoMCGeometry::Mixture(Int_t& kmat, const char* name, Float_t* a, Float_t* z, Double_t dens, Int_t nlmat, Float_t* wmat) { Double_t* da = CreateDoubleArray(a, TMath::Abs(nlmat)); Double_t* dz = CreateDoubleArray(z, TMath::Abs(nlmat)); Double_t* dwmat = CreateDoubleArray(wmat, TMath::Abs(nlmat)); Mixture(kmat, name, da, dz, dens, nlmat, dwmat); for (Int_t i=0; i< TMath::Abs(nlmat); i++) { a[i] = da[i]; z[i] = dz[i]; wmat[i] = dwmat[i]; } delete [] da; delete [] dz; delete [] dwmat; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Define a mixture or a compound /// with a number kmat composed by the basic nlmat materials defined /// by arrays a, z and wmat /// /// If nlmat > 0 then wmat contains the proportion by /// weights of each basic material in the mixture. /// /// If nlmat < 0 then wmat contains the number of atoms /// of a given kind into the molecule of the compound. /// In this case, wmat in output is changed to relative /// weights. void TGeoMCGeometry::Mixture(Int_t& kmat, const char* name, Double_t* a, Double_t* z, Double_t dens, Int_t nlmat, Double_t* wmat) { if (nlmat < 0) { nlmat = - nlmat; Double_t amol = 0; Int_t i; for (i=0;iMixture(name, a, z, dens, nlmat, wmat, kmat); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Define a medium. /// /// - kmed tracking medium number assigned /// - name tracking medium name /// - nmat material number /// - isvol sensitive volume flag /// - ifield magnetic field: /// - ifield = 0 if no magnetic field; /// - ifield = -1 if user decision in guswim; /// - ifield = 1 if tracking performed with g3rkuta; /// - ifield = 2 if tracking performed with g3helix; /// - ifield = 3 if tracking performed with g3helx3. /// - fieldm max. field value (kilogauss) /// - tmaxfd max. angle due to field (deg/step) /// - stemax max. step allowed /// - deemax max. fraction of energy lost in a step /// - epsil tracking precision (cm) /// - stmin min. step due to continuous processes (cm) /// - ubuf pointer to an array of user words /// - nbuf number of user words void TGeoMCGeometry::Medium(Int_t& kmed, const char* name, Int_t nmat, Int_t isvol, Int_t ifield, Double_t fieldm, Double_t tmaxfd, Double_t stemax, Double_t deemax, Double_t epsil, Double_t stmin, Float_t* ubuf, Int_t nbuf) { //printf("Creating mediuma: %s, numed=%d, nmat=%d\n",name,kmed,nmat); Double_t* dubuf = CreateDoubleArray(ubuf, nbuf); Medium(kmed, name, nmat, isvol, ifield, fieldm, tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin, dubuf, nbuf); delete [] dubuf; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Define a medium. /// /// - kmed tracking medium number assigned /// - name tracking medium name /// - nmat material number /// - isvol sensitive volume flag /// - ifield magnetic field: /// - ifield = 0 if no magnetic field; /// - ifield = -1 if user decision in guswim; /// - ifield = 1 if tracking performed with g3rkuta; /// - ifield = 2 if tracking performed with g3helix; /// - ifield = 3 if tracking performed with g3helx3. /// - fieldm max. field value (kilogauss) /// - tmaxfd max. angle due to field (deg/step) /// - stemax max. step allowed /// - deemax max. fraction of energy lost in a step /// - epsil tracking precision (cm) /// - stmin min. step due to continuous processes (cm) /// - ubuf pointer to an array of user words /// - nbuf number of user words void TGeoMCGeometry::Medium(Int_t& kmed, const char* name, Int_t nmat, Int_t isvol, Int_t ifield, Double_t fieldm, Double_t tmaxfd, Double_t stemax, Double_t deemax, Double_t epsil, Double_t stmin, Double_t* /*ubuf*/, Int_t /*nbuf*/) { GetTGeoManager()->Medium(name,kmed,nmat, isvol, ifield, fieldm, tmaxfd, stemax,deemax, epsil, stmin); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Define a rotation matrix /// /// - krot rotation matrix number assigned /// - thetaX polar angle for axis X /// - phiX azimuthal angle for axis X /// - thetaY polar angle for axis Y /// - phiY azimuthal angle for axis Y /// - thetaZ polar angle for axis Z /// - phiZ azimuthal angle for axis Z void TGeoMCGeometry::Matrix(Int_t& krot, Double_t thex, Double_t phix, Double_t they, Double_t phiy, Double_t thez, Double_t phiz) { krot = GetTGeoManager()->GetListOfMatrices()->GetEntriesFast(); GetTGeoManager()->Matrix(krot, thex, phix, they, phiy, thez, phiz); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Create a new volume /// /// - name Volume name /// - shape Volume type /// - nmed Tracking medium number /// - np Number of shape parameters /// - upar Vector containing shape parameters Int_t TGeoMCGeometry::Gsvolu(const char *name, const char *shape, Int_t nmed, Float_t *upar, Int_t npar) { Double_t* dupar = CreateDoubleArray(upar, npar); Int_t id = Gsvolu(name, shape, nmed, dupar, npar); delete [] dupar; return id; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Create a new volume /// /// - name Volume name /// - shape Volume type /// - nmed Tracking medium number /// - np Number of shape parameters /// - upar Vector containing shape parameters Int_t TGeoMCGeometry::Gsvolu(const char *name, const char *shape, Int_t nmed, Double_t *upar, Int_t npar) { char vname[80]; Vname(name,vname); char vshape[5]; Vname(shape,vshape); TGeoVolume* vol = GetTGeoManager()->Volume(vname, vshape, nmed, upar, npar); if (!vol) { Fatal("Gsvolu", "Could not create volume %s", name); return -1; } return vol->GetNumber(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Create a new volume by dividing an existing one /// /// It divides a previously defined volume /// - name Volume name /// - mother Mother volume name /// - ndiv Number of divisions /// - iaxis Axis value: /// X,Y,Z of CAXIS will be translated to 1,2,3 for IAXIS. void TGeoMCGeometry::Gsdvn(const char *name, const char *mother, Int_t ndiv, Int_t iaxis) { char vname[80]; Vname(name,vname); char vmother[80]; Vname(mother,vmother); GetTGeoManager()->Division(vname, vmother, iaxis, ndiv, 0, 0, 0, "n"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Create a new volume by dividing an existing one /// /// Divide mother into ndiv divisions called name /// along axis iaxis starting at coordinate value c0. /// the new volume created will be medium number numed. void TGeoMCGeometry::Gsdvn2(const char *name, const char *mother, Int_t ndiv, Int_t iaxis, Double_t c0i, Int_t numed) { char vname[80]; Vname(name,vname); char vmother[80]; Vname(mother,vmother); GetTGeoManager()->Division(vname, vmother, iaxis, ndiv, c0i, 0, numed, "nx"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Create a new volume by dividing an existing one /// /// Divide mother into divisions called name along /// axis iaxis in steps of step. If not exactly divisible /// will make as many as possible and will center them /// with respect to the mother. Divisions will have medium /// number numed. If numed is 0, numed of mother is taken. /// ndvmx is the expected maximum number of divisions /// (If 0, no protection tests are performed in Geant3) void TGeoMCGeometry::Gsdvt(const char *name, const char *mother, Double_t step, Int_t iaxis, Int_t numed, Int_t /*ndvmx*/) { char vname[80]; Vname(name,vname); char vmother[80]; Vname(mother,vmother); GetTGeoManager()->Division(vname, vmother, iaxis, 0, 0, step, numed, "s"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Create a new volume by dividing an existing one /// /// Divides mother into divisions called name along /// axis iaxis starting at coordinate value c0 with step /// size step. /// The new volume created will have medium number numed. /// If numed is 0, numed of mother is taken. /// ndvmx is the expected maximum number of divisions /// (If 0, no protection tests are performed in Geant3) void TGeoMCGeometry::Gsdvt2(const char *name, const char *mother, Double_t step, Int_t iaxis, Double_t c0, Int_t numed, Int_t /*ndvmx*/) { char vname[80]; Vname(name,vname); char vmother[80]; Vname(mother,vmother); GetTGeoManager()->Division(vname, vmother, iaxis, 0, c0, step, numed, "sx"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Flag volume name whose contents will have to be ordered /// along axis iax, by setting the search flag to -iax /// (Geant3 only) /// - IAX = 1 X axis /// - IAX = 2 Y axis /// - IAX = 3 Z axis /// - IAX = 4 Rxy (static ordering only -> GTMEDI) /// - IAX = 14 Rxy (also dynamic ordering -> GTNEXT) /// - IAX = 5 Rxyz (static ordering only -> GTMEDI) /// - IAX = 15 Rxyz (also dynamic ordering -> GTNEXT) /// - IAX = 6 PHI (PHI=0 => X axis) /// - IAX = 7 THETA (THETA=0 => Z axis) /// Nothing to be done for TGeo //xx void TGeoMCGeometry::Gsord(const char * /*name*/, Int_t /*iax*/) { // TBC - keep this function // nothing to be done for TGeo //xx } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Position a volume into an existing one /// /// It positions a previously defined volume in the mother. /// - name Volume name /// - nr Copy number of the volume /// - mother Mother volume name /// - x X coord. of the volume in mother ref. sys. /// - y Y coord. of the volume in mother ref. sys. /// - z Z coord. of the volume in mother ref. sys. /// - irot Rotation matrix number w.r.t. mother ref. sys. /// - konly ONLY/MANY flag void TGeoMCGeometry::Gspos(const char *name, Int_t nr, const char *mother, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot, const char *konly) { TString only = konly; only.ToLower(); Bool_t isOnly = kFALSE; if (only.Contains("only")) isOnly = kTRUE; char vname[80]; Vname(name,vname); char vmother[80]; Vname(mother,vmother); Double_t *upar=0; GetTGeoManager()->Node(vname, nr, vmother, x, y, z, irot, isOnly, upar); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Place a copy of generic volume name with user number /// nr inside mother, with its parameters upar(1..np) void TGeoMCGeometry::Gsposp(const char *name, Int_t nr, const char *mother, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot, const char *konly, Float_t *upar, Int_t np ) { Double_t* dupar = CreateDoubleArray(upar, np); Gsposp(name, nr, mother, x, y, z, irot, konly, dupar, np); delete [] dupar; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Place a copy of generic volume name with user number /// nr inside mother, with its parameters upar(1..np) void TGeoMCGeometry::Gsposp(const char *name, Int_t nr, const char *mother, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot, const char *konly, Double_t *upar, Int_t np ) { TString only = konly; only.ToLower(); Bool_t isOnly = kFALSE; if (only.Contains("only")) isOnly = kTRUE; char vname[80]; Vname(name,vname); char vmother[80]; Vname(mother,vmother); GetTGeoManager()->Node(vname,nr,vmother, x,y,z,irot,isOnly,upar,np); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Return the unique numeric identifier for volume name Int_t TGeoMCGeometry::VolId(const char *name) const { Int_t uid = GetTGeoManager()->GetUID(name); if (uid<0) { printf("VolId: Volume %s not found\n",name); return 0; } return uid; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Return the unique numeric identifier for medium name Int_t TGeoMCGeometry::MediumId(const char *name) const { TGeoMedium* medium = GetTGeoManager()->GetMedium(name); if (medium) return medium->GetId(); printf("MediumId: Medium %s not found\n",name); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Return the volume name given the volume identifier const char* TGeoMCGeometry::VolName(Int_t id) const { TGeoVolume *volume = GetTGeoManager()->GetVolume(id); if (!volume) { Error("VolName","volume with id=%d does not exist",id); return "NULL"; } return volume->GetName(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Return total number of volumes in the geometry Int_t TGeoMCGeometry::NofVolumes() const { return GetTGeoManager()->GetListOfUVolumes()->GetEntriesFast()-1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return number of daughters of the volume specified by volName /// According to A. Morsch' G3toRoot class (by A. Morsch) Int_t TGeoMCGeometry::NofVolDaughters(const char* volName) const { TGeoVolume* volume = GetTGeoManager()->GetVolume(volName); if (!volume) { Error("NofVolDaughters", "Volume %s not found.", volName); return 0; } return volume->GetNdaughters(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return the name of i-th daughters of the volume specified by volName /// According to A. Morsch' G3toRoot class. const char* TGeoMCGeometry::VolDaughterName(const char* volName, Int_t i) const { // Get volume TGeoVolume* volume = GetTGeoManager()->GetVolume(volName); if (!volume) { Error("VolDaughterName", "Volume %s not found.", volName); return ""; } // Check index if (i<0 || i>=volume->GetNdaughters()) { Error("VolDaughterName", "Volume %s Index out of limits", volName); return ""; } // Return node's volume name return volume->GetNode(i)->GetVolume()->GetName(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return the copyNo of i-th daughters of the volume specified by volName /// According to A. Morsch' G3toRoot class. Int_t TGeoMCGeometry::VolDaughterCopyNo(const char* volName, Int_t i) const { // Get volume TGeoVolume* volume = GetTGeoManager()->GetVolume(volName); if (!volume) { Error("VolDaughterName", "Volume %s not found.", volName); return 0; } // Check index if (i<0 || i>=volume->GetNdaughters()) { Error("VolDaughterName", "Volume %s Index out of limits", volName); return 0; } // Return node's copyNo return volume->GetNode(i)->GetNumber(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Return material number for a given volume id Int_t TGeoMCGeometry::VolId2Mate(Int_t id) const { TGeoVolume *volume = GetTGeoManager()->GetVolume(id); if (!volume) { Error("VolId2Mate","volume with id=%d does not exist",id); return 0; } TGeoMedium *med = volume->GetMedium(); if (!med) return 0; return med->GetId(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return the transformation matrix between the volume specified /// by the path volumePath and the Top or mater volume. /// /// The format of the path volumePath is as follows (assuming ALIC is the Top volume) /// "/ALIC_1/DDIP_1/S05I_2/S05H_1/S05G_3". Here ALIC is the top most /// or master volume which has only 1 instance of. Of all of the daughter /// volumes of ALICE, DDIP volume copy #1 is indicated. Similarly for /// the daughter volume of DDIP is S05I copy #2 and so on. /// - Inputs: /// - TString& volumePath The volume path to the specific volume /// for which you want the matrix. Volume name /// hierarchy is separated by "/" while the /// copy number is appended using a "_". /// - Outputs: /// - TGeoHMatrix &mat A matrix with its values set to those /// appropriate to the Local to Master transformation /// - Return: /// - A logical value if kFALSE then an error occurred and no change to /// mat was made. Bool_t TGeoMCGeometry::GetTransformation(const TString &volumePath,TGeoHMatrix &mat) { // We have to preserve the modeler state GetTGeoManager()->PushPath(); if (!GetTGeoManager()->cd(volumePath.Data())) { GetTGeoManager()->PopPath(); return kFALSE; } mat = *GetTGeoManager()->GetCurrentMatrix(); GetTGeoManager()->PopPath(); return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns the shape and its parameters for the volume specified /// by volumeName. /// - Inputs: /// - TString& volumeName The volume name /// - Outputs: /// - TString &shapeType Shape type /// - TArrayD &par A TArrayD of parameters with all of the /// parameters of the specified shape. /// - Return: /// - A logical indicating whether there was an error in getting this /// information Bool_t TGeoMCGeometry::GetShape(const TString &volumePath,TString &shapeType, TArrayD &par) { Int_t npar; GetTGeoManager()->PushPath(); if (!GetTGeoManager()->cd(volumePath.Data())) { GetTGeoManager()->PopPath(); return kFALSE; } TGeoVolume * vol = GetTGeoManager()->GetCurrentVolume(); GetTGeoManager()->PopPath(); if (!vol) return kFALSE; TGeoShape *shape = vol->GetShape(); TClass *class_type = shape->IsA(); if (class_type==TGeoBBox::Class()) { shapeType = "BOX"; npar = 3; par.Set(npar); TGeoBBox *box = (TGeoBBox*)shape; par.AddAt(box->GetDX(),0); par.AddAt(box->GetDY(),1); par.AddAt(box->GetDZ(),2); return kTRUE; } if (class_type==TGeoTrd1::Class()) { shapeType = "TRD1"; npar = 4; par.Set(npar); TGeoTrd1 *trd1 = (TGeoTrd1*)shape; par.AddAt(trd1->GetDx1(),0); par.AddAt(trd1->GetDx2(),1); par.AddAt(trd1->GetDy(), 2); par.AddAt(trd1->GetDz(), 3); return kTRUE; } if (class_type==TGeoTrd2::Class()) { shapeType = "TRD2"; npar = 5; par.Set(npar); TGeoTrd2 *trd2 = (TGeoTrd2*)shape; par.AddAt(trd2->GetDx1(),0); par.AddAt(trd2->GetDx2(),1); par.AddAt(trd2->GetDy1(),2); par.AddAt(trd2->GetDy2(),3); par.AddAt(trd2->GetDz(), 4); return kTRUE; } if (class_type==TGeoTrap::Class()) { shapeType = "TRAP"; npar = 11; par.Set(npar); TGeoTrap *trap = (TGeoTrap*)shape; Double_t tth = TMath::Tan(trap->GetTheta()*TMath::DegToRad()); par.AddAt(trap->GetDz(),0); par.AddAt(tth*TMath::Cos(trap->GetPhi()*TMath::DegToRad()),1); par.AddAt(tth*TMath::Sin(trap->GetPhi()*TMath::DegToRad()),2); par.AddAt(trap->GetH1(),3); par.AddAt(trap->GetBl1(),4); par.AddAt(trap->GetTl1(),5); par.AddAt(TMath::Tan(trap->GetAlpha1()*TMath::DegToRad()),6); par.AddAt(trap->GetH2(),7); par.AddAt(trap->GetBl2(),8); par.AddAt(trap->GetTl2(),9); par.AddAt(TMath::Tan(trap->GetAlpha2()*TMath::DegToRad()),10); return kTRUE; } if (class_type==TGeoTube::Class()) { shapeType = "TUBE"; npar = 3; par.Set(npar); TGeoTube *tube = (TGeoTube*)shape; par.AddAt(tube->GetRmin(),0); par.AddAt(tube->GetRmax(),1); par.AddAt(tube->GetDz(),2); return kTRUE; } if (class_type==TGeoTubeSeg::Class()) { shapeType = "TUBS"; npar = 5; par.Set(npar); TGeoTubeSeg *tubs = (TGeoTubeSeg*)shape; par.AddAt(tubs->GetRmin(),0); par.AddAt(tubs->GetRmax(),1); par.AddAt(tubs->GetDz(),2); par.AddAt(tubs->GetPhi1(),3); par.AddAt(tubs->GetPhi2(),4); return kTRUE; } if (class_type==TGeoCone::Class()) { shapeType = "CONE"; npar = 5; par.Set(npar); TGeoCone *cone = (TGeoCone*)shape; par.AddAt(cone->GetDz(),0); par.AddAt(cone->GetRmin1(),1); par.AddAt(cone->GetRmax1(),2); par.AddAt(cone->GetRmin2(),3); par.AddAt(cone->GetRmax2(),4); return kTRUE; } if (class_type==TGeoConeSeg::Class()) { shapeType = "CONS"; npar = 7; par.Set(npar); TGeoConeSeg *cons = (TGeoConeSeg*)shape; par.AddAt(cons->GetDz(),0); par.AddAt(cons->GetRmin1(),1); par.AddAt(cons->GetRmax1(),2); par.AddAt(cons->GetRmin2(),3); par.AddAt(cons->GetRmax2(),4); par.AddAt(cons->GetPhi1(),5); par.AddAt(cons->GetPhi2(),6); return kTRUE; } if (class_type==TGeoSphere::Class()) { shapeType = "SPHE"; npar = 6; par.Set(npar); TGeoSphere *sphe = (TGeoSphere*)shape; par.AddAt(sphe->GetRmin(),0); par.AddAt(sphe->GetRmax(),1); par.AddAt(sphe->GetTheta1(),2); par.AddAt(sphe->GetTheta2(),3); par.AddAt(sphe->GetPhi1(),4); par.AddAt(sphe->GetPhi2(),5); return kTRUE; } if (class_type==TGeoPara::Class()) { shapeType = "PARA"; npar = 6; par.Set(npar); TGeoPara *para = (TGeoPara*)shape; par.AddAt(para->GetX(),0); par.AddAt(para->GetY(),1); par.AddAt(para->GetZ(),2); par.AddAt(para->GetTxy(),3); par.AddAt(para->GetTxz(),4); par.AddAt(para->GetTyz(),5); return kTRUE; } if (class_type==TGeoPgon::Class()) { shapeType = "PGON"; TGeoPgon *pgon = (TGeoPgon*)shape; Int_t nz = pgon->GetNz(); const Double_t *rmin = pgon->GetRmin(); const Double_t *rmax = pgon->GetRmax(); const Double_t *z = pgon->GetZ(); npar = 4 + 3*nz; par.Set(npar); par.AddAt(pgon->GetPhi1(),0); par.AddAt(pgon->GetDphi(),1); par.AddAt(pgon->GetNedges(),2); par.AddAt(pgon->GetNz(),3); for (Int_t i=0; iGetNz(); const Double_t *rmin = pcon->GetRmin(); const Double_t *rmax = pcon->GetRmax(); const Double_t *z = pcon->GetZ(); npar = 3 + 3*nz; par.Set(npar); par.AddAt(pcon->GetPhi1(),0); par.AddAt(pcon->GetDphi(),1); par.AddAt(pcon->GetNz(),2); for (Int_t i=0; iGetA(),0); par.AddAt(eltu->GetB(),1); par.AddAt(eltu->GetDz(),2); return kTRUE; } if (class_type==TGeoHype::Class()) { shapeType = "HYPE"; npar = 5; par.Set(npar); TGeoHype *hype = (TGeoHype*)shape; par.AddAt(TMath::Sqrt(hype->RadiusHypeSq(0.,kTRUE)),0); par.AddAt(TMath::Sqrt(hype->RadiusHypeSq(0.,kFALSE)),1); par.AddAt(hype->GetDZ(),2); par.AddAt(hype->GetStIn(),3); par.AddAt(hype->GetStOut(),4); return kTRUE; } if (class_type==TGeoGtra::Class()) { shapeType = "GTRA"; npar = 12; par.Set(npar); TGeoGtra *trap = (TGeoGtra*)shape; Double_t tth = TMath::Tan(trap->GetTheta()*TMath::DegToRad()); par.AddAt(trap->GetDz(),0); par.AddAt(tth*TMath::Cos(trap->GetPhi()*TMath::DegToRad()),1); par.AddAt(tth*TMath::Sin(trap->GetPhi()*TMath::DegToRad()),2); par.AddAt(trap->GetH1(),3); par.AddAt(trap->GetBl1(),4); par.AddAt(trap->GetTl1(),5); par.AddAt(TMath::Tan(trap->GetAlpha1()*TMath::DegToRad()),6); par.AddAt(trap->GetH2(),7); par.AddAt(trap->GetBl2(),8); par.AddAt(trap->GetTl2(),9); par.AddAt(TMath::Tan(trap->GetAlpha2()*TMath::DegToRad()),10); par.AddAt(trap->GetTwistAngle(),11); return kTRUE; } if (class_type==TGeoCtub::Class()) { shapeType = "CTUB"; npar = 11; par.Set(npar); TGeoCtub *ctub = (TGeoCtub*)shape; const Double_t *lx = ctub->GetNlow(); const Double_t *tx = ctub->GetNhigh(); par.AddAt(ctub->GetRmin(),0); par.AddAt(ctub->GetRmax(),1); par.AddAt(ctub->GetDz(),2); par.AddAt(ctub->GetPhi1(),3); par.AddAt(ctub->GetPhi2(),4); par.AddAt(lx[0],5); par.AddAt(lx[1],6); par.AddAt(lx[2],7); par.AddAt(tx[0],8); par.AddAt(tx[1],9); par.AddAt(tx[2],10); return kTRUE; } Error("GetShape","Getting shape parameters for shape %s not implemented", shape->ClassName()); return kFALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns the Material and its parameters for the volume specified /// by volumeName. /// /// Note, Geant3 stores and uses mixtures as an element with an effective /// Z and A. Consequently, if the parameter Z is not integer, then /// this material represents some sort of mixture. /// - Inputs: /// - TString& volumeName The volume name /// - Outputs: /// - TSrting &name Material name /// - Int_t &imat Material index number /// - Double_t &a Average Atomic mass of material /// - Double_t &z Average Atomic number of material /// - Double_t &dens Density of material [g/cm^3] /// - Double_t &radl Average radiation length of material [cm] /// - Double_t &inter Average interaction length of material [cm] /// - TArrayD &par A TArrayD of user defined parameters. /// - Return: /// - kTRUE if no errors Bool_t TGeoMCGeometry::GetMaterial(const TString &volumeName, TString &name,Int_t &imat, Double_t &a,Double_t &z,Double_t &dens, Double_t &radl,Double_t &inter,TArrayD &par) { TGeoVolume *vol = GetTGeoManager()->GetVolume(volumeName.Data()); if (!vol) return kFALSE; TGeoMedium *med = vol->GetMedium(); if (!med) return kFALSE; TGeoMaterial *mat = med->GetMaterial(); imat = mat->GetUniqueID(); name = mat->GetName(); name = name.Strip(TString::kTrailing, '$'); a = mat->GetA(); z = mat->GetZ(); dens = mat->GetDensity(); radl = mat->GetRadLen(); inter = mat->GetIntLen(); // WARNING: THIS IS NOT COMPUTED NATIVELY BY TGEO par.Set(0); // NO USER PARAMETERS STORED IN TGEO return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns the Medium and its parameters for the volume specified /// by volumeName. /// /// - Inputs: /// - TString& volumeName The volume name. /// - Outputs: /// - TString &name Medium name /// - Int_t &nmat Material number defined for this medium /// - Int_t &imed The medium index number /// - Int_t &isvol volume number defined for this medium /// - Int_t &iflield Magnetic field flag /// - Double_t &fieldm Magnetic field strength /// - Double_t &tmaxfd Maximum angle of deflection per step /// - Double_t &stemax Maximum step size /// - Double_t &deemax Maximum fraction of energy allowed to be lost /// - to continuous process. /// - Double_t &epsil Boundary crossing precision /// - Double_t &stmin Minimum step size allowed /// - TArrayD &par A TArrayD of user parameters with all of the /// parameters of the specified medium. /// - Return: /// - kTRUE if there where no errors Bool_t TGeoMCGeometry::GetMedium(const TString &volumeName,TString &name, Int_t &imed,Int_t &nmat,Int_t &isvol,Int_t &ifield, Double_t &fieldm,Double_t &tmaxfd,Double_t &stemax, Double_t &deemax,Double_t &epsil, Double_t &stmin, TArrayD &par) { TGeoVolume *vol = GetTGeoManager()->GetVolume(volumeName.Data()); if (!vol) return kFALSE; TGeoMedium *med = vol->GetMedium(); if (!med) return kFALSE; TGeoMaterial *mat = med->GetMaterial(); nmat = mat->GetUniqueID(); imed = med->GetId(); name = med->GetName(); name = name.Strip(TString::kTrailing, '$'); par.Set(0); // NO USER PARAMETERS IN TGEO isvol = (Int_t)med->GetParam(0); ifield = (Int_t)med->GetParam(1); fieldm = med->GetParam(2); tmaxfd = med->GetParam(3); stemax = med->GetParam(4); deemax = med->GetParam(5); epsil = med->GetParam(6); stmin = med->GetParam(7); return kTRUE; }