// C/C++ headers #include #include // ROOT headers #include "TFile.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "TMinuit.h" // RooFit headers #include "RooUnitTest.h" #include "RooWorkspace.h" #include "RooArgSet.h" #include "RooLinkedListIter.h" #include "RooAbsPdf.h" #include "RooDataSet.h" // RooStats header(s) #include "RooStats/ModelConfig.h" #include "RooStats/RooStatsUtils.h" #include "stressHistFactory_models.cxx" #include using namespace std; using namespace RooFit; using namespace RooStats; class PdfComparison : public RooUnitTest { private: TString fTestDirectory; TString fOldDirectory; // old directory where test is started Double_t fTolerance; public: PdfComparison( TFile* refFile, Bool_t writeRef, Int_t verbose ) : RooUnitTest("PDF comparison for HistFactory", refFile, writeRef, verbose), fTestDirectory("HistFactoryTest"), fTolerance(1e-3) { fOldDirectory = gSystem->pwd(); } ~PdfComparison() { // delete temporary directory if in not verbose mode if (_verb == 0) { TString cmd = "rm -rf "; cmd += fTestDirectory; int ret = gSystem->Exec(cmd); if (ret != 0) Error("PdfComparison","Error removing test directory %s",fTestDirectory.Data()); } } Bool_t isTestAvailable() { bool ret = true; ret &= CreateTestDirectory(); if (!ret) { Error("PdfComparison","Error creating test directory"); return ret; } ret &= CopyTestFiles(); if (!ret) { Error("PdfComparison","Error copying test files from $ROOTSYS/test/HistFactoryTest.tar"); return ret; } ret &= UnpackTestFiles(); if (!ret) Error("PdfComparison","Error unpacking test file HistFactoryTest.tar"); return ret; } Bool_t testCode() { // print information where the temporary test/log files are placed if(_verb > 0) std::cout << "using test directory: " << fTestDirectory << std::endl; // dump histfactory output into a file gSystem->RedirectOutput(fTestDirectory + "/API_vs_XML_test.log","a"); // build model using the API // create and move to a temporary directory to run hist2workspace gSystem->ChangeDirectory(fTestDirectory + "/API/"); buildAPI_XML_TestModel("API_XML_TestModel"); // get API workspace and ModelConfig TFile* pAPIFile = TFile::Open("API_XML_TestModel_combined_Test_model.root"); if(!pAPIFile || pAPIFile->IsZombie()) { Error("testCode","Error opening the file API_XML_TestModel_combined_Test_model.root"); return kFALSE; } RooWorkspace* pWS_API = (RooWorkspace*)pAPIFile->Get("combined"); if(!pWS_API) { Error("testCode","Error retrieving the workspace combined"); return kFALSE; } ModelConfig* pMC_API = (ModelConfig*)pWS_API->obj("ModelConfig"); if(!pMC_API) { Error("testCode","Error retrieving the ModelConfig"); return kFALSE; } // build model using XML files gSystem->ChangeDirectory(fTestDirectory + "/XML/"); // be sure libraries are found for running hist2workspace gSystem->AddDynamicPath("$ROOTSYS/lib"); TString cmd = "$ROOTSYS/bin/hist2workspace config/Measurement.xml"; int ret = gSystem->Exec(cmd); if (ret != 0) { Error("testCode","Error running hist2workspace"); return kFALSE; } // get XML workspace and ModelConfig TFile* pXMLFile = TFile::Open("results/API_XML_TestModel_combined_Test_model.root"); if(!pXMLFile || pXMLFile->IsZombie()) { Error("testCode","Error opening the file results/API_XML_TestModel_combined_Test_model.root"); return kFALSE; } RooWorkspace* pWS_XML = (RooWorkspace*)pXMLFile->Get("combined"); if(!pWS_XML) { Error("testCode","Error retrieving the workspace combined"); return kFALSE; } ModelConfig* pMC_XML = (ModelConfig*)pWS_XML->obj("ModelConfig"); if(!pMC_XML) { Error("testCode","Error retrieving the ModelConfig"); return kFALSE; } // cancel redirection gSystem->RedirectOutput(0); // change working directory to original one gSystem->ChangeDirectory(fOldDirectory); // compare data if(pWS_API->data("obsData")) { assert(pWS_XML->data("obsData")); if(!CompareData(*pWS_API->data("obsData"),*pWS_XML->data("obsData"))) return kFALSE; } else return kFALSE; if(pWS_API->data("asimovData")) { assert(pWS_XML->data("asimovData")); if(!CompareData(*pWS_API->data("asimovData"),*pWS_XML->data("asimovData"))) return kFALSE; } else return kFALSE; // compare sets of parameters if(pMC_API->GetParametersOfInterest()) { assert(pMC_XML->GetParametersOfInterest()); if(_verb > 0) Info("testCode","comparing PoIs"); if(!CompareParameters(*pMC_API->GetParametersOfInterest(),*pMC_XML->GetParametersOfInterest())) return kFALSE; } else assert(!pMC_XML->GetParametersOfInterest()); if(pMC_API->GetObservables()) { assert(pMC_XML->GetObservables()); if(_verb > 0) Info("testCode","comparing observables"); if(!CompareParameters(*pMC_API->GetObservables(),*pMC_XML->GetObservables())) return kFALSE; } else assert(!pMC_XML->GetObservables()); if(pMC_API->GetGlobalObservables()) { assert(pMC_XML->GetGlobalObservables()); if(_verb > 0) Info("testCode","comparing global observables"); if(!CompareParameters(*pMC_API->GetGlobalObservables(),*pMC_XML->GetGlobalObservables())) return kFALSE; } else assert(!pMC_XML->GetGlobalObservables()); if(pMC_API->GetConditionalObservables()) { assert(pMC_XML->GetConditionalObservables()); if(_verb > 0) Info("testCode","comparing conditional observables"); if(!CompareParameters(*pMC_API->GetConditionalObservables(),*pMC_XML->GetConditionalObservables())) return kFALSE; } else assert(!pMC_XML->GetConditionalObservables()); if(pMC_API->GetNuisanceParameters()) { assert(pMC_XML->GetNuisanceParameters()); if(_verb > 0) Info("testCode","comparing nuisance parameters"); if(!CompareParameters(*pMC_API->GetNuisanceParameters(),*pMC_XML->GetNuisanceParameters())) return kFALSE; } else assert(!pMC_XML->GetNuisanceParameters()); // compare pdfs assert(pMC_API->GetPdf() && pMC_XML->GetPdf()); RooArgSet* pObservables = (RooArgSet*)(pMC_API->GetObservables()->snapshot()); RooArgSet* pGlobalObservables = (RooArgSet*)(pMC_API->GetGlobalObservables()->snapshot()); if(pGlobalObservables) { pObservables->addOwned(*pGlobalObservables); } if(_verb > 0) Info("testCode","comparing PDFs"); if(!ComparePDF(*pMC_API->GetPdf(),*pMC_XML->GetPdf(),*pObservables,*pWS_API->data("obsData"))) { delete pObservables; // delete pGlobalObservables; return kFALSE; } // clean up delete pObservables; // delete pGlobalObservables; return kTRUE; } private: Bool_t CreateTestDirectory() { // use trick to get unique, unoccupied file name as test directory name FILE* pTmpFile = gSystem->TempFileName(fTestDirectory,gSystem->TempDirectory()); fclose(pTmpFile); gSystem->Unlink(fTestDirectory.Data()); // try to create test directory with obtained temp name return (gSystem->MakeDirectory(fTestDirectory.Data()) == 0); } Bool_t CopyTestFiles() { TString src = "$ROOTSYS/test/HistFactoryTest.tar"; gSystem->ExpandPathName(src); return (gSystem->CopyFile(src, fTestDirectory + "/HistFactoryTest.tar", kTRUE) == 0); } Bool_t UnpackTestFiles() { TString cmd = "tar -xf "; TString tarFile = fTestDirectory + "/HistFactoryTest.tar"; cmd.Append(tarFile); gSystem->ChangeDirectory(gSystem->GetDirName(tarFile)); return (gSystem->Exec(cmd) == 0); } Bool_t CompareData(const RooAbsData& rData1,const RooAbsData& rData2) { if(rData1.numEntries() != rData2.numEntries()) { Warning("CompareData","data sets have different numbers of entries: %d vs %d",rData1.numEntries(),rData2.numEntries()); return kFALSE; } if(rData1.sumEntries() != rData2.sumEntries()) { Warning("CompareData","data sets have different sums of weights"); return kFALSE; } const RooArgSet* set1 = rData1.get(); const RooArgSet* set2 = rData2.get(); if(!CompareParameters(*set1,*set2)) return kFALSE; RooLinkedListIter it = set1->iterator(); RooAbsArg* arg = 0; while((arg = (RooAbsArg*)it.Next())) { RooRealVar * par = dynamic_cast(arg); if (!par) continue; // do not test RooCategory if(!TMath::AreEqualAbs(rData1.mean(*par),rData2.mean(*par),fTolerance)) { Warning("CompareData","data sets have different means for \"%s\": %.3f vs %.3f",par->GetName(),rData1.mean(*par),rData2.mean(*par)); return kFALSE; } if(!TMath::AreEqualAbs(rData1.sigma(*par),rData2.sigma(*par),fTolerance)) { Warning("CompareData","data sets have different sigmas for \"%s\": %.3f vs %.3f",par->GetName(),rData1.sigma(*par),rData2.sigma(*par)); return kFALSE; } } return kTRUE; } Bool_t CompareParameters(const RooArgSet& rPars1, const RooArgSet& rPars2,Bool_t bAllowForError = kFALSE) { if(rPars1.getSize() != rPars2.getSize()) { Warning("CompareParameters","got different numbers of parameters: %d vs %d",rPars1.getSize(),rPars2.getSize()); return kFALSE; } RooLinkedListIter it = rPars1.iterator(); RooRealVar* arg1 = 0; RooRealVar* arg2 = 0; TObject* obj = 0; while((obj = it.Next())) { // checks only for RooRealVars implemented arg1 = dynamic_cast(obj); if(!arg1) continue; arg2 = (RooRealVar*)rPars2.find(arg1->GetName()); if(!arg2) { Warning("CompareParameters","did not find observable with name \"%s\"",arg1->GetName()); return kFALSE; } if(!TMath::AreEqualAbs(arg1->getMin(),arg2->getMin(),fTolerance)) { Warning("CompareParameters","parameters with name \"%s\" have different minima: %.3f vs %.3f",arg1->GetName(),arg1->getMin(),arg2->getMin()); return kFALSE; } if(!TMath::AreEqualAbs(arg1->getMax(),arg2->getMax(),fTolerance)) { Warning("CompareParameters","parameters with name \"%s\" have different maxima: %.3f vs %.3f",arg1->GetName(),arg1->getMax(),arg2->getMax()); return kFALSE; } if(arg1->getBins() != arg2->getBins()) { Warning("CompareParameters","parameters with name \"%s\" have different number of bins: %d vs %d",arg1->GetName(),arg1->getBins(),arg2->getBins()); return kFALSE; } if(arg1->isConstant() != arg2->isConstant()) { Warning("CompareParameters","parameters with name \"%s\" have different constness",arg1->GetName()); return kFALSE; } if(bAllowForError) { if(!TMath::AreEqualAbs(arg1->getVal(),arg2->getVal(), TMath::Max(fTolerance,0.1*TMath::Min(arg1->getError(),arg2->getError())))) { Warning("CompareParameters","parameters with name \"%s\" have different values: %.3f +/- %.3f vs %.3f +/- %.3f",arg1->GetName(),arg1->getVal(),arg1->getError(),arg2->getVal(),arg2->getError()); return kFALSE; } } else { if(!TMath::AreEqualAbs(arg1->getVal(),arg2->getVal(),fTolerance)) { Warning("CompareParameters","parameters with name \"%s\" have different values: %.3f vs %.3f",arg1->GetName(),arg1->getVal(),arg2->getVal()); return kFALSE; } if(!TMath::AreEqualAbs(arg1->getError(),arg2->getError(),fTolerance)) { Warning("CompareParameters","parameters with name \"%s\" have different errors: %.3f vs %.3f",arg1->GetName(),arg1->getError(),arg2->getError()); return kFALSE; } } } return kTRUE; } Bool_t ComparePDF(RooAbsPdf& rPDF1,RooAbsPdf& rPDF2,const RooArgSet& rAllObservables,RooAbsData& rTestData) { // options const Int_t iSamplingPoints = 100; // get variables RooArgSet* pVars1 = rPDF1.getVariables(); RooArgSet* pVars2 = rPDF2.getVariables(); if(!CompareParameters(*pVars1,*pVars2)) { Warning("ComparePDF","variable sets for PDFs failed check"); return kFALSE; } RooDataSet* pSamplingPoints = rPDF1.generate(rAllObservables,NumEvents(iSamplingPoints)); TH1F* h_diff = new TH1F("h_diff","relative difference between both PDF;#Delta;Points / 1e-4",200,-0.01,0.01); float fPDF1value, fPDF2value; for(Int_t i = 0; i < pSamplingPoints->numEntries(); ++i) { *pVars1 = *pSamplingPoints->get(i); *pVars2 = *pSamplingPoints->get(i); fPDF1value = rPDF1.getVal(); fPDF2value = rPDF2.getVal(); float diff = (fPDF1value - fPDF2value); if (fPDF1value!=0.f) diff /= fPDF1value; // Protect against NaN h_diff->Fill(diff); } Bool_t bResult = kTRUE; // no deviations > 1% if((h_diff->GetBinContent(0) > 0) || (h_diff->GetBinContent(h_diff->GetNbinsX()) > 0)) { Warning("ComparePDF","PDFs deviate more than 1%% for individual parameter point(s)"); bResult = kFALSE; } // mean deviation < 0.1% if(h_diff->GetMean() > 1e-3) { Warning("ComparePDF","PDFs deviate on average more than 0.1%%"); bResult = kFALSE; } // clean up delete pSamplingPoints; delete h_diff; if(!bResult) return kFALSE; // check fit result to test data *pVars1 = *pVars2; // do the fit std::string minimizerType = "Minuit2"; int prec = gErrorIgnoreLevel; gErrorIgnoreLevel = kFatal; if (gSystem->Load("libMinuit2") < 0) minimizerType = "Minuit"; gErrorIgnoreLevel=prec; RooFitResult* r1 = rPDF1.fitTo(rTestData,Save(), RooFit::Minimizer(minimizerType.c_str())); //L.M: for minuit we need ot rest otherwise fit could fail if (minimizerType == "Minuit") { if (gMinuit) { delete gMinuit; gMinuit=0; } } RooFitResult* r2 = rPDF2.fitTo(rTestData,Save(), RooFit::Minimizer(minimizerType.c_str())); if(_verb > 0) { r1->Print("v"); r2->Print("v"); } if(!TMath::AreEqualAbs(r1->minNll(),r2->minNll(),0.05)) { Warning("ComparePDF","likelihood end up in different minima: %.3f vs %.3f",r1->minNll(),r2->minNll()); return kFALSE; } if(!CompareParameters(*pVars1,*pVars2,kTRUE)) { Warning("ComparePDF","variable sets of PDFs differ after fit to test data"); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } };