// @(#)root/tmva $Id$ // Author: Andreas Hoecker, Peter Speckmayer, Joerg Stelzer, Eckhard von Toerne, Helge Voss /********************************************************************************** * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis * * Package: TMVA * * Class : DataSetFactory * * Web : http://tmva.sourceforge.net * * * * Description: * * Contains all the data information * * * * Authors (alphabetical): * * Andreas Hoecker <Andreas.Hocker@cern.ch> - CERN, Switzerland * * Joerg Stelzer <Joerg.Stelzer@cern.ch> - CERN, Switzerland * * Peter Speckmayer <Peter.Speckmayer@cern.ch> - CERN, Switzerland * * Eckhard von Toerne <evt@physik.uni-bonn.de> - U. of Bonn, Germany * * Helge Voss <Helge.Voss@cern.ch> - MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * * * Copyright (c) 2006: * * CERN, Switzerland * * MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE * * (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE) * **********************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_DataSetFactory #define ROOT_TMVA_DataSetFactory ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // DataSetFactory // // // // Class that contains all the data information // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <vector> #include "TString.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TCut.h" #include "TTreeFormula.h" #include "TMatrixDfwd.h" #include "TPrincipal.h" #include "TRandom3.h" #include "TMVA/Types.h" #include "TMVA/VariableInfo.h" #include "TMVA/Event.h" namespace TMVA { class DataSet; class DataSetInfo; class DataInputHandler; class TreeInfo; class MsgLogger; // =============== maybe move these elswhere (e.g. into the tools ) // =============== functors ======================= // delete-functor (to be used in e.g. for_each algorithm) template<class T> struct DeleteFunctor_t { DeleteFunctor_t& operator()(const T* p) { delete p; return *this; } }; template<class T> DeleteFunctor_t<const T> DeleteFunctor() { return DeleteFunctor_t<const T>(); } template< typename T > class Increment { T value; public: Increment( T start ) : value( start ){ } T operator()() { return value++; } }; template <typename F> class null_t { private: // returns argF public: typedef F argument_type; F operator()(const F& argF) const { return argF; } }; template <typename F> inline null_t<F> null() { return null_t<F>(); } template <typename F, typename G, typename H> class compose_binary_t : public std::binary_function<typename G::argument_type, typename H::argument_type, typename F::result_type> { private: const F& f; // f(g(argG),h(argH)) const G& g; const H& h; public: compose_binary_t(const F& _f, const G& _g, const H& _h) : f(_f), g(_g), h(_h) { } typename F::result_type operator()(const typename G::argument_type& argG, const typename H::argument_type& argH) const { return f(g(argG),h(argH)); } }; template <typename F, typename G, typename H> inline compose_binary_t<F,G,H> compose_binary(const F& _f, const G& _g, const H& _h) { return compose_binary_t<F,G,H>(_f,_g,_h); } template <typename F, typename G> class compose_unary_t : public std::unary_function<typename G::argument_type, typename F::result_type> { private: const F& f; // f(g(argG)) const G& g; public: compose_unary_t(const F& _f, const G& _g) : f(_f), g(_g) { } typename F::result_type operator()(const typename G::argument_type& argG) const { return f(g(argG)); } }; template <typename F, typename G> inline compose_unary_t<F,G> compose_unary(const F& _f, const G& _g) { return compose_unary_t<F,G>(_f,_g); } // =============== functors ======================= // ========================================================= class DataSetFactory:public TObject { typedef std::vector<Event* > EventVector; typedef std::vector< EventVector > EventVectorOfClasses; typedef std::map<Types::ETreeType, EventVectorOfClasses > EventVectorOfClassesOfTreeType; typedef std::map<Types::ETreeType, EventVector > EventVectorOfTreeType; typedef std::vector< Double_t > ValuePerClass; typedef std::map<Types::ETreeType, ValuePerClass > ValuePerClassOfTreeType; class EventStats { public: Int_t nTrainingEventsRequested; Int_t nTestingEventsRequested; Float_t TrainTestSplitRequested; Int_t nInitialEvents; Int_t nEvBeforeCut; Int_t nEvAfterCut; Float_t nWeEvBeforeCut; Float_t nWeEvAfterCut; Double_t nNegWeights; Float_t* varAvLength;//-> EventStats(): nTrainingEventsRequested(0), nTestingEventsRequested(0), TrainTestSplitRequested(0), nInitialEvents(0), nEvBeforeCut(0), nEvAfterCut(0), nWeEvBeforeCut(0), nWeEvAfterCut(0), nNegWeights(0), varAvLength(0) {} ~EventStats() { delete[] varAvLength; } Float_t cutScaling() const { return Float_t(nEvAfterCut)/nEvBeforeCut; } }; typedef std::vector< int > NumberPerClass; typedef std::vector< EventStats > EvtStatsPerClass; public: ~DataSetFactory(); DataSetFactory(); DataSet* CreateDataSet( DataSetInfo &, DataInputHandler& ); protected: DataSet* BuildInitialDataSet( DataSetInfo&, TMVA::DataInputHandler& ); DataSet* BuildDynamicDataSet( DataSetInfo& ); // ---------- new versions void BuildEventVector ( DataSetInfo& dsi, DataInputHandler& dataInput, EventVectorOfClassesOfTreeType& eventsmap, EvtStatsPerClass& eventCounts); DataSet* MixEvents ( DataSetInfo& dsi, EventVectorOfClassesOfTreeType& eventsmap, EvtStatsPerClass& eventCounts, const TString& splitMode, const TString& mixMode, const TString& normMode, UInt_t splitSeed); void RenormEvents ( DataSetInfo& dsi, EventVectorOfClassesOfTreeType& eventsmap, const EvtStatsPerClass& eventCounts, const TString& normMode ); void InitOptions ( DataSetInfo& dsi, EvtStatsPerClass& eventsmap, TString& normMode, UInt_t& splitSeed, TString& splitMode, TString& mixMode); // ------------------------ // auxiliary functions to compute correlations TMatrixD* CalcCorrelationMatrix( DataSet*, const UInt_t classNumber ); TMatrixD* CalcCovarianceMatrix ( DataSet*, const UInt_t classNumber ); void CalcMinMax ( DataSet*, DataSetInfo& dsi ); // resets branch addresses to current event void ResetBranchAndEventAddresses( TTree* ); void ResetCurrentTree() { fCurrentTree = 0; } void ChangeToNewTree( TreeInfo&, const DataSetInfo & ); Bool_t CheckTTreeFormula( TTreeFormula* ttf, const TString& expression, Bool_t& hasDollar ); // verbosity Bool_t Verbose() { return fVerbose; } // data members // verbosity Bool_t fVerbose; // Verbosity TString fVerboseLevel; // VerboseLevel // Printing Bool_t fCorrelations = kFALSE; // Whether to print correlations or not Bool_t fComputeCorrelations = kFALSE; // Whether to force computation of correlations or not Bool_t fScaleWithPreselEff; // how to deal with requested #events in connection with preselection cuts // the event TTree* fCurrentTree; // the tree, events are currently read from UInt_t fCurrentEvtIdx; // the current event (to avoid reading of the same event) // the formulas for reading the original tree std::vector<TTreeFormula*> fInputFormulas; // input variables std::vector<std::pair<TTreeFormula*, Int_t>> fInputTableFormulas; //! input variables expression for arrays std::vector<TTreeFormula *> fTargetFormulas; // targets std::vector<TTreeFormula*> fCutFormulas; // cuts std::vector<TTreeFormula*> fWeightFormula; // weights std::vector<TTreeFormula*> fSpectatorFormulas; // spectators MsgLogger* fLogger; //! message logger MsgLogger& Log() const { return *fLogger; } public: ClassDef(DataSetFactory, 2); }; } #endif