// @(#)root/treeviewer:$Id$ //Author : Andrei Gheata 16/08/00 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TTreeViewer #define ROOT_TTreeViewer //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TTreeViewer - A GUI oriented tree viewer // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TGFrame.h" #include "TTree.h" class TTVLVContainer; class TTVLVEntry; class TTVSession; class TGSelectBox; class TBranch; class TContextMenu; class TList; class TGPicture; class TTimer; class TGLayoutHints; class TGMenuBar; class TGPopupMenu; class TGToolBar; class TGLabel; class TGCheckButton; class TGComboBox; class TGTextButton; class TGTextEntry; class TGDoubleVSlider; class TGPictureButton; class TGStatusBar; class TGCanvas; class TGListTree; class TGListTreeItem; class TGListView; class TGHProgressBar; class TGButton; class TTreeViewer : public TGMainFrame { friend class TGClient; friend class TGButton; public: //---- item types used as user data enum EListItemType { kLTNoType = 0, kLTPackType = BIT(0), kLTTreeType = BIT(1), kLTBranchType = BIT(2), kLTLeafType = BIT(3), kLTActionType = BIT(4), kLTDragType = BIT(5), kLTExpressionType = BIT(6), kLTCutType = BIT(7) }; private: TTree *fTree; // selected tree TTVSession *fSession; // current tree-viewer session const char *fFilename; // name of the file containing the tree const char *fSourceFile; // name of the C++ source file - default treeviewer.C TString fLastOption; // last graphic option TTree *fMappedTree; // listed tree TBranch *fMappedBranch; // listed branch Int_t fDimension; // histogram dimension Bool_t fVarDraw; // true if an item is double-clicked Bool_t fScanMode; // flag activated when Scan Box is double-clicked TContextMenu *fContextMenu; // context menu for tree viewer TGSelectBox *fDialogBox; // expression editor TList *fTreeList; // list of mapped trees Int_t fTreeIndex; // index of current tree in list const TGPicture *fPicX, *fPicY, *fPicZ; // pictures for X, Y and Z expressions const TGPicture *fPicDraw, *fPicStop; // pictures for Draw/Stop buttons const TGPicture *fPicRefr; // pictures for Refresh buttons //ia Cursor_t fDefaultCursor; // default cursor Cursor_t fWatchCursor; // watch cursor TTimer *fTimer; // tree viewer timer Bool_t fCounting; // true if timer is counting Bool_t fStopMapping; // true if branch don't need remapping Bool_t fEnableCut; // true if cuts are enabled Int_t fNexpressions; // number of expression widgets // menu bar, menu bar entries and layouts TGLayoutHints *fMenuBarLayout; TGLayoutHints *fMenuBarItemLayout; TGLayoutHints *fMenuBarHelpLayout; TGMenuBar *fMenuBar; TGPopupMenu *fFileMenu; TGPopupMenu *fEditMenu; TGPopupMenu *fRunMenu; TGPopupMenu *fOptionsMenu; TGPopupMenu *fOptionsGen; TGPopupMenu *fOptions1D; TGPopupMenu *fOptions2D; TGPopupMenu *fHelpMenu; // toolbar and hints TGToolBar *fToolBar; TGLayoutHints *fBarLayout; // widgets on the toolbar TGLabel *fBarLbl1; // label of command text entry TGLabel *fBarLbl2; // label of option text entry TGLabel *fBarLbl3; // label of histogram name text entry TGCheckButton *fBarH; // checked for drawing current histogram with different graphic option TGCheckButton *fBarScan; // checked for tree scan TGCheckButton *fBarRec; // command recording toggle TGTextEntry *fBarCommand; // user command entry TGTextEntry *fBarOption; // histogram drawing option entry TGTextEntry *fBarHist; // histogram name entry // frames TGHorizontalFrame *fHf; // main horizontal frame TGDoubleVSlider *fSlider; // vertical slider to select processed tree entries; TGVerticalFrame *fV1; // list tree mother TGVerticalFrame *fV2; // list view mother TGCompositeFrame *fTreeHdr; // header for list tree TGCompositeFrame *fListHdr; // header for list view TGLabel *fLbl1; // label for list tree TGLabel *fLbl2; // label for list view TGHorizontalFrame *fBFrame; // button frame TGHorizontalFrame *fHpb; // progress bar frame TGHProgressBar *fProgressBar; // progress bar TGLabel *fBLbl4; // label for input list entry TGLabel *fBLbl5; // label for output list entry TGTextEntry *fBarListIn; // tree input event list name entry TGTextEntry *fBarListOut; // tree output event list name entry TGPictureButton *fDRAW; // DRAW button TGTextButton *fSPIDER; // SPIDER button TGPictureButton *fSTOP; // interrupt current command (not yet) TGPictureButton *fREFR; // REFRESH button //ia TGStatusBar *fStatusBar; // status bar TGComboBox *fCombo; // combo box with session records TGPictureButton *fBGFirst; TGPictureButton *fBGPrevious; TGPictureButton *fBGRecord; TGPictureButton *fBGNext; TGPictureButton *fBGLast; TGTextButton *fReset; // clear expression's entries // ListTree TGCanvas *fTreeView; // ListTree canvas container TGListTree *fLt; // ListTree with file and tree items // ListView TGListView *fListView; // ListView with branches and leaves TTVLVContainer *fLVContainer; // container for listview TList *fWidgets; // list of widgets to be deleted private: // private methods void BuildInterface(); const char *Cut(); Int_t Dimension(); const char *EmptyBrackets(const char* name); const char *Ex(); const char *Ey(); const char *Ez(); const char *En(Int_t n); void MapBranch(TBranch *branch, const char *prefix="", TGListTreeItem *parent = 0, Bool_t listIt = kTRUE); void MapOptions(Long_t parm1); void MapTree(TTree *tree, TGListTreeItem *parent = 0, Bool_t listIt = kTRUE); void SetFile(); const char *ScanList(); void SetParentTree(TGListTreeItem *item); void DoError(int level, const char *location, const char *fmt, va_list va) const; public: TTreeViewer(const char* treeName = 0); TTreeViewer(const TTree *tree); virtual ~TTreeViewer(); // public methods void AppendTree(TTree *tree); void ActivateButtons(Bool_t first, Bool_t previous, Bool_t next , Bool_t last); virtual void CloseWindow(); virtual void Delete(Option_t *) { } // *MENU* void DoRefresh(); void EditExpression(); void Empty(); void EmptyAll(); // *MENU* void ExecuteCommand(const char* command, Bool_t fast = kFALSE); // *MENU* void ExecuteDraw(); void ExecuteSpider(); TTVLVEntry *ExpressionItem(Int_t index); TList *ExpressionList(); const char *GetGrOpt(); TTree *GetTree() {return fTree;} Bool_t HandleTimer(TTimer *timer); Bool_t IsCutEnabled() {return fEnableCut;} Bool_t IsScanRedirected(); Int_t MakeSelector(const char* selector = 0); // *MENU* void Message(const char* msg); void NewExpression(); // *MENU* void PrintEntries(); Long64_t Process(const char* filename, Option_t *option="", Long64_t nentries=TTree::kMaxEntries, Long64_t firstentry=0); // *MENU* Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2); void RemoveItem(); void RemoveLastRecord(); // *MENU* void SaveSource(const char* filename="", Option_t *option=""); // *MENU* void SetHistogramTitle(const char *title); void SetCutMode(Bool_t enabled = kTRUE) {fEnableCut = enabled;} void SetCurrentRecord(Long64_t entry); void SetGrOpt(const char *option); void SetNexpressions(Int_t expr); void SetRecordName(const char *name); // *MENU* void SetScanFileName(const char *name=""); // *MENU* void SetScanMode(Bool_t mode=kTRUE) {fScanMode = mode;} void SetScanRedirect(Bool_t mode); void SetSession(TTVSession *session); void SetUserCode(const char *code, Bool_t autoexec=kTRUE); // *MENU* void SetTree(TTree* tree); void SetTreeName(const char* treeName); // *MENU* Bool_t SwitchTree(Int_t index); void UpdateCombo(); void UpdateRecord(const char *name="new name"); // *MENU* ClassDef(TTreeViewer,0) // A GUI oriented tree viewer }; #endif