## How to make our mangled yaml-cpp from the yaml-cpp tarball # tar xf yaml-cpp-0.6.3.tar.gz # for i in `find yaml-cpp-yaml-cpp-0.6.3/ -type f -name "*.h" -o -name "*.cpp"`; do \ # sed -e 's/namespace YAML/namespace LHAPDF_YAML/' -e 's/YAML::/LHAPDF_YAML::/g' -i "$i"; done EXTRA_DIST = yaml-cpp noinst_LTLIBRARIES = liblhapdf-yaml-cpp.la liblhapdf_yaml_cpp_la_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS) -I$(srcdir) liblhapdf_yaml_cpp_la_SOURCES = \ binary.cpp emitterstate.cpp node.cpp parser.cpp simplekey.cpp \ convert.cpp emitterutils.cpp node_data.cpp regex_yaml.cpp singledocparser.cpp \ directives.cpp exceptions.cpp nodeevents.cpp scanner.cpp stream.cpp \ emit.cpp exp.cpp null.cpp scanscalar.cpp tag.cpp \ emitfromevents.cpp memory.cpp ostream_wrapper.cpp scantag.cpp \ emitter.cpp nodebuilder.cpp parse.cpp scantoken.cpp dist_noinst_HEADERS = \ collectionstack.h exp.h ptr_vector.h scanscalar.h streamcharsource.h token.h \ directives.h indentation.h regeximpl.h scantag.h stream.h \ emitterstate.h nodebuilder.h regex_yaml.h setting.h stringsource.h \ emitterutils.h nodeevents.h scanner.h singledocparser.h tag.h