#ifndef NODE_IMPL_H_62B23520_7C8E_11DE_8A39_0800200C9A66 #define NODE_IMPL_H_62B23520_7C8E_11DE_8A39_0800200C9A66 #if defined(_MSC_VER) || \ (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4) || \ (__GNUC__ >= 4)) // GCC supports "pragma once" correctly since 3.4 #pragma once #endif #include "yaml-cpp/exceptions.h" #include "yaml-cpp/node/detail/memory.h" #include "yaml-cpp/node/detail/node.h" #include "yaml-cpp/node/iterator.h" #include "yaml-cpp/node/node.h" #include #include namespace LHAPDF_YAML { inline Node::Node() : m_isValid(true), m_invalidKey{}, m_pMemory(nullptr), m_pNode(nullptr) {} inline Node::Node(NodeType::value type) : m_isValid(true), m_invalidKey{}, m_pMemory(new detail::memory_holder), m_pNode(&m_pMemory->create_node()) { m_pNode->set_type(type); } template inline Node::Node(const T& rhs) : m_isValid(true), m_invalidKey{}, m_pMemory(new detail::memory_holder), m_pNode(&m_pMemory->create_node()) { Assign(rhs); } inline Node::Node(const detail::iterator_value& rhs) : m_isValid(rhs.m_isValid), m_invalidKey(rhs.m_invalidKey), m_pMemory(rhs.m_pMemory), m_pNode(rhs.m_pNode) {} inline Node::Node(const Node& rhs) : m_isValid(rhs.m_isValid), m_invalidKey(rhs.m_invalidKey), m_pMemory(rhs.m_pMemory), m_pNode(rhs.m_pNode) {} inline Node::Node(Zombie) : m_isValid(false), m_invalidKey{}, m_pMemory{}, m_pNode(nullptr) {} inline Node::Node(Zombie, const std::string& key) : m_isValid(false), m_invalidKey(key), m_pMemory{}, m_pNode(nullptr) {} inline Node::Node(detail::node& node, detail::shared_memory_holder pMemory) : m_isValid(true), m_invalidKey{}, m_pMemory(pMemory), m_pNode(&node) {} inline Node::~Node() {} inline void Node::EnsureNodeExists() const { if (!m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); if (!m_pNode) { m_pMemory.reset(new detail::memory_holder); m_pNode = &m_pMemory->create_node(); m_pNode->set_null(); } } inline bool Node::IsDefined() const { if (!m_isValid) { return false; } return m_pNode ? m_pNode->is_defined() : true; } inline Mark Node::Mark() const { if (!m_isValid) { throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); } return m_pNode ? m_pNode->mark() : Mark::null_mark(); } inline NodeType::value Node::Type() const { if (!m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); return m_pNode ? m_pNode->type() : NodeType::Null; } // access // template helpers template struct as_if { explicit as_if(const Node& node_) : node(node_) {} const Node& node; T operator()(const S& fallback) const { if (!node.m_pNode) return fallback; T t; if (convert::decode(node, t)) return t; return fallback; } }; template struct as_if { explicit as_if(const Node& node_) : node(node_) {} const Node& node; std::string operator()(const S& fallback) const { if (node.Type() != NodeType::Scalar) return fallback; return node.Scalar(); } }; template struct as_if { explicit as_if(const Node& node_) : node(node_) {} const Node& node; T operator()() const { if (!node.m_pNode) throw TypedBadConversion(node.Mark()); T t; if (convert::decode(node, t)) return t; throw TypedBadConversion(node.Mark()); } }; template <> struct as_if { explicit as_if(const Node& node_) : node(node_) {} const Node& node; std::string operator()() const { if (node.Type() != NodeType::Scalar) throw TypedBadConversion(node.Mark()); return node.Scalar(); } }; // access functions template inline T Node::as() const { if (!m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); return as_if(*this)(); } template inline T Node::as(const S& fallback) const { if (!m_isValid) return fallback; return as_if(*this)(fallback); } inline const std::string& Node::Scalar() const { if (!m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); return m_pNode ? m_pNode->scalar() : detail::node_data::empty_scalar(); } inline const std::string& Node::Tag() const { if (!m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); return m_pNode ? m_pNode->tag() : detail::node_data::empty_scalar(); } inline void Node::SetTag(const std::string& tag) { if (!m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); EnsureNodeExists(); m_pNode->set_tag(tag); } inline EmitterStyle::value Node::Style() const { if (!m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); return m_pNode ? m_pNode->style() : EmitterStyle::Default; } inline void Node::SetStyle(EmitterStyle::value style) { if (!m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); EnsureNodeExists(); m_pNode->set_style(style); } // assignment inline bool Node::is(const Node& rhs) const { if (!m_isValid || !rhs.m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); if (!m_pNode || !rhs.m_pNode) return false; return m_pNode->is(*rhs.m_pNode); } template inline Node& Node::operator=(const T& rhs) { if (!m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); Assign(rhs); return *this; } inline Node& Node::operator=(const Node& rhs) { if (!m_isValid || !rhs.m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); if (is(rhs)) return *this; AssignNode(rhs); return *this; } inline void Node::reset(const LHAPDF_YAML::Node& rhs) { if (!m_isValid || !rhs.m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); m_pMemory = rhs.m_pMemory; m_pNode = rhs.m_pNode; } template inline void Node::Assign(const T& rhs) { if (!m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); AssignData(convert::encode(rhs)); } template <> inline void Node::Assign(const std::string& rhs) { if (!m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); EnsureNodeExists(); m_pNode->set_scalar(rhs); } inline void Node::Assign(const char* rhs) { if (!m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); EnsureNodeExists(); m_pNode->set_scalar(rhs); } inline void Node::Assign(char* rhs) { if (!m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); EnsureNodeExists(); m_pNode->set_scalar(rhs); } inline void Node::AssignData(const Node& rhs) { if (!m_isValid || !rhs.m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); EnsureNodeExists(); rhs.EnsureNodeExists(); m_pNode->set_data(*rhs.m_pNode); m_pMemory->merge(*rhs.m_pMemory); } inline void Node::AssignNode(const Node& rhs) { if (!m_isValid || !rhs.m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); rhs.EnsureNodeExists(); if (!m_pNode) { m_pNode = rhs.m_pNode; m_pMemory = rhs.m_pMemory; return; } m_pNode->set_ref(*rhs.m_pNode); m_pMemory->merge(*rhs.m_pMemory); m_pNode = rhs.m_pNode; } // size/iterator inline std::size_t Node::size() const { if (!m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); return m_pNode ? m_pNode->size() : 0; } inline const_iterator Node::begin() const { if (!m_isValid) return const_iterator(); return m_pNode ? const_iterator(m_pNode->begin(), m_pMemory) : const_iterator(); } inline iterator Node::begin() { if (!m_isValid) return iterator(); return m_pNode ? iterator(m_pNode->begin(), m_pMemory) : iterator(); } inline const_iterator Node::end() const { if (!m_isValid) return const_iterator(); return m_pNode ? const_iterator(m_pNode->end(), m_pMemory) : const_iterator(); } inline iterator Node::end() { if (!m_isValid) return iterator(); return m_pNode ? iterator(m_pNode->end(), m_pMemory) : iterator(); } // sequence template inline void Node::push_back(const T& rhs) { if (!m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); push_back(Node(rhs)); } inline void Node::push_back(const Node& rhs) { if (!m_isValid || !rhs.m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); EnsureNodeExists(); rhs.EnsureNodeExists(); m_pNode->push_back(*rhs.m_pNode, m_pMemory); m_pMemory->merge(*rhs.m_pMemory); } // helpers for indexing namespace detail { template struct to_value_t { explicit to_value_t(const T& t_) : t(t_) {} const T& t; typedef const T& return_type; const T& operator()() const { return t; } }; template <> struct to_value_t { explicit to_value_t(const char* t_) : t(t_) {} const char* t; typedef std::string return_type; const std::string operator()() const { return t; } }; template <> struct to_value_t { explicit to_value_t(char* t_) : t(t_) {} const char* t; typedef std::string return_type; const std::string operator()() const { return t; } }; template struct to_value_t { explicit to_value_t(const char* t_) : t(t_) {} const char* t; typedef std::string return_type; const std::string operator()() const { return t; } }; // converts C-strings to std::strings so they can be copied template inline typename to_value_t::return_type to_value(const T& t) { return to_value_t(t)(); } } // namespace detail template std::string key_to_string(const Key& key) { return streamable_to_string::value>().impl(key); } // indexing template inline const Node Node::operator[](const Key& key) const { if (!m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); EnsureNodeExists(); detail::node* value = static_cast(*m_pNode).get( detail::to_value(key), m_pMemory); if (!value) { return Node(ZombieNode, key_to_string(key)); } return Node(*value, m_pMemory); } template inline Node Node::operator[](const Key& key) { if (!m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); EnsureNodeExists(); detail::node& value = m_pNode->get(detail::to_value(key), m_pMemory); return Node(value, m_pMemory); } template inline bool Node::remove(const Key& key) { if (!m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); EnsureNodeExists(); return m_pNode->remove(detail::to_value(key), m_pMemory); } inline const Node Node::operator[](const Node& key) const { if (!m_isValid || !key.m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); EnsureNodeExists(); key.EnsureNodeExists(); m_pMemory->merge(*key.m_pMemory); detail::node* value = static_cast(*m_pNode).get(*key.m_pNode, m_pMemory); if (!value) { return Node(ZombieNode, key_to_string(key)); } return Node(*value, m_pMemory); } inline Node Node::operator[](const Node& key) { if (!m_isValid || !key.m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); EnsureNodeExists(); key.EnsureNodeExists(); m_pMemory->merge(*key.m_pMemory); detail::node& value = m_pNode->get(*key.m_pNode, m_pMemory); return Node(value, m_pMemory); } inline bool Node::remove(const Node& key) { if (!m_isValid || !key.m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); EnsureNodeExists(); key.EnsureNodeExists(); return m_pNode->remove(*key.m_pNode, m_pMemory); } // map template inline void Node::force_insert(const Key& key, const Value& value) { if (!m_isValid) throw InvalidNode(m_invalidKey); EnsureNodeExists(); m_pNode->force_insert(detail::to_value(key), detail::to_value(value), m_pMemory); } // free functions inline bool operator==(const Node& lhs, const Node& rhs) { return lhs.is(rhs); } } // namespace LHAPDF_YAML #endif // NODE_IMPL_H_62B23520_7C8E_11DE_8A39_0800200C9A66