*###[ ffca0: subroutine ffca0(ca0,cm,ier) ***#[*comment:*********************************************************** * * * calculates the one-point function (see 't Hooft and * * Veltman) for complex mass * * * * Input: cm (complex) mass2, re>0, im<0. * * * * Output: ca0 (complex) A0, the one-point function, * * ier 0 (OK) * * * * Calls: log. * * * ***#]*comment:*********************************************************** * #[ declarations: implicit none * * arguments * integer ier DOUBLE COMPLEX ca0,cm * * local variables * DOUBLE COMPLEX cmu,clogm,c DOUBLE PRECISION absc,xm * * common blocks etc * include 'ff.h' absc(c) = abs(DBLE(c)) + abs(DIMAG(c)) * * #] declarations: * #[ the real case: * * adapted to log-and-pole scheme 25-mar-1992 * if ( DIMAG(cm) .eq. 0 .or. nschem .lt. 7 ) then xm = DBLE(cm) call ffxa0(ca0,xm,ier) return endif * #] the real case: * #[ "calculations": if ( mudim2 .ne. 0 ) then cmu = cm/DBLE(mudim2) else cmu = cm endif if ( absc(cmu) .gt. xclogm ) then clogm = log(cmu) else clogm = 0 if ( cmu .ne. czero ) call fferr(1,ier) endif ca0 = - cm * ( clogm - 1 - DBLE(divergence) ) * #] "calculations": *###] ffca0: end