*###[ ffcel2: subroutine ffcel2(del2,piDpj,ns,i1,i2,i3,lerr,ier) ************************************************************************* * calculate in a numerically stable way * * del2(piDpj(i1,i1),piDpj(i2,i2),piDpj(i3,i3)) = * * = piDpj(i1,i1)*piDpj(i2,i2) - piDpj(i1,i2)^2 * * = piDpj(i1,i1)*piDpj(i3,i3) - piDpj(i1,i3)^2 * * = piDpj(i2,i2)*piDpj(i3,i3) - piDpj(i2,i3)^2 * * ier is the usual error flag. * ************************************************************************* implicit none * * arguments: * integer ns,i1,i2,i3,lerr,ier DOUBLE COMPLEX del2,piDpj(ns,ns) * * local variables * DOUBLE COMPLEX s1,s2,cc DOUBLE PRECISION absc * * common blocks * include 'ff.h' * absc(cc) = abs(DBLE(cc)) + abs(DIMAG(cc)) * * calculations * if ( absc(piDpj(i1,i2)) .lt. absc(piDpj(i1,i3)) .and. + absc(piDpj(i1,i2)) .lt. absc(piDpj(i2,i3)) ) then s1 = piDpj(i1,i1)*piDpj(i2,i2) s2 = piDpj(i1,i2)**2 elseif ( absc(piDpj(i1,i3)) .lt. absc(piDpj(i2,i3)) ) then s1 = piDpj(i1,i1)*piDpj(i3,i3) s2 = piDpj(i1,i3)**2 else s1 = piDpj(i2,i2)*piDpj(i3,i3) s2 = piDpj(i2,i3)**2 endif del2 = s1 - s2 if ( absc(del2) .lt. xloss*absc(s2) ) then if ( lerr .eq. 0 ) then * we know we have another chance if ( del2.ne.0 ) then ier = ier + int(log10(xloss*absc(s2)/absc(del2))) else ier = ier + int(log10(xloss*absc(s2)/xclogm)) endif endif endif *###] ffcel2: end *###[ ffcl2p: subroutine ffcl2p(delps1,xpi,dpipj,piDpj, + ip1,ip2,ip3,is1,is2,is3,ns) ***#[*comment:*********************************************************** * * * calculate in a numerically stable way * * delta_{ip1,is2}^{ip1,ip2} * * ier is the usual error flag. * * * ***#]*comment:*********************************************************** * #[ declarations: implicit none * * arguments: * integer ns,ip1,ip2,ip3,is1,is2,is3 DOUBLE COMPLEX delps1,xpi(ns),dpipj(ns,ns),piDpj(ns,ns) * * local variables * DOUBLE COMPLEX s1,s2,s3,som,c DOUBLE PRECISION xmax,absc * * common blocks * include 'ff.h' * * statement function * absc(c) = abs(DBLE(c)) + abs(DIMAG(c)) * #] declarations: * #[ stupid tree: * 1 s1 = xpi(ip1)*piDpj(ip2,is2) s2 = piDpj(ip1,ip2)*piDpj(ip1,is2) delps1 = s1 - s2 if ( absc(delps1) .ge. xloss*absc(s1) ) goto 100 som = delps1 xmax = absc(s1) * 2 s1 = piDpj(ip1,ip2)*piDpj(ip3,is2) s2 = piDpj(ip1,ip3)*piDpj(ip2,is2) delps1 = s1 - s2 if ( absc(delps1) .ge. xloss*absc(s1) ) goto 100 if ( absc(s1) .lt. xmax ) then som = delps1 xmax = absc(s1) endif * 3 s1 = piDpj(ip1,ip3)*piDpj(ip1,is2) s2 = xpi(ip1)*piDpj(ip3,is2) delps1 = s1 - s2 if ( absc(delps1) .ge. xloss*absc(s1) ) goto 100 if ( absc(s1) .lt. xmax ) then som = delps1 xmax = absc(s1) endif * 4 s1 = xpi(ip1)*piDpj(ip2,is1) s2 = piDpj(ip1,is1)*piDpj(ip1,ip2) delps1 = s1 - s2 if ( absc(delps1) .ge. xloss*absc(s1) ) goto 100 if ( absc(s1) .lt. xmax ) then som = delps1 xmax = absc(s1) endif * 5 s1 = piDpj(ip1,is2)*piDpj(ip2,is1) s2 = piDpj(ip1,is1)*piDpj(ip2,is2) delps1 = s1 - s2 if ( absc(delps1) .ge. xloss*absc(s1) ) goto 100 if ( absc(s1) .lt. xmax ) then som = delps1 xmax = absc(s1) endif * 6 s1 = piDpj(ip1,ip2)*piDpj(ip3,is1) s2 = piDpj(ip1,ip3)*piDpj(ip2,is1) delps1 = s1 - s2 if ( absc(delps1) .ge. xloss*absc(s1) ) goto 100 if ( absc(s1) .lt. xmax ) then som = delps1 xmax = absc(s1) endif * 7 s1 = piDpj(ip2,is2)*piDpj(ip3,is1) s2 = piDpj(ip2,is1)*piDpj(ip3,is2) delps1 = s1 - s2 if ( absc(delps1) .ge. xloss*absc(s1) ) goto 100 if ( absc(s1) .lt. xmax ) then som = delps1 xmax = absc(s1) endif * 8 s1 = piDpj(ip1,ip3)*piDpj(ip1,is1) s2 = xpi(ip1)*piDpj(ip3,is1) delps1 = s1 - s2 if ( absc(delps1) .ge. xloss*absc(s1) ) goto 100 if ( absc(s1) .lt. xmax ) then som = delps1 xmax = absc(s1) endif * 9 s1 = piDpj(ip1,is1)*piDpj(ip3,is2) s2 = piDpj(ip1,is2)*piDpj(ip3,is1) delps1 = s1 - s2 if ( absc(delps1) .ge. xloss*absc(s1) ) goto 100 if ( absc(s1) .lt. xmax ) then som = delps1 xmax = absc(s1) endif *10 22-nov-1993 yet another one if ( dpipj(1,1).eq.0 ) then s1 = +xpi(ip1)*dpipj(is3,is2)/2 s2 = -piDpj(ip1,ip2)*dpipj(is2,is1)/2 s3 = +xpi(ip1)*piDpj(ip2,ip3)/2 delps1 = s1+s2+s3 if ( absc(delps1) .ge. xloss*max(absc(s1),absc(s2)) ) + goto 100 if ( max(absc(s1),absc(s2)) .lt. xmax ) then som = delps1 xmax = absc(s1) endif endif * NO possibility delps1 = som 100 continue * #] stupid tree: *###] ffcl2p: end *###[ ffcl2t: subroutine ffcl2t(delps,piDpj,in,jn,kn,ln,lkn,islk,iss,ns) ***#[*comment:*********************************************************** * * * calculate in a numerically stable way * * * * \delta_{si,sj}^{sk,sl} * * * * with p(lk) = islk*(iss*sl - sk) (islk,iss = +/-1) * * and NO relationship between s1,s2 assumed (so 1/2 the * * possibilities of ffdl2s). * * * ***#]*comment:*********************************************************** * #[ declarations: implicit none * * arguments: * integer in,jn,kn,ln,lkn,islk,iss,ns DOUBLE COMPLEX delps,piDpj(ns,ns) * * local variables * DOUBLE COMPLEX s1,s2,c DOUBLE PRECISION absc * * common blocks * include 'ff.h' * * statement function * absc(c) = abs(DBLE(c)) + abs(DIMAG(c)) * #] declarations: * #[ calculations: if ( in .eq. jn ) then delps = 0D0 return endif s1 = piDpj(kn,in)*piDpj(ln,jn) s2 = piDpj(ln,in)*piDpj(kn,jn) delps = s1 - s2 if ( absc(delps) .ge. xloss*absc(s1) ) goto 10 s1 = piDpj(kn,in)*piDpj(lkn,jn) s2 = piDpj(lkn,in)*piDpj(kn,jn) delps = iss*islk*(s1 - s2) if ( absc(delps) .ge. xloss*absc(s1) ) goto 10 s1 = piDpj(lkn,in)*piDpj(ln,jn) s2 = piDpj(ln,in)*piDpj(lkn,jn) delps = islk*(- s1 + s2) if ( absc(delps) .ge. xloss*absc(s1) ) goto 10 10 continue * #] calculations: *###] ffcl2t: end *###[ ffcl3m: subroutine ffcl3m(del3mi,ldel,del3,del2,xpi,dpipj,piDpj,ns,ip1n, + ip2n,ip3n,is,itime) ***#[*comment:*********************************************************** * * * Calculate xpi(i)*del2 - del3(piDpj) * * * * / si mu \2 (This appears to be one of the harder * * = | d | determinants to calculate accurately. * * \ p1 p2 / Note that we allow a loss of xloss^2) * * * * Input: ldel iff .true. del2 and del3 exist * * del3 \delta^{s(1),p1,p2}_{s(1),p1,p2} * * del2 \delta^{p1,p2}_{p1,p2} * * xpi(ns) standard * * dpipj(ns,ns) standard * * piDpj(ns,ns) standard * * ipi pi = xpi(abs(ipi)) [p3=-p1 +/-p2] * * is si = xpi(is,is+1,..,is+itime-1) * * itime number of functions to calculate * * * * Output: del3mi(3) (\delta^{s_i \mu}_{p_1 p_2})^2 * * * ***#]*comment:*********************************************************** * #[ declarations: implicit none * * arguments: * integer ns,ip1n,ip2n,ip3n,is,itime logical ldel DOUBLE COMPLEX del3mi(itime),del3,del2,xpi(ns),dpipj(ns,ns), + piDpj(ns,ns) * * local variables: * DOUBLE PRECISION smax,xmax,absc DOUBLE COMPLEX s(7),som,xsom,c integer i,j,k,ip1,ip2,ip3,ipn,is1,is2,isi,is3,ihlp,iqn, + jsgn1,jsgn2,jsgn3,jsgnn,iadj(10,10,3:4),init,nm save iadj,init logical lmax,ltwist * * common blocks: * include 'ff.h' * * statement function * absc(c) = abs(DBLE(c)) + abs(DIMAG(c)) * * data * data iadj /200*0/ data init /0/ * #] declarations: * #[ initialisations: if ( init .eq. 0 ) then init = 1 * * Fill the array with adjacent values: if * x = iadj(i,j) * k = abs(mod(k,100)) * jsgnk = sign(x) * jsgnj = 1-2*theta(x-100) (ie -1 iff |x|>100) * then * pi(k) = jsgnk*( p(i) - jsgnj*pi(j) ) * do 5 nm=3,4 do 4 i=1,nm is1 = i is2 = i+1 if ( is2 .gt. nm ) is2 = 1 is3 = i-1 if ( is3 .eq. 0 ) is3 = nm ip1 = is1 + nm iadj(is1,is2,nm) = -ip1 iadj(is2,is1,nm) = ip1 iadj(ip1,is2,nm) = -is1 iadj(is2,ip1,nm) = is1 iadj(is1,ip1,nm) = 100+is2 iadj(ip1,is1,nm) = 100+is2 if ( nm .eq. 3 ) then iadj(ip1,is2+3,3) = -100-is3-3 iadj(is2+3,ip1,3) = -100-is3-3 endif 4 continue 5 continue iadj(3,1,4) = -9 iadj(1,3,4) = 9 iadj(9,1,4) = -3 iadj(1,9,4) = 3 iadj(3,9,4) = 100+1 iadj(9,3,4) = 100+1 iadj(2,4,4) = -10 iadj(4,2,4) = 10 iadj(10,4,4) = -2 iadj(4,10,4) = 2 iadj(2,10,4) = 100+4 iadj(10,2,4) = 100+4 endif if ( ns .eq. 6 ) then nm = 3 else nm = 4 endif * #] initialisations: * #[ easy tries: do 40 i=1,itime isi = i+is-1 lmax = .FALSE. * * get xpi(isi)*del2 - del3 ... if del3 and del2 are defined * if ( ldel ) then s(1) = xpi(isi)*del2 som = s(1) - del3 smax = absc(s(1)) if ( absc(som) .ge. xloss**2*smax ) goto 35 xsom = som xmax = smax lmax = .TRUE. endif ip1 = ip1n ip2 = ip2n ip3 = ip3n do 20 j=1,3 * * otherwise use the simple threeterm formula * s(1) = xpi(ip2)*piDpj(ip1,isi)**2 s(2) = xpi(ip1)*piDpj(ip2,isi)*piDpj(ip2,isi) s(3) = -2*piDpj(ip2,isi)*piDpj(ip2,ip1)*piDpj(ip1,isi) som = s(1) + s(2) + s(3) smax = max(absc(s(1)),absc(s(2)),absc(s(3))) if ( absc(som) .ge. xloss**2*smax ) goto 35 if ( .not. lmax .or. smax .lt. xmax ) then xsom = som xmax = smax lmax = .TRUE. endif * * if there are cancellations between two of the terms: * we try mixing with isi. * * First map cancellation to s(2)+s(3) (do not mess up * rotations...) * if ( absc(s(1)+s(3)) .lt. absc(s(3))/2 ) then ihlp = ip1 ip1 = ip2 ip2 = ihlp som = s(1) s(1) = s(2) s(2) = som ltwist = .TRUE. else ltwist = .FALSE. endif if ( absc(s(2)+s(3)) .lt. absc(s(3))/2 ) then * * switch to the vector pn so that si = jsgn1*p1 + jsgnn*pn * k = iadj(isi,ip1,nm) if ( k .ne. 0 ) then ipn = abs(k) jsgnn = isign(1,k) if ( ipn .gt. 100 ) then ipn = ipn - 100 jsgn1 = -1 else jsgn1 = +1 endif if ( absc(dpipj(ipn,isi)) .lt. + xloss*absc(piDpj(ip1,isi)) .and. + absc(piDpj(ipn,ip2)) .lt. + xloss*absc(piDpj(ip2,isi)) ) then * same: s(1) = xpi(ip2)*piDpj(ip1,isi)**2 s(2) = jsgnn*piDpj(isi,ip2)*piDpj(ipn,ip2)* + xpi(ip1) s(3) = jsgn1*piDpj(isi,ip2)*piDpj(ip1,ip2)* + dpipj(ipn,isi) som = s(1) + s(2) + s(3) smax = max(absc(s(1)),absc(s(2)),absc(s(3))) * print *,' (isi+ip1) with isi,ip1,ip2,ipn: ', * + isi,ip1,ip2,ipn * print *,'xpi(ip2),piDpj(ip1,isi)',xpi(ip2), * + piDpj(ip1,isi) * print *,'piDpj(isi,ip2),piDpj(ipn,ip2),xpi(ip1)' * + ,piDpj(isi,ip2),piDpj(ipn,ip2),xpi(ip1) if ( absc(som) .ge. xloss**2*smax ) goto 35 if ( smax .lt. xmax ) then xsom = som xmax = smax endif * * there may be a cancellation between s(1) and * s(2) left. Introduce a vector q such that * pn = jsgnq*q + jsgn2*p2. We also need the sign * jsgn3 in p3 = -p1 - jsgn3*p2 * k = iadj(ipn,ip2,nm) if ( k .ne. 0 ) then iqn = abs(k) *not used jsgnq = isign(1,k) if ( iqn .gt. 100 ) then iqn = iqn - 100 jsgn2 = -1 else jsgn2 = +1 endif k = iadj(ip1,ip2,nm) if ( k .eq. 0 .or. k .lt. 100 ) then * we have p1,p2,p3 all p's jsgn3 = +1 elseif ( k .lt. 0 ) then * ip1,ip2 are 2*s,1*p such that p2-p1=ip3 jsgn3 = -1 else jsgn3 = 0 endif * we need one condition on the signs for this * to work if ( ip3.ne.0 .and. jsgn1*jsgn2.eq.jsgnn* + jsgn3 .and. absc(s(3)).lt.xloss*smax ) then s(1) = piDpj(ip1,isi)**2*dpipj(iqn,ipn) s(2) = -jsgn2*jsgn1*piDpj(ipn,ip2)* + piDpj(ip1,isi)*dpipj(ipn,isi) * s(3) stays the same s(4) = -jsgn2*jsgn1*piDpj(ipn,ip2)* + xpi(ip1)*piDpj(isi,ip3) som = s(1) + s(2) + s(3) + s(4) smax = max(absc(s(1)),absc(s(2)), + absc(s(3)),absc(s(4))) if (absc(som).ge.xloss**2*smax) goto 35 if ( smax .lt. xmax ) then xsom = som xmax = smax endif endif endif endif endif k = iadj(isi,ip2,nm) if ( k .ne. 0 ) then ipn = abs(k) jsgnn = isign(1,k) if ( ipn .gt. 100 ) then jsgn1 = -1 ipn = ipn - 100 else jsgn1 = +1 endif if ( absc(dpipj(ipn,isi)) .lt. + xloss*absc(piDpj(ip2,isi)) .and. + absc(piDpj(ipn,ip1)) .lt. + xloss*absc(piDpj(ip1,isi)) ) then s(1) = jsgnn*piDpj(isi,ip1)*piDpj(ipn,ip1)* + xpi(ip2) s(2) = xpi(ip1)*piDpj(ip2,isi)**2 s(3) = jsgn1*piDpj(isi,ip1)*piDpj(ip2,ip1)* + dpipj(ipn,isi) som = s(1) + s(2) + s(3) smax = max(absc(s(1)),absc(s(2)),absc(s(3))) print *,' (isi+ip2) with isi,ip1,ip2,ipn: ', + isi,ip1,ip2,ipn if ( absc(som) .ge. xloss**2*smax ) goto 35 if ( smax .lt. xmax ) then xsom = som xmax = smax endif endif endif endif * * rotate the ipi * if ( ip3 .eq. 0 ) goto 30 if ( j .ne. 3 ) then if ( .not. ltwist ) then ihlp = ip1 ip1 = ip2 ip2 = ip3 ip3 = ihlp else ihlp = ip2 ip2 = ip3 ip3 = ihlp endif endif 20 continue 30 continue * #] easy tries: * #[ choose the best value: * * These values are the best found: * som = xsom smax = xmax 35 continue del3mi(i) = som 40 continue * #] choose the best value: *###] ffcl3m: end