*(##[ ffxd0p: subroutine ffxd0p(cs4,ipi12,isoort,cfac,xpi,dpipj,piDpj, + xqi,dqiqj,qiDqj,ai,daiaj,ldel2s,ier) ***#[*comment:*********************************************************** * * * calculate D0/pi^2/(A1*A2*A3*A4/dt3t4) * * * * = C0(t1,t2,t3) - C0(t1,t2,t4) * * * * The transformed momenta of the fourpoint functions are * * input. * * * * Input: xpi(10) untransformed fourpoint momenta * * dpipj(10,10) differences of xpi * * piDpj(10,10) dotproducts of xpi * * xqi(10) transformed fourpoint momenta * * dqiqj(10,10) differences of xqi * * qiDqj(10,10) dotproducts of xqi * * ai(4) the transformation parameters * * daiaj(4,4) their deifferences * * ldel2s if .TRUE. we took out factors delta * * * * Output: cs4(170) not added (assumed 0 on input) * * cfac the factor of cs4 from C0 (ie lam(pi)) * * ier 0=ok 1=inaccurate 2=error * * * * Calls: ffxc0p,ffpi34,ffxhck,ffdl3m,ffdel2,... * * * ***#]*comment:*********************************************************** * #[ declarations: implicit none * * arguments * DOUBLE COMPLEX cs4(175),cfac integer ipi12(26),isoort(16),ier logical ldel2s DOUBLE PRECISION xpi(10),dpipj(10,10),piDpj(10,10), + xqi(10),dqiqj(10,10),qiDqj(10,10),ai(4),daiaj(4,4) * * local variables * integer i,j,k,ip,jp,m,ilogi(6),ii(6,2),jj(6,2),ier0,ier1 DOUBLE COMPLEX c,clogi(6),cipi DOUBLE PRECISION xpi3(6,3:4),dpipj3(6,6,3:4),piDpj3(6,6,3:4), + del2,del2s(3,3:4),del3(3:4),del3mi(6,3:4), + del4,etalam(3:4),etami(6,3:4),ddel2s(2:3),delpsi(3,3:4), + alph(3),blph(3),sdel2,hulp,som,s(4),smax,xmax DOUBLE COMPLEX cpi(6,3:4),cpiDpj(6,6,3:4),cdpipj(6,6,3:4), + cetalm(3:4),cetami(6,3:4),calph(3),csdel2, + cel2s(3,3:4),celpsi(3,3:4),zqi(10),zqiDqj(10,10), + cddl2s(2:3) logical lcroot save ii,jj * * common blocks: * include 'ff.h' * * data * data ii/1,2,3,5,6,9,1,2,3,5,6,9/ data jj/1,2,4,5,10,8,1,2,4,5,10,8/ * * #] declarations: * #[ preparation: * Note that the piDpj3(,,3) contain now the threepoint function * with s3, (,,4) with s4 (and NOT *without* as before) call ffpi43(xpi3(1,3),dpipj3(1,1,3),piDpj3(1,1,3), + xqi,dqiqj,qiDqj,7-3) call ffpi43(xpi3(1,4),dpipj3(1,1,4),piDpj3(1,1,4), + xqi,dqiqj,qiDqj,7-4) * * set the logarithms to be calculated to -999 * do 40 i=1,6 clogi(i) = 0 ilogi(i) = 0 40 continue if ( ai(1) .lt. 0 .neqv. ai(2) .lt. 0 ) then ilogi(1) = -999 ilogi(4) = -999 endif if ( ai(2) .lt. 0 .neqv. ai(3) .lt. 0 ) then ilogi(2) = -999 endif if ( ai(3) .lt. 0 .neqv. ai(1) .lt. 0 ) then ilogi(3) = -999 endif if ( ai(2) .lt. 0 .neqv. ai(4) .lt. 0 ) then ilogi(5) = -999 endif if ( ai(4) .lt. 0 .neqv. ai(1) .lt. 0 ) then ilogi(6) = -999 endif * * #] preparation: * #[ determinants: * * some determinants * * note that not all errors are additive, only when a previous * result is used as input do we need to add ther ier's, otherwise * we can take the maximum value to get a decent estimate of the * number of digits lost. * ier1 = ier if ( .not.ldel2s ) then ier0 = ier call ffdel2(del2,qiDqj,10, 5,6,9, 0,ier0) ier1 = max(ier1,ier0) else s(1) = xqi(5)*xqi(3) s(2) = qiDqj(5,3)**2 del2 = s(1) - s(2) if ( abs(del2) .lt. xloss*s(2) ) ier1 = 100 endif if ( ier1 .ne. ier ) then ier0 = ier call ffdel4(del4,piDpj) if ( ldel2s ) then hulp = -(ai(1)*ai(2)*ai(3)*ai(4)/xqi(3))**2 * del4 else hulp = -(2*ai(1)*ai(2)*ai(3)*ai(4)/dqiqj(3,4))**2 * del4 endif del2 = hulp ier1 = ier0 fdel4s = del4 else if ( ldel2s ) then fdel4s = -del2*(xqi(3)/ai(1)*ai(2)*ai(3)*ai(4))**2 else fdel4s=-del2*(dqiqj(3,4)/(2*ai(1)*ai(2)*ai(3)*ai(4)))**2 endif endif if ( del2 .gt. 0 ) then * use complex routines * call fferr(44,ier) lcroot = .TRUE. sdel2 = isgnal*sqrt(del2) csdel2 = DCMPLX(0D0,sdel2) elseif ( del2 .eq. 0 ) then call fferr(45,ier) else lcroot = .FALSE. sdel2 = isgnal*sqrt(-del2) endif ier0 = ier call ffdl3s(del3(3),piDpj,ii,10) ier1 = max(ier0,ier1) ier0 = ier call ffdl3s(del3(4),piDpj,jj,10) ier1 = max(ier1,ier0) del3(3) = ai(1)**2*ai(2)**2*ai(3)**2*del3(3) del3(4) = ai(1)**2*ai(2)**2*ai(4)**2*del3(4) do 108 m=3,4 ier0 = ier if ( .not.ldel2s ) then call ffdl3m(del3mi(1,m),.TRUE.,del3(m),del2,xpi3(1,m) + ,dpipj3(1,1,m),piDpj3(1,1,m), 6, 4,5,6,1,3) else * * the special case del2s = 0. Note that del3mi(i) and * del3mi(i+3) are used in S_{i-1}. * call ffdl3m(del3mi(1,m),.FALSE.,0D0,0D0,xpi3(1,m), + dpipj3(1,1,m),piDpj3(1,1,m), 6, 4,3,0, 1,2) ier1= max(ier1,ier0) ier0 = ier call ffdl3m(del3mi(5,m),.FALSE.,0D0,0D0,xpi3(1,m), + dpipj3(1,1,m),piDpj3(1,1,m), 6, 4,3,0, 5,2) del3mi(3,m) = 0 del3mi(4,m) = 0 endif ier1 = max(ier1,ier0) do 105 i=1,3 j = i+1 if ( j .eq. 4 ) j = 1 ip = i jp = j if ( m .eq. 4 ) then if ( jp .eq. 3 ) jp = 4 if ( ip .eq. 3 ) ip = 4 endif if ( i.eq.1 .and. m.eq.4 ) then del2s(1,4) = del2s(1,3) else ier0 = ier call ffdel2(del2s(i,m),piDpj,10,inx(ip,jp),ip, + jp,1,ier0) del2s(i,m) = ai(ip)**2*ai(jp)**2*del2s(i,m) ier1 = max(ier1,ier0) endif k = i-1 if ( k .eq. 0 ) k = 3 ier0 = ier if ( .not.ldel2s ) then call ffdl2p(delpsi(i,m),xpi3(1,m),dpipj3(1,1,m), + piDpj3(1,1,m),i+3,j+3,k+3,i,j,k,6) else call ffdl2t(delpsi(i,m),qiDqj, m,5, ip,jp,inx(ip,jp) + ,+1,+1, 10) endif ier1 = max(ier1,ier0) etami(i,m) = del3mi(i,m)/del2 if ( ldel2s .and. i.gt.1 ) + etami(i+3,m) = del3mi(i+3,m)/del2 105 continue etalam(m) = del3(m)/del2 108 continue * * the error analysis * ier = ier1 * * get alpha,1-alpha * if ( .not. lcroot ) then if ( .not.ldel2s ) then if ( xpi3(5,3).eq.0 .and. (piDpj3(5,6,3).gt.0 .eqv. + sdel2.gt.0) ) then alph(1) = -xpi3(6,3)/(piDpj3(5,6,3)+sdel2) alph(3) = -xpi3(4,3)/(piDpj3(5,4,3)-sdel2) else call ffroot(blph(1),alph(1),xpi3(5,3), + -piDpj3(5,6,3),xpi3(6,3),sdel2,ier) call ffroot(alph(3),blph(3),xpi3(5,3), + -piDpj3(5,4,3),xpi3(4,3),sdel2,ier) endif * We cannot change the sign as it is fixed by the choice * of sign in fftrans (sqrt(delta(s3,s4))) WRONG * if ( l4also .and. ( alph(1) .gt. 1 .or. alph(1) .lt. 0 * + ) .and. abs(blph(1)-.5D0) .lt. abs(alph(1)-.5D0) ) then * alph(1) = blph(1) * alph(3) = blph(3) * sdel2 = -sdel2 * isgnal = -isgnal * endif else alph(1) = 1 alph(3) = 0 endif cfac = 2*sdel2 else do 4 k=3,4 do 3 i=1,6 cpi(i,k) = xpi3(i,k) do 2 j=1,6 cdpipj(j,i,k) = dpipj3(j,i,k) cpiDpj(j,i,k) = piDpj3(j,i,k) 2 continue 3 continue 4 continue if ( .not.ldel2s ) then call ffcoot(c,calph(1),cpi(5,3),-cpiDpj(5,6,3), + cpi(6,3),csdel2,ier) call ffcoot(calph(3),c,cpi(5,3),-cpiDpj(5,4,3), + cpi(4,3),csdel2,ier) else calph(1) = 1 calph(3) = 0 endif cfac = 2*csdel2 endif * #] determinants: * #[ convert to complex: if ( lcroot ) then do 110 k=3,4 cetalm(k) = etalam(k) do 109 i=1,3 cel2s(i,k) = del2s(i,k) celpsi(i,k) = delpsi(i,k) cetami(i,k) = etami(i,k) 109 continue 110 continue endif * #] convert to complex: * #[ simple case: if ( ldel2s .or. abs(dqiqj(3,4)) .lt. xloss*abs(xqi(3)) ) then if ( .not.lsmug .and. (ldel2s .or. ldc3c4) ) goto 500 endif * * and the calculations * ier0 = ier ier1 = ier if ( lcroot ) then call ffcc0p(cs4( 1),ipi12(1),isoort(1),clogi(1),ilogi(1), + cpi(1,3),cdpipj(1,1,3),cpiDpj(1,1,3),csdel2,cel2s(1,3), + cetalm(3),cetami(1,3),celpsi(1,3),calph,4,ier0) call ffcc0p(cs4(81),ipi12(9),isoort(9),clogi(4),ilogi(4), + cpi(1,4),cdpipj(1,1,4),cpiDpj(1,1,4),csdel2,cel2s(1,4), + cetalm(4),cetami(1,4),celpsi(1,4),calph,4,ier1) else if ( lsmug ) call ffsm43(xpi3(1,3),7-3) call ffxc0p(cs4( 1),ipi12(1),isoort(1),clogi(1),ilogi(1), + xpi3(1,3),dpipj3(1,1,3),piDpj3(1,1,3),sdel2,del2s(1,3), + etalam(3),etami(1,3),delpsi(1,3),alph,4,ier0) if ( lsmug ) call ffsm43(xpi3(1,4),7-4) call ffxc0p(cs4(81),ipi12(9),isoort(9),clogi(4),ilogi(4), + xpi3(1,4),dpipj3(1,1,4),piDpj3(1,1,4),sdel2,del2s(1,4), + etalam(4),etami(1,4),delpsi(1,4),alph,4,ier1) endif ier = max(ier0,ier1) goto 600 * #] simple case: * #[ cancellations: 500 continue * * There are cancellations between the dilogarithms or the vertex * is on threshold. * we need the differences ddel2s(i) = del2s(i,3)-del2s(i,4) * do 510 i=2,3 if ( i .eq. 2 ) then j = 2 else j = 1 endif ddel2s(i) = del2s(i,3) - del2s(i,4) xmax = abs(del2s(i,3)) if ( abs(ddel2s(i)) .ge. xloss*xmax ) goto 510 * * Very first try with transformation * s(1) = (ai(3)+ai(4))*daiaj(3,4)*del2s(i,3)/ai(3)**2 s(2) = ai(j)**2*ai(4)**2*xpi(j)*dpipj(3,4) s(3) = ai(j)**2*ai(4)**2*piDpj(j,7)*piDpj(j,3) s(4) = ai(j)**2*ai(4)**2*piDpj(j,7)*piDpj(j,4) som = s(1) + s(2) + s(3) + s(4) smax = max(abs(s(1)),abs(s(2)),abs(s(3)),abs(s(4))) if ( abs(som) .ge. xloss*smax ) goto 510 if ( smax .lt. xmax ) then ddel2s(i) = som xmax = smax endif 510 continue if ( .not. lcroot ) then call ffdxc0(cs4,ipi12,isoort,clogi,ilogi,xpi3,dpipj3,piDpj3, + xqi,qiDqj,sdel2,del2s,etalam,etami,delpsi,alph, + ddel2s,ldel2s,4,ier) else cddl2s(2) = ddel2s(2) cddl2s(3) = ddel2s(3) do 530 i=1,10 zqi(i) = xqi(i) do 520 j=1,10 zqiDqj(j,i) = qiDqj(j,i) 520 continue 530 continue call ffdcc0(cs4,ipi12,isoort,clogi,ilogi,cpi,cpiDpj, + zqi,zqiDqj,csdel2,cel2s,cetalm,cetami,celpsi, + calph,cddl2s,ldel2s,4,ier) endif 600 continue * #] cancellations: * #[ Ai<0 terms: cipi = DCMPLX(0D0,pi) if ( ai(3) .lt. 0 .neqv. ai(4) .lt. 0 ) then * we need the S term if ( ai(1) .lt. 0 .eqv. ai(2) .lt. 0 ) then if ( lcroot ) then call ffcxra(cs4(167),ipi12(23),xqi,qiDqj,sdel2,1,ier) else * call ffxtro(cs4(167),ipi12(23),xqi,qiDqj,sdel2,1,ier) call ffxtra(cs4(167),ipi12(23),xqi,qiDqj,sdel2,1,ier) endif else if ( lcroot ) then call ffcxra(cs4(167),ipi12(23),xqi,qiDqj,sdel2,2,ier) call ffcxra(cs4(169),ipi12(25),xqi,qiDqj,sdel2,3,ier) else call ffxtra(cs4(167),ipi12(23),xqi,qiDqj,sdel2,2,ier) call ffxtra(cs4(169),ipi12(25),xqi,qiDqj,sdel2,3,ier) * call ffxtro(cs4(167),ipi12(23),xqi,qiDqj,sdel2,2,ier) * call ffxtro(cs4(169),ipi12(25),xqi,qiDqj,sdel2,3,ier) endif endif endif * * The normal correction terms * if ( ai(1) .lt. 0 .neqv. ai(2) .lt. 0 ) then cs4(161) = -cipi*clogi(1) ipi12(17) = 12*ilogi(1) if ( ilogi(1) .eq. -999 ) call fferr(46,ier) cs4(164) = cipi*clogi(4) ipi12(20) = -12*ilogi(4) if ( ilogi(4) .eq. -999 ) call fferr(46,ier) endif if ( ai(2) .lt. 0 .neqv. ai(3) .lt. 0 ) then cs4(162) = -cipi*clogi(2) ipi12(18) = 12*ilogi(2) if ( ilogi(2) .eq. -999 ) call fferr(46,ier) endif if ( ai(3) .lt. 0 .neqv. ai(1) .lt. 0 ) then cs4(163) = -cipi*clogi(3) ipi12(19) = 12*ilogi(3) if ( ilogi(3) .eq. -999 ) call fferr(46,ier) endif if ( ai(2) .lt. 0 .neqv. ai(4) .lt. 0 ) then cs4(165) = cipi*clogi(5) ipi12(21) = -12*ilogi(5) if ( ilogi(5) .eq. -999 ) call fferr(46,ier) endif if ( ai(4) .lt. 0 .neqv. ai(1) .lt. 0 ) then cs4(166) = cipi*clogi(6) ipi12(22) = -12*ilogi(6) if ( ilogi(6) .eq. -999 ) call fferr(46,ier) endif * #] Ai<0 terms: *###] ffxd0p: end *###[ ffpi43: subroutine ffpi43(xpi3,dpipj3,piDpj3,xpi,dpipj,piDpj,imiss) ***#[*comment:*********************************************************** * * * Fill the threepoint arrays xpi3 and dpipj3 with masses from the * * the fourpoint array xpi with leg imiss cut out. * * * ***#]*comment:*********************************************************** * #[ declarations: implicit none * * arguments * DOUBLE PRECISION xpi3(6),dpipj3(6,6),piDpj3(6,6) DOUBLE PRECISION xpi(10),dpipj(10,10),piDpj(10,10) integer imiss * * local variables * integer i,j integer iinx(6,4) save iinx * * common blocks * include 'ff.h' * * data * data iinx /2,3,4,6,7,10, + 1,3,4,9,7,8, + 1,2,4,5,10,8, + 1,2,3,5,6,9/ * #] declarations: * #[ calculations: do 20 i=1,6 xpi3(i) = xpi(iinx(i,imiss)) do 10 j=1,6 dpipj3(j,i) = dpipj(iinx(j,imiss),iinx(i,imiss)) piDpj3(j,i) = piDpj(iinx(j,imiss),iinx(i,imiss)) 10 continue 20 continue * #] calculations: *###] ffpi43: end *###[ ffxtra: subroutine ffxtra(cs4,ipi12,xqi,qiDqj,sdel2,ii,ier) ***#[*comment:*********************************************************** * * * calculate the extra terms S_ii^{\infty\prime}, put them in * * cs4 and ipi12. * * * ***#]*comment:*********************************************************** * #[ declarations: implicit none * * arguments * integer ipi12(3),ii,ier DOUBLE COMPLEX cs4(3) DOUBLE PRECISION xqi(10),qiDqj(10,10),sdel2 * * local variables * integer i,ip(5) DOUBLE PRECISION x(2,3),dfflo1,s,s1 external dfflo1 * * common blocks * include 'ff.h' * * data * data ip/5,6,8,5,6/ * #] declarations: * #[ calculations: if ( ii .eq. 3 ) return do 10 i=1,3 if ( ii .eq. 1 .and. i .eq. 2 ) goto 10 call ffroot(x(1,i),x(2,i),xqi(ip(i)),-qiDqj(ip(i), + ip(i+1)),xqi(ip(i+1)),sdel2,ier) s = -x(2,i)/x(1,i) if ( abs(s-1) .lt. xloss ) then s1 = dfflo1(-2*qiDqj(ip(i),ip(i+1))/(xqi(ip(i))*x(1,i)), + ier) elseif ( s .gt. 0 ) then s1 = log(s) else if ( abs(s+1) .lt. xloss ) then s1 = dfflo1(-2*sdel2/(xqi(ip(i))*x(1,i)),ier) else s1 = log(-s) endif * also here an minus sign (-i*pi*log(-(p.p-sqrt)/(p.p+sqrt))) if ( qiDqj(ip(i),ip(i+1))*xqi(ip(i))*sdel2 .gt. 0 ) then ipi12(i) = +12 else ipi12(i) = -12 endif * ier = ier + 50 * print *,'ffxtra: imaginary part may well be wrong -> ', * + 'n*pi^2 fout' * print *,' ipi12(i) = ',ipi12(i) * print *,' qiDqj = ',qiDqj(ip(i),ip(i+1)) * print *,' qi^2 = ',xqi(ip(i)) endif * there is an overall minus compared with Veltman cs4(i) = DCMPLX(0D0,-pi*s1) if ( sdel2 .lt. 0 ) then cs4(i) = -cs4(i) ipi12(i) = -ipi12(i) endif if ( ii .ne. 1 ) then cs4(i) = -cs4(i) ipi12(i) = -ipi12(i) endif if ( i .eq. 2 ) then cs4(i) = 2*cs4(i) ipi12(i) = 2*ipi12(i) endif 10 continue * #] calculations: *###] ffxtra: end *###[ ffcxra: subroutine ffcxra(cs4,ipi12,xqi,qiDqj,sdel2,ii,ier) ***#[*comment:*********************************************************** * * * calculate the extra terms S_ii^{\infty\prime}, put them in * * cs4 and ipi12 for qi real but sdel2 complex. * * * ***#]*comment:*********************************************************** * #[ declarations: implicit none * * arguments * integer ipi12(3),ii,ier DOUBLE COMPLEX cs4(3) DOUBLE PRECISION xqi(10),qiDqj(10,10),sdel2 * * local variables * integer i,ip(5) DOUBLE COMPLEX x(2,3),zfflo1,s,s1,c DOUBLE PRECISION absc external zfflo1 * * common blocks * include 'ff.h' * * data * data ip/5,6,8,5,6/ * * statement function * absc(c) = abs(DBLE(c)) + abs(DIMAG(c)) * #] declarations: * #[ calculations: if ( ii .eq. 3 ) return do 10 i=1,3 if ( ii .eq. 1 .and. i .eq. 2 ) goto 10 x(1,i) = DCMPLX(-qiDqj(ip(i),ip(i+1))/xqi(ip(i)), + -sdel2/xqi(ip(i))) x(2,i) = DCMPLX(-qiDqj(ip(i),ip(i+1))/xqi(ip(i)), + +sdel2/xqi(ip(i))) s = -x(2,i)/x(1,i) c = s-1 if ( absc(c) .lt. xloss ) then s1 = zfflo1(DBLE(-2*qiDqj(ip(i),ip(i+1))/xqi(ip(i)))/ + x(1,i),ier) elseif ( abs(s+1) .lt. xloss ) then s1 = zfflo1(DCMPLX(0D0,-2*sdel2/xqi(ip(i)))/x(1,i),ier) if ( DIMAG(c).gt.0 ) then ipi12(i) = +12 else ipi12(i) = -12 endif else s1 = log(s) endif * there is an overall minus compared with Veltman cs4(i) = DCMPLX(pi*DIMAG(s1),-pi*DBLE(s1)) if ( ii .ne. 1 ) then cs4(i) = -cs4(i) ipi12(i) = -ipi12(i) endif if ( sdel2 .lt. 0 ) then cs4(i) = -cs4(i) ipi12(i) = -ipi12(i) endif if ( i .eq. 2 ) then cs4(i) = 2*cs4(i) ipi12(i) = 2*ipi12(i) endif 10 continue * #] calculations: *###] ffcxra: end *###[ ffsm43: subroutine ffsm43(xpi3,imiss) ***#[*comment:*********************************************************** * * * Distribute the smuggled 4point momenta to the 3point smuggled * * momenta. Note that because of the common block smuggling this * * cannot be included in ffpi43. * * * ***#]*comment:*********************************************************** * #[ declarations: implicit none * * arguments * integer imiss DOUBLE PRECISION xpi3(6) * * local variables * integer i,j,iinx(6,4) save iinx * * common blocks * include 'ff.h' * * data * data iinx /2,3,4,6,7,10, + 1,3,4,9,7,8, + 1,2,4,5,10,8, + 1,2,3,5,6,9/ * * #] declarations: * #[ parcel out: if ( lsmug ) then * * parcel out the smuggled diffs * do 30 i=1,3 j = mod(i,3)+1 if ( xpi3(j) .eq. 0 ) then cmipj(i,i) = c2sisj(iinx(i,imiss),iinx(j,imiss)) elseif ( xpi3(i) .eq. 0 ) then cmipj(j,i) = c2sisj(iinx(i,imiss),iinx(j,imiss)) endif 30 continue endif * #] parcel out: *)##] ffsm43: end