*###[ ffxdb0: subroutine ffxdb0(cdb0,cdb0p,xp,xma,xmb,ier) ***#[*comment:*********************************************************** * * * Calculates the the derivative of the two-point function with * * respect to p2 and the same times p2 (one is always well-defined)* * * * Input: xp (real) k2, in B&D metric * * xma (real) mass2 * * xmb (real) mass2 * * * * Output: cdb0 (complex) dB0/dxp * * cdb0p (complex) xp*dB0/dxp * * ier (integer) # of digits lost, if >=100: error * * * * Calls: ffxdba * * * ***#]*comment:*********************************************************** * #[ declarations: implicit none * * arguments * integer ier DOUBLE COMPLEX cdb0,cdb0p DOUBLE PRECISION xp,xma,xmb * * local variables * DOUBLE PRECISION dmamb,dmap,dmbp * * common blocks * include 'ff.h' * * #] declarations: * #[ get differences: dmamb = xma - xmb dmap = xma - xp dmbp = xmb - xp * #] get differences: * #[ calculations: call ffxdbp(cdb0,cdb0p,xp,xma,xmb,dmap,dmbp,dmamb,ier) * #] calculations: *###] ffxdb0: end *###[ ffxdbp: subroutine ffxdbp(cdb0,cdb0p,xp,xma,xmb,dmap,dmbp,dmamb,ier) ***#[*comment:*********************************************************** * * * calculates the derivatives of the two-point function * * Veltman) for all possible cases: masses equal, unequal, * * equal to zero. * * * * Input: xp (real) p.p, in B&D metric * * xma (real) mass2, * * xmb (real) mass2, * * dm[ab]p (real) xm[ab] - xp * * dmamb (real) xma - xmb * * * * Output: cdb0 (complex) B0' = dB0/dxp * * cdb0p (complex) xp*dB0/dxp * * ier (integer) 0=ok,>0=numerical problems,>100=error * * * * Calls: ffxdbp. * * * ***#]*comment:*********************************************************** * #[ declarations: implicit none * * arguments * integer ier DOUBLE COMPLEX cdb0,cdb0p DOUBLE PRECISION xp,xma,xmb,dmap,dmbp,dmamb * * local variables * integer i,initeq,jsign,initir DOUBLE PRECISION ax,ffbnd, + xprceq,bdeq01,bdeq05,bdeq11,bdeq17, + xprcn3,bdn301,bdn305,bdn310, + xprcn5,bdn501,bdn505,bdn510, + xprec0,bdn001,bdn005,bdn010,bdn015 DOUBLE PRECISION xm,dmp,xm1,xm2,dm1m2,dm1p, + dm2p,s,s1,s1a,s1b,s1p,s2,s2a,s2b,s2p,x,y,som, + xlam,slam,xlogmm,alpha,alph1,xnoe,xpneq(30), + xx,dfflo1,dfflo3,d1,d2,diff,h,a,b,c,d,beta, + betm2n,xmax,s1c,s1d,s1e,s1f,s3 external ffbnd,dfflo1,dfflo3 save initeq,xpneq,initir, + xprceq,bdeq01,bdeq05,bdeq11,bdeq17, + xprcn3,bdn301,bdn305,bdn310, + xprcn5,bdn501,bdn505,bdn510, + xprec0,bdn001,bdn005,bdn010,bdn015 * * common blocks * include 'ff.h' * * data * data xprceq /-1D0/ data xprec0 /-1D0/ data xprcn3 /-1D0/ data xprcn5 /-1D0/ data initeq /0/ data initir /0/ * * #] declarations: * #[ which case: * * sort according to the type of masscombination encountered: * 100: both masses zero, 200: one equal to zero, 300: both equal * 400: rest. * if ( xma .eq. 0 ) then if ( xmb .eq. 0 ) then goto 100 endif xm = xmb dmp = dmbp goto 200 endif if ( xmb .eq. 0 ) then xm = xma dmp = dmap goto 200 elseif ( dmamb .eq. 0 ) then xm = xma dmp = dmap goto 300 elseif ( xma .gt. xmb ) then xm2 = xma xm1 = xmb dm1m2 = -dmamb dm1p = dmbp dm2p = dmap else xm1 = xma xm2 = xmb dm1m2 = dmamb dm1p = dmap dm2p = dmbp endif goto 400 * #] which case: * #[ both masses equal to zero: 100 continue if ( xp.ne.0 ) cdb0 = -1/xp cdb0p = -1 return * #] both masses equal to zero: * #[ one mass equal to zero: 200 continue * * special case xp = 0 * if ( xp .eq. 0 ) then cdb0p = 0 cdb0 = 1/(2*xm) goto 990 * * special case xp = xm * elseif ( dmp.eq.0 ) then if ( lsmug ) then if ( DBLE(cmipj(1,3)).lt.DBLE(cmipj(2,3)) ) then cdb0p = -1 - log(cmipj(1,3)*DBLE(1/xm)) else cdb0p = -1 - log(cmipj(2,3)*DBLE(1/xm)) endif else if ( initir.eq.0 ) then initir = 1 print *,'ffxdb0: IR divergent B0'', using cutoff ', + lambda2 endif if ( lambda2 .eq. 0D0 ) then call fferr(74,ier) cdb0p = 0 else cdb0p = -1 + log(xm/lambda2)/2 endif endif cdb0 = cdb0p*(1/DBLE(xp)) goto 990 endif * * Normal case: * x = xp/xm ax = abs(x) if ( ax .lt. xloss ) then * #[ Taylor expansion: if ( xprec0 .ne. precx ) then xprec0 = precx bdn001 = ffbnd(2,1,xninv) bdn005 = ffbnd(2,5,xninv) bdn010 = ffbnd(2,10,xninv) bdn015 = ffbnd(2,15,xninv) endif if ( ax .gt. bdn015 ) then som = x*(xninv(17) + x*(xninv(18) + x*(xninv(19) + + x*(xninv(20) + x*xninv(21) )))) else som = 0 endif if ( ax .gt. bdn010 ) then som = x*(xninv(12) + x*(xninv(13) + x*(xninv(14) + + x*(xninv(15) + x*(xninv(16) + som ))))) endif if ( ax .gt. bdn005 ) then som = x*(xninv(7) + x*(xninv(8) + x*(xninv(9) + + x*(xninv(10) + x*(xninv(11) + som ))))) endif if ( ax .gt. bdn001 ) then som = x*(xninv(3) + x*(xninv(4) + x*(xninv(5) + + x*(xninv(6) + som )))) endif cdb0p = x*(xninv(2) + som) * #] Taylor expansion: else * #[ short formula: s = log(abs(dmp/xm)) cdb0p = -(1 + s*xm/xp) if ( xp.gt.xm ) cdb0p = cdb0p+DCMPLX(DBLE(0),DBLE(xm/xp*pi)) * #] short formula: endif cdb0 = cdb0p*(1/DBLE(xp)) goto 990 * #] one mass equal to zero: * #[ both masses equal: 300 continue * * Both masses are equal. Not only this speeds up things, some * cancellations have to be avoided as well. * * first a special case * if ( abs(xp) .lt. 8*xloss*xm ) then * -#[ taylor expansion: * * a Taylor expansion seems appropriate as the result will go * as k^2 but seems to go as 1/k !! * *--#[ data and bounds: if ( initeq .eq. 0 ) then initeq = 1 xpneq(1) = 1D0/6D0 do 1 i=2,30 xpneq(i) = - xpneq(i-1)*DBLE(i)/DBLE(2*(2*i+1)) 1 continue endif if (xprceq .ne. precx ) then * * calculate the boundaries for the number of terms to be * included in the taylorexpansion * xprceq = precx bdeq01 = ffbnd(1,1,xpneq) bdeq05 = ffbnd(1,5,xpneq) bdeq11 = ffbnd(1,11,xpneq) bdeq17 = ffbnd(1,17,xpneq) endif *--#] data and bounds: x = -xp/xm ax = abs(x) if ( ax .gt. bdeq17 ) then som = x*(xpneq(18) + x*(xpneq(19) + x*(xpneq(20) + + x*(xpneq(21) + x*(xpneq(22) + x*(xpneq(23) + + x*(xpneq(24) + x*xpneq(25) ))))))) else som = 0 endif if ( ax .gt. bdeq11 ) then som = x*(xpneq(12) + x*(xpneq(13) + x*(xpneq(14) + + x*(xpneq(15) + x*(xpneq(16) + x*(xpneq(17) + som )))) + )) endif if ( ax .gt. bdeq05 ) then som = x*(xpneq(6) + x*(xpneq(7) + x*(xpneq(8) + x*( + xpneq(9) + x*(xpneq(10) + x*(xpneq(11) + som )))))) endif if ( ax .gt. bdeq01 ) then som = x*(xpneq(2) + x*(xpneq(3) + x*(xpneq(4) + x*( + xpneq(5) + som )))) endif cdb0p = -x*(xpneq(1)+som) if ( xp.ne.0 ) then cdb0 = cdb0p*(1/DBLE(xp)) else cdb0 = xpneq(1)/xm endif goto 990 * -#] taylor expansion: endif * -#[ normal case: * * normal case * call ffxlmb(xlam,-xp,-xm,-xm,dmp,dmp,0D0) if ( xlam .eq. 0 ) then call fferr(86,ier) return elseif ( xlam .gt. 0 ) then * cases 1,2 and 4 slam = sqrt(xlam) s2a = dmp + xm s2 = s2a + slam if ( abs(s2) .gt. xloss*slam ) then * looks fine jsign = 1 else s2 = s2a - slam jsign = -1 endif ax = abs(s2/(2*xm)) if ( ax .lt. xalogm ) then s = 0 elseif( ax-1 .lt. .1 .and. s2 .gt. 0 ) then * In this case a quicker and more accurate way is to * calculate log(1-x). s2 = (xp - slam) * the following line is superfluous. s = 2*xm/slam*dfflo1(s2/(2*xm),ier) else * finally the normal case s = 2*xm/slam*log(ax) if ( jsign .eq. -1 ) s = -s endif if ( xp .gt. 2*xm ) then * in this case ( xlam>0, so xp>(2*m)^2) ) there also * is an imaginary part y = pi*2*xm/slam else y = 0 endif else * the root is complex (k^2 between 0 and (2*m1)^2) slam = sqrt(-xlam) s = 4*xm/slam*atan2(xp,slam) y = 0 endif xx = s - 1 cdb0p = DCMPLX(DBLE(xx),DBLE(y)) cdb0 = cdb0p*(1/DBLE(xp)) goto 990 * -#] normal case: * * #] both masses equal: * #[ unequal nonzero masses: * -#[ get log(xm2/xm1): 400 continue x = xm2/xm1 if ( 1 .lt. xalogm*x ) then call fferr(8,ier) xlogmm = 0 elseif ( abs(x-1) .lt. xloss ) then xlogmm = dfflo1(dm1m2/xm1,ier) else xlogmm = log(x) endif * -#] get log(xm2/xm1): * -#[ xp = 0: * * first a special case * if ( xp .eq. 0 ) then * * repaired 19-nov-1993, see b2.frm * s1 = xm1*xm2*xlogmm/dm1m2**3 s2 = (xm1+xm2)/(2*dm1m2**2) s = s1 + s2 if ( abs(s) .lt. xloss**2*s2 ) then * * second try * h = dfflo3(dm1m2/xm1,ier) s1 = -xm1*h/dm1m2**2 s2 = 1/(2*xm1) s3 = xm1**2*h/dm1m2**3 s = s1 + s2 + s3 if ( abs(s) .lt. xloss*max(abs(s2),abs(s3)) ) then call ffwarn(228,ier,s,s2) endif endif cdb0 = s cdb0p = 0 goto 990 endif * -#] xp = 0: * -#[ normal case: * * proceeding with the normal case * call ffxlmb(xlam,-xp,-xm2,-xm1,dm2p,dm1p,dm1m2) diff = xlam + xp*(dm2p+xm1) if ( abs(diff) .lt. xloss*xlam ) then h = dm1m2**2 - xp*(xm1+xm2) if ( abs(h) .lt. xloss*dm1m2**2 ) then if ( dm1m2**2 .lt. abs(xlam) ) diff = h endif endif if ( xlam .eq. 0 ) then call fferr(86,ier) return elseif ( xlam .gt. 0 ) then * cases k^2 < -(m2+m1)^2 or k^2 > -(m2-m1)^2: *--#[ first try: * first try the normal way slam = sqrt(xlam) s2a = dm2p + xm1 s2 = s2a + slam if ( abs(s2) .gt. xloss*slam ) then * looks fine jsign = 1 else s2 = s2a - slam jsign = -1 endif s2 = s2**2/(4*xm1*xm2) if ( abs(s2) .lt. xalogm ) then call fferr(9,ier) s2 = 0 elseif ( abs(s2-1) .lt. xloss ) then if ( jsign.eq.1 ) then s2 = -slam*(s2a+slam)/(2*xm1*xm2) s2 = -diff/(2*slam*xp)*dfflo1(s2,ier) else ier = ier + 50 print *,'ffxdb0: untested: s2 better in first try' s2 = +slam*(s2a-slam)/(2*xm1*xm2) s2 = +diff/(2*slam*xp)*dfflo1(s2,ier) endif else s2 = -diff/(2*slam*xp)*log(s2) if ( jsign .eq. -1 ) s2 = -s2 endif s1 = -dm1m2*xlogmm/(2*xp) xx = s1+s2-1 *--#] first try: if ( abs(xx) .lt. xloss**2*max(abs(s1),abs(s2)) ) then *--#[ second try: * this is unacceptable, try a better solution s1a = diff + slam*dm1m2 if ( abs(s1a) .gt. xloss*diff ) then * this works s1 = -s1a/(2*xp*slam) else * by division a more accurate form can be found s1 = -2*xm1*xm2*xp/(slam*(diff - slam*dm1m2)) endif s = s1 s1 = s1*xlogmm if ( abs(xp) .lt. xm2 ) then s2a = xp - dm1m2 else s2a = xm2 - dm1p endif s2 = s2a - slam if ( abs(s2) .gt. xloss*slam ) then * at least reasonable s2 = s2 / (2*xm2) else * division again s2 = (2*xp) / (s2a+slam) endif if ( abs(s2) .lt. .1 ) then * choose a quick way to get the logarithm s2 = dfflo1(s2,ier) elseif ( s2.eq.1 ) then print *,'ffxdbp: error: arg log would be 0!' print *,' xp,xma,xmb = ',xp,xma,xmb goto 600 else s2 = log(abs(1 - s2)) endif s2 = -diff/(slam*xp)*s2 xx = s1 + s2 - 1 *--#] second try: if ( abs(xx) .lt. xloss**2*max(abs(s1),abs(s2)) ) then *--#[ third try: * (we accept two times xloss because that's the same * as in this try) * A Taylor expansion might work. We expand * inside the logs. Only do the necessary work. * * #[ split up 1: xnoe = s2a+slam a = 1 b = 2/xnoe-1/xp c = -4/(xp*xnoe) d = sqrt((2/xnoe)**2 + 1/xp**2) call ffroot(d1,d2,a,b,c,d,ier) if ( xp.gt.0 ) then beta = d2 else beta = d1 endif alpha = beta*diff/slam alph1 = 1-alpha if ( alph1 .lt. xloss ) then s1a = 4*xp**2*xm1*xm2/(slam*dm1m2*(diff-slam* + dm1m2)) s1b = -diff/slam*4*xm1*xp/(dm1m2*xnoe*(2*xp- + xnoe)) b = -1/xp c = -(2/xnoe)**2 call ffroot(d1,d2,a,b,c,d,ier) if ( xp.gt.0 ) then betm2n = d2 else betm2n = d1 endif d1 = s1a + s1b - diff/slam*betm2n xmax = max(abs(s1a),abs(s1b)) if ( xmax .lt. 1 ) then alph1 = d1 else xmax = 1 endif else betm2n = beta - 2/xnoe endif * #] split up 1: * #[ s2: * * first s2: * 490 continue s2p = s2 - alpha if ( abs(s2p) .lt. xloss*abs(s2) ) then * -#[ bounds: * determine the boundaries for 1,5,10,15 terms if ( xprcn5 .ne. precx ) then xprcn5 = precx bdn501 = ffbnd(3,1,xinfac) bdn505 = ffbnd(3,5,xinfac) bdn510 = ffbnd(3,10,xinfac) endif * -#] bounds: x = beta*xp ax = abs(x) if ( ax .gt. bdn510 ) then s2a = x*(xinfac(13) + x*(xinfac(14) + x*( + xinfac(15) + x*(xinfac(16) + x* + xinfac(17) )))) else s2a = 0 endif if ( ax .gt. bdn505 ) then s2a = x*(xinfac(8) + x*(xinfac(9) + x*( + xinfac(10) + x*(xinfac(11) + x*( + xinfac(12) + s2a))))) endif if ( ax .gt. bdn501 ) then s2a = x*(xinfac(4) + x*(xinfac(5) + x*( + xinfac(6) + x*(xinfac(7) + s2a)))) endif s2a = x**3*(xinfac(3)+s2a) s2b = 2*xp/xnoe*(s2a + x**2/2) s2p = s2b - s2a s2p = -diff/(xp*slam)*dfflo1(s2p,ier) endif * #] s2: * #[ s1: * * next s1: * 495 continue s1p = s1 - alph1 if ( abs(s1p) .lt. xloss*abs(s1) ) then * -#[ bounds: * determine the boundaries for 1,5,10,15 terms if ( xprcn3 .ne. precx ) then xprcn3 = precx bdn301 = ffbnd(3,1,xinfac) bdn305 = ffbnd(3,5,xinfac) bdn310 = ffbnd(3,10,xinfac) endif * -#] bounds: * x = slam*(diff-slam*dm1m2)*alph1/(2*xp*xm1*xm2) h = (2*xp*(xm1+xm2) - xp**2)/(slam-dm1m2) ax = abs(x) * * see form job gets1.frm * s1b = diff*(diff-slam*dm1m2)*betm2n/(2*xp*xm1* + xm2) s1c = 1/(xm1*xnoe*(2*xp-xnoe))*( + xp*( 4*xp*xm2 + 2*dm1m2**2/xm2*(xp-h) + + 2*dm1m2*(3*xp-h) - 8*dm1m2**2 ) + - 2*dm1m2**3/xm2*(3*xp-h) + + 4*dm1m2**4/xm2 + ) s1d = x*dm1m2/xm1 s1e = -x**2/2 if ( ax .gt. bdn310 ) then s1a = x*(xinfac(13) + x*(xinfac(14) + x*( + xinfac(15) + x*(xinfac(16) + x* + xinfac(17) )))) else s1a = 0 endif if ( ax .gt. bdn305 ) then s1a = x*(xinfac(8) + x*(xinfac(9) + x*( + xinfac(10) + x*(xinfac(11) + x*( + xinfac(12) + s1a))))) endif if ( ax .gt. bdn301 ) then s1a = x*(xinfac(4) + x*(xinfac(5) + x*( + xinfac(6) + x*(xinfac(7) + s1a)))) endif s1a = -x**3 *(xinfac(3) + s1a) s1f = dm1m2/xm1*(x**2/2 - s1a) s1p = s1e + s1d + s1c + s1b + s1a + s1f xmax = max(abs(s1a),abs(s1b),abs(s1c),abs(s1d), + abs(s1e)) s1p = s*dfflo1(s1p,ier) endif * #] s1: * * finally ... * 500 continue xx = s1p + s2p *--#] third try: endif endif 600 continue if ( xp .gt. xm1+xm2 ) then *--#[ imaginary part: * in this case ( xlam>0, so xp>(m1+m2)^2) ) there also * is an imaginary part y = -pi*diff/(slam*xp) else y = 0 *--#] imaginary part: endif else * the root is complex (k^2 between -(m1+m2)^2 and -(m2-m1)^2) *--#[ first try: slam = sqrt(-xlam) xnoe = dm2p + xm1 s1 = -(dm1m2/(2*xp))*xlogmm s2 = -diff/(slam*xp)*atan2(slam,xnoe) xx = s1 + s2 - 1 *--#] first try: y = 0 endif 590 continue cdb0p = DCMPLX(DBLE(xx),DBLE(y)) cdb0 = cdb0p*(1/DBLE(xp)) goto 990 * -#] normal case: * #] unequal nonzero masses: 990 continue *###] ffxdbp: end