################################################################# # Config file for applications-comparison.exe # ################################################################# # Lines starting from '#' are comments. Empty lines are ignored # # Do not change the order of the parameters in this file! # ################################################################# # Input file (the example works on files in HepMC format) /tmp/pythia.Z.hepmc # 2nd input file (the example works on files in HepMC format) /tmp/pythia.Z.unpolarized.hepmc # Output directory applications-plots-and-paper # Number of events to be processed # 0 = process all events from the sample 0 # LHAPDF dataset MSTW2008nnlo90cl.LHgrid # TauSpinner - CMS energy (used in PDF calculation) check your units 8000 # TauSpinner - Ipol value (is the input sample polarized?) 0 # for further explanations on program options see our papers: # arXiv:1201.0117 arXiv:1212.2873