all: latex tauspinner-application-studies.tex bibtex tauspinner-application-studies latex tauspinner-application-studies latex tauspinner-application-studies dvipdf tauspinner-application-studies.dvi @echo "##################################################################" @echo "WARNING: You have processed your analysis into Apenndix A. " @echo " In this way you have modified the content of your copy " @echo " of paper IFJPAN-IV-2013-19. Your results collected in " @echo " Appendix A may differ from the one of paper if your " @echo " sample was of distinct physics nature. " @echo " main text of tauspinner-application-studies.pdf will " @echo " include some useful explanations also in this case. " @echo "##################################################################" user-analysis: latex user-analysis.tex latex user-analysis.tex dvipdf user-analysis.dvi @echo "##################################################################" @echo "WARNING: You have processed your analysis into user-analysis.pdf " @echo " It is to systematize your results. Alternatively " @echo " tauspinner-application-studies.pdf can be constructed " @echo " with 'make all'. Then your results will be placed in " @echo " appendix A of paper IFJPAN-IV-2013-19 " @echo "##################################################################" clean: rm -f *.toc *.aux *.dvi *.pdf *.out *.log *.blg *.bbl