#include #include #include "TLine.h" #include "TLatex.h" #include "TMarker.h" #include "TPave.h" #include "TH1.h" TGraphErrors* myTGraphErrorsDivide(TGraphErrors* g1,TGraphErrors* g2) { const Int_t debug=0; if (!g1) printf("**myTGraphErrorsDivide: g1 does not exist ! \n"); if (!g2) printf("**myTGraphErrorsDivide: g2 does not exist ! \n"); Int_t n1=g1->GetN(); Int_t n2=g2->GetN(); if (n1!=n2) { printf("**myTGraphErrorsDivide: vector do not have same number of entries ! \n"); } TGraphErrors* g3= new TGraphErrors(); Double_t x1=0., y1=0., x2=0., y2=0.; Double_t dx1=0.,dy1=0., dy2=0.; Int_t iv=0; for (Int_t i1=0; i1GetPoint(i1,x1,y1); g2->GetPoint(i2,x2,y2); if (x1!=x2) { //printf("**myTGraphErrorsDivide: %d x1!=x2 %f %f ! \n",iv,x1,x2); }else{ //if (debug) printf("**myTGraphErrorsDivide: %d x1=x2 %f %f ! \n",iv,x1,x2); dx1 = g1->GetErrorX(i1); if (y1!=0) dy1 = g1->GetErrorY(i1)/y1; if (y2!=0) dy2 = g2->GetErrorY(i2)/y2; if (debug) printf("**myTGraphErrorsDivide: %d x1=%f x2=%f y1=%f y2=%f \n",iv,x1,x2,y1,y2); if (y2!=0.) g3->SetPoint(iv, x1,y1/y2); else g3->SetPoint(iv, x1,y2); Double_t e=0.; if (y1!=0 && y2!=0) e=std::sqrt(dy1*dy1+dy2*dy2)*(y1/y2); g3->SetPointError(iv,dx1,e); if (debug) { //Double_t g3y, g3x,g3e; //g3->GetPoint(iv, g3y,g3x); //g3e=g3->GetErrorY(iv); //printf("%d g3y= %f g3e=%f \n",iv,g3y,g3e); } iv++; } // printf("**myTGraphErrorsDivide: ...next \n"); } } return g3; } TGraphAsymmErrors* myTGraphErrorsDivide(TGraphAsymmErrors* g1,TGraphAsymmErrors* g2) { const Int_t debug=0; TGraphAsymmErrors* g3= new TGraphAsymmErrors(); Int_t n1=g1->GetN(); Int_t n2=g2->GetN(); if (n1!=n2) { printf(" vectors do not have same number of entries ! \n"); return g3; } Double_t x1=0., y1=0., x2=0., y2=0.; Double_t dx1h=0., dx1l=0.; Double_t dy1h=0., dy1l=0.; Double_t dy2h=0., dy2l=0.; Double_t* X1 = g1->GetX(); Double_t* Y1 = g1->GetY(); Double_t* EXhigh1 = g1->GetEXhigh(); Double_t* EXlow1 = g1->GetEXlow(); Double_t* EYhigh1 = g1->GetEYhigh(); Double_t* EYlow1 = g1->GetEYlow(); Double_t* X2 = g2->GetX(); Double_t* Y2 = g2->GetY(); Double_t* EXhigh2 = g2->GetEXhigh(); Double_t* EXlow2 = g2->GetEXlow(); Double_t* EYhigh2 = g2->GetEYhigh(); Double_t* EYlow2 = g2->GetEYlow(); for (Int_t i=0; iGetN(); i++) { g1->GetPoint(i,x1,y1); g2->GetPoint(i,x2,y2); dx1h = EXhigh1[i]; dx1l = EXlow1[i]; if (y1!=0.) dy1h = EYhigh1[i]/y1; else dy1h = 0.; if (y2!=0.) dy2h = EYhigh2[i]/y2; else dy2h = 0.; if (y1!=0.) dy1l = EYlow1 [i]/y1; else dy1l = 0.; if (y2!=0.) dy2l = EYlow2 [i]/y2; else dy2l = 0.; //if (debug) //printf("%d x1=%f x2=%f y1=%f y2=%f \n",i,x1,x2,y1,y2); if (debug) printf("%d dy1=%f %f dy2=%f %f sqrt= %f %f \n",i,dy1l,dy1h,dy2l,dy2h, std::sqrt(dy1l*dy1l+dy2l*dy2l), std::sqrt(dy1h*dy1h+dy2h*dy2h)); if (y2!=0.) g3->SetPoint(i, x1,y1/y2); else g3->SetPoint(i, x1,y2); Double_t el=0.; Double_t eh=0.; if (y1!=0. && y2!=0.) el=std::sqrt(dy1l*dy1l+dy2l*dy2l)*(y1/y2); if (y1!=0. && y2!=0.) eh=std::sqrt(dy1h*dy1h+dy2h*dy2h)*(y1/y2); if (debug) printf("dx1h=%f dx1l=%f el=%f eh=%f \n",dx1h,dx1l,el,eh); g3->SetPointError(i,dx1h,dx1l,el,eh); } return g3; } TGraphAsymmErrors* myMakeBand(TGraphErrors* g0, TGraphErrors* g1,TGraphErrors* g2) { // default is g0 //const Int_t debug=0; TGraphAsymmErrors* g3= new TGraphAsymmErrors(); Double_t x1=0., y1=0., x2=0., y2=0., y0=0, x3=0.; //Double_t dx1=0.; Double_t dum; for (Int_t i=0; iGetN(); i++) { g0->GetPoint(i, x1,y0); g1->GetPoint(i, x1,y1); g2->GetPoint(i, x1,y2); // if (y1==0) y1=1; //if (y2==0) y2=1; if (i==g1->GetN()-1) x2=x1; else g2->GetPoint(i+1,x2,dum); if (i==0) x3=x1; else g2->GetPoint(i-1,x3,dum); Double_t tmp=y2; if (y1SetPoint(i,x1,y3); Double_t binwl=(x1-x3)/2.; Double_t binwh=(x2-x1)/2.; if (binwl==0.) binwl= binwh; if (binwh==0.) binwh= binwl; g3->SetPointError(i,binwl,binwh,(y3-y2),(y1-y3)); } return g3; } void myAddtoBand(TGraphErrors* g1, TGraphAsymmErrors* g2) { Double_t x1=0., y1=0., y2=0., y0=0; //Double_t dx1=0.; //Double_t dum; if (g1->GetN()!=g2->GetN()) std::cout << " graphs have not the same # of elements " << std::endl; Double_t* EYhigh = g2-> GetEYhigh(); Double_t* EYlow = g2-> GetEYlow(); for (Int_t i=0; iGetN(); i++) { g1->GetPoint(i, x1,y1); g2->GetPoint(i, x1,y2); if (y1==0) y1=1; if (y2==0) y2=1; // if (i==g1->GetN()-1) x2=x1; // else g2->GetPoint(i+1,x2,dum); // if (i==0) x3=x1; // else g2->GetPoint(i-1,x3,dum); Double_t eyh=0., eyl=0.; //if (y10){ eyh=EYhigh[i]; eyh=std::sqrt(eyh*eyh+y0*y0); //printf("high: %d: y0=%f eyh=%f \n",i,y0,eyh); g2->SetPointEYhigh(i,eyh); } else { eyl=EYlow[i]; eyl=std::sqrt(eyl*eyl+y0*y0); // printf("low: %d: y0=%f eyl=%f \n",i,y0,eyl); g2->SetPointEYlow (i,eyl); } } } return; } TGraphErrors* TH1TOTGraph(TH1 *h1){ if (!h1) std::cout << "TH1TOTGraph: histogram not found !" << std::endl; TGraphErrors* g1= new TGraphErrors(); Double_t x, y, ex, ey; for (Int_t i=0; iGetNbinsX(); i++) { y=h1->GetBinContent(i); ey=h1->GetBinError(i); x=h1->GetBinCenter(i); ex=h1->GetBinWidth(i); // cout << " x,y = " << x << " " << y << " ex,ey = " << ex << " " << ey << endl; g1->SetPoint(i,x,y); g1->SetPointError(i,ex,ey); } //g1->Print(); return g1; } void myText(Double_t x,Double_t y,Color_t color,char *text) { //Double_t tsize=0.05; TLatex l; //l.SetTextAlign(12); l.SetTextSize(tsize); l.SetNDC(); l.SetTextColor(color); l.DrawLatex(x,y,text); } void myBoxText(Double_t x, Double_t y,Double_t boxsize,Int_t mcolor,char *text) { Double_t tsize=0.06; TLatex l; l.SetTextAlign(12); //l.SetTextSize(tsize); l.SetNDC(); l.DrawLatex(x,y,text); Double_t y1=y-0.25*tsize; Double_t y2=y+0.25*tsize; Double_t x2=x-0.3*tsize; Double_t x1=x2-boxsize; printf("x1= %f x2= %f y1= %f y2= %f \n",x1,x2,y1,y2); TPave *mbox= new TPave(x1,y1,x2,y2,0,"NDC"); mbox->SetFillColor(mcolor); mbox->SetFillStyle(1001); mbox->Draw(); TLine mline; mline.SetLineWidth(4); mline.SetLineColor(1); mline.SetLineStyle(1); Double_t y_new=(y1+y2)/2.; mline.DrawLineNDC(x1,y_new,x2,y_new); } void myMarkerText(Double_t x,Double_t y,Int_t color,Int_t mstyle,char *text,Float_t msize) { Double_t tsize=0.06; TMarker *marker = new TMarker(x-(0.4*tsize),y,8); marker->SetMarkerColor(color); marker->SetNDC(); marker->SetMarkerStyle(mstyle); marker->SetMarkerSize(msize); marker->Draw(); TLatex l; l.SetTextAlign(12); //l.SetTextSize(tsize); l.SetNDC(); l.DrawLatex(x,y,text); }