REAL*8 FUNCTION DISTJKWK(ID,S,T,H1,H2,KEY) C C INFO: DISTJKWK is used through nonSM_adopt which is located C in tau-reweight-test.cxx this is the only reference. C C*************************************************************************** C* CALCULATES DSIGMA/DT FOR QQBAR -> TAU+TAU- VIA S-CHANNEL GAMMA+Z+SPIN2 C ID=1 FOR UP-TYPE QQBAR, ID=2 FOR DOWN-TYPE QQBAR C S -- CM QQBAR ENERGY^2 C T -- cosTheta (scattering angle of tau- with respect to quark C H1 - HELICITY OF TAU-: 1=R, -1=L C H2 - HELICITY OF TAU+ is always opposite to TAU- C KEY=0 SM, KEY=1 SM+SPIN2 C*************************************************************************** C*************************************************************************** C* For explanations see S. Banerjee et al CERN-PH-TH-2012-347 * C*************************************************************************** IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,M,O-Z) INTEGER H1,H2,K SAVE K IF (K.lT.10) THEN K=K+1 IF(KEY.EQ.0) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'SM' ELSE IF(KEY.EQ.1) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'SM+nonSM SPIN-2 state' ELSE WRITE(*,*) 'WRONG KEY' STOP ENDIF ENDIF cost=T C* ========== Standard Model Parameters ========== alphaEM=1.d0/128.d0 ! at mZ GF=1.1667D-5 ! Fermi constant S2W = .2315D0 ! sin^2(theta_W) C2W = 1.D0-S2W CW = DSQRT(1.D0-S2W) SW = DSQRT(S2W) F=1000.d0 ! scale of spin-2 physics ???? MZ = 91.187D0 ! Z mass wz = 2.d0 ! Z width mh=125.d0 ! spin-2 mass choose your own wh=1.5d0 ! spin-2 width choose your own MW = MZ*CW Pi=4.d0*datan(1.d0) e=dsqrt(4.d0*Pi*alphaEM) c couplings to tau lepton c***************************** c photon couplings to tau gttL=-1.d0 gttR=-1.d0 c Z couplings to tau ZttL= DSQRT(8*GF*MZ**2/DSQRT(2.D0))*(-0.5D0+S2W) ZttR= DSQRT(8*GF*MZ**2/DSQRT(2.D0))*( S2W) c spin-2 couplings to tau httL=1.0d0 ! RANGE???? httR=1.0d0 ! RANGE???? c couplings to quarks C ************************** IF (ID.EQ.1) THEN ! couplings to UP-TYPE QUARKS c z couplings ZqqL= DSQRT(8*GF*MZ**2/DSQRT(2.D0))*(0.5D0-2.D0*S2W/3.D0) ZqqR= DSQRT(8*GF*MZ**2/DSQRT(2.D0))*( -2.D0*S2W/3.D0) c photon couplings gqqL=2.d0/3.d0 gqqR=2.d0/3.d0 c spin-2 couplings hqqL=1.0d0 ! RANGE???? hqqR=1.0d0 ! RANGE???? ELSE IF (ID.EQ.2) THEN ! couplings to DOWN-TYPE QUARKS c z couplings ZqqL= DSQRT(8*GF*MZ**2/DSQRT(2.D0))*(-0.5D0+S2W/3.D0) ZqqR= DSQRT(8*GF*MZ**2/DSQRT(2.D0))*( S2W/3.D0) c photon couplings gqqL=-1.d0/3.d0 gqqR=-1.d0/3.d0 c spin-2 couplings hqqL=1.0d0 ! RANGE????? hqqR=1.0d0 ! RANGE????? ELSE WRITE(*,*) 'WRONG ID' STOP ENDIF IF(H1.EQ.H2) THEN distJKWK=0.d0 return ENDIF C SELECT DEMANDED HELICITY OF TAU IF(H1.EQ.1) THEN ! R-HANDED TAU- gttL=0.d0 ZttL=0.d0 httL=0.d0 ELSE IF(H1.EQ.-1) THEN ! L-HANDED TAU- gttR=0.d0 ZttR=0.d0 httR=0.d0 ELSE WRITE(*,*) 'WRONG H1' STOP ENDIF distJKWK= C PHOTON^2 - (alphaEM**2*(gqqL**2* - ((1 + cost)**2*gttL**2 + - (-1 + cost)**2*gttR**2) + - gqqR**2*((-1 + cost)**2*gttL**2 + - (1 + cost)**2*gttR**2))*Pi)/(24.*s) + C PHOTON-Z interference - (e**2*(-mZ**2 + s)* - (gqqL*ZqqL*((1 + cost)**2*gttL*ZttL + - (-1 + cost)**2*gttR*ZttR) + - gqqR*ZqqR* - ((-1 + cost)**2*gttL*ZttL + - (1 + cost)**2*gttR*ZttR)))/ - (192.*Pi*((mZ**2 - s)**2 + mZ**2*wZ**2)) + C Z^2 - (s*(ZqqL**2*((1 + cost)**2*ZttL**2 + - (-1 + cost)**2*ZttR**2) + - ZqqR**2*((-1 + cost)**2*ZttL**2 + - (1 + cost)**2*ZttR**2)))/ - (384.*Pi*((mZ**2 - s)**2 + mZ**2*wZ**2)) c the spin-2 contribution below - + KEY*( c (spin-2)^2 - ((hqqL**2*((-1 + cost + 2*cost**2)**2*httL**2 + - (1 + cost - 2*cost**2)**2*httR**2) + - hqqR**2*((1 + cost - 2*cost**2)**2* - httL**2 + - (-1 + cost + 2*cost**2)**2*httR**2))*s**3 - )/(24576.*Pi*((mh**2 - s)**2 + mh**2*wh**2))/F**4 c spin-2 - photon interference - - (e**2*(gqqR*hqqR* - ((-1 + cost)**2*(1 + 2*cost)*gttL*httL + - (1 + cost)**2*(-1 + 2*cost)*gttR*httR) - + gqqL*hqqL* - ((1 + cost)**2*(-1 + 2*cost)*gttL*httL + - (-1 + cost)**2*(1 + 2*cost)*gttR*httR)) - *(mh**2 - s)*s)/ - (1536.*Pi*((mh**2 - s)**2 + mh**2*wh**2))/F**2 c spin-2 - Z interference - + (s**2*((mh**2 - s)*(mZ**2 - s) + mh*mZ*wh*wZ)* - (hqqR*ZqqR*((-1 + cost)**2*(1 + 2*cost)*httL* - ZttL + - (1 + cost)**2*(-1 + 2*cost)*httR*ZttR) - + hqqL*ZqqL* - ((1 + cost)**2*(-1 + 2*cost)*httL*ZttL + - (-1 + cost)**2*(1 + 2*cost)*httR*ZttR))) - /(1536.*Pi*((mh**2 - s)**2 + mh**2*wh**2)* - ((mZ**2 - s)**2 + mZ**2*wZ**2))/F**2 ) return END