# #************************************************************ #* MadGraph5_aMC@NLO * #* * #* * * * #* * * * * * #* * * * * 5 * * * * * #* * * * * * #* * * * #* * #* * #* VERSION 2.3.3 2015-10-25 * #* * #* The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team - Find us at * #* https://server06.fynu.ucl.ac.be/projects/madgraph * #* * #************************************************************ #* * #* Command File for MadGraph5_aMC@NLO * #* * #* run as ./bin/mg5_aMC filename * #* * #************************************************************ set group_subprocesses Auto set ignore_six_quark_processes False set loop_optimized_output True set loop_color_flows False set gauge unitary set complex_mass_scheme False set max_npoint_for_channel 0 import model sm-ckm define p = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~ define j = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~ define l+ = e+ mu+ define l- = e- mu- define vl = ve vm vt define vl~ = ve~ vm~ vt~ generate p p > j j ta+ ta- / h QED=4 output wojciech/tau_spinner/pp_to_ta+ta-jj_no_h #********************************************************************* # MadGraph/MadEvent * # http://madgraph.hep.uiuc.edu * # * # proc_card.dat * #********************************************************************* # * # This Files is generated by MADGRAPH 5 * # * # WARNING: This Files is generated for MADEVENT (compatibility issue)* # This files is NOT a valid MG4 proc_card.dat * # Running this in MG4 will NEVER reproduce the result of MG5* # * #********************************************************************* #********************************************************************* # Process(es) requested : mg2 input * #********************************************************************* # Begin PROCESS # This is TAG. Do not modify this line p p > j j ta+ ta- / h #Process # Be carefull the coupling are here in MG5 convention QED=4 end_coup # End the couplings input done # this tells MG there are no more procs # End PROCESS # This is TAG. Do not modify this line #********************************************************************* # Model information * #********************************************************************* # Begin MODEL # This is TAG. Do not modify this line sm-ckm # End MODEL # This is TAG. Do not modify this line #********************************************************************* # Start multiparticle definitions * #********************************************************************* # Begin MULTIPARTICLES # This is TAG. Do not modify this line # End MULTIPARTICLES # This is TAG. Do not modify this line #********************************************************************* # MadGraph5_aMC@NLO * # * # run_card.dat MadEvent * # * # This file is used to set the parameters of the run. * # * # Some notation/conventions: * # * # Lines starting with a '# ' are info or comments * # * # mind the format: value = variable ! comment * #********************************************************************* # #******************* # Running parameters #******************* # #********************************************************************* # Tag name for the run (one word) * #********************************************************************* tag_1 = run_tag ! name of the run #********************************************************************* # Run to generate the grid pack * #********************************************************************* True = gridpack !True = setting up the grid pack #********************************************************************* # Number of events and rnd seed * # Warning: Do not generate more than 1M events in a single run * # If you want to run Pythia, avoid more than 50k events in a run. * #********************************************************************* 10000 = nevents ! Number of unweighted events requested 1 = iseed ! rnd seed (0=assigned automatically=default)) #********************************************************************* # Collider type and energy * # lpp: 0=No PDF, 1=proton, -1=antiproton, 2=photon from proton, * # 3=photon from electron * #********************************************************************* 1 = lpp1 ! beam 1 type 1 = lpp2 ! beam 2 type 6500.0 = ebeam1 ! beam 1 total energy in GeV 6500.0 = ebeam2 ! beam 2 total energy in GeV #********************************************************************* # Beam polarization from -100 (left-handed) to 100 (right-handed) * #********************************************************************* 0.0 = polbeam1 ! beam polarization for beam 1 0.0 = polbeam2 ! beam polarization for beam 2 #********************************************************************* # PDF CHOICE: this automatically fixes also alpha_s and its evol. * #********************************************************************* lhapdf = pdlabel ! PDF set 10042 = lhaid ! if pdlabel=lhapdf, this is the lhapdf number #********************************************************************* # Renormalization and factorization scales * #********************************************************************* True = fixed_ren_scale ! if .true. use fixed ren scale True = fixed_fac_scale ! if .true. use fixed fac scale 91.188 = scale ! fixed ren scale 91.188 = dsqrt_q2fact1 ! fixed fact scale for pdf1 91.188 = dsqrt_q2fact2 ! fixed fact scale for pdf2 -1 = dynamical_scale_choice ! Choose one of the preselected dynamical choices 1.0 = scalefact ! scale factor for event-by-event scales #********************************************************************* # Time of flight information. (-1 means not run) #********************************************************************* -1.0 = time_of_flight ! threshold below which info is not written #********************************************************************* # Matching - Warning! ickkw > 1 is still beta #********************************************************************* 0 = ickkw ! 0 no matching, 1 MLM, 2 CKKW matching 1 = highestmult ! for ickkw=2, highest mult group 1 = ktscheme ! for ickkw=1, 1 Durham kT, 2 Pythia pTE 1.0 = alpsfact ! scale factor for QCD emission vx False = chcluster ! cluster only according to channel diag True = pdfwgt ! for ickkw=1, perform pdf reweighting 4 = asrwgtflavor ! highest quark flavor for a_s reweight True = clusinfo ! include clustering tag in output 1.0 = lhe_version ! Change the way clustering information pass to shower. #********************************************************************* #********************************************************** # #********************************************************** # Automatic ptj and mjj cuts if xqcut > 0 # (turn off for VBF and single top processes) #********************************************************** False = auto_ptj_mjj ! Automatic setting of ptj and mjj #********************************************************** # #********************************** # BW cutoff (M+/-bwcutoff*Gamma) #********************************** 15.0 = bwcutoff ! (M+/-bwcutoff*Gamma) #********************************************************** # Apply pt/E/eta/dr/mij/kt_durham cuts on decay products or not # (note that etmiss/ptll/ptheavy/ht/sorted cuts always apply) #************************************************************* False = cut_decays ! Cut decay products #************************************************************* # Number of helicities to sum per event (0 = all helicities) # 0 gives more stable result, but longer run time (needed for # long decay chains e.g.). # Use >=2 if most helicities contribute, e.g. pure QCD. #************************************************************* 0 = nhel ! Number of helicities used per event #******************* # Standard Cuts #******************* # #********************************************************************* # Minimum and maximum pt's (for max, -1 means no cut) * #********************************************************************* 1.0 = ptj ! minimum pt for the jets 0.0 = ptb ! minimum pt for the b 10.0 = pta ! minimum pt for the photons 0.0 = ptl ! minimum pt for the charged leptons 0.0 = misset ! minimum missing Et (sum of neutrino's momenta) 0.0 = ptheavy ! minimum pt for one heavy final state -1.0 = ptjmax ! maximum pt for the jets -1.0 = ptbmax ! maximum pt for the b -1.0 = ptamax ! maximum pt for the photons -1.0 = ptlmax ! maximum pt for the charged leptons -1.0 = missetmax ! maximum missing Et (sum of neutrino's momenta) #********************************************************************* # Minimum and maximum E's (in the center of mass frame) * #********************************************************************* 0.0 = ej ! minimum E for the jets 0.0 = eb ! minimum E for the b 0.0 = ea ! minimum E for the photons 0.0 = el ! minimum E for the charged leptons -1.0 = ejmax ! maximum E for the jets -1.0 = ebmax ! maximum E for the b -1.0 = eamax ! maximum E for the photons -1.0 = elmax ! maximum E for the charged leptons #********************************************************************* # Maximum and minimum absolute rapidity (for max, -1 means no cut) * #********************************************************************* -1.0 = etaj ! max rap for the jets -1.0 = etab ! max rap for the b -1.0 = etaa ! max rap for the photons -1.0 = etal ! max rap for the charged leptons 0.0 = etajmin ! min rap for the jets 0.0 = etabmin ! min rap for the b 0.0 = etaamin ! min rap for the photons 0.0 = etalmin ! main rap for the charged leptons #********************************************************************* # Minimum and maximum DeltaR distance * #********************************************************************* 0.1 = drjj ! min distance between jets 0.0 = drbb ! min distance between b's 0.0 = drll ! min distance between leptons 0.4 = draa ! min distance between gammas 0.0 = drbj ! min distance between b and jet 0.4 = draj ! min distance between gamma and jet 0.0 = drjl ! min distance between jet and lepton 0.0 = drab ! min distance between gamma and b 0.0 = drbl ! min distance between b and lepton 0.4 = dral ! min distance between gamma and lepton -1.0 = drjjmax ! max distance between jets -1.0 = drbbmax ! max distance between b's -1.0 = drllmax ! max distance between leptons -1.0 = draamax ! max distance between gammas -1.0 = drbjmax ! max distance between b and jet -1.0 = drajmax ! max distance between gamma and jet -1.0 = drjlmax ! max distance between jet and lepton -1.0 = drabmax ! max distance between gamma and b -1.0 = drblmax ! max distance between b and lepton -1.0 = dralmax ! maxdistance between gamma and lepton #********************************************************************* # Minimum and maximum invariant mass for pairs * # WARNING: for four lepton final state mmll cut require to have * # different lepton masses for each flavor! * #********************************************************************* 0.0 = mmjj ! min invariant mass of a jet pair 0.0 = mmbb ! min invariant mass of a b pair 0.0 = mmaa ! min invariant mass of gamma gamma pair 60.0 = mmll ! min invariant mass of l+l- (same flavour) lepton pair -1.0 = mmjjmax ! max invariant mass of a jet pair -1.0 = mmbbmax ! max invariant mass of a b pair -1.0 = mmaamax ! max invariant mass of gamma gamma pair 130.0 = mmllmax ! max invariant mass of l+l- (same flavour) lepton pair #********************************************************************* # Minimum and maximum invariant mass for all letpons * #********************************************************************* 0.0 = mmnl ! min invariant mass for all letpons (l+- and vl) -1.0 = mmnlmax ! max invariant mass for all letpons (l+- and vl) #********************************************************************* # Minimum and maximum pt for 4-momenta sum of leptons * #********************************************************************* 0.0 = ptllmin ! Minimum pt for 4-momenta sum of leptons(l and vl) -1.0 = ptllmax ! Maximum pt for 4-momenta sum of leptons(l and vl) #********************************************************************* # Inclusive cuts * #********************************************************************* 0.0 = xptj ! minimum pt for at least one jet 0.0 = xptb ! minimum pt for at least one b 0.0 = xpta ! minimum pt for at least one photon 0.0 = xptl ! minimum pt for at least one charged lepton #********************************************************************* # Control the pt's of the jets sorted by pt * #********************************************************************* 0.0 = ptj1min ! minimum pt for the leading jet in pt 0.0 = ptj2min ! minimum pt for the second jet in pt 0.0 = ptj3min ! minimum pt for the third jet in pt 0.0 = ptj4min ! minimum pt for the fourth jet in pt -1.0 = ptj1max ! maximum pt for the leading jet in pt -1.0 = ptj2max ! maximum pt for the second jet in pt -1.0 = ptj3max ! maximum pt for the third jet in pt -1.0 = ptj4max ! maximum pt for the fourth jet in pt 0 = cutuse ! reject event if fails any (0) / all (1) jet pt cuts #********************************************************************* # Control the pt's of leptons sorted by pt * #********************************************************************* 0.0 = ptl1min ! minimum pt for the leading lepton in pt 0.0 = ptl2min ! minimum pt for the second lepton in pt 0.0 = ptl3min ! minimum pt for the third lepton in pt 0.0 = ptl4min ! minimum pt for the fourth lepton in pt -1.0 = ptl1max ! maximum pt for the leading lepton in pt -1.0 = ptl2max ! maximum pt for the second lepton in pt -1.0 = ptl3max ! maximum pt for the third lepton in pt -1.0 = ptl4max ! maximum pt for the fourth lepton in pt #********************************************************************* # Control the Ht(k)=Sum of k leading jets * #********************************************************************* 0.0 = htjmin ! minimum jet HT=Sum(jet pt) -1.0 = htjmax ! maximum jet HT=Sum(jet pt) 0.0 = ihtmin !inclusive Ht for all partons (including b) -1.0 = ihtmax !inclusive Ht for all partons (including b) 0.0 = ht2min ! minimum Ht for the two leading jets 0.0 = ht3min ! minimum Ht for the three leading jets 0.0 = ht4min ! minimum Ht for the four leading jets -1.0 = ht2max ! maximum Ht for the two leading jets -1.0 = ht3max ! maximum Ht for the three leading jets -1.0 = ht4max ! maximum Ht for the four leading jets #*********************************************************************** # Photon-isolation cuts, according to hep-ph/9801442 * # When ptgmin=0, all the other parameters are ignored * # When ptgmin>0, pta and draj are not going to be used * #*********************************************************************** 0.0 = ptgmin ! Min photon transverse momentum 0.4 = R0gamma ! Radius of isolation code 1.0 = xn ! n parameter of eq.(3.4) in hep-ph/9801442 1.0 = epsgamma ! epsilon_gamma parameter of eq.(3.4) in hep-ph/9801442 True = isoEM ! isolate photons from EM energy (photons and leptons) #********************************************************************* # WBF cuts * #********************************************************************* 0.0 = xetamin ! minimum rapidity for two jets in the WBF case 0.0 = deltaeta ! minimum rapidity for two jets in the WBF case #********************************************************************* # KT DURHAM CUT * #********************************************************************* -1.0 = ktdurham 0.4 = dparameter #********************************************************************* # maximal pdg code for quark to be considered as a light jet * # (otherwise b cuts are applied) * #********************************************************************* 4 = maxjetflavor ! Maximum jet pdg code #********************************************************************* # Jet measure cuts * #********************************************************************* 0.0 = xqcut ! minimum kt jet measure between partons #********************************************************************* # #********************************************************************* # Store info for systematics studies * # WARNING: If use_syst is T, matched Pythia output is * # meaningful ONLY if plotted taking matchscale * # reweighting into account! * #********************************************************************* False = use_syst ! Enable systematics studies # #************************************** # Parameter of the systematics study # will be used by SysCalc (if installed) #************************************** # 0.5 1 2 = sys_scalefact # factorization/renormalization scale factor 0.5 1 2 = sys_alpsfact # \alpha_s emission scale factors 30 50 = sys_matchscale # variation of merging scale # PDF sets and number of members (0 or none for all members). Ct10nlo.LHgrid = sys_pdf # matching scales # MSTW2008nlo68cl.LHgrid 1 = sys_pdf ###################################################################### ## PARAM_CARD AUTOMATICALY GENERATED BY MG5 FOLLOWING UFO MODEL #### ###################################################################### ## ## ## Width set on Auto will be computed following the information ## ## present in the decay.py files of the model. By default, ## ## this is only 1->2 decay modes. ## ## ## ###################################################################### ################################### ## INFORMATION FOR MASS ################################### Block mass 5 4.700000e+00 # MB 6 1.730000e+02 # MT 15 1.777000e+00 # MTA 23 9.118800e+01 # MZ 25 1.250000e+02 # MH ## Dependent parameters, given by model restrictions. ## Those values should be edited following the ## analytical expression. MG5 ignores those values ## but they are important for interfacing the output of MG5 ## to external program such as Pythia. 1 0.000000 # d : 0.0 2 0.000000 # u : 0.0 3 0.000000 # s : 0.0 4 0.000000 # c : 0.0 11 0.000000 # e- : 0.0 12 0.000000 # ve : 0.0 13 0.000000 # mu- : 0.0 14 0.000000 # vm : 0.0 16 0.000000 # vt : 0.0 21 0.000000 # g : 0.0 22 0.000000 # a : 0.0 24 80.419002 # w+ : cmath.sqrt(MZ__exp__2/2. + cmath.sqrt(MZ__exp__4/4. - (aEW*cmath.pi*MZ__exp__2)/(Gf*sqrt__2))) ################################### ## INFORMATION FOR SMINPUTS ################################### Block sminputs 1 1.325070e+02 # aEWM1 2 1.166390e-05 # Gf 3 1.180000e-01 # aS ################################### ## INFORMATION FOR WOLFENSTEIN ################################### Block wolfenstein 1 2.253000e-01 # lamWS 2 8.080000e-01 # AWS 3 1.320000e-01 # rhoWS 4 3.410000e-01 # etaWS ################################### ## INFORMATION FOR YUKAWA ################################### Block yukawa 5 4.700000e+00 # ymb 6 1.730000e+02 # ymt 15 1.777000e+00 # ymtau ################################### ## INFORMATION FOR DECAY ################################### DECAY 6 1.491500e+00 # WT DECAY 23 2.441404e+00 # WZ DECAY 24 2.047600e+00 # WW DECAY 25 5.753088e-03 # WH ## Dependent parameters, given by model restrictions. ## Those values should be edited following the ## analytical expression. MG5 ignores those values ## but they are important for interfacing the output of MG5 ## to external program such as Pythia. DECAY 1 0.000000 # d : 0.0 DECAY 2 0.000000 # u : 0.0 DECAY 3 0.000000 # s : 0.0 DECAY 4 0.000000 # c : 0.0 DECAY 5 0.000000 # b : 0.0 DECAY 11 0.000000 # e- : 0.0 DECAY 12 0.000000 # ve : 0.0 DECAY 13 0.000000 # mu- : 0.0 DECAY 14 0.000000 # vm : 0.0 DECAY 15 0.000000 # ta- : 0.0 DECAY 16 0.000000 # vt : 0.0 DECAY 21 0.000000 # g : 0.0 DECAY 22 0.000000 # a : 0.0 ## END BANNER## # Number of Events : 10000 # Integrated weight (pb) : 0.65611E+04 # Truncated wgt (pb) : 0.20098E+02 # Unit wgt : 0.65611E+00
2212 2212 0.65000000000E+04 0.65000000000E+04 0 0 10042 10042 3 1 0.65622561297E+04 0.21339759611E+02 0.65611000000E+00 1 # # 1) q ~q -> q ~q 15 -15 # 6 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 -3 -1 0 0 0 501 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.91731296656E+02 0.91731296656E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 3 -1 0 0 503 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.40604790259E+02 0.40604790259E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 3 1 1 2 503 501 0.52103524546E+01 0.31500738459E+00 -0.71083969001E+01 0.88190877557E+01 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -3 1 1 2 0 502 -0.29035115367E+01 0.90581627338E+01 -0.91618607999E+01 0.13206830985E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -15 1 1 2 0 0 -0.28187218824E+02 -0.15141969184E+01 0.76623654185E+02 0.81677133930E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 15 1 1 2 0 0 0.25880377906E+02 -0.78589732000E+01 -0.92268900878E+01 0.28633034244E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 6 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 2 -1 0 0 502 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.35143369794E+03 0.35143369794E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -2 -1 0 0 0 501 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.18153193285E+02 0.18153193285E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 2 1 1 2 502 503 -0.72996676939E+00 -0.73525498355E+00 0.14104805907E+03 0.14105186429E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -2 1 1 2 503 501 -0.15160720744E+02 0.20731905416E+02 0.20553952486E+02 0.32895658049E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -15 1 1 2 0 0 -0.84839421074E+01 0.84978160998E+01 0.15341212827E+03 0.15389161440E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 15 1 1 2 0 0 0.24374629621E+02 -0.28494466532E+02 0.18266364826E+02 0.41747754491E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 6 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 2 -1 0 0 503 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.25643455928E+03 0.25643455928E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -2 -1 0 0 0 501 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.13562424218E+02 0.13562424218E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 2 1 1 2 502 501 0.10247818051E+02 0.15871611094E+01 0.82751609529E+02 0.83398835332E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -2 1 1 2 503 502 0.16280003631E+01 -0.52909435732E+00 0.15799940312E+02 0.15892401955E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -15 1 1 2 0 0 0.83678347217E+01 0.34851368128E+02 0.11396543195E+03 0.11948186443E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 15 1 1 2 0 0 -0.20243653136E+02 -0.35909434881E+02 0.30355153265E+02 0.51223881778E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 6 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 1 -1 0 0 502 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.17427349322E+02 0.17427349322E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -1 -1 0 0 0 501 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.15056345872E+03 0.15056345872E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 1 1 1 2 502 503 -0.18892671242E+01 0.16760585036E+01 0.14745595544E+01 0.29245218845E+01 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -1 1 1 2 503 501 -0.18207262581E+01 -0.14626671201E+01 -0.11746328334E+01 0.26142305760E+01 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -15 1 1 2 0 0 0.53128512637E+01 -0.45795188193E+02 -0.78216560165E+02 0.90809766342E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 15 1 1 2 0 0 -0.16028578814E+01 0.45581796810E+02 -0.55219475952E+02 0.71642289237E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 6 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 2 -1 0 0 502 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.20501129939E+03 0.20501129939E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -2 -1 0 0 503 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.41375889266E+02 0.41375889266E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -2 1 1 2 503 501 -0.54232218225E+01 -0.16697008337E+01 -0.84823826203E+01 0.10205393218E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 2 1 1 2 501 0 -0.47417304535E+02 0.87034516275E+01 0.13025024414E+02 0.49937982545E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -15 1 1 2 0 0 0.59423829489E+02 -0.22625394619E+02 0.15662374490E+03 0.16904808544E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 15 1 1 2 0 0 -0.65833031315E+01 0.15591643825E+02 0.24690234314E+01 0.17195727463E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 6 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 -4 -1 0 0 0 501 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.22280414120E+02 0.22280414120E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 4 -1 0 0 501 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.61741487181E+03 0.61741487181E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 4 1 1 2 503 502 -0.89392169840E+00 -0.26852678311E+01 -0.55928812092E+03 0.55929528155E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -4 1 1 2 0 503 0.62314864462E+01 0.63843343331E+00 -0.13878741609E+02 0.15226900185E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -15 1 1 2 0 0 -0.12207196083E+02 0.25084416902E+02 0.56460467701E+01 0.28518050084E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 15 1 1 2 0 0 0.68696313347E+01 -0.23037582504E+02 -0.27613641928E+02 0.36655054110E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 6 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 3 -1 0 0 503 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.32908169462E+02 0.32908169462E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -3 -1 0 0 501 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.10531923507E+03 0.10531923507E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -3 1 1 2 503 502 -0.22815539795E+01 0.48572326451E+00 0.35401039070E+01 0.42395461223E+01 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 3 1 1 2 501 0 -0.30395868979E+01 0.76201242177E+01 -0.31732029065E+02 0.32775403128E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -15 1 1 2 0 0 -0.86796125535E+01 0.12813418888E+02 -0.66039481235E+02 0.67851972621E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 15 1 1 2 0 0 0.14000753431E+02 -0.20919266370E+02 0.21820340788E+02 0.33360482658E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 6 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 -1 -1 0 0 501 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.10315593520E+01 0.10315593520E+01 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 1 -1 0 0 503 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.26599763813E+04 0.26599763813E+04 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -1 1 1 2 503 502 -0.76807084146E+00 -0.28222002846E+01 -0.17447421680E+02 0.17690880999E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 1 1 1 2 501 0 0.32707614177E+01 -0.50356357291E+01 -0.13050859120E+03 0.13064665279E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -15 1 1 2 0 0 0.39999545266E+00 0.44000942200E+02 -0.73980286372E+03 0.74111245962E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 15 1 1 2 0 0 -0.29026860289E+01 -0.36143106187E+02 -0.17711859454E+04 0.17715579473E+04 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 6 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 -1 -1 0 0 503 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.61989869305E+02 0.61989869305E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 1 -1 0 0 502 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.37045066181E+03 0.37045066181E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -1 1 1 2 503 501 -0.29860020448E+01 0.15946116910E+01 0.54924712277E+02 0.55028928877E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 1 1 1 2 501 0 -0.41494523699E+01 0.12652523596E+02 -0.61000575622E+02 0.62436964488E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -15 1 1 2 0 0 -0.37097193026E+02 -0.15618850998E+02 -0.10022768623E+03 0.10802266916E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 15 1 1 2 0 0 0.44232647441E+02 0.13717157105E+01 -0.20215724293E+03 0.20695196858E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 6 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 1 -1 0 0 503 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.37443596361E+03 0.37443596361E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -1 -1 0 0 501 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.26937476950E+02 0.26937476950E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -1 1 1 2 503 502 -0.17177076101E+02 -0.28092398497E+02 0.17487850135E+03 0.17795146819E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 1 1 1 2 501 0 0.66636419612E+01 -0.46201517408E+01 -0.12432801133E+02 0.14843330836E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -15 1 1 2 0 0 0.17001553402E+02 0.43189518346E+02 0.18968860971E+03 0.19529289208E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 15 1 1 2 0 0 -0.64881192626E+01 -0.10476968107E+02 -0.46358232665E+01 0.13285749458E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. # # 2) q ~q -> Z q ~q; Z -> 15 -15 # 7 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 -3 -1 0 0 0 501 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.91731296656E+02 0.91731296656E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 3 -1 0 0 503 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.40604790259E+02 0.40604790259E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 -0.23068409178E+01 -0.93731701184E+01 0.67396764097E+02 0.11031016817E+03 0.86791886480E+02 0. 0. 3 1 1 2 503 501 0.52103524546E+01 0.31500738459E+00 -0.71083969001E+01 0.88190877557E+01 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -3 1 1 2 0 502 -0.29035115367E+01 0.90581627338E+01 -0.91618607999E+01 0.13206830985E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -15 1 3 3 0 0 -0.28187218824E+02 -0.15141969184E+01 0.76623654185E+02 0.81677133930E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 15 1 3 3 0 0 0.25880377906E+02 -0.78589732000E+01 -0.92268900878E+01 0.28633034244E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 7 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 2 -1 0 0 502 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.35143369794E+03 0.35143369794E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -2 -1 0 0 0 501 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.18153193285E+02 0.18153193285E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 0.15890687513E+02 -0.19996650432E+02 0.17167849310E+03 0.19563936889E+03 0.90271134306E+02 0. 0. 2 1 1 2 502 503 -0.72996676939E+00 -0.73525498355E+00 0.14104805907E+03 0.14105186429E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -2 1 1 2 503 501 -0.15160720744E+02 0.20731905416E+02 0.20553952486E+02 0.32895658049E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -15 1 3 3 0 0 -0.84839421074E+01 0.84978160998E+01 0.15341212827E+03 0.15389161440E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 15 1 3 3 0 0 0.24374629621E+02 -0.28494466532E+02 0.18266364826E+02 0.41747754491E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 7 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 2 -1 0 0 503 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.25643455928E+03 0.25643455928E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -2 -1 0 0 0 501 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.13562424218E+02 0.13562424218E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 -0.11875818414E+02 -0.10580667521E+01 0.14432058522E+03 0.17070574621E+03 0.90387310517E+02 0. 0. 2 1 1 2 502 501 0.10247818051E+02 0.15871611094E+01 0.82751609529E+02 0.83398835332E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -2 1 1 2 503 502 0.16280003631E+01 -0.52909435732E+00 0.15799940312E+02 0.15892401955E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -15 1 3 3 0 0 0.83678347217E+01 0.34851368128E+02 0.11396543195E+03 0.11948186443E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 15 1 3 3 0 0 -0.20243653136E+02 -0.35909434881E+02 0.30355153265E+02 0.51223881778E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 7 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 1 -1 0 0 502 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.17427349322E+02 0.17427349322E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -1 -1 0 0 0 501 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.15056345872E+03 0.15056345872E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 0.37099933823E+01 -0.21339138344E+00 -0.13343603612E+03 0.16245205558E+03 0.92583395060E+02 0. 0. 1 1 1 2 502 503 -0.18892671242E+01 0.16760585036E+01 0.14745595544E+01 0.29245218845E+01 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -1 1 1 2 503 501 -0.18207262581E+01 -0.14626671201E+01 -0.11746328334E+01 0.26142305760E+01 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -15 1 3 3 0 0 0.53128512637E+01 -0.45795188193E+02 -0.78216560165E+02 0.90809766342E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 15 1 3 3 0 0 -0.16028578814E+01 0.45581796810E+02 -0.55219475952E+02 0.71642289237E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 7 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 2 -1 0 0 502 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.20501129939E+03 0.20501129939E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -2 -1 0 0 503 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.41375889266E+02 0.41375889266E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 0.52840526358E+02 -0.70337507939E+01 0.15909276834E+03 0.18624381290E+03 0.80837206969E+02 0. 0. -2 1 1 2 503 501 -0.54232218225E+01 -0.16697008337E+01 -0.84823826203E+01 0.10205393218E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 2 1 1 2 501 0 -0.47417304535E+02 0.87034516275E+01 0.13025024414E+02 0.49937982545E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -15 1 3 3 0 0 0.59423829489E+02 -0.22625394619E+02 0.15662374490E+03 0.16904808544E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 15 1 3 3 0 0 -0.65833031315E+01 0.15591643825E+02 0.24690234314E+01 0.17195727463E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 7 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 -4 -1 0 0 0 501 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.22280414120E+02 0.22280414120E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 4 -1 0 0 501 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.61741487181E+03 0.61741487181E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 -0.53375647478E+01 0.20468343978E+01 -0.21967595158E+02 0.65173104194E+02 0.61092382052E+02 0. 0. 4 1 1 2 503 502 -0.89392169840E+00 -0.26852678311E+01 -0.55928812092E+03 0.55929528155E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -4 1 1 2 0 503 0.62314864462E+01 0.63843343331E+00 -0.13878741609E+02 0.15226900185E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -15 1 3 3 0 0 -0.12207196083E+02 0.25084416902E+02 0.56460467701E+01 0.28518050084E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 15 1 3 3 0 0 0.68696313347E+01 -0.23037582504E+02 -0.27613641928E+02 0.36655054110E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 7 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 3 -1 0 0 503 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.32908169462E+02 0.32908169462E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -3 -1 0 0 501 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.10531923507E+03 0.10531923507E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 0.53211408774E+01 -0.81058474822E+01 -0.44219140447E+02 0.10121245528E+03 0.90524081978E+02 0. 0. -3 1 1 2 503 502 -0.22815539795E+01 0.48572326451E+00 0.35401039070E+01 0.42395461223E+01 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 3 1 1 2 501 0 -0.30395868979E+01 0.76201242177E+01 -0.31732029065E+02 0.32775403128E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -15 1 3 3 0 0 -0.86796125535E+01 0.12813418888E+02 -0.66039481235E+02 0.67851972621E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 15 1 3 3 0 0 0.14000753431E+02 -0.20919266370E+02 0.21820340788E+02 0.33360482658E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 7 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 -1 -1 0 0 501 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.10315593520E+01 0.10315593520E+01 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 1 -1 0 0 503 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.26599763813E+04 0.26599763813E+04 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 -0.25026905762E+01 0.78578360136E+01 -0.25109888091E+04 0.25126704069E+04 0.91541057594E+02 0. 0. -1 1 1 2 503 502 -0.76807084146E+00 -0.28222002846E+01 -0.17447421680E+02 0.17690880999E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 1 1 1 2 501 0 0.32707614177E+01 -0.50356357291E+01 -0.13050859120E+03 0.13064665279E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -15 1 3 3 0 0 0.39999545266E+00 0.44000942200E+02 -0.73980286372E+03 0.74111245962E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 15 1 3 3 0 0 -0.29026860289E+01 -0.36143106187E+02 -0.17711859454E+04 0.17715579473E+04 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 7 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 -1 -1 0 0 503 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.61989869305E+02 0.61989869305E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 1 -1 0 0 502 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.37045066181E+03 0.37045066181E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 0.71354544147E+01 -0.14247135287E+02 -0.30238492916E+03 0.31497463775E+03 0.86709177531E+02 0. 0. -1 1 1 2 503 501 -0.29860020448E+01 0.15946116910E+01 0.54924712277E+02 0.55028928877E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 1 1 1 2 501 0 -0.41494523699E+01 0.12652523596E+02 -0.61000575622E+02 0.62436964488E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -15 1 3 3 0 0 -0.37097193026E+02 -0.15618850998E+02 -0.10022768623E+03 0.10802266916E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 15 1 3 3 0 0 0.44232647441E+02 0.13717157105E+01 -0.20215724293E+03 0.20695196858E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 7 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 1 -1 0 0 503 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.37443596361E+03 0.37443596361E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -1 -1 0 0 501 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.26937476950E+02 0.26937476950E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 0.10513434140E+02 0.32712550238E+02 0.18505278645E+03 0.20857864154E+03 0.89888112080E+02 0. 0. -1 1 1 2 503 502 -0.17177076101E+02 -0.28092398497E+02 0.17487850135E+03 0.17795146819E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 1 1 1 2 501 0 0.66636419612E+01 -0.46201517408E+01 -0.12432801133E+02 0.14843330836E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -15 1 3 3 0 0 0.17001553402E+02 0.43189518346E+02 0.18968860971E+03 0.19529289208E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 15 1 3 3 0 0 -0.64881192626E+01 -0.10476968107E+02 -0.46358232665E+01 0.13285749458E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. # # 3) q ~q -> Z 15 -15; Z -> q ~q # 7 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 -3 -1 0 0 0 501 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.91731296656E+02 0.91731296656E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 3 -1 0 0 503 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.40604790259E+02 0.40604790259E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 -0.23068409178E+01 -0.93731701184E+01 0.67396764097E+02 0.11031016817E+03 0.86791886480E+02 0. 0. 3 1 3 3 503 501 0.52103524546E+01 0.31500738459E+00 -0.71083969001E+01 0.88190877557E+01 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -3 1 3 3 0 502 -0.29035115367E+01 0.90581627338E+01 -0.91618607999E+01 0.13206830985E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -15 1 1 2 0 0 -0.28187218824E+02 -0.15141969184E+01 0.76623654185E+02 0.81677133930E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 15 1 1 2 0 0 0.25880377906E+02 -0.78589732000E+01 -0.92268900878E+01 0.28633034244E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 7 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 2 -1 0 0 502 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.35143369794E+03 0.35143369794E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -2 -1 0 0 0 501 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.18153193285E+02 0.18153193285E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 0.15890687513E+02 -0.19996650432E+02 0.17167849310E+03 0.19563936889E+03 0.90271134306E+02 0. 0. 2 1 3 3 502 503 -0.72996676939E+00 -0.73525498355E+00 0.14104805907E+03 0.14105186429E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -2 1 3 3 503 501 -0.15160720744E+02 0.20731905416E+02 0.20553952486E+02 0.32895658049E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -15 1 1 2 0 0 -0.84839421074E+01 0.84978160998E+01 0.15341212827E+03 0.15389161440E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 15 1 1 2 0 0 0.24374629621E+02 -0.28494466532E+02 0.18266364826E+02 0.41747754491E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 7 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 2 -1 0 0 503 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.25643455928E+03 0.25643455928E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -2 -1 0 0 0 501 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.13562424218E+02 0.13562424218E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 -0.11875818414E+02 -0.10580667521E+01 0.14432058522E+03 0.17070574621E+03 0.90387310517E+02 0. 0. 2 1 3 3 502 501 0.10247818051E+02 0.15871611094E+01 0.82751609529E+02 0.83398835332E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -2 1 3 3 503 502 0.16280003631E+01 -0.52909435732E+00 0.15799940312E+02 0.15892401955E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -15 1 1 2 0 0 0.83678347217E+01 0.34851368128E+02 0.11396543195E+03 0.11948186443E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 15 1 1 2 0 0 -0.20243653136E+02 -0.35909434881E+02 0.30355153265E+02 0.51223881778E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 7 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 1 -1 0 0 502 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.17427349322E+02 0.17427349322E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -1 -1 0 0 0 501 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.15056345872E+03 0.15056345872E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 0.37099933823E+01 -0.21339138344E+00 -0.13343603612E+03 0.16245205558E+03 0.92583395060E+02 0. 0. 1 1 3 3 502 503 -0.18892671242E+01 0.16760585036E+01 0.14745595544E+01 0.29245218845E+01 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -1 1 3 3 503 501 -0.18207262581E+01 -0.14626671201E+01 -0.11746328334E+01 0.26142305760E+01 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -15 1 1 2 0 0 0.53128512637E+01 -0.45795188193E+02 -0.78216560165E+02 0.90809766342E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 15 1 1 2 0 0 -0.16028578814E+01 0.45581796810E+02 -0.55219475952E+02 0.71642289237E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 7 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 2 -1 0 0 502 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.20501129939E+03 0.20501129939E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -2 -1 0 0 503 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.41375889266E+02 0.41375889266E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 0.52840526358E+02 -0.70337507939E+01 0.15909276834E+03 0.18624381290E+03 0.80837206969E+02 0. 0. -2 1 3 3 503 501 -0.54232218225E+01 -0.16697008337E+01 -0.84823826203E+01 0.10205393218E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 2 1 3 3 501 0 -0.47417304535E+02 0.87034516275E+01 0.13025024414E+02 0.49937982545E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -15 1 1 2 0 0 0.59423829489E+02 -0.22625394619E+02 0.15662374490E+03 0.16904808544E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 15 1 1 2 0 0 -0.65833031315E+01 0.15591643825E+02 0.24690234314E+01 0.17195727463E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 7 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 -4 -1 0 0 0 501 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.22280414120E+02 0.22280414120E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 4 -1 0 0 501 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.61741487181E+03 0.61741487181E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 -0.53375647478E+01 0.20468343978E+01 -0.21967595158E+02 0.65173104194E+02 0.61092382052E+02 0. 0. 4 1 3 3 503 502 -0.89392169840E+00 -0.26852678311E+01 -0.55928812092E+03 0.55929528155E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -4 1 3 3 0 503 0.62314864462E+01 0.63843343331E+00 -0.13878741609E+02 0.15226900185E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -15 1 1 2 0 0 -0.12207196083E+02 0.25084416902E+02 0.56460467701E+01 0.28518050084E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 15 1 1 2 0 0 0.68696313347E+01 -0.23037582504E+02 -0.27613641928E+02 0.36655054110E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 7 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 3 -1 0 0 503 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.32908169462E+02 0.32908169462E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -3 -1 0 0 501 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.10531923507E+03 0.10531923507E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 0.53211408774E+01 -0.81058474822E+01 -0.44219140447E+02 0.10121245528E+03 0.90524081978E+02 0. 0. -3 1 3 3 503 502 -0.22815539795E+01 0.48572326451E+00 0.35401039070E+01 0.42395461223E+01 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 3 1 3 3 501 0 -0.30395868979E+01 0.76201242177E+01 -0.31732029065E+02 0.32775403128E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -15 1 1 2 0 0 -0.86796125535E+01 0.12813418888E+02 -0.66039481235E+02 0.67851972621E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 15 1 1 2 0 0 0.14000753431E+02 -0.20919266370E+02 0.21820340788E+02 0.33360482658E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 7 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 -1 -1 0 0 501 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.10315593520E+01 0.10315593520E+01 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 1 -1 0 0 503 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.26599763813E+04 0.26599763813E+04 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 -0.25026905762E+01 0.78578360136E+01 -0.25109888091E+04 0.25126704069E+04 0.91541057594E+02 0. 0. -1 1 3 3 503 502 -0.76807084146E+00 -0.28222002846E+01 -0.17447421680E+02 0.17690880999E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 1 1 3 3 501 0 0.32707614177E+01 -0.50356357291E+01 -0.13050859120E+03 0.13064665279E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -15 1 1 2 0 0 0.39999545266E+00 0.44000942200E+02 -0.73980286372E+03 0.74111245962E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 15 1 1 2 0 0 -0.29026860289E+01 -0.36143106187E+02 -0.17711859454E+04 0.17715579473E+04 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 7 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 -1 -1 0 0 503 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.61989869305E+02 0.61989869305E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 1 -1 0 0 502 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.37045066181E+03 0.37045066181E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 0.71354544147E+01 -0.14247135287E+02 -0.30238492916E+03 0.31497463775E+03 0.86709177531E+02 0. 0. -1 1 3 3 503 501 -0.29860020448E+01 0.15946116910E+01 0.54924712277E+02 0.55028928877E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 1 1 3 3 501 0 -0.41494523699E+01 0.12652523596E+02 -0.61000575622E+02 0.62436964488E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -15 1 1 2 0 0 -0.37097193026E+02 -0.15618850998E+02 -0.10022768623E+03 0.10802266916E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 15 1 1 2 0 0 0.44232647441E+02 0.13717157105E+01 -0.20215724293E+03 0.20695196858E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 7 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 1 -1 0 0 503 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.37443596361E+03 0.37443596361E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -1 -1 0 0 501 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.26937476950E+02 0.26937476950E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 0.10513434140E+02 0.32712550238E+02 0.18505278645E+03 0.20857864154E+03 0.89888112080E+02 0. 0. -1 1 3 3 503 502 -0.17177076101E+02 -0.28092398497E+02 0.17487850135E+03 0.17795146819E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 1 1 3 3 501 0 0.66636419612E+01 -0.46201517408E+01 -0.12432801133E+02 0.14843330836E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -15 1 1 2 0 0 0.17001553402E+02 0.43189518346E+02 0.18968860971E+03 0.19529289208E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 15 1 1 2 0 0 -0.64881192626E+01 -0.10476968107E+02 -0.46358232665E+01 0.13285749458E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. # # 4) q ~q -> Z Z; Z -> 15 -15; Z -> q ~q; # WARNING: Second Z is a duplicate of the first one! Momentum will not be conserved! # 8 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 -3 -1 0 0 0 501 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.91731296656E+02 0.91731296656E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 3 -1 0 0 503 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.40604790259E+02 0.40604790259E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 -0.23068409178E+01 -0.93731701184E+01 0.67396764097E+02 0.11031016817E+03 0.86791886480E+02 0. 0. 23 2 1 2 0 0 -0.23068409178E+01 -0.93731701184E+01 0.67396764097E+02 0.11031016817E+03 0.86791886480E+02 0. 0. 3 1 3 3 503 501 0.52103524546E+01 0.31500738459E+00 -0.71083969001E+01 0.88190877557E+01 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -3 1 3 3 0 502 -0.29035115367E+01 0.90581627338E+01 -0.91618607999E+01 0.13206830985E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -15 1 4 4 0 0 -0.28187218824E+02 -0.15141969184E+01 0.76623654185E+02 0.81677133930E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 15 1 4 4 0 0 0.25880377906E+02 -0.78589732000E+01 -0.92268900878E+01 0.28633034244E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 8 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 2 -1 0 0 502 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.35143369794E+03 0.35143369794E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -2 -1 0 0 0 501 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.18153193285E+02 0.18153193285E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 0.15890687513E+02 -0.19996650432E+02 0.17167849310E+03 0.19563936889E+03 0.90271134306E+02 0. 0. 23 2 1 2 0 0 0.15890687513E+02 -0.19996650432E+02 0.17167849310E+03 0.19563936889E+03 0.90271134306E+02 0. 0. 2 1 3 3 502 503 -0.72996676939E+00 -0.73525498355E+00 0.14104805907E+03 0.14105186429E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -2 1 3 3 503 501 -0.15160720744E+02 0.20731905416E+02 0.20553952486E+02 0.32895658049E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -15 1 4 4 0 0 -0.84839421074E+01 0.84978160998E+01 0.15341212827E+03 0.15389161440E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 15 1 4 4 0 0 0.24374629621E+02 -0.28494466532E+02 0.18266364826E+02 0.41747754491E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 8 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 2 -1 0 0 503 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.25643455928E+03 0.25643455928E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -2 -1 0 0 0 501 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.13562424218E+02 0.13562424218E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 -0.11875818414E+02 -0.10580667521E+01 0.14432058522E+03 0.17070574621E+03 0.90387310517E+02 0. 0. 23 2 1 2 0 0 -0.11875818414E+02 -0.10580667521E+01 0.14432058522E+03 0.17070574621E+03 0.90387310517E+02 0. 0. 2 1 3 3 502 501 0.10247818051E+02 0.15871611094E+01 0.82751609529E+02 0.83398835332E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -2 1 3 3 503 502 0.16280003631E+01 -0.52909435732E+00 0.15799940312E+02 0.15892401955E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -15 1 4 4 0 0 0.83678347217E+01 0.34851368128E+02 0.11396543195E+03 0.11948186443E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 15 1 4 4 0 0 -0.20243653136E+02 -0.35909434881E+02 0.30355153265E+02 0.51223881778E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 8 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 1 -1 0 0 502 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.17427349322E+02 0.17427349322E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -1 -1 0 0 0 501 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.15056345872E+03 0.15056345872E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 0.37099933823E+01 -0.21339138344E+00 -0.13343603612E+03 0.16245205558E+03 0.92583395060E+02 0. 0. 23 2 1 2 0 0 0.37099933823E+01 -0.21339138344E+00 -0.13343603612E+03 0.16245205558E+03 0.92583395060E+02 0. 0. 1 1 3 3 502 503 -0.18892671242E+01 0.16760585036E+01 0.14745595544E+01 0.29245218845E+01 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -1 1 3 3 503 501 -0.18207262581E+01 -0.14626671201E+01 -0.11746328334E+01 0.26142305760E+01 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -15 1 4 4 0 0 0.53128512637E+01 -0.45795188193E+02 -0.78216560165E+02 0.90809766342E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 15 1 4 4 0 0 -0.16028578814E+01 0.45581796810E+02 -0.55219475952E+02 0.71642289237E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 8 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 2 -1 0 0 502 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.20501129939E+03 0.20501129939E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -2 -1 0 0 503 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.41375889266E+02 0.41375889266E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 0.52840526358E+02 -0.70337507939E+01 0.15909276834E+03 0.18624381290E+03 0.80837206969E+02 0. 0. 23 2 1 2 0 0 0.52840526358E+02 -0.70337507939E+01 0.15909276834E+03 0.18624381290E+03 0.80837206969E+02 0. 0. -2 1 3 3 503 501 -0.54232218225E+01 -0.16697008337E+01 -0.84823826203E+01 0.10205393218E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 2 1 3 3 501 0 -0.47417304535E+02 0.87034516275E+01 0.13025024414E+02 0.49937982545E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -15 1 4 4 0 0 0.59423829489E+02 -0.22625394619E+02 0.15662374490E+03 0.16904808544E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 15 1 4 4 0 0 -0.65833031315E+01 0.15591643825E+02 0.24690234314E+01 0.17195727463E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 8 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 -4 -1 0 0 0 501 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.22280414120E+02 0.22280414120E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 4 -1 0 0 501 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.61741487181E+03 0.61741487181E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 -0.53375647478E+01 0.20468343978E+01 -0.21967595158E+02 0.65173104194E+02 0.61092382052E+02 0. 0. 23 2 1 2 0 0 -0.53375647478E+01 0.20468343978E+01 -0.21967595158E+02 0.65173104194E+02 0.61092382052E+02 0. 0. 4 1 3 3 503 502 -0.89392169840E+00 -0.26852678311E+01 -0.55928812092E+03 0.55929528155E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -4 1 3 3 0 503 0.62314864462E+01 0.63843343331E+00 -0.13878741609E+02 0.15226900185E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. -15 1 4 4 0 0 -0.12207196083E+02 0.25084416902E+02 0.56460467701E+01 0.28518050084E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 15 1 4 4 0 0 0.68696313347E+01 -0.23037582504E+02 -0.27613641928E+02 0.36655054110E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 8 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 3 -1 0 0 503 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.32908169462E+02 0.32908169462E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -3 -1 0 0 501 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.10531923507E+03 0.10531923507E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 0.53211408774E+01 -0.81058474822E+01 -0.44219140447E+02 0.10121245528E+03 0.90524081978E+02 0. 0. 23 2 1 2 0 0 0.53211408774E+01 -0.81058474822E+01 -0.44219140447E+02 0.10121245528E+03 0.90524081978E+02 0. 0. -3 1 3 3 503 502 -0.22815539795E+01 0.48572326451E+00 0.35401039070E+01 0.42395461223E+01 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 3 1 3 3 501 0 -0.30395868979E+01 0.76201242177E+01 -0.31732029065E+02 0.32775403128E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -15 1 4 4 0 0 -0.86796125535E+01 0.12813418888E+02 -0.66039481235E+02 0.67851972621E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 15 1 4 4 0 0 0.14000753431E+02 -0.20919266370E+02 0.21820340788E+02 0.33360482658E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 8 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 -1 -1 0 0 501 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.10315593520E+01 0.10315593520E+01 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 1 -1 0 0 503 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.26599763813E+04 0.26599763813E+04 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 -0.25026905762E+01 0.78578360136E+01 -0.25109888091E+04 0.25126704069E+04 0.91541057594E+02 0. 0. 23 2 1 2 0 0 -0.25026905762E+01 0.78578360136E+01 -0.25109888091E+04 0.25126704069E+04 0.91541057594E+02 0. 0. -1 1 3 3 503 502 -0.76807084146E+00 -0.28222002846E+01 -0.17447421680E+02 0.17690880999E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 1 1 3 3 501 0 0.32707614177E+01 -0.50356357291E+01 -0.13050859120E+03 0.13064665279E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -15 1 4 4 0 0 0.39999545266E+00 0.44000942200E+02 -0.73980286372E+03 0.74111245962E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 15 1 4 4 0 0 -0.29026860289E+01 -0.36143106187E+02 -0.17711859454E+04 0.17715579473E+04 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 8 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 -1 -1 0 0 503 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.61989869305E+02 0.61989869305E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 1 -1 0 0 502 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.37045066181E+03 0.37045066181E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 0.71354544147E+01 -0.14247135287E+02 -0.30238492916E+03 0.31497463775E+03 0.86709177531E+02 0. 0. 23 2 1 2 0 0 0.71354544147E+01 -0.14247135287E+02 -0.30238492916E+03 0.31497463775E+03 0.86709177531E+02 0. 0. -1 1 3 3 503 501 -0.29860020448E+01 0.15946116910E+01 0.54924712277E+02 0.55028928877E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 1 1 3 3 501 0 -0.41494523699E+01 0.12652523596E+02 -0.61000575622E+02 0.62436964488E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -15 1 4 4 0 0 -0.37097193026E+02 -0.15618850998E+02 -0.10022768623E+03 0.10802266916E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1. 15 1 4 4 0 0 0.44232647441E+02 0.13717157105E+01 -0.20215724293E+03 0.20695196858E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 8 1 0.6561100E+00 0.9118800E+02 0.7546771E-02 0.1297830E+00 1 -1 0 0 503 0 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 0.37443596361E+03 0.37443596361E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -1 -1 0 0 501 502 0.00000000000E+00 0.00000000000E+00 -0.26937476950E+02 0.26937476950E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 23 2 1 2 0 0 0.10513434140E+02 0.32712550238E+02 0.18505278645E+03 0.20857864154E+03 0.89888112080E+02 0. 0. 23 2 1 2 0 0 0.10513434140E+02 0.32712550238E+02 0.18505278645E+03 0.20857864154E+03 0.89888112080E+02 0. 0. -1 1 3 3 503 502 -0.17177076101E+02 -0.28092398497E+02 0.17487850135E+03 0.17795146819E+03 0.00000000000E+00 0. 1. 1 1 3 3 501 0 0.66636419612E+01 -0.46201517408E+01 -0.12432801133E+02 0.14843330836E+02 0.00000000000E+00 0. -1. -15 1 4 4 0 0 0.17001553402E+02 0.43189518346E+02 0.18968860971E+03 0.19529289208E+03 0.17770000000E+01 0. -1. 15 1 4 4 0 0 -0.64881192626E+01 -0.10476968107E+02 -0.46358232665E+01 0.13285749458E+02 0.17770000000E+01 0. 1.