#ifndef _TauolaHepMC3Event_h_included_
#define _TauolaHepMC3Event_h_included_

 * @class TauolaHepMC3Event
 * @brief Interface to GenEvent objects
 * This class implements the virtual methods of
 * TauolaEvent. In this way it provides an
 * interface between the generic TauolaEvent class
 * and a GenEvent object.
 * This code is licensed under GNU General Public Licence.
 * For more informations, see: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/

#include <iostream>
#include "HepMC3/GenEvent.h"
#include "HepMC3/GenVertex.h"
#include "HepMC3/GenParticle.h"
#include "TauolaEvent.h"
#include "TauolaParticle.h"
#include "TauolaHepMC3Particle.h"
namespace Tauolapp
using namespace HepMC3;
class TauolaHepMC3Event : public TauolaEvent{


  /** Constructor which keeps a pointer to the GenEvent*/
  TauolaHepMC3Event(GenEvent * event);


  /** Returns the GenEvent */
  GenEvent * getEvent();

  /** Implementation of TauolaEvent virtual method.
      This returns a list of particles in the event with
      pdg id = "pdgID". */
  std::vector<TauolaParticle*> findParticles(int pdgID);

  /** Implementation of TauolaEven virtual method.
      This returns a list of particles in the event with
      pdg id = "pdgID" and stable status code. */
  std::vector<TauolaParticle*> findStableParticles(int pdgID);

  /** Overriding of TauolaEvent decayEndgame method.
      Converts the momentum and length units */
  void eventEndgame();


  /** The event */
  GenEvent * m_event;
  /** List of particles to be decayed */
  std::vector<TauolaParticle*> m_tau_list;
  /** Momentum unit name */
  string m_momentum_unit;
  /** Length unit name */
  string m_length_unit;


} // namespace Tauolapp