************************************************************************ * * Dummy subroutine to allow the compilation * ************************************************************************ subroutine getapfelversion(vers) character*6 vers vers = "vdummy" return end subroutine HELLLogOrder write(6,*) "I should not be here!" return end subroutine HELLOrder write(6,*) "I should not be here!" return end subroutine HELL write(6,*) "I should not be here!" return end subroutine mkPDFs write(6,*) "I should not be here!" return end subroutine mkdir write(6,*) "I should not be here!" return end function xfxQ(x,Q) double precision x,Q,xfxQ write(6,*) "I should not be here!" return end function islhapdf6() logical islhapdf6 write(6,*) "I should not be here!" return end function xdeltap(x,as) double precision xdeltap,x,as write(6,*) "I should not be here!" return end function xdeltac2(x,as) double precision xdeltac2,x,as write(6,*) "I should not be here!" return end function xdeltacl(x,as) double precision xdeltacl,x,as write(6,*) "I should not be here!" return end subroutine externalsetapfel write(6,*) "I should not be here!" return end subroutine externalsetapfellept write(6,*) "I should not be here!" return end subroutine externalsetapfelrep write(6,*) "I should not be here!" return end subroutine externalsetapfel1 write(6,*) "I should not be here!" return end