// @(#)root/graf2d:$Id$ // Author: Olivier Couet, Timur Pocheptsov 23/01/2012 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2011, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ //#define NDEBUG #include #include #include #include #include #include # include # include FT_FREETYPE_H # include FT_GLYPH_H #include "QuartzFillArea.h" #include "TColorGradient.h" #include "QuartzMarker.h" #include "CocoaPrivate.h" #include "QuartzWindow.h" #include "QuartzPixmap.h" #include "QuartzUtils.h" #include "X11Drawable.h" #include "QuartzText.h" #include "QuartzLine.h" #include "CocoaUtils.h" #include "TGQuartz.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TPoint.h" #include "TColor.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TEnv.h" #include "TMath.h" // To scale fonts to the same size as the TTF version const Float_t kScale = 0.93376068; ClassImp(TGQuartz) namespace X11 = ROOT::MacOSX::X11; namespace Quartz = ROOT::Quartz; namespace Util = ROOT::MacOSX::Util; namespace { //______________________________________________________________________________ void ConvertPointsROOTToCocoa(Int_t nPoints, const TPoint *xy, std::vector &dst, NSObject *drawable) { assert(nPoints != 0 && "ConvertPointsROOTToCocoa, nPoints parameter is 0"); assert(xy != 0 && "ConvertPointsROOTToCocoa, xy parameter is null"); assert(drawable != 0 && "ConvertPointsROOTToCocoa, drawable parameter is null"); const auto scaleFactor = drawable.fScaleFactor; dst.resize(nPoints); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nPoints; ++i) { dst[i].fX = SCoord_t(xy[i].fX * scaleFactor); dst[i].fY = SCoord_t(X11::LocalYROOTToCocoa(drawable, xy[i].fY) * scaleFactor); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGQuartz::TGQuartz() : fUseAA(true), fUseFAAA(false) { //Default ctor. if (!TTF::IsInitialized()) TTF::Init(); //I do not know why TTF::Init returns void and I have to check IsInitialized() again. if (!TTF::IsInitialized()) Error("TGQuartz", "TTF::Init() failed"); fAlign.x = 0; fAlign.y = 0; SetAA(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGQuartz::TGQuartz(const char *name, const char *title) : TGCocoa(name, title), fUseAA(true), fUseFAAA(false) { //Constructor. if (!TTF::IsInitialized()) TTF::Init(); //I do not know why TTF::Init returns void and I have to check IsInitialized() again. if (!TTF::IsInitialized()) Error("TGQuartz", "TTF::Init() failed"); fAlign.x = 0; fAlign.y = 0; SetAA(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::DrawBox(Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2, EBoxMode mode) { //Check some conditions first. if (fDirectDraw) { if (!fPimpl->GetDrawable(fSelectedDrawable).fIsPixmap) fPimpl->fX11CommandBuffer.AddDrawBoxXor(fSelectedDrawable, x1, y1, x2, y2); return; } NSObject * const drawable = (NSObject *)GetSelectedDrawableChecked("DrawBox"); if (!drawable) return; CGContextRef ctx = drawable.fContext; const Quartz::CGStateGuard ctxGuard(ctx); //AA flag is not a part of a state. const Quartz::CGAAStateGuard aaCtxGuard(ctx, fUseAA); //Go to low-left-corner system. y1 = Int_t(X11::LocalYROOTToCocoa(drawable, y1)); y2 = Int_t(X11::LocalYROOTToCocoa(drawable, y2)); if (const TColorGradient * const gradient = dynamic_cast(gROOT->GetColor(GetFillColor()))) { //Draw a box with a gradient fill and a shadow. //Ignore all fill styles and EBoxMode, use a gradient fill. TPoint polygon[4]; polygon[0].fX = x1, polygon[0].fY = y1; polygon[1].fX = x2, polygon[1].fY = y1; polygon[2].fX = x2, polygon[2].fY = y2; polygon[3].fX = x1, polygon[3].fY = y2; Quartz::DrawPolygonWithGradientFill(ctx, gradient, CGSizeMake(drawable.fWidth, drawable.fHeight), 4, polygon, kFALSE); //kFALSE == don't draw a shadow. } else { const bool isHollow = mode == kHollow || GetFillStyle() / 1000 == 2; //Note! Pattern index (and its address) MUST live //long enough to be valid at the point of Quartz::DrawBox call! unsigned patternIndex = 0; if (isHollow) { if (!Quartz::SetLineColor(ctx, GetLineColor())) { Error("DrawBox", "Can not find color for index %d", int(GetLineColor())); return; } } else { if (!Quartz::SetFillAreaParameters(ctx, &patternIndex)) { Error("DrawBox", "SetFillAreaParameters failed"); return; } } Quartz::SetLineStyle(ctx, GetLineStyle()); Quartz::SetLineWidth(ctx, GetLineWidth()); Quartz::DrawBox(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, isHollow); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::DrawFillArea(Int_t n, TPoint *xy) { //Comment from TVirtualX: // Draw a filled area through all points. // n : number of points // xy : array of points //End of comment. if (n < 3) return; //Do some checks first. if (fDirectDraw)//To avoid warnings from Quartz - no context at the moment! return; NSObject * const drawable = (NSObject *)GetSelectedDrawableChecked("DrawFillArea"); if (!drawable) return; CGContextRef ctx = drawable.fContext; //Convert points to bottom-left system: ConvertPointsROOTToCocoa(n, xy, fConvertedPoints, drawable); const Quartz::CGStateGuard ctxGuard(ctx); //AA flag is not a part of a state. const Quartz::CGAAStateGuard aaCtxGuard(ctx, fUseFAAA); if (drawable.fScaleFactor > 1.) { // The CTM will be restored by 'ctxGuard'. CGContextScaleCTM(ctx, 1. / drawable.fScaleFactor, 1. / drawable.fScaleFactor); } const TColor * const fillColor = gROOT->GetColor(GetFillColor()); if (!fillColor) { Error("DrawFillArea", "Could not find TColor for index %d", GetFillColor()); return; } if (const TColorGradient * const gradient = dynamic_cast(fillColor)) { Quartz::DrawPolygonWithGradientFill(ctx, gradient, CGSizeMake(drawable.fWidth, drawable.fHeight), n, &fConvertedPoints[0], kFALSE);//kFALSE == don't draw a shadow. } else { unsigned patternIndex = 0; if (!Quartz::SetFillAreaParameters(ctx, &patternIndex)) { Error("DrawFillArea", "SetFillAreaParameters failed"); return; } Quartz::DrawFillArea(ctx, n, &fConvertedPoints[0], kFALSE);//The last argument - do not draw shadows. } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::DrawCellArray(Int_t /*x1*/, Int_t /*y1*/, Int_t /*x2*/, Int_t /*y2*/, Int_t /*nx*/, Int_t /*ny*/, Int_t */*ic*/) { //Noop. } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::DrawLine(Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2) { // Draw a line. // x1,y1 : begin of line // x2,y2 : end of line if (fDirectDraw) { if (!fPimpl->GetDrawable(fSelectedDrawable).fIsPixmap) { QuartzView * const view = (QuartzView *)fPimpl->GetWindow(fSelectedDrawable).fContentView; if (!view) { ::Warning("DrawLine", "Invalid view/window for XOR-mode"); return; } [view.fQuartzWindow addCrosshairWindow]; fPimpl->fX11CommandBuffer.AddDrawLineXor(fSelectedDrawable, x1, y1, x2, y2); } return; } //Do some checks first: assert(fSelectedDrawable > fPimpl->GetRootWindowID() && "DrawLine, bad drawable is selected"); NSObject * const drawable = (NSObject *)GetSelectedDrawableChecked("DrawLine"); if (!drawable) return; CGContextRef ctx = drawable.fContext; const Quartz::CGStateGuard ctxGuard(ctx); //AA flag is not a part of a state. const Quartz::CGAAStateGuard aaCtxGuard(ctx, fUseAA); if (!Quartz::SetLineColor(ctx, GetLineColor())) { Error("DrawLine", "Could not set line color for index %d", int(GetLineColor())); return; } Quartz::SetLineStyle(ctx, GetLineStyle()); Quartz::SetLineWidth(ctx, GetLineWidth()); Quartz::DrawLine(ctx, x1, X11::LocalYROOTToCocoa(drawable, y1), x2, X11::LocalYROOTToCocoa(drawable, y2)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::DrawPolyLine(Int_t n, TPoint *xy) { //Comment from TVirtualX: // Draw a line through all points. // n : number of points // xy : list of points //End of comment. //Some checks first. if (fDirectDraw)//To avoid warnings from Quartz - no context at the moment! return; NSObject * const drawable = (NSObject *)GetSelectedDrawableChecked("DrawPolyLine"); if (!drawable) return; CGContextRef ctx = drawable.fContext; const Quartz::CGStateGuard ctxGuard(ctx); //AA flag is not a part of a state. const Quartz::CGAAStateGuard aaCtxGuard(ctx, fUseAA); if (!Quartz::SetLineColor(ctx, GetLineColor())) { Error("DrawPolyLine", "Could not find TColor for index %d", GetLineColor()); return; } Quartz::SetLineStyle(ctx, GetLineStyle()); Quartz::SetLineWidth(ctx, GetLineWidth()); //Convert to bottom-left-corner system. ConvertPointsROOTToCocoa(n, xy, fConvertedPoints, drawable); if (drawable.fScaleFactor > 1.) CGContextScaleCTM(ctx, 1. / drawable.fScaleFactor, 1. / drawable.fScaleFactor); Quartz::DrawPolyLine(ctx, n, &fConvertedPoints[0]); // CTM (current transformation matrix) is restored by 'ctxGuard's dtor. } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::DrawPolyMarker(Int_t n, TPoint *xy) { //Comment from TVirtualX: // Draw PolyMarker // n : number of points // xy : list of points //End of comment. //Do some checks first. if (fDirectDraw)//To avoid warnings from Quartz - no context at the moment! return; NSObject * const drawable = (NSObject *)GetSelectedDrawableChecked("DrawPolyMarker"); if (!drawable) return; CGContextRef ctx = drawable.fContext; const Quartz::CGStateGuard ctxGuard(ctx); //AA flag is not a part of a state. const Quartz::CGAAStateGuard aaCtxGuard(ctx, fUseAA); if (!Quartz::SetFillColor(ctx, GetMarkerColor())) { Error("DrawPolyMarker", "Could not find TColor for index %d", GetMarkerColor()); return; } Quartz::SetLineColor(ctx, GetMarkerColor());//Can not fail (for coverity). Quartz::SetLineStyle(ctx, 1); Quartz::SetLineWidth(ctx, TMath::Max(1, Int_t(TAttMarker::GetMarkerLineWidth(GetMarkerStyle())))); ConvertPointsROOTToCocoa(n, xy, fConvertedPoints, drawable); if (drawable.fScaleFactor > 1.) CGContextScaleCTM(ctx, 1. / drawable.fScaleFactor, 1. / drawable.fScaleFactor); Style_t markerstyle = TAttMarker::GetMarkerStyleBase(GetMarkerStyle()); // The fast pixel markers need to be treated separately if (markerstyle == 1 || markerstyle == 6 || markerstyle == 7) { CGContextSetLineJoin(ctx, kCGLineJoinMiter); CGContextSetLineCap(ctx, kCGLineCapButt); } else { CGContextSetLineJoin(ctx, kCGLineJoinRound); CGContextSetLineCap(ctx, kCGLineCapRound); } Float_t MarkerSizeReduced = GetMarkerSize() - TMath::Floor(TAttMarker::GetMarkerLineWidth(GetMarkerStyle())/2.)/4.; Quartz::DrawPolyMarker(ctx, n, &fConvertedPoints[0], MarkerSizeReduced * drawable.fScaleFactor, markerstyle); CGContextSetLineJoin(ctx, kCGLineJoinMiter); CGContextSetLineCap(ctx, kCGLineCapButt); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::DrawText(Int_t x, Int_t y, Float_t /*angle*/, Float_t /*mgn*/, const char *text, ETextMode /*mode*/) { if (fDirectDraw)//To avoid warnings from Quartz - no context at the moment! return; if (!text || !text[0])//Can this ever happen? TPad::PaintText does not check this. return; if (GetTextSize()<1.5)//Do not draw anything, or CoreText will create some small (but not of size 0 font). return; NSObject * const drawable = (NSObject *)GetSelectedDrawableChecked("DrawText"); if (!drawable) return; CGContextRef ctx = drawable.fContext; const Quartz::CGStateGuard ctxGuard(ctx); //Before any core text drawing operations, reset text matrix. CGContextSetTextMatrix(ctx, CGAffineTransformIdentity); try { if (CTFontRef currentFont = fPimpl->fFontManager.SelectFont(GetTextFont(), kScale*GetTextSize())) { const unsigned fontIndex = GetTextFont() / 10; if (fontIndex == 12 || fontIndex == 15) {//Greek and math symbols. //This is a hack. Correct way is to extract glyphs from symbol.ttf, //find correct mapping, place this glyphs. This requires manual layout though (?), //and as usually, I have to many things to do, may be, one day I'll fix text rendering also. //This hack work only on MacOSX 10.7.3, does not work on iOS and I'm not sure about future/previous //versions of MacOSX. typedef std::vector::size_type size_type; std::vector unichars(std::strlen(text)); for (size_type i = 0, len = unichars.size(); i < len; ++i) unichars[i] = 0xF000 + (unsigned char)text[i]; Quartz::TextLine ctLine(unichars, currentFont, GetTextColor()); ctLine.DrawLine(ctx, x, X11::LocalYROOTToCocoa(drawable, y)); } else { const Quartz::TextLine ctLine(text, currentFont, GetTextColor()); ctLine.DrawLine(ctx, x, X11::LocalYROOTToCocoa(drawable, y)); } } } catch (const std::exception &e) { Error("DrawText", "Exception from Quartz::TextLine: %s", e.what()); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::DrawText(Int_t x, Int_t y, Float_t angle, Float_t /*mgn*/, const wchar_t *text, ETextMode mode) { if (!text || !text[0]) return; if (!TTF::IsInitialized()) { Error("DrawText", "wchar_t string to draw, but TTF initialization failed"); return; } if (!GetTextSize())//Do not draw anything, or CoreText will create some small (but not of size 0 font). return; (void)x; (void)y; (void)angle; (void)mode; TTF::SetSmoothing(kTRUE); TTF::SetRotationMatrix(angle); TTF::PrepareString(text); TTF::LayoutGlyphs(); AlignTTFString(); RenderTTFString(x, y, mode); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::GetTextExtent(UInt_t &w, UInt_t &h, char *text) { // Returns the size of the specified character string "mess". // // w - the text width // h - the text height // text - the string if (!text || !text[0]) { w = 0; h = 0; return; } if (fPimpl->fFontManager.SelectFont(GetTextFont(), kScale*GetTextSize())) { const unsigned fontIndex = GetTextFont() / 10; if (fontIndex == 12 || fontIndex == 15) {//Greek and math symbols. typedef std::vector::size_type size_type; std::vector unichars(std::strlen(text)); for (size_type i = 0, len = unichars.size(); i < len; ++i) unichars[i] = 0xF000 + (unsigned char)text[i]; fPimpl->fFontManager.GetTextBounds(w, h, unichars); } else { fPimpl->fFontManager.GetTextBounds(w, h, text); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TGQuartz::GetFontAscent() const { // Returns the ascent of the current font (in pixels). // The ascent of a font is the distance from the baseline // to the highest position characters extend to. if (fPimpl->fFontManager.SelectFont(GetTextFont(), kScale*GetTextSize())) return Int_t(fPimpl->fFontManager.GetAscent()); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TGQuartz::GetFontAscent(const char *text) const { // Returns the ascent of the current font (in pixels). // The ascent of a font is the distance from the baseline // to the highest position characters extend to. //In case of any problem we can always resort to the old version: if (!text || !text[0])//How it's usually tested in ROOT return GetFontAscent(); if (fPimpl->fFontManager.SelectFont(GetTextFont(), kScale*GetTextSize())) { const unsigned fontIndex = GetTextFont() / 10; if (fontIndex == 12 || fontIndex == 15) {//Greek and math symbols. //That's an ugly hack :) typedef std::vector::size_type size_type; std::vector unichars(std::strlen(text)); for (size_type i = 0, len = unichars.size(); i < len; ++i) unichars[i] = 0xF000 + (unsigned char)text[i]; return Int_t(fPimpl->fFontManager.GetAscent(unichars)); } else return Int_t(fPimpl->fFontManager.GetAscent(text)); } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TGQuartz::GetFontDescent() const { // Returns the descent of the current font (in pixels. // The descent is the distance from the base line // to the lowest point characters extend to. if (fPimpl->fFontManager.SelectFont(GetTextFont(), kScale*GetTextSize())) return Int_t(fPimpl->fFontManager.GetDescent()); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TGQuartz::GetFontDescent(const char *text) const { // Returns the descent of the current font (in pixels. // The descent is the distance from the base line // to the lowest point characters extend to. //That's how it's tested in ROOT: if (!text || !text[0]) return GetFontDescent(); if (fPimpl->fFontManager.SelectFont(GetTextFont(), kScale*GetTextSize())) { const unsigned fontIndex = GetTextFont() / 10; if (fontIndex == 12 || fontIndex == 15) {//Greek and math symbols. //That's an ugly hack :) typedef std::vector::size_type size_type; std::vector unichars(std::strlen(text)); for (size_type i = 0, len = unichars.size(); i < len; ++i) unichars[i] = 0xF000 + (unsigned char)text[i]; return Int_t(fPimpl->fFontManager.GetDescent(unichars)); } else return Int_t(fPimpl->fFontManager.GetDescent(text)); } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TGQuartz::GetTextMagnitude() { // Returns the current font magnification factor return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::SetLineColor(Color_t cindex) { // Set color index "cindex" for drawing lines. TAttLine::SetLineColor(cindex); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::SetLineStyle(Style_t lstyle) { // Set line style. TAttLine::SetLineStyle(lstyle); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::SetLineWidth(Width_t width) { // Set the line width. TAttLine::SetLineWidth(width); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::SetFillColor(Color_t cindex) { // Set color index "cindex" for fill areas. TAttFill::SetFillColor(cindex); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::SetFillStyle(Style_t style) { // Set fill area style. TAttFill::SetFillStyle(style); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::SetMarkerColor(Color_t cindex) { // Set color index "cindex" for markers. TAttMarker::SetMarkerColor(cindex); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::SetMarkerSize(Float_t markersize) { // Set marker size index. // // markersize - the marker scale factor TAttMarker::SetMarkerSize(markersize); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::SetMarkerStyle(Style_t markerstyle) { // Set marker style. TAttMarker::SetMarkerStyle(markerstyle); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::SetTextAlign(Short_t talign) { // Set the text alignment. // // talign = txalh horizontal text alignment // talign = txalv vertical text alignment TAttText::SetTextAlign(talign); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::SetTextColor(Color_t cindex) { // Set the color index "cindex" for text. TAttText::SetTextColor(cindex); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::SetTextFont(Font_t fontNumber) { // Set the current text font number. TAttText::SetTextFont(fontNumber); if (!TTF::IsInitialized()) { Error("SetTextFont", "TTF is not initialized"); return; } TTF::SetTextFont(fontNumber); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TGQuartz::SetTextFont(char *fontName, ETextSetMode /*mode*/) { //This function is never used in gPad (in normal text rendering, //so I'm not setting anything for CoreText). if (!TTF::IsInitialized()) { Error("SetTextFont", "TTF is not initialized"); return 0; } return TTF::SetTextFont(fontName); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::SetTextSize(Float_t textsize) { // Set the current text size to "textsize" TAttText::SetTextSize(textsize); if (!TTF::IsInitialized()) { Error("SetTextSize", "TTF is not initialized"); return; } TTF::SetTextSize(textsize); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::SetOpacity(Int_t /*percent*/) { // Set opacity of the current window. This image manipulation routine // works by adding to a percent amount of neutral to each pixels RGB. // Since it requires quite some additional color map entries is it // only supported on displays with more than > 8 color planes (> 256 // colors). } //TTF related part. //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::AlignTTFString() { //Comment from TGX11TTF: // Compute alignment variables. The alignment is done on the horizontal string // then the rotation is applied on the alignment variables. // SetRotation and LayoutGlyphs should have been called before. //End of comment. //This code is from TGX11TTF (with my fixes). //It looks like align can not be both X and Y align? const EAlign align = EAlign(fTextAlign); // vertical alignment if (align == kTLeft || align == kTCenter || align == kTRight) { fAlign.y = TTF::GetAscent(); } else if (align == kMLeft || align == kMCenter || align == kMRight) { fAlign.y = TTF::GetAscent() / 2; } else { fAlign.y = 0; } // horizontal alignment if (align == kTRight || align == kMRight || align == kBRight) { fAlign.x = TTF::GetWidth(); } else if (align == kTCenter || align == kMCenter || align == kBCenter) { fAlign.x = TTF::GetWidth() / 2; } else { fAlign.x = 0; } FT_Vector_Transform(&fAlign, TTF::GetRotMatrix()); //This shift is from the original code. fAlign.x = fAlign.x >> 6; fAlign.y = fAlign.y >> 6; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGQuartz::IsTTFStringVisible(Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) { //Comment from TGX11TTF: // Test if there is really something to render. //End of comment. //This code is from TGX11TTF (with modifications). //Comment from TGX11TTF: // If w or h is 0, very likely the string is only blank characters if (!w || !h) return kFALSE; UInt_t width = 0; UInt_t height = 0; Int_t xy = 0; GetWindowSize(GetCurrentWindow(), xy, xy, width, height); // If string falls outside window, there is probably no need to draw it. if (x + int(w) <= 0 || x >= int(width)) return kFALSE; if (y + int(h) <= 0 || y >= int(height)) return kFALSE; return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::RenderTTFString(Int_t x, Int_t y, ETextMode mode) { //Comment from TGX11TTF: // Perform the string rendering in the pad. // LayoutGlyphs should have been called before. //End of comment. //This code is a modified (for Quartz) version of TG11TTF::RenderString. NSObject * const drawable = (NSObject *)GetSelectedDrawableChecked("DrawText"); if (!drawable) return; QuartzPixmap *dstPixmap = nil; if ([drawable isKindOfClass : [QuartzPixmap class]]) dstPixmap = (QuartzPixmap *)drawable; else if ([drawable isKindOfClass : [QuartzView class]] || [drawable isKindOfClass : [QuartzWindow class]]) dstPixmap = ((NSObject *)drawable).fBackBuffer; if (!dstPixmap) { //I can not read pixels from a window (I can, but this is too slow and unreliable). Error("DrawText", "fSelectedDrawable is neither QuartzPixmap nor a double buffered window"); return; } //Comment from TGX11TTF: // compute the size and position of the XImage that will contain the text const Int_t xOff = TTF::GetBox().xMin < 0 ? -TTF::GetBox().xMin : 0; const Int_t yOff = TTF::GetBox().yMin < 0 ? -TTF::GetBox().yMin : 0; const Int_t w = TTF::GetBox().xMax + xOff; const Int_t h = TTF::GetBox().yMax + yOff; const Int_t x1 = x - xOff - fAlign.x; const Int_t y1 = y + yOff + fAlign.y - h; if (!IsTTFStringVisible(x1, y1, w, h)) return; //By default, all pixels are set to 0 (all components, that's what code in TGX11TTF also does here). Util::NSScopeGuard pixmap([[QuartzPixmap alloc] initWithW : w H : h scaleFactor : 1.f]); if (!pixmap.Get()) { Error("DrawText", "pixmap creation failed"); return; } const unsigned char defaultBackgroundPixel[] = {255, 255, 255, 255}; Util::ScopedArray arrayGuard; if (mode == kClear) { //For this mode, TGX11TTF does some work to: a) preserve pixels under symbols //b) calculate (interpolate) pixel for glyphs. X11::Rectangle bbox(x1, y1, w, h); //We already check IsVisible, so, in principle, bbox at least has intersection with //the current selected drawable. if (X11::AdjustCropArea(dstPixmap, bbox)) arrayGuard.Reset([dstPixmap readColorBits : bbox]); if (!arrayGuard.Get()) { Error("DrawText", "problem with reading background pixels"); return; } // This is copy & paste from TGX11TTF: const Int_t xo = x1 < 0 ? -x1 : 0; const Int_t yo = y1 < 0 ? -y1 : 0; for (int yp = 0; yp < int(bbox.fHeight) && yo + yp < h; ++yp) { const unsigned char *srcBase = arrayGuard.Get() + bbox.fWidth * yp * 4; for (int xp = 0; xp < int(bbox.fWidth) && xo + xp < w; ++xp) { const unsigned char * const pixel = srcBase + xp * 4; [pixmap.Get() putPixel : pixel X : xo + xp Y : yo + yp]; } } } else { //Find background color and set for all pixels. [pixmap.Get() addPixel : defaultBackgroundPixel]; } CGContextRef ctx = drawable.fContext; const Quartz::CGStateGuard ctxGuard(ctx); CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(ctx, 0., 0., 1., 1.); // paint the glyphs in the pixmap. TTF::TTGlyph *glyph = TTF::GetGlyphs(); for (int n = 0; n < TTF::GetNumGlyphs(); ++n, ++glyph) { if (FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap(&glyph->fImage, TTF::GetSmoothing() ? ft_render_mode_normal : ft_render_mode_mono, 0, 1 )) continue; FT_BitmapGlyph bitmap = (FT_BitmapGlyph)glyph->fImage; FT_Bitmap *source = &bitmap->bitmap; const Int_t bx = bitmap->left + xOff; const Int_t by = h - bitmap->top - yOff; DrawFTGlyphIntoPixmap(pixmap.Get(), source, TGCocoa::GetPixel(GetTextColor()), mode == kClear ? ULong_t(-1) : 0xffffff, bx, by); } const X11::Rectangle copyArea(0, 0, w, h); const X11::Point dstPoint(x1, y1); [dstPixmap copy : pixmap.Get() area : copyArea withMask : nil clipOrigin : X11::Point() toPoint : dstPoint]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::DrawFTGlyphIntoPixmap(void *pHack, FT_Bitmap *source, ULong_t fore, ULong_t back, Int_t bx, Int_t by) { //This function is a "remake" of TGX11FFT::DrawImage. //I'm using this code to reproduce the same text as generated by TGX11TTF. //It's quite sloppy, as in original version. I tried to make it not so ugly and //more or less readable. QuartzPixmap *pixmap = (QuartzPixmap *)pHack; assert(pixmap != nil && "DrawFTGlyphIntoPixmap, pixmap parameter is nil"); assert(source != 0 && "DrawFTGlyphIntoPixmap, source parameter is null"); if (TTF::GetSmoothing()) { static ColorStruct_t col[5]; // background kClear, i.e. transparent, we take as background color // the average of the rgb values of all pixels covered by this character if (back == ULong_t(-1) && source->width) { const int maxDots = 50000; int dots = Int_t(source->width * source->rows); if (dots > maxDots) dots = maxDots; //In original code, they first have to extract //pixels and call XQueryColors. //I have only one loop here. ULong_t r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; for (int y = 0, dotCnt = 0; y < int(source->rows); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < int(source->width); x++) { if (x + bx < int(pixmap.fWidth) && y + by < int(pixmap.fHeight)) { const unsigned char * const pixels = pixmap.fData + (y + by) * pixmap.fWidth * 4 + (x + bx) * 4; r += UShort_t(pixels[0] / 255. * 0xffff); g += UShort_t(pixels[1] / 255. * 0xffff); b += UShort_t(pixels[2] / 255. * 0xffff); } if (++dotCnt >= maxDots) break; } } if (dots) { r /= dots; g /= dots; b /= dots; } if (col[0].fRed == r && col[0].fGreen == g && col[0].fBlue == b) { col[0].fPixel = back; } else { col[0].fPixel = ~back;//??? col[0].fRed = (UShort_t) r; col[0].fGreen = (UShort_t) g; col[0].fBlue = (UShort_t) b; } } // if fore or background have changed from previous character // recalculate the 3 smoothing colors (interpolation between fore- // and background colors) if (fore != col[4].fPixel || back != col[0].fPixel) { col[4].fPixel = fore; TGCocoa::QueryColor(kNone, col[4]);//calculate fRed/fGreen/fBlue triple from fPixel. if (back != (ULong_t)-1) { col[0].fPixel = back; TGCocoa::QueryColor(kNone, col[0]); } // interpolate between fore and background colors for (int x = 3; x > 0; --x) { col[x].fRed = (col[4].fRed * x + col[0].fRed * (4 - x)) / 4; col[x].fGreen = (col[4].fGreen * x + col[0].fGreen * (4 - x)) / 4; col[x].fBlue = (col[4].fBlue * x + col[0].fBlue * (4 - x)) / 4; TGCocoa::AllocColor(kNone, col[x]);//Calculate fPixel from fRed/fGreen/fBlue triplet. } } // put smoothed character, character pixmap values are an index // into the 5 colors used for aliasing (4 = foreground, 0 = background) const unsigned char *s = source->buffer; for (int y = 0; y < (int) source->rows; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < (int) source->width; ++x) { unsigned char d = *s++ & 0xff;//??? d = ((d + 10) * 5) / 256;//??? if (d > 4) d = 4; if (d && x < (int) source->width) { const UChar_t pixel[] = {UChar_t(double(col[d].fRed) / 0xffff * 255), UChar_t(double(col[d].fGreen) / 0xffff * 255), UChar_t(double(col[d].fBlue) / 0xffff * 255), 255}; [pixmap putPixel : pixel X : bx + x Y : by + y]; } } } } else { // no smoothing, just put character using foreground color unsigned char rgba[4] = {}; rgba[3] = 255; X11::PixelToRGB(fore, rgba); unsigned char d = 0; const unsigned char *row = source->buffer; for (int y = 0; y < int(source->rows); ++y) { int n = 0; const unsigned char *s = row; for (int x = 0; x < int(source->width); ++x) { if (!n) d = *s++; if (TESTBIT(d,7 - n)) [pixmap putPixel : rgba X : bx + x Y : by + y]; if (++n == int(kBitsPerByte)) n = 0; } row += source->pitch; } } } //Aux. functions. //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQuartz::SetAA() { if (gEnv) { const TString value(TString(gEnv->GetValue("Cocoa.EnableAntiAliasing", "auto")).Strip()); if (value == "auto") { [[NSScreen mainScreen] backingScaleFactor] > 1. ? fUseAA = true : fUseAA = false; } else if (value == "no") fUseAA = false; else { assert(value == "yes" && "SetAA, value must be 'yes', 'no' or 'auto'"); fUseAA = true; } const TString valuefa(TString(gEnv->GetValue("Cocoa.EnableFillAreaAntiAliasing", "auto")).Strip()); if (valuefa == "auto") { [[NSScreen mainScreen] backingScaleFactor] > 1. ? fUseFAAA = true : fUseFAAA = false; } else if (valuefa == "no") fUseFAAA = false; else { assert(valuefa == "yes" && "SetAA, value must be 'yes', 'no' or 'auto'"); fUseFAAA = true; } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void *TGQuartz::GetSelectedDrawableChecked(const char *calledFrom) const { assert(calledFrom != 0 && "GetSelectedDrawableChecked, calledFrom parameter is null"); assert(fSelectedDrawable > fPimpl->GetRootWindowID() && "GetSelectedDrawableChecked, bad drawable is selected"); NSObject *drawable = fPimpl->GetDrawable(fSelectedDrawable); if (!drawable.fIsPixmap) { //TPad/TCanvas ALWAYS draw only into a pixmap. if ([drawable isKindOfClass : [QuartzView class]]) { QuartzView *view = (QuartzView *)drawable; if (!view.fBackBuffer) { Error(calledFrom, "Selected window is not double buffered"); return 0; } drawable = view.fBackBuffer; } else { Error(calledFrom, "Selected drawable is neither a pixmap, nor a double buffered window"); return 0; } } if (!drawable.fContext) { Error(calledFrom, "Context is null"); return 0; } return drawable; }