// @(#)root/gpad:$Id$ // Author: Rene Brun 08/01/2000 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "TROOT.h" #include "TDatime.h" #include "TGuiFactory.h" #include "TInspectCanvas.h" #include "TButton.h" #include "TClass.h" #include "TLine.h" #include "TLink.h" #include "TDataMember.h" #include "TDataType.h" #include "TRealData.h" #include "TLatex.h" ClassImp(TInspectCanvas); /** \class TInspectorObject \ingroup gpad This class is designed to wrap a Foreign object in order to inject it into the Browse sub-system. */ class TInspectorObject : public TObject { public: TInspectorObject(void *obj, TClass *cl) : fObj(obj),fClass(cl) {}; ~TInspectorObject(){;} void *GetObject() const { return fObj; }; void Inspect() const { gGuiFactory->CreateInspectorImp(this, 400, 200); }; TClass *IsA() const { return fClass; } private: void *fObj; //! pointer to the foreign object TClass *fClass; //! pointer to class of the foreign object }; /** \class TInspectCanvas \ingroup gpad A TInspectCanvas is a canvas specialized to inspect Root objects. */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// InspectCanvas default constructor. TInspectCanvas::TInspectCanvas() : TCanvas() { fBackward = 0; fForward = 0; fCurObject = 0; fObjects = 0; fLogx = kFALSE; fLogy = kFALSE; SetFillColor(0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// InspectCanvas constructor. TInspectCanvas::TInspectCanvas(UInt_t ww, UInt_t wh) : TCanvas("inspect","ROOT Object Inspector",ww,wh) { fBackward = 0; fForward = 0; fCurObject = 0; fObjects = new TList; fLogx = kFALSE; fLogy = kFALSE; SetFillColor(0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// InspectCanvas default destructor. TInspectCanvas::~TInspectCanvas() { if (fObjects) { fObjects->Clear("nodelete"); delete fObjects; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Dump contents of obj in a graphics canvas. /// Same action as TObject::Dump but in a graphical form. /// In addition pointers to other objects can be followed. /// /// The following picture is the Inspect of a histogram object: /// \image html gpad_inspect.png void TInspectCanvas::InspectObject(TObject *obj) { Int_t cdate = 0; Int_t ctime = 0; UInt_t *cdatime = 0; Bool_t isdate = kFALSE; Bool_t isbits = kFALSE; const Int_t kname = 1; const Int_t kvalue = 25; const Int_t ktitle = 37; const Int_t kline = 1024; char line[kline]; char *pname; TClass *cl = obj->IsA(); if (cl == 0) return; TInspectorObject *proxy=0; if (!cl->IsTObject()) { // This is possible only if obj is actually a TInspectorObject // wrapping a non-TObject. proxy = (TInspectorObject*)obj; obj = (TObject*)proxy->GetObject(); } if (!cl->GetListOfRealData()) cl->BuildRealData(obj); // Count number of data members in order to resize the canvas TRealData *rd; TIter next(cl->GetListOfRealData()); Int_t nreal = cl->GetListOfRealData()->GetSize(); if (nreal == 0) return; Int_t nrows = 33; if (nreal+7 > nrows) nrows = nreal+7; Int_t nh = nrows*15; Int_t nw = 700; TVirtualPad *canvas = GetVirtCanvas(); if (canvas) { canvas->Clear(); // remove primitives from canvas canvas->SetCanvasSize(nw, nh); // set new size of drawing area canvas->Range(0,-3,20,nreal+4); } Float_t xvalue = 5; Float_t xtitle = 8; Float_t dy = 1; Float_t ytext = Float_t(nreal) - 1.5; Float_t tsize = 0.99/ytext; if (tsize < 0.02) tsize = 0.02; if (tsize > 0.03) tsize = 0.03; // Create text objects TText tname, tvalue, ttitle; TText *tval; tname.SetTextFont(61); tname.SetTextAngle(0); tname.SetTextAlign(12); tname.SetTextColor(1); tname.SetTextSize(tsize); tvalue.SetTextFont(61); tvalue.SetTextAngle(0); tvalue.SetTextAlign(12); tvalue.SetTextColor(1); tvalue.SetTextSize(tsize); ttitle.SetTextFont(62); ttitle.SetTextAngle(0); ttitle.SetTextAlign(12); ttitle.SetTextColor(1); ttitle.SetTextSize(tsize); Float_t x1 = 0.2; Float_t x2 = 19.8; Float_t y1 = -0.5; Float_t y2 = Float_t(nreal) - 0.5; Float_t y3 = y2 + 1; Float_t y4 = y3 + 1.5; Float_t db = 25./GetWh(); Float_t btop = 0.999; // Draw buttons fBackward = new TButton("backward","TInspectCanvas::GoBackward();",.01,btop-db,.15,btop); fBackward->Draw(); fBackward->SetToolTipText("Inspect previous object"); fForward = new TButton("forward", "TInspectCanvas::GoForward();", .21,btop-db,.35,btop); fForward->Draw(); fForward->SetToolTipText("Inspect next object"); // Draw surrounding box and title areas TLine frame; frame.SetLineColor(1); frame.SetLineStyle(1); frame.SetLineWidth(1); frame.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y1); frame.DrawLine(x2, y1, x2, y4); frame.DrawLine(x2, y4, x1, y4); frame.DrawLine(x1, y4, x1, y1); frame.DrawLine(x1, y2, x2, y2); frame.DrawLine(x1, y3, x2, y3); frame.DrawLine(xvalue, y1, xvalue, y3); frame.DrawLine(xtitle, y1, xtitle, y3); ttitle.SetTextSize(0.8*tsize); ttitle.SetTextAlign(21); ttitle.DrawText(0.5*(x1+xvalue), y2+0.1, "Member Name"); ttitle.DrawText(0.5*(xvalue+xtitle), y2+0.1, "Value"); ttitle.DrawText(0.5*(xtitle+x2), y2+0.1, "Title"); ttitle.SetTextSize(1.2*tsize); ttitle.SetTextColor(2); ttitle.SetTextAlign(11); ttitle.DrawText(x1+0.2, y3+0.1, cl->GetName()); if (proxy==0) { ttitle.SetTextColor(4); strlcpy(line,obj->GetName(),kline); ttitle.DrawText(xvalue+0.2, y3+0.1, line); ttitle.SetTextColor(6); ttitle.DrawText(xtitle+2, y3+0.1, obj->GetTitle()); } else { ttitle.SetTextColor(4); snprintf(line,1023,"%s:%d","Foreign object",0); ttitle.DrawText(xvalue+0.2, y3+0.1, line); ttitle.SetTextColor(6); ttitle.DrawText(xtitle+2, y3+0.1, "no title given"); } ttitle.SetTextSize(tsize); ttitle.SetTextColor(1); ttitle.SetTextFont(11); ttitle.SetTextAlign(12); //---Now loop on data members----------------------- // We make 3 passes. Faster than one single pass because changing // font parameters is time consuming for (Int_t pass = 0; pass < 3; pass++) { ytext = y2 - 0.5; next.Reset(); while ((rd = (TRealData*) next())) { TDataMember *member = rd->GetDataMember(); if (!member) continue; TDataType *membertype = member->GetDataType(); isdate = kFALSE; if (strcmp(member->GetName(),"fDatime") == 0 && membertype && membertype->GetType() == kUInt_t) { isdate = kTRUE; } isbits = kFALSE; if (strcmp(member->GetName(),"fBits") == 0 && membertype && membertype->GetType() == kUInt_t) { isbits = kTRUE; } // Encode data member name pname = &line[kname]; for (Int_t i=0;iGetName(),kline-kname); if (strstr(member->GetFullTypeName(),"**")) strlcat(pname,"**",kline-kname); // Encode data value or pointer value tval = &tvalue; Int_t offset = rd->GetThisOffset(); char *pointer = (char*)obj + offset; char **ppointer = (char**)(pointer); TLink *tlink = 0; TClass *clm=0; if (!membertype) { clm = member->GetClass(); } if (member->IsaPointer()) { char **p3pointer = (char**)(*ppointer); if (clm && !clm->IsStartingWithTObject() ) { //NOTE: memory leak! p3pointer = (char**)new TInspectorObject(p3pointer,clm); } if (!p3pointer) { snprintf(&line[kvalue],kline-kvalue,"->0"); } else if (!member->IsBasic()) { if (pass == 1) { tlink = new TLink(xvalue+0.1, ytext, p3pointer); } } else if (membertype) { if (!strcmp(membertype->GetTypeName(), "char")) strlcpy(&line[kvalue], *ppointer,kline-kvalue); else strlcpy(&line[kvalue], membertype->AsString(p3pointer),kline-kvalue); } else if (!strcmp(member->GetFullTypeName(), "char*") || !strcmp(member->GetFullTypeName(), "const char*")) { strlcpy(&line[kvalue], *ppointer,kline-kvalue); } else { if (pass == 1) tlink = new TLink(xvalue+0.1, ytext, p3pointer); } } else if (membertype) if (isdate) { cdatime = (UInt_t*)pointer; TDatime::GetDateTime(cdatime[0],cdate,ctime); snprintf(&line[kvalue],kline-kvalue,"%d/%d",cdate,ctime); } else if (isbits) { snprintf(&line[kvalue],kline-kvalue,"0x%08x", *(UInt_t*)pointer); } else { strlcpy(&line[kvalue], membertype->AsString(pointer),kline-kvalue); } else snprintf(&line[kvalue],kline-kvalue,"->%lx ", (Long_t)pointer); // Encode data member title Int_t ltit = 0; if (isdate == kFALSE && strcmp(member->GetFullTypeName(), "char*") && strcmp(member->GetFullTypeName(), "const char*")) { Int_t lentit = strlen(member->GetTitle()); if (lentit >= kline-ktitle) lentit = kline-ktitle-1; strlcpy(&line[ktitle],member->GetTitle(),kline-ktitle); line[ktitle+lentit] = 0; ltit = ktitle; } // Ready to draw the name, value and title columns if (pass == 0)tname.DrawText( x1+0.1, ytext, &line[kname]); if (pass == 1) { if (tlink) { tlink->SetTextFont(61); tlink->SetTextAngle(0); tlink->SetTextAlign(12); tlink->SetTextColor(2); tlink->SetTextSize(tsize); tlink->SetBit(kCanDelete); tlink->Draw(); if (strstr(member->GetFullTypeName(),"**")) tlink->SetBit(TLink::kIsStarStar); tlink->SetName(member->GetTypeName()); } else { tval->DrawText(xvalue+0.1, ytext, &line[kvalue]); } } if (pass == 2 && ltit) ttitle.DrawText(xtitle+0.3, ytext, &line[ltit]); ytext -= dy; } } Update(); fCurObject = obj; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// static function , inspect previous object void TInspectCanvas::GoBackward() { TInspectCanvas *inspect = (TInspectCanvas*)(gROOT->GetListOfCanvases())->FindObject("inspect"); if (!inspect) return; TObject *cur = inspect->GetCurObject(); TObject *obj = inspect->GetObjects()->Before(cur); if (obj) inspect->InspectObject(obj); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// static function , inspect next object void TInspectCanvas::GoForward() { TInspectCanvas *inspect = (TInspectCanvas*)(gROOT->GetListOfCanvases())->FindObject("inspect"); if (!inspect) return; TObject *cur = inspect->GetCurObject(); TObject *obj = inspect->GetObjects()->After(cur); if (obj) inspect->InspectObject(obj); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// static function , interface to InspectObject. /// Create the InspectCanvas if it does not exist yet. void TInspectCanvas::Inspector(TObject *obj) { TVirtualPad *padsav = gPad; TInspectCanvas *inspect = (TInspectCanvas*)(gROOT->GetListOfCanvases())->FindObject("inspect"); if (!inspect) inspect = new TInspectCanvas(700,600); else inspect->cd(); inspect->InspectObject(obj); inspect->GetObjects()->Add(obj); //obj->SetBit(kMustCleanup); if (padsav) padsav->cd(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Recursively remove object from the list of objects. void TInspectCanvas::RecursiveRemove(TObject *obj) { fObjects->Remove(obj); TPad::RecursiveRemove(obj); }