// @(#)root/graf:$Id$ // Author: Sebastian Boser, Mathieu Demaret 02/02/06 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ /** \class TGraphPolargram \ingroup BasicGraphics To draw polar axis TGraphPolargram draw the polar axis of the TGraphPolar. Example: Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas * CPol = new TCanvas("CPol","TGraphPolar Examples",500,500); Double_t rmin=0; Double_t rmax=TMath::Pi()*2; Double_t r[1000]; Double_t theta[1000]; TF1 * fp1 = new TF1("fplot","cos(x)",rmin,rmax); for (Int_t ipt = 0; ipt < 1000; ipt++) { r[ipt] = ipt*(rmax-rmin)/1000+rmin; theta[ipt] = fp1->Eval(r[ipt]); } TGraphPolar * grP1 = new TGraphPolar(1000,r,theta); grP1->SetTitle(""); grP1->SetLineColor(2); grP1->Draw("AOL"); } End_Macro */ #include "TGraphPolar.h" #include "TGraphPolargram.h" #include "TGaxis.h" #include "THLimitsFinder.h" #include "TVirtualPad.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TLatex.h" #include "TEllipse.h" #include "TMath.h" ClassImp(TGraphPolargram); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TGraphPolargram Constructor. TGraphPolargram::TGraphPolargram(const char* name, Double_t rmin, Double_t rmax, Double_t tmin, Double_t tmax): TNamed(name,"Polargram") { Init(); fNdivRad = 508; fNdivPol = 508; fPolarLabels = NULL; fRwrmax = rmax; fRwrmin = rmin; fRwtmin = tmin; fRwtmax = tmax; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Short constructor used in the case of a spider plot. TGraphPolargram::TGraphPolargram(const char* name): TNamed(name,"Polargram") { Init(); fNdivRad = 0; fNdivPol = 0; fPolarLabels = NULL; fRwrmax = 1; fRwrmin = 0; fRwtmax = 0; fRwtmin = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TGraphPolargram destructor. TGraphPolargram::~TGraphPolargram() { if (fPolarLabels != NULL) delete [] fPolarLabels; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set the Polar range. /// \param[in] tmin the start number. /// \param[in] tmax the end number. void TGraphPolargram::ChangeRangePolar(Double_t tmin, Double_t tmax) { if (tmin < tmax) { fRwtmin = tmin; fRwtmax = tmax; } if (gPad) gPad->Modified(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Everything within the circle belongs to the TGraphPolargram. Int_t TGraphPolargram::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py) { Int_t i; Double_t x = gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px); Double_t y = gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py); // Check if close to a (major) radial line. Double_t rad = TMath::Sqrt(x*x+y*y); Int_t div = (Int_t)rad*(fNdivRad%100); Double_t dr = TMath::Min(TMath::Abs(rad-div*1./(fNdivRad%100)), TMath::Abs(rad-(div+1)*1./(fNdivRad%100))); Int_t drad = gPad->XtoPixel(dr)-gPad->XtoPixel(0); // Check if close to a (major) Polar line. // This is not a proper calculation, but rather fast. Int_t dt = kMaxPixel; for (i=0; i<(fNdivPol%100); i++) { Double_t theta = i*2*TMath::Pi()/(fNdivPol%100); // Attention: px,py in pixel units, line given in user coordinates. Int_t dthis = DistancetoLine(px,py,0.,0.,TMath::Cos(theta), TMath::Sin(theta)); // Fails if we are outside box described by the line. // (i.e for all hor/vert lines) if (dthis==9999) { // Outside -> Get distance to endpoint of line. if (rad>1) { dthis = (Int_t)TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Power(px-gPad->XtoPixel(TMath::Cos(theta)),2)+ TMath::Power(py-gPad->YtoPixel(TMath::Sin(theta)),2)); } else { // Check for horizontal line. if (((TMath::Abs(theta-TMath::Pi())<0.1) && ((px-gPad->XtoPixel(0))<0)) || ((TMath::Abs(theta)<0.1) && ((px-gPad->XtoPixel(0))>0))) { dthis = TMath::Abs(py-gPad->YtoPixel(0.)); } //Check for vertical line. if (((TMath::Abs(theta-TMath::PiOver2())<0.1) && ((py-gPad->YtoPixel(0))>0)) || ((TMath::Abs(theta-3*TMath::PiOver2())<0.1) && (py-gPad->YtoPixel(0))<0)) { dthis = TMath::Abs(px-gPad->XtoPixel(0.)); } if (dthis==9999) { // Inside, but out of box for nonorthogonal line -> // get distance to start point. dthis = (Int_t)TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Power(px-gPad->XtoPixel(0.),2)+ TMath::Power(py-gPad->YtoPixel(0.),2)); } } } // Take distance to closes line. dt = TMath::Min(dthis,dt); } return TMath::Min(drad, dt); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Draw Polargram. void TGraphPolargram::Draw(Option_t* options) { Paint(options); AppendPad(options); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Indicate that there is something to click here. void TGraphPolargram::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py) { if (!gPad) return; Int_t kMaxDiff = 20; static Int_t d1, d2, d3, px1, py1, px3, py3; static Bool_t p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8; Double_t px2, py2; p2 = p3 = p4 = p5 = p6 = p7 = p8 = kFALSE; if (!gPad->IsEditable()) return; switch (event) { case kMouseMotion: px1 = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(TMath::Cos(GetAngle())); py1 = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(TMath::Sin(GetAngle())); d1 = TMath::Abs(px1 - px) + TMath::Abs(py1-py); //simply take sum of pixels differences p1 = kFALSE; px2 = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(-1); py2 = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(1); d2 = (Int_t)(TMath::Abs(px2 - px) + TMath::Abs(py2 - py)) ; px3 = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(-1); py3 = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(-1); d3 = TMath::Abs(px3 - px) + TMath::Abs(py3 - py) ; //simply take sum of pixels differences // check if point is close to the radial axis if (d1 < kMaxDiff) { gPad->SetCursor(kMove); p1 = kTRUE; } // check if point is close to the left high axis if ( d2 < kMaxDiff) { gPad->SetCursor(kHand); p7 = kTRUE; } // check if point is close to the left down axis if ( d3 < kMaxDiff) { gPad->SetCursor(kHand); p8 = kTRUE; } // check if point is close to a main circle if (!p1 && !p7 ) { p6 = kTRUE; gPad->SetCursor(kHand); } break; case kButton1Down: // Record initial coordinates //px4 = px; //py4 = py; case kButton1Motion: if (p1) { px2 = gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px); py2 = gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py); if ( px2 < 0 && py2 < 0) {p2 = kTRUE;}; if ( px2 < 0 && py2 > 0 ) {p3 = kTRUE;}; if ( px2 > 0 && py2 > 0 ) {p4 = kTRUE;}; if ( px2 > 0 && py2 < 0 ) {p5 = kTRUE;}; px2 = TMath::ACos(TMath::Abs(px2)); py2 = TMath::ASin(TMath::Abs(py2)); if (p2) { fAxisAngle = TMath::Pi()+(px2+py2)/2; p2 = kFALSE; }; if (p3) { fAxisAngle = TMath::Pi()-(px2+py2)/2; p3 = kFALSE; }; if (p4) { fAxisAngle = (px2+py2)/2; p4 = kFALSE; }; if (p5) { fAxisAngle = -(px2+py2)/2; p5 = kFALSE; }; } break; case kButton1Up: Paint(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Find the alignement rule to apply for TText::SetTextAlign(Short_t). Int_t TGraphPolargram::FindAlign(Double_t angle) { Double_t pi = TMath::Pi(); while(angle < 0 || angle > 2*pi){ if(angle < 0) angle+=2*pi; if(angle > 2*pi) angle-=2*pi; } if(!TestBit(TGraphPolargram::kLabelOrtho)){ if(angle > 0 && angle < pi/2) return 11; else if(angle > pi/2 && angle < pi) return 31; else if(angle > pi && angle < 3*pi/2) return 33; else if(angle > 3*pi/2 && angle < 2*pi) return 13; else if(angle == 0 || angle == 2*pi) return 12; else if(angle == pi/2) return 21; else if(angle == pi) return 32; else if(angle == 3*pi/2) return 23; else return 0; } else{ if(angle >= 0 && angle <= pi/2) return 12; else if((angle > pi/2 && angle <= pi) || (angle > pi && angle <= 3*pi/2)) return 32; else if(angle > 3*pi/2 && angle <= 2*pi) return 12; else return 0; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Determine the orientation of the polar labels according to their angle. Double_t TGraphPolargram::FindTextAngle(Double_t angle) { Double_t pi = TMath::Pi(); Double_t convraddeg = 180.0/pi; while(angle < 0 || angle > 2*pi){ if(angle < 0) angle+=2*pi; if(angle > 2*pi) angle-=2*pi; } if(angle >= 0 && angle <= pi/2) return angle*convraddeg; else if(angle > pi/2 && angle <= pi) return (angle + pi)*convraddeg; else if(angle > pi && angle <= 3*pi/2) return (angle - pi)*convraddeg; else if(angle > 3*pi/2 && angle <= 2*pi) return angle*convraddeg; else return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Initialize some of the fields of TGraphPolargram. void TGraphPolargram::Init() { fAxisAngle = 0; fCutRadial = 0; fDegree = kFALSE; fGrad = kFALSE; fLineStyle = 3; fPolarLabelColor = 1; fPolarLabelFont = 62; fPolarOffset = 0.04; fPolarTextSize = 0.04; fRadialOffset = 0.025; fRadian = kTRUE; fRadialLabelColor = 1; fRadialLabelFont = 62; fRadialTextSize = 0.035; fTickpolarSize = 0.02; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint TGraphPolargram. void TGraphPolargram::Paint(Option_t * chopt) { Int_t optionpoldiv, optionraddiv; Bool_t optionLabels = kTRUE; TString opt = chopt; opt.ToUpper(); if(opt.Contains('P')) optionpoldiv=1; else optionpoldiv=0; if(opt.Contains('R')) optionraddiv=1; else optionraddiv=0; if(opt.Contains('O')) SetBit(TGraphPolargram::kLabelOrtho); else ResetBit(TGraphPolargram::kLabelOrtho); if(!opt.Contains('P') && !opt.Contains('R')) optionpoldiv=optionraddiv=1; if(opt.Contains('N')) optionLabels = kFALSE; if(optionraddiv) PaintRadialDivisions(kTRUE); else PaintRadialDivisions(kFALSE); if(optionpoldiv) PaintPolarDivisions(optionLabels); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This is simplified from TEllipse::PaintEllipse. /// Draw this ellipse with new coordinates. void TGraphPolargram::PaintCircle(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t r, Double_t phimin, Double_t phimax, Double_t theta) { Int_t i; const Int_t np = 200; // Number of point to draw circle static Double_t x[np+3], y[np+3]; // Set number of points approximatively proportional to the ellipse // circumference. Double_t circ = TMath::Pi()*2*r*(phimax-phimin)/36; Int_t n = (Int_t)(np*circ/((gPad->GetX2()-gPad->GetX1())+ (gPad->GetY2()-gPad->GetY1()))); if (n < 8) n = 8; if (n > np) n = np; Double_t angle,dx,dy; Double_t dphi = (phimax-phimin)*TMath::Pi()/(180*n); Double_t ct = TMath::Cos(TMath::Pi()*theta/180); Double_t st = TMath::Sin(TMath::Pi()*theta/180); for (i=0; i<=n; i++) { angle = phimin*TMath::Pi()/180 + Double_t(i)*dphi; dx = r*TMath::Cos(angle); dy = r*TMath::Sin(angle); x[i] = x1 + dx*ct - dy*st; y[i] = y1 + dx*st + dy*ct; } gPad->PaintPolyLine(n+1,x,y); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Draw Polar divisions. /// Check for editable pad or create default. void TGraphPolargram::PaintPolarDivisions(Bool_t optionLabels) { Int_t i, j, rnum, rden, first, last; if (!gPad) return ; gPad->RangeAxis(-1,-1,1,1); gPad->Range(-1.25,-1.25,1.25,1.25); Int_t ndivMajor = fNdivPol%100; Int_t ndivMinor = fNdivPol/100; if (!gPad->GetLogy()) { for (i=0; iSetTextColor(GetPolarColorLabel()); textangular->SetTextFont(GetPolarLabelFont()); const char* form = (char *)" "; TGaxis axis; if (TestBit(TGraphPolargram::kLabelOrtho)) { // Polar numbers are aligned with their axis. if(fPolarLabels == NULL && optionLabels){; if (fRadian) { // Radian case. ReduceFraction(2*i, ndivMajor, rnum, rden); // Reduces the fraction. if (rnum == 0) form = Form("%d",rnum); if (rnum == 1 && rden == 1) form = Form("#pi"); if (rnum == 1 && rden != 1) form = Form("#frac{#pi}{%d}",rden); if (rnum != 1 && rden == 1 && i !=0) form= Form("%d#pi",rnum); if (rnum != 1 && rden != 1) form = Form("#frac{%d#pi}{%d}",rnum,rden); textangular->SetTextAlign(FindAlign(theta)); textangular->PaintLatex(costhetas, sinthetas, FindTextAngle(theta), GetPolarLabelSize(), form); } else { // Any other cases: numbers are aligned with their axis. form = Form("%5.3g",txtval); axis.LabelsLimits(form,first,last); TString s = Form("%s",form); if (first != 0) s.Remove(0, first); textangular->SetTextAlign(FindAlign(theta)); textangular->PaintLatex(costhetas, sinthetas, FindTextAngle(theta), GetPolarLabelSize(), s); } } else if (fPolarLabels){ // print the specified polar labels textangular->SetTextAlign(FindAlign(theta)); textangular->PaintLatex(costhetas,sinthetas,FindTextAngle(theta), GetPolarLabelSize(), fPolarLabels[i]); } } else { // Polar numbers are shown horizontally. if(fPolarLabels == NULL && optionLabels){ if (fRadian) { // Radian case ReduceFraction(2*i, ndivMajor, rnum, rden); if (rnum == 0) form = Form("%d",rnum); if (rnum == 1 && rden == 1) form = Form("#pi"); if (rnum == 1 && rden != 1) form = Form("#frac{#pi}{%d}",rden); if (rnum != 1 && rden == 1 && i !=0) form = Form("%d#pi",rnum); if (rnum != 1 && rden != 1) form = Form("#frac{%d#pi}{%d}",rnum,rden); if(theta >= 3*TMath::Pi()/12.0 && theta < 2*TMath::Pi()/3.0) corr=0.04; textangular->SetTextAlign(FindAlign(theta)); textangular->PaintLatex(costhetas,corr+sinthetas,0, GetPolarLabelSize(),form); } else { // Any other cases where numbers are shown horizontally. form = Form("%5.3g",txtval); axis.LabelsLimits(form,first,last); TString s = Form("%s",form); if (first != 0) s.Remove(0, first); if(theta >= 3*TMath::Pi()/12.0 && theta < 2*TMath::Pi()/3.0) corr=0.04; textangular->SetTextAlign(FindAlign(theta)); textangular->PaintLatex(costhetas, //j'ai efface des offset la corr+sinthetas,0,GetPolarLabelSize(),s); } } else if (fPolarLabels) { // print the specified polar labels textangular->SetTextAlign(FindAlign(theta)); textangular->PaintText(costhetas,sinthetas,fPolarLabels[i]); } } TAttLine::Modify(); //Check if SetTickPolar is activated, and draw tick marks Bool_t issettickpolar = gPad->GetTicky(); if (issettickpolar) { if (theta != 0 && theta !=TMath::Pi()) { gPad->PaintLine((sintheta-GetTickpolarSize())/tantheta,sintheta-GetTickpolarSize(), (sintheta+GetTickpolarSize())/tantheta,sintheta+GetTickpolarSize()); } if (theta == 0 || theta ==TMath::Pi()) { gPad->PaintLine(1-GetTickpolarSize(),0,1+GetTickpolarSize(),0); gPad->PaintLine(-1+GetTickpolarSize(),0,-1-GetTickpolarSize(),0); } } TAttLine::SetLineStyle(1); TAttLine::Modify(); gPad->PaintLine(0.,0.,costheta,sintheta); delete textangular; // Add minor lines w/o text. Int_t oldLineStyle = GetLineStyle(); TAttLine::SetLineStyle(2); //Minor lines always in this style. TAttLine::Modify(); //Changes line attributes apart from style. for (j=1; jPaintLine(0.,0.,TMath::Cos(thetamin),TMath::Sin(thetamin)); } TAttLine::SetLineStyle(oldLineStyle); TAttLine::Modify(); } } else { Int_t big = (Int_t)fRwtmax; Int_t test= 1; while (big >= 10) { big = big/10; test++; } for (i=1; i<=test; i++) { Double_t txtval = pow((double)10,(double)(i-1)); Double_t theta = (i-1)*2*TMath::Pi()/(double)(test); Double_t costheta = TMath::Cos(theta); Double_t sintheta = TMath::Sin(theta); Double_t tantheta = TMath::Tan(theta); Double_t costhetas = (1+fPolarOffset)*costheta; Double_t sinthetas = (1+fPolarOffset)*sintheta; Double_t corr = 0.01; TLatex *textangular = new TLatex(); textangular->SetTextColor(GetPolarColorLabel()); textangular->SetTextFont(GetPolarLabelFont()); const char* form = (char *)" "; TGaxis axis; if (TestBit(TGraphPolargram::kLabelOrtho)) { if(fPolarLabels==NULL && optionLabels){ // Polar numbers are aligned with their axis. form = Form("%5.3g",txtval); axis.LabelsLimits(form,first,last); TString s = Form("%s",form); if (first != 0) s.Remove(0, first); textangular->SetTextAlign(FindAlign(theta)); textangular->PaintLatex(costhetas, sinthetas, FindTextAngle(theta), GetPolarLabelSize(), s); } else if (fPolarLabels){ // print the specified polar labels textangular->SetTextAlign(FindAlign(theta)); textangular->PaintText(costhetas,sinthetas,fPolarLabels[i]); } } else { if(fPolarLabels==NULL && optionLabels){ // Polar numbers are shown horizontally. form = Form("%5.3g",txtval); axis.LabelsLimits(form,first,last); TString s = Form("%s",form); if (first != 0) s.Remove(0, first); if(theta >= 3*TMath::Pi()/12.0 && theta < 2*TMath::Pi()/3.0) corr=0.04; textangular->SetTextAlign(FindAlign(theta)); textangular->PaintLatex(costhetas, corr+sinthetas,0,GetPolarLabelSize(),s); } else if (fPolarLabels){ // print the specified polar labels textangular->SetTextAlign(FindAlign(theta)); textangular->PaintText(costhetas,sinthetas,fPolarLabels[i]); } } TAttLine::Modify(); //Check if SetTickPolar is activated, and draw tick marks Bool_t issettickpolar = gPad->GetTicky(); if (issettickpolar) { if (theta != 0 && theta !=TMath::Pi()) { gPad->PaintLine((sintheta-GetTickpolarSize())/tantheta,sintheta-GetTickpolarSize(), (sintheta+GetTickpolarSize())/tantheta,sintheta+GetTickpolarSize()); } if (theta == 0 || theta ==TMath::Pi()) { gPad->PaintLine(1-GetTickpolarSize(),0,1+GetTickpolarSize(),0); gPad->PaintLine(-1+GetTickpolarSize(),0,-1-GetTickpolarSize(),0); } } TAttLine::SetLineStyle(1); TAttLine::Modify(); gPad->PaintLine(0.,0.,costheta,sintheta); delete textangular; // Add minor lines w/o text. Int_t oldLineStyle = GetLineStyle(); TAttLine::SetLineStyle(2); //Minor lines always in this style. TAttLine::Modify(); //Changes line attributes apart from style. Double_t a=0; Double_t b,c,d; b = TMath::Log(10)*test; d= 2*TMath::Pi()/(double)test; for (j=1; j<9; j++) { a=TMath::Log(j+1)-TMath::Log(j)+a; c=a/b*6.28+d*(i-1); gPad->PaintLine(0.,0.,TMath::Cos(c),TMath::Sin(c)); } TAttLine::SetLineStyle(oldLineStyle); TAttLine::Modify(); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint radial divisions. /// Check for editable pad or create default. void TGraphPolargram::PaintRadialDivisions(Bool_t drawaxis) { static char chopt[8] = ""; Int_t i,j; Int_t ndiv = TMath::Abs(fNdivRad); Int_t ndivMajor = ndiv%100; Int_t ndivMinor = ndiv/100; Int_t ndivmajor = 0; Double_t frwrmin = 0., frwrmax = 0., binWidth = 0; THLimitsFinder::Optimize(fRwrmin,fRwrmax,ndivMajor,frwrmin, frwrmax, ndivmajor,binWidth,""); if (!gPad) return ; if (!gPad->GetLogx()) { gPad->RangeAxis(-1,-1,1,1); gPad->Range(-1.25,-1.25,1.25,1.25); Double_t umin = fRwrmin; Double_t umax = fRwrmax; Double_t rmajmin = (frwrmin-fRwrmin)/(fRwrmax-fRwrmin); Double_t rmajmax = (frwrmax-fRwrmin)/(fRwrmax-fRwrmin); Double_t dist = (rmajmax-rmajmin)/ndivmajor; Int_t ndivminor = 0; chopt[0] = 0; strncat(chopt, "SDH", 4); if (fNdivRad < 0) strncat(chopt, "N",2); if(drawaxis){ // Paint axis. TGaxis axis; axis.SetLabelSize(GetRadialLabelSize()); axis.SetLabelColor(GetRadialColorLabel()); axis.SetLabelFont(GetRadialLabelFont()); axis.SetLabelOffset(GetRadialOffset()); axis.PaintAxis(0, 0, TMath::Cos(GetAngle()), TMath::Sin(GetAngle()), umin, umax, ndiv, chopt, 0., kFALSE); } // Paint Circles. // First paint main circle. PaintCircle(0.,0.,1,0.,360,0); // Optimised case. if (fNdivRad>0 ) { Double_t frwrmini = 0., frwrmaxi = 0., binWidth2 =0; THLimitsFinder::Optimize(frwrmin,frwrmin+binWidth,ndivMinor,frwrmini, frwrmaxi, ndivminor,binWidth2,""); Double_t dist2 = dist/(ndivminor); // Paint major circles. for (i=1; i<=ndivmajor+2; i++) { TAttLine::SetLineStyle(1); TAttLine::Modify(); PaintCircle(0.,0.,rmajmin,0.,360,0); //Paint minor circles. TAttLine::SetLineStyle(2); TAttLine::Modify(); for (j=1; j= 10) { big = big/10; test++; } for (i=1; i<=test; i++) { TAttLine::SetLineStyle(1); TAttLine::Modify(); Double_t ecart; ecart = ((double) i)/ ((double) test); PaintCircle(0.,0.,ecart,0,360,0); TAttLine::SetLineStyle(GetLineStyle()); TAttLine::Modify(); Double_t a=0; Double_t b,c,d; b = TMath::Log(10)*test; d = 1/(double)test; for (j=1; j<9; j++) { a = TMath::Log(j+1)-TMath::Log(j)+a; c = a/b+d*(i-1); PaintCircle(0,0.,c,0.,360,0); } } } TAttLine::SetLineStyle(1); TAttLine::Modify(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Reduce fractions. void TGraphPolargram::ReduceFraction(Int_t num, Int_t den, Int_t &rnum, Int_t &rden) { Int_t a = 0; Int_t b = 0; Int_t i = 0; Int_t j = 0; a = den; b = num; if (b > a) { j = b; } else { j = a; } for (i=j; i > 1; i--) { if ((a % i == 0) && (b % i == 0)) { a = a/i; b = b/i; } } rden = a; rnum = b; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set axis angle. void TGraphPolargram::SetAxisAngle(Double_t angle) { fAxisAngle = angle/180*TMath::Pi(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set the number of Polar divisions: enter a number ij with 0 0) fNdivPol = ndiv; if (gPad) gPad->Modified(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set the number of radial divisions: enter a number ij with 0Modified(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set some specified polar labels, used in the case of a spider plot. void TGraphPolargram::SetPolarLabel(Int_t div, const TString & label) { if(fPolarLabels == NULL) fPolarLabels = new TString[fNdivPol]; fPolarLabels[div]=label; if (gPad) gPad->Modified(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set Polar labels color. void TGraphPolargram::SetPolarLabelColor(Color_t tcolorangular ) { fPolarLabelColor = tcolorangular; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TGraphPolargram::SetPolarLabelFont(Font_t tfontangular) { // Set Polar label font. fPolarLabelFont = tfontangular; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set angular labels size. void TGraphPolargram::SetPolarLabelSize(Double_t angularsize ) { fPolarTextSize = angularsize; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set the labels offset. void TGraphPolargram::SetPolarOffset(Double_t angularOffset) { fPolarOffset = angularOffset; if (gPad) gPad->Modified(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set radial labels color. void TGraphPolargram::SetRadialLabelColor(Color_t tcolorradial ) { fRadialLabelColor = tcolorradial; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set radial label font. void TGraphPolargram::SetRadialLabelFont(Font_t tfontradial) { fRadialLabelFont = tfontradial; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set radial labels size. void TGraphPolargram::SetRadialLabelSize(Double_t radialsize ) { fRadialTextSize = radialsize; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set the labels offset. void TGraphPolargram::SetRadialOffset(Double_t radialOffset) { fRadialOffset = radialOffset; if (gPad) gPad->Modified(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Allows to change range Polar. /// \param[in] tmin the start number. /// \param[in] tmax the end number. void TGraphPolargram::SetRangePolar(Double_t tmin, Double_t tmax) { fDegree = kFALSE; fGrad = kFALSE; fRadian = kFALSE; if (tmin < tmax) { fRwtmin = tmin; fRwtmax = tmax; } if (gPad) gPad->Modified(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set the radial range. /// \param[in] rmin radius at center of the circle. /// \param[in] rmax radius at the intersection of the right X axis part and the circle. void TGraphPolargram::SetRangeRadial(Double_t rmin, Double_t rmax) { if (rmin < rmax) { fRwrmin = rmin; fRwrmax = rmax; } if (gPad) gPad->Modified(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set polar ticks size. void TGraphPolargram::SetTickpolarSize(Double_t tickpolarsize) { fTickpolarSize = tickpolarsize; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// The Polar circle is labelled using degree. void TGraphPolargram::SetToDegree() { fDegree = kTRUE; fGrad = kFALSE; fRadian = kFALSE; ChangeRangePolar(0,360); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// The Polar circle is labelled using gradian. void TGraphPolargram::SetToGrad() { fGrad = kTRUE; fRadian = kFALSE; fDegree = kFALSE; ChangeRangePolar(0,200); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// The Polar circle is labelled using radian. void TGraphPolargram::SetToRadian() { fRadian = kTRUE; fGrad = kFALSE; fDegree = kFALSE; ChangeRangePolar(0,2*TMath::Pi()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set range from 0 to 2*pi void TGraphPolargram::SetTwoPi() { SetRangePolar(0,2*TMath::Pi()); }