// mathtext - A TeX/LaTeX compatible rendering library. Copyright (C) // 2008-2012 Yue Shi Lai // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA // 02110-1301 USA #ifndef MATHRENDER_H_ #define MATHRENDER_H_ #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1800) // Visual C++ 2008 doesn't have stdint.h typedef __int8 int8_t; typedef __int16 int16_t; typedef __int32 int32_t; typedef __int64 int64_t; typedef unsigned __int8 uint8_t; typedef unsigned __int16 uint16_t; typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t; typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t; #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "mathtext.h" namespace mathtext { /** * 2D point (and vector) */ class point_t { private: float _x[2]; public: inline point_t(void) : _x() { } inline point_t(const point_t &point) { _x[0] = point._x[0]; _x[1] = point._x[1]; } inline point_t(const float x0, const float y0) { _x[0] = x0; _x[1] = y0; } inline const float *x(void) const { return _x; } inline float *x(void) { return _x; } inline float operator[](const int n) const { return _x[n]; } inline float &operator[](const int n) { return _x[n]; } inline point_t operator+(const point_t &point) const { return point_t(_x[0] + point._x[0], _x[1] + point._x[1]); } inline point_t operator-(const point_t &point) const { return point_t(_x[0] - point._x[0], _x[1] - point._x[1]); } inline point_t operator+=(const point_t &point) { _x[0] += point._x[0]; _x[1] += point._x[1]; return *this; } inline point_t operator-=(const point_t &point) { _x[0] -= point._x[0]; _x[1] -= point._x[1]; return *this; } inline point_t operator*(const float scale) const { return point_t(_x[0] * scale, _x[1] * scale); } inline point_t operator/(const float scale) const { return point_t(_x[0] / scale, _x[1] / scale); } inline point_t operator*=(const float scale) { _x[0] *= scale; _x[1] *= scale; return *this; } inline float dot(const point_t &point) const { return _x[0] * point._x[0] + _x[1] * point._x[1]; } inline float cross(const point_t &point) const { return _x[0] * point._x[1] - _x[1] * point._x[0]; } inline float norm_square(void) const { return _x[0] * _x[0] + _x[1] * _x[1]; } inline float norm(void) const { return sqrtf(norm_square()); } inline point_t unit_vector(void) const { return *this / norm(); } inline point_t rotate_cw(void) const { return point_t(_x[1], -_x[0]); } inline point_t rotate_ccw(void) const { return point_t(-_x[1], _x[0]); } inline bool operator==(const point_t &point) const { return _x[0] == point._x[0] && _x[1] == point._x[1]; } inline bool operator!=(const point_t &point) const { return _x[0] != point._x[0] || _x[1] != point._x[1]; } friend point_t operator*(const float scale, const point_t &point); operator std::string(void) const; }; inline point_t operator*(const float scale, const point_t &point) { return point_t(scale * point._x[0], scale * point._x[1]); } /** * General 2D affine transform of the Adobe Imaging Model * * The n-D affine transform is generally represented by * * ( xt ) ( a0 a1 a2 ) ( x ) * ( yt ) = ( a3 a4 a5 ) ( y ) * ( 1 ) ( 0 0 1 ) ( 1 ) * * with (a0, a1, a3, a4) representing the linear component of the * transform, i.e. rotation and scaling, while (a2, a5) is the * translation vector * * @see Adobe Systems, Inc., PostScript Language Reference Manual * (Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1999), section 4.3.3, pp. * 187-189. * @see Adobe Systems, Inc., PDF Reference, 6th Edition, Version * 1.7 (Adobe Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA, 2006), section * 4.2.2-4.2.3, pp. 204-209. */ class affine_transform_t { private: float _a[6]; public: static const affine_transform_t identity; static const affine_transform_t flip_y; static affine_transform_t translate(const float tx, const float ty); static affine_transform_t scale(const float sx, const float sy); static affine_transform_t rotate(const float angle); inline affine_transform_t( const float a0, const float b, const float c, const float d, const float tx, const float ty) { _a[0] = a0; _a[1] = b; _a[2] = c; _a[3] = d; _a[4] = tx; _a[5] = ty; } inline const float *a(void) const { return _a; } inline float *a(void) { return _a; } inline float operator[](const int n) const { return _a[n]; } inline float &operator[](const int n) { return _a[n]; } inline affine_transform_t linear(void) const { return affine_transform_t( _a[0], _a[1], _a[2], _a[3], 0.0F, 0.0F); } inline affine_transform_t translate(void) const { return affine_transform_t( 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, _a[4], _a[5]); } inline affine_transform_t operator*(const float s) const { return affine_transform_t( _a[0] * s, _a[1] * s, _a[2] * s, _a[3] * s, _a[4] * s, _a[5] * s); } inline affine_transform_t operator/(const float s) const { return affine_transform_t( _a[0] / s, _a[1] / s, _a[2] / s, _a[3] / s, _a[4] / s, _a[5] / s); } inline point_t operator*(const point_t x) const { return point_t( _a[0] * x[0] + _a[2] * x[1] + _a[4], _a[1] * x[0] + _a[3] * x[1] + _a[5]); } /** * Returns the affine transform of b, i.e. the matrix-vector * product (*this) (b^T, 1)^T, of the vector b * * @returns the affine transform of the vector b */ inline affine_transform_t operator*(const affine_transform_t b) const { return affine_transform_t( _a[0] * b._a[0] + _a[1] * b._a[2], _a[0] * b._a[1] + _a[1] * b._a[3], _a[2] * b._a[0] + _a[3] * b._a[2], _a[2] * b._a[1] + _a[3] * b._a[3], _a[4] * b._a[0] + _a[5] * b._a[2] + b._a[4], _a[4] * b._a[1] + _a[5] * b._a[3] + b._a[5]); } /** * Returns the determinant det(*this) of the affine transform * * @returns the determinant det(*this) of the affine transform */ inline float determinant(void) const { return _a[0] * _a[3] - _a[1] * _a[2]; } /** * Returns the determinant (*this)^(-1) of the affine * transform * * @returns the determinant (*this)^(-1) of the affine * transform */ inline affine_transform_t inverse(void) const { return affine_transform_t( _a[3], -_a[1], -_a[2], _a[0], _a[2] * _a[5] - _a[3] * _a[4], _a[1] * _a[4] - _a[0] * _a[5]) * (1.0F / determinant()); } operator std::string(void) const; }; /** * General TeX bounding box */ // FIXME: The skewchar mechanism is missing class bounding_box_t { private: point_t _lower_left; point_t _upper_right; float _advance; float _italic_correction; public: inline bounding_box_t(void) : _lower_left(), _upper_right(), _advance(), _italic_correction() { } inline bounding_box_t( const point_t lower_left_0, const point_t upper_right_0, const float advance_0, const float italic_correction_0) : _lower_left(lower_left_0), _upper_right(upper_right_0), _advance(advance_0), _italic_correction(italic_correction_0) { } inline bounding_box_t( const float left_0, const float bottom_0, const float right_0, const float top_0, const float advance_0, const float italic_correction_0) : _advance(advance_0), _italic_correction(italic_correction_0) { _lower_left[0] = left_0; _lower_left[1] = bottom_0; _upper_right[0] = right_0; _upper_right[1] = top_0; } inline point_t lower_left(void) const { return _lower_left; } inline point_t &lower_left(void) { return _lower_left; } inline point_t upper_right(void) const { return _upper_right; } inline point_t &upper_right(void) { return _upper_right; } inline float left(void) const { return _lower_left[0]; } inline float &left(void) { return _lower_left[0]; } inline float top(void) const { return _upper_right[1]; } inline float &top(void) { return _upper_right[1]; } inline float right(void) const { return _upper_right[0]; } inline float &right(void) { return _upper_right[0]; } inline float bottom(void) const { return _lower_left[1]; } inline float &bottom(void) { return _lower_left[1]; } inline float advance(void) const { return _advance; } inline float &advance(void) { return _advance; } inline float italic_correction(void) const { return _italic_correction; } inline float &italic_correction(void) { return _italic_correction; } inline float width(void) const { return _upper_right[0] - _lower_left[0]; } inline float height(void) const { return _upper_right[1] - _lower_left[1]; } inline float horizontal_center(void) const { return 0.5F * (_lower_left[0] + _upper_right[0]); } inline float vertical_center(void) const { return 0.5F * (_lower_left[1] + _upper_right[1]); } inline float ascent(void) const { return _upper_right[1]; } inline float descent(void) const { return -_lower_left[1]; } inline bounding_box_t merge(const bounding_box_t &bounding_box) const { bounding_box_t ret; ret._lower_left[0] = std::min(_lower_left[0], bounding_box._lower_left[0]); ret._lower_left[1] = std::min(_lower_left[1], bounding_box._lower_left[1]); if(bounding_box._upper_right[0] > _upper_right[0]) { ret._upper_right[0] = bounding_box._upper_right[0]; ret._italic_correction = bounding_box._italic_correction; } else { ret._upper_right[0] = _upper_right[0]; ret._italic_correction = _italic_correction; } ret._upper_right[1] = std::max(_upper_right[1], bounding_box._upper_right[1]); ret._advance = std::max(_upper_right[0] + _advance, bounding_box._upper_right[0] + bounding_box._advance) - ret._upper_right[0]; return ret; } inline bounding_box_t operator+(const point_t &point) const { return bounding_box_t( _lower_left + point, _upper_right + point, _advance + point[0], _italic_correction); } inline bounding_box_t operator-(const point_t &point) const { return bounding_box_t( _lower_left - point, _upper_right - point, _advance - point[0], _italic_correction); } inline bounding_box_t operator+=(const point_t &point) { _lower_left += point; _upper_right += point; _advance += point[0]; return *this; } inline bounding_box_t operator-=(const point_t &point) { _lower_left -= point; _upper_right -= point; _advance -= point[0]; return *this; } inline bounding_box_t operator*(const float scale) const { return bounding_box_t( _lower_left * scale, _upper_right * scale, _advance * scale, _italic_correction * scale); } inline bounding_box_t operator*=(const float scale) { _lower_left *= scale; _upper_right *= scale; _advance *= scale; _italic_correction *= scale; return *this; } friend bounding_box_t operator+(const point_t &, const bounding_box_t &); friend bounding_box_t operator-(const point_t &, const bounding_box_t &); friend bounding_box_t operator*(const affine_transform_t &, const bounding_box_t &); }; inline bounding_box_t operator+(const point_t &point, const bounding_box_t &bounding_box) { return bounding_box_t( point + bounding_box._lower_left, point + bounding_box._upper_right, point[0] + bounding_box._advance, bounding_box._italic_correction); } inline bounding_box_t operator-(const point_t &point, const bounding_box_t &bounding_box) { return bounding_box_t( point - bounding_box._lower_left, point - bounding_box._upper_right, point[0] + bounding_box._advance, bounding_box._italic_correction); } inline bounding_box_t operator*(const affine_transform_t &transform, const bounding_box_t &bounding_box) { return bounding_box_t( transform * bounding_box._lower_left, transform * bounding_box._upper_right, (transform * point_t(bounding_box._advance, 0))[0], (transform * point_t( bounding_box._italic_correction, 0))[0]); } #ifdef __INTEL_COMPILER #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable: 869) #endif // __INTEL_COMPILER /** * Mathematical layout engine for formulae represented by * math_text_t * * The class math_text_renderer_t is a layout engine based on * TeX's conversion algorithm from a math list to a horizontal * list. * * @see ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2, ISO/IEC 10646:2003/Amd.2:2006 (ISO, * Geneva, 2006). * @see D. E. Knuth, The TeXbook (Addision-Wesley, Cambridge, MA, * 1986). * @see D. E. Knuth, The METAFONTbook (Addision-Wesley, Cambridge, * MA, 1986). * @see W. Schmidt, The macro package lucimatx (2005), * unpublished. * @see W. Schmidt, Using the MathTime Professional II fonts with * LaTeX (2006), unpublished. * @see B. Beeton, A. Freytag, M. Sargent III, Unicode support for * mathematics, Unicode Technical Report #25 * @author Yue Shi Lai * @version 1.0 */ class math_text_renderer_t { public: enum { DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT = 0, DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT, DIRECTION_TOP_TO_BOTTOM }; enum { MATH_STYLE_LATIN = 0, MATH_STYLE_MAGHREB }; enum { FAMILY_PLAIN = 0, FAMILY_REGULAR, FAMILY_ITALIC, FAMILY_BOLD, FAMILY_BOLD_ITALIC, FAMILY_STIX_REGULAR, FAMILY_STIX_ITALIC, FAMILY_STIX_BOLD, FAMILY_STIX_BOLD_ITALIC, FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_1_REGULAR, FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_1_BOLD, FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_2_REGULAR, FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_2_BOLD, FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_3_REGULAR, FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_3_BOLD, FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_4_REGULAR, FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_4_BOLD, FAMILY_STIX_SIZE_5_REGULAR, NFAMILY }; private: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Font parameter static const float script_ratio; static const float script_script_ratio; static const float thin_mu_skip; static const float med_mu_skip; static const float thick_mu_skip; static const float delimiter_factor; static const float delimiter_shortfall; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static const float num_1; static const float num_2; static const float num_3; static const float denom_1; static const float denom_2; static const float sup_1; static const float sup_2; static const float sup_3; static const float sub_1; static const float sub_2; static const float sup_drop; static const float sub_drop; static const float delim_1; static const float delim_2; static const float axis_height; static const float default_rule_thickness; static const float big_op_spacing_1; static const float big_op_spacing_2; static const float big_op_spacing_3; static const float big_op_spacing_4; static const float big_op_spacing_5; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static const float radical_rule_thickness; static const float large_operator_display_scale; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static const float baselineskip_factor; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Token class math_token_t { public: point_t _offset; bounding_box_t _bounding_box; struct extension_t { wchar_t _glyph; unsigned int _family; float _size; }; union { unsigned int _style; extension_t _extensible; }; float _delimiter_height; inline math_token_t( const bounding_box_t bounding_box, const unsigned int style, const float delimiter_height = 0.0F) : _offset(0, 0), _bounding_box(bounding_box), _style(style), _delimiter_height(delimiter_height) { } inline math_token_t( const point_t offset, const bounding_box_t bounding_box, const unsigned int style, const float delimiter_height = 0.0F) : _offset(offset), _bounding_box(bounding_box), _style(style), _delimiter_height(delimiter_height) { } inline math_token_t( const bounding_box_t bounding_box, const wchar_t glyph, const unsigned int family, const float size) : _offset(0, 0), _bounding_box(bounding_box), _delimiter_height(0.0F) { _extensible._glyph = glyph; _extensible._family = family; _extensible._size = size; } inline math_token_t( const point_t offset, const bounding_box_t bounding_box, const wchar_t glyph, const unsigned int family, const float size) : _offset(offset), _bounding_box(bounding_box), _delimiter_height(0.0F) { _extensible._glyph = glyph; _extensible._family = family; _extensible._size = size; } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Style test and change float style_size(const unsigned int style) const; bool is_display_style(const unsigned int style) const; bool is_script_style(const unsigned int style) const; unsigned int prime_style(const unsigned int style) const; bool is_prime_style(const unsigned int style) const; template inline value_t if_else_display(const unsigned int style, const value_t display_value, const value_t otherwise_value) const { switch(style) { case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_DISPLAY: case math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_DISPLAY_PRIME: return display_value; default: return otherwise_value; } } unsigned int next_superscript_style(const unsigned int style) const; unsigned int next_subscript_style(const unsigned int style) const; unsigned int next_numerator_style(const unsigned int style) const; unsigned int next_denominator_style(const unsigned int style) const; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float x_height(const unsigned int style); float quad(const unsigned int style) const; unsigned int math_family(const math_text_t::math_symbol_t &math_symbol) const; void post_process_atom_type_initial(unsigned int &atom_type) const; void post_process_atom_type_interior( unsigned int &previous_atom_type, unsigned int &atom_type) const; bool valid_accent( bool &vertical_alignment, const std::vector::const_iterator & iterator, const std::vector::const_iterator & math_list_end) const; float kerning_mu(float amount) const; float math_spacing( unsigned int left_type, unsigned int right_type, unsigned int style) const; protected: inline virtual affine_transform_t transform_logical_to_pixel(void) const = 0; virtual affine_transform_t transform_pixel_to_logical(void) const = 0; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Box rendering bounding_box_t math_bounding_box( const math_text_t::box_t &box, const unsigned int style); void math_text( const point_t origin, const math_text_t::box_t &box, const unsigned int style, const bool render_structure); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Symbol rendering static bool is_wgl_4(const wchar_t c); static bool is_left_to_right(const wchar_t c); static bool is_right_to_left(const wchar_t c); static bool is_top_to_bottom(const wchar_t c); static bool is_cyrillic(const wchar_t c); static bool is_cjk(const wchar_t c); static bool is_cjk_punctuation_open(const wchar_t c); static bool is_cjk_punctuation_closed(const wchar_t c); bounding_box_t math_bounding_box( const wchar_t &glyph, const unsigned int family, const float size); void math_text( const point_t origin, const wchar_t &glyph, const unsigned int family, const float size, const bool render_structure); bounding_box_t math_bounding_box( const math_text_t::math_symbol_t &math_symbol, const unsigned int style); void math_text( const point_t origin, const math_text_t::math_symbol_t &math_symbol, const unsigned int style, const bool render_structure); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Extensible glyph rendering void large_family( unsigned long &nfamily, const unsigned int *&family, const math_text_t::math_symbol_t &math_symbol) const; void extensible_glyph( wchar_t glyph[4], unsigned long &nrepeat, const math_text_t::math_symbol_t &math_symbol, const unsigned int style, const float height); std::vector math_tokenize( const math_text_t::math_symbol_t &math_symbol, const unsigned int style, const float height); bounding_box_t math_bounding_box( const math_text_t::math_symbol_t &math_symbol, const unsigned int style, const float height); void math_text( const point_t origin, const math_text_t::math_symbol_t &math_symbol, const unsigned int style, const float height, const bool render_structure); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Math list rendering std::vector math_tokenize( const std::vector::const_iterator & math_list_begin, const std::vector::const_iterator & math_list_end, unsigned int style); bounding_box_t math_bounding_box( const std::vector::const_iterator & math_list_begin, const std::vector::const_iterator & math_list_end, unsigned int style); void math_text( const point_t origin, const std::vector::const_iterator & math_list_begin, const std::vector::const_iterator & math_list_end, const unsigned int style, const bool render_structure); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Field rendering bounding_box_t math_bounding_box( const math_text_t::field_t &field, const unsigned int style); void math_text( const point_t origin, const math_text_t::field_t &field, const unsigned int style, const bool render_structure); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Atom rendering std::vector math_tokenize( const math_text_t::atom_t &atom, unsigned int style); bounding_box_t math_bounding_box( const math_text_t::atom_t &atom, const unsigned int style); void math_text( const point_t origin, const math_text_t::atom_t &atom, const unsigned int style, const bool render_structure); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor and destructor inline math_text_renderer_t(void) { } inline virtual ~math_text_renderer_t(void) { } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Virtual functions virtual float font_size( const unsigned int family = FAMILY_PLAIN) const = 0; virtual void set_font_size( const float size, const unsigned int family) = 0; inline virtual void set_font_size(const float size) = 0; virtual void reset_font_size( const unsigned int family) = 0; virtual void point(const float x, const float y) = 0; virtual void filled_rectangle( const bounding_box_t &bounding_box) = 0; virtual void rectangle( const bounding_box_t &bounding_box) = 0; virtual bounding_box_t bounding_box( const std::wstring string, const unsigned int family = FAMILY_PLAIN) = 0; virtual void text_raw( const float x, const float y, const std::wstring string, const unsigned int family = FAMILY_PLAIN) = 0; virtual void text_with_bounding_box( const float x, const float y, const std::wstring string, const unsigned int family = FAMILY_PLAIN) = 0; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Interface bounding_box_t bounding_box( const math_text_t &math_text, const bool display_style = false); void text( const float x, const float y, const math_text_t &math_text, const bool display_style = false); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline float default_axis_height( const bool /*display_style = false*/) const { return axis_height * style_size( math_text_t::item_t::STYLE_TEXT); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }; #ifdef __INTEL_COMPILER #pragma warning(pop) #endif // __INTEL_COMPILER } #endif // MATHRENDER_H_