// mathtext - A TeX/LaTeX compatible rendering library. Copyright (C) // 2008-2012 Yue Shi Lai // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA // 02110-1301 USA #include #include "../inc/mathtext.h" #include ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace mathtext { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void math_text_t::field_t::transform_script(void) { const unsigned long size = _math_list.size(); if(size < 2) return; std::vector::reverse_iterator last = _math_list.rbegin(); std::vector::reverse_iterator second_last = last + 1; if(last->_type == item_t::TYPE_ATOM && second_last->_type == item_t::TYPE_ATOM && second_last->_atom._type == atom_t::TYPE_ACC && !(last->_atom._superscript.empty() && last->_atom._subscript.empty())) { // Rule 12 atom_t atom = field_t(); atom._nucleus._math_list.push_back(*second_last); atom._nucleus._math_list.push_back(*last); atom._superscript = atom._nucleus._math_list.back()._atom._superscript; atom._subscript = atom._nucleus._math_list.back()._atom._subscript; atom._nucleus._math_list.back()._atom._superscript = field_t(); atom._nucleus._math_list.back()._atom._subscript = field_t(); _math_list.pop_back(); _math_list.pop_back(); _math_list.push_back(item_t(atom)); } } void math_text_t::field_t::append(const item_t &item) { _math_list.push_back(item); } // FIXME: Check for malformed "..._a^b_c" (instead of just // overwriting) void math_text_t::field_t:: append(const field_t &field, const bool superscript, const bool subscript) { if((superscript || subscript) && _math_list.empty()) _math_list.push_back(item_t(field_t())); if(superscript) { _math_list.back()._atom._superscript = field; transform_script(); } else if(subscript) { _math_list.back()._atom._subscript = field; transform_script(); } else append(item_t(item_t::TYPE_ATOM, atom_t(field))); } void math_text_t::field_t:: prepend(const unsigned int type, const math_symbol_t &math_symbol) { _math_list.insert(_math_list.begin(), item_t(type, atom_t(field_t(math_symbol)))); } void math_text_t::field_t:: append(const unsigned int type, const math_symbol_t &math_symbol, const bool superscript, const bool subscript) { if((superscript || subscript) && _math_list.empty()) _math_list.push_back(item_t(field_t())); if(superscript) { _math_list.back()._atom._superscript = field_t(math_symbol); transform_script(); } else if(subscript) { _math_list.back()._atom._subscript = field_t(math_symbol); transform_script(); } else append(item_t(type, atom_t(field_t(math_symbol)))); } math_text_t::field_t:: field_t(const std::vector &str_split, const unsigned int default_family) : _type(TYPE_MATH_LIST) { parse_math_list(str_split, default_family); } math_text_t::field_t:: field_t(const std::string &str_delimiter_left, const std::vector &str_split, const std::string &str_delimiter_right, const unsigned int default_family) : _type(TYPE_MATH_LIST) { parse_math_list(str_split, default_family); const math_symbol_t symbol_left(str_delimiter_left, default_family); prepend(item_t::TYPE_BOUNDARY, symbol_left); const math_symbol_t symbol_right(str_delimiter_right, default_family); append(item_t::TYPE_BOUNDARY, symbol_right, false, false); } bool math_text_t::field_t::generalized_fraction(void) const { if(_type == TYPE_MATH_LIST) for (std::vector::const_iterator iterator = _math_list.begin(); iterator != _math_list.end(); ++iterator) if(iterator->_type == item_t::TYPE_GENERALIZED_FRACTION) return true; return false; } void math_text_t::atom_t::classify(void) { // Only nucleus affects the atom type (Knuth, The TeXbook, // 1986, p. 171) if(_nucleus._type == field_t::TYPE_MATH_SYMBOL) _type = _nucleus._math_symbol._type; else if(_nucleus.generalized_fraction()) _type = atom_t::TYPE_INNER; else // FIXME: Does TeX flatten compound expressions before // classify them? _type = TYPE_ORD; } bool math_text_t::atom_t::is_combining_diacritical(void) const { return _nucleus._type == field_t::TYPE_MATH_SYMBOL && _nucleus._math_symbol.is_combining_diacritical(); } unsigned int math_text_t::atom_t:: spacing(const unsigned int left_type, const unsigned int right_type, const bool script) { #include "table/mathspacing.h" // Since we only handle atom types upto Inner, the upper bound // is type <= TYPE_INNER and not type < NTYPE. if(left_type == TYPE_UNKNOWN || left_type > TYPE_INNER || right_type == TYPE_UNKNOWN || right_type > TYPE_INNER) { // Invalid return 0; } int index = ((left_type - TYPE_ORD) << 3) + (right_type - TYPE_ORD); int space = spacing_table[index]; if(space == nvr) { // Invalid return 0; } // Interpret the \nonscript sign, which denotes spaces that // should be ignored within the script (and scriptscript) // style. if(space < 0) space = script ? 0 : -space; return space; } bool math_text_t::item_t::operator==(const item_t &item) const { switch(_type) { case TYPE_GENERALIZED_FRACTION: return item._type == TYPE_GENERALIZED_FRACTION; break; default: return false; } } std::wstring math_text_t::bad_cast(const std::string string) { std::wstring wstring; for (std::string::const_iterator iterator = string.begin(); iterator != string.end(); ++iterator) { wstring.push_back(*iterator); } return wstring; } std::wstring math_text_t::utf8_cast(const std::string string) { std::wstring wstring; for(std::string::const_iterator iterator = string.begin(); iterator != string.end();) { wchar_t c; // Skip over byte ordering marks if((unsigned char)(*iterator) == 0xef) { ++iterator; if((unsigned char)(*iterator) == 0xbb) { ++iterator; if((unsigned char)(*iterator) == 0xbf) { ++iterator; } } } if((*iterator & 0xf0) == 0xf0) { c = (*iterator & 0x7) << 18; ++iterator; if((*iterator & 0xc0) != 0x80) { continue; } c |= (*iterator & 0x3f) << 12; ++iterator; if((*iterator & 0xc0) != 0x80) { continue; } c |= (*iterator & 0x3f) << 6; ++iterator; if((*iterator & 0xc0) != 0x80) { continue; } c |= (*iterator & 0x3f); ++iterator; } else if((*iterator & 0xe0) == 0xe0) { c = (*iterator & 0xf) << 12; ++iterator; if((*iterator & 0xc0) != 0x80) { continue; } c |= (*iterator & 0x3f) << 6; ++iterator; if((*iterator & 0xc0) != 0x80) { continue; } c |= (*iterator & 0x3f); ++iterator; } else if((*iterator & 0xc0) == 0xc0) { c = (*iterator & 0x1f) << 6; ++iterator; if((*iterator & 0xc0) != 0x80) { continue; } c |= (*iterator & 0x3f); ++iterator; } else if((*iterator & 0x80) == 0x0) { c = (*iterator & 0x7f); ++iterator; } else { ++iterator; continue; } wstring.push_back(c); } return wstring; } #if 0 std::wstring math_text_t::gb_18030_cast( const std::string string) { } std::wstring math_text_t::shift_jis_x_0213_cast( const std::string string) { } std::wstring math_text_t::euc_jis_x_0213_cast( const std::string string) { } std::wstring math_text_t::ks_x_2901_cast( const std::string string) { } #endif // Apply JIS X 4051:2004 bool math_text_t::well_formed(void) const { if(_math_list._type != field_t::TYPE_MATH_LIST) return false; return true; } #if 0 std::string tex_form(const double x) { std::string retval; switch(std::fpclassify(x)) { default: return retval; } } #endif }