// mathtext - A TeX/LaTeX compatible rendering library. Copyright (C) // 2008-2012 Yue Shi Lai // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA // 02110-1301 USA #include #include #include #include #include "../inc/mathtext.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace mathtext { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void math_text_t::field_t:: parse_math_list(const std::vector &str_split, const unsigned int default_family) { #if 0 std::cerr << "parsing ["; for(std::vector::const_iterator iterator = str_split.begin(); iterator != str_split.end(); iterator++) std::cerr << '"' << *iterator << "\", "; std::cerr << ']' << std::endl; #endif // State of radical parsing enum { RADICAL_STATE_NONE = 0, RADICAL_STATE_RADICAND, RADICAL_STATE_OF, RADICAL_STATE_INDEX }; unsigned int family = default_family; int level = 0; int delimiter_level = 0; std::vector buffer; #if 1 bool superscript = false; bool subscript = false; bool delimiter_right = false; unsigned int radical_state = RADICAL_STATE_NONE; std::vector radical_index; bool horizontal_box = false; for (std::vector::const_iterator iterator = str_split.begin(); iterator != str_split.end(); ++iterator) { // ONLY LEVEL 0 superscript and subscript are interpreted, // and they are ignored afterwards. if(level == 0 && delimiter_level == 0) { if((*iterator)[0] == '^') { superscript = true; continue; } else if((*iterator)[0] == '_') { subscript = true; continue; } else if(*iterator == "\\sqrt") { radical_state = RADICAL_STATE_RADICAND; radical_index = std::vector(); continue; } else if(iterator->substr(0, 5) == "\\root") { radical_state = RADICAL_STATE_INDEX; continue; } else if(radical_state == RADICAL_STATE_INDEX && *iterator == "\\of") { radical_index = buffer; buffer.clear(); radical_state = RADICAL_STATE_RADICAND; continue; } else if(iterator->substr(0, 5) == "\\hbox" || iterator->substr(0, 5) == "\\text") { horizontal_box = true; continue; } const char **lower; #include "table/mathfontch.h" lower = std::lower_bound( font_change_control_sequence, font_change_control_sequence + nfont_change, *iterator); if(lower < font_change_control_sequence + nfont_change && *lower == *iterator) { const unsigned long index = lower - font_change_control_sequence; family = font_change_family[index]; continue; } #include "table/mathopstd.h" lower = std::lower_bound( operator_control_sequence, operator_control_sequence + noperator, *iterator); if(lower < operator_control_sequence + noperator && *lower == *iterator) { const unsigned long index = lower - operator_control_sequence; if(operator_code_point[index] == L'\0') { // Operator defined with \mathop const field_t operator_math_list(field_t( tex_split(operator_content[index]), math_symbol_t::FAMILY_REGULAR)); atom_t atom(atom_t::TYPE_OP, field_t( operator_math_list)); atom._limits = operator_nolimits[index] ? atom_t::LIMITS_NOLIMITS : atom_t::LIMITS_DISPLAYLIMITS; append(atom); } else { // Operator defined with \mathchardef const field_t operator_math_symbol( math_symbol_t( *iterator, operator_code_point[index], math_symbol_t::FAMILY_REGULAR)); atom_t atom(atom_t::TYPE_OP, field_t( operator_math_symbol)); atom._limits = operator_nolimits[index] ? atom_t::LIMITS_NOLIMITS : atom_t::LIMITS_DISPLAYLIMITS; append(atom); } continue; } } if((*iterator)[0] == '}') { level--; // When the level decreases to 0 here, the compound // expression is complete, create a subfield and // append it to the math list. if(level == 0 && delimiter_level == 0) { // Create subfields recursively const field_t subfield(buffer, family); if(radical_state == RADICAL_STATE_RADICAND) { atom_t atom(atom_t::TYPE_RAD, subfield); atom._index = field_t(radical_index, family); append(item_t(atom)); radical_state = RADICAL_STATE_NONE; } else append(subfield, superscript, subscript); buffer.clear(); } } else if(*iterator == "\\right") { delimiter_level--; // When the delimtier level decreases to 0 here, the // compound expression is complete, create a subfield // and append it with the appropriate delimiter atoms // to the math list. if(level == 0 && delimiter_level == 0) { delimiter_right = true; continue; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if 0 std::cerr << __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__ << ": L" << level << ", DL" << delimiter_level << ", hbox = " << horizontal_box << ", *iterator = " << *iterator << std::endl; #endif if(level > 0 || delimiter_level > 0 || radical_state == RADICAL_STATE_INDEX) { buffer.push_back(*iterator); } else if(delimiter_right) { const std::string left = buffer.front(); buffer.erase(buffer.begin()); const field_t subfield(left, buffer, *iterator, family); if(radical_state == RADICAL_STATE_RADICAND) { atom_t atom(atom_t::TYPE_RAD, subfield); atom._index = field_t(radical_index, family); append(item_t(atom)); radical_state = RADICAL_STATE_NONE; } else append(subfield, superscript, subscript); buffer.clear(); } else if(horizontal_box) { box_t box(math_text_t::utf8_cast(*iterator)); append(field_t(box), superscript, subscript); } else if((*iterator)[0] != '{' && (*iterator)[0] != '}' && *iterator != "\\left" && *iterator != "\\right") { if(radical_state == RADICAL_STATE_RADICAND) { const field_t subfield( std::vector(1, *iterator), family); atom_t atom(atom_t::TYPE_RAD, subfield); atom._index = field_t(radical_index, family); append(item_t(atom)); } // FIXME: This should be a true table else if(*iterator == "\\over") { append(item_t(item_t::TYPE_GENERALIZED_FRACTION, 1.0F)); } else if(*iterator == "\\atop") { append(item_t(item_t::TYPE_GENERALIZED_FRACTION, 0.0F)); } // FIXME: This should be a true table else if(*iterator == "\\!") { append(item_t(item_t::TYPE_KERN, -3.0F)); } else if(*iterator == "\\,") { append(item_t(item_t::TYPE_KERN, 3.0F)); } else if(*iterator == "\\:") { append(item_t(item_t::TYPE_KERN, 4.0F)); } else if(*iterator == "\\;") { append(item_t(item_t::TYPE_KERN, 5.0F)); } else if(*iterator == "\\quad") { append(item_t(item_t::TYPE_KERN, 18.0F)); } else if(*iterator == "\\qquad") { append(item_t(item_t::TYPE_KERN, 36.0F)); } else { const math_symbol_t math_symbol(*iterator, family); append(item_t::TYPE_ATOM, math_symbol, superscript, subscript); } } if((*iterator)[0] == '{') { level++; } else if(*iterator == "\\left") { // Since the actual delimiter follows, it is going to // be appended to the buffer "automatically". delimiter_level++; } // Reset superscript and subscript flags only for level 0 if(level == 0 && delimiter_level == 0 && (radical_state == RADICAL_STATE_RADICAND || radical_state == RADICAL_STATE_NONE)) { superscript = false; subscript = false; delimiter_right = false; radical_state = RADICAL_STATE_NONE; family = default_family; horizontal_box = false; } } #else for(std::vector::const_iterator iterator = str_split.begin(); iterator != str_split.end(); iterator++) { if((*iterator)[0] == '}') { level--; } else if(*iterator == "\\right") { delimiter_level--; } if((*iterator)[0] == '{') { level++; } else if(*iterator == "\\left") { // Since the actual delimiter follows, it is going to // be appended to the buffer "automatically". delimiter_level++; } else if(level == 0 && delimiter_level == 0) { #if 1 std::cerr << __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__ << ": L" << level << ", DL" << delimiter_level << ", *iterator = " << *iterator << ", buffer = { "; for(std::vector::const_iterator buffer_iterator = buffer.begin(); buffer_iterator != buffer.end(); buffer_iterator++) { std::cerr << '"' << *buffer_iterator << "\" "; } std::cerr << '}' << std::endl; #endif buffer.clear(); } else { buffer.push_back(*iterator); } } #endif } std::vector math_text_t:: tex_split(const std::string &raw_code, const char escape_character) { std::string code = raw_code; for (std::string::iterator iterator = code.begin(); iterator != code.end(); ++iterator) { if(*iterator == escape_character) { *iterator = '\\'; } } std::vector ret; if(code.size() <= 0) { return ret; } size_t begin = 0; size_t end = 1; bool box = false; while (code[begin] == ' ') { begin++; } while (begin < code.size()) { end = begin + 1; if(code[begin] == '\\') { if(isalpha(code[end])) { while(end < code.size() && isalpha(code[end])) { end++; } } else if(end < code.size()) { end++; } #include "table/mathbracketcs.h" const char **lower = std::lower_bound(bracket_control_sequence, bracket_control_sequence + nbracket_control_sequence, code.substr(begin, end - begin)); if(lower < bracket_control_sequence + nbracket_control_sequence && *lower == code.substr(begin, end - begin) && end + 1 < code.size() && code[end] == '[') { while(end < code.size() && code[end] != ']') { end++; } if(end < code.size()) { end++; } } } std::string code_substr = code.substr(begin, end - begin); #if 1 if(code_substr == "\\hbox" || code_substr == "\\text") { box = true; } else if(box) { if(code[begin] == '{') { for(unsigned int level = 1; end < code.size() && level > 0; end++) { if(code[end - 1] != '\\') { switch(code[end]) { case '{': level++; break; case '}': level--; break; } } } code_substr = code.substr(begin + 1, end - begin - 2); } else if(code[begin] == '\\' && begin + 1 < code.size()) { code_substr = code.substr(begin, 2); } else { code_substr = code.substr(begin, 1); } // FIXME: Proper interpretation of escaped characters box = false; } #endif ret.push_back(code_substr); begin = end; while( begin math_text_t:: tex_replace(const std::vector &/*code*/) { #if 0 static const size_t ncontrol_max = 256; static const char *table[][ncontrol_max] = { { "\\%", "\0", "\\root", "\1", "\\of", "\2", NULL }, { "\\sqrt", "[]", "\1", "\\root", "\1", "\\of", "\2", NULL }, { "\\frac", "\2", "{", "\1", "\\over", "\2", "}", NULL } }; #endif return std::vector(); } }