// @(#)root/win32gdk:$Id$ // Author: Valeriy Onuchin 05/08/04 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2004,Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "TGWin32ProxyDefs.h" #include "TGWin32VirtualGLProxy.h" #include "TGWin32.h" #include "TROOT.h" static TGLManager *gManager = 0; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TGLManager *TGWin32GLManagerProxy::RealObject() { if (!gManager) { gManager = (TGLManager *)gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject("gGLManager"); } return gManager; } TGWin32GLManagerProxy::TGWin32GLManagerProxy() { fIsVirtualX = kFALSE; } RETURN_PROXY_OBJECT(GLManager) RETURN_METHOD_ARG1(GLManager, Int_t, InitGLWindow, Window_t, winID) RETURN_METHOD_ARG1(GLManager, Int_t, CreateGLContext, Int_t, winInd) RETURN_METHOD_ARG5(GLManager, Bool_t, AttachOffScreenDevice, Int_t, winInd, Int_t, x, Int_t, y, UInt_t, w, UInt_t, h) RETURN_METHOD_ARG5(GLManager, Bool_t, ResizeOffScreenDevice, Int_t, pixInd, Int_t, x, Int_t, y, UInt_t, w, UInt_t, h) VOID_METHOD_ARG1(GLManager, SelectOffScreenDevice, Int_t, pixInd, 1) RETURN_METHOD_ARG1(GLManager, Int_t, GetVirtualXInd, Int_t, pixInd) VOID_METHOD_ARG2(GLManager, MarkForDirectCopy, Int_t, pixInd, Bool_t, direct, 1) RETURN_METHOD_ARG1(GLManager, Bool_t, MakeCurrent, Int_t, devInd) VOID_METHOD_ARG1(GLManager, Flush, Int_t, devInd, 1) VOID_METHOD_ARG1(GLManager, ReadGLBuffer, Int_t, devInd, 1) VOID_METHOD_ARG1(GLManager, DeleteGLContext, Int_t, devInd, 1) VOID_METHOD_ARG2(GLManager, ExtractViewport, Int_t, pixInd, Int_t *, vp, 1) VOID_METHOD_ARG1(GLManager, PrintViewer, TVirtualViewer3D *, vv, 1) VOID_METHOD_ARG1(GLManager, PaintSingleObject, TVirtualGLPainter *, p, 1) VOID_METHOD_ARG3(GLManager, PanObject, TVirtualGLPainter *, p, Int_t, x, Int_t, y, 1) RETURN_METHOD_ARG3(GLManager, Bool_t, PlotSelected, TVirtualGLPainter *, plot, Int_t, x, Int_t, y) RETURN_METHOD_ARG3(GLManager, char *, GetPlotInfo, TVirtualGLPainter *, plot, Int_t, x, Int_t, y) RETURN_METHOD_ARG4(GLManager, Bool_t, SelectManip, TVirtualGLManip *, manip, const TGLCamera *, camera, const TGLRect *, rect, const TGLBoundingBox *, box) RETURN_METHOD_ARG1(GLManager, Bool_t, HighColorFormat, Int_t, ctx)